'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
you know this isn't what we planned on - Printable Version

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- Lucia Marino - 08-06-2010

Active Threads: 6
2010 :: First Year
  1. on the way to grey (18 May) - Mati Church - Halifax

    Lucia runs into Mati on a rainy trip to the city, learning about her half-siblings and her mother's past drug problems.

  2. bitter sparks to the friendly fire (19 May) - Cambria Marino, Mati Church - Haven Manor

    Lucia barges into Haven Manor, pisses off Cambria, and Mati comes in to stop their bickering when she hears raised voices.

  3. there's a part of me in the chaos that's quiet (18? May) - Xion de Heritage - Mirror Lakes

    Lucia meets the younger girl at the lake and they play briefly before going back to the cabin to wait out the approaching storm.

  4. futterwacken (12 Jul) - Rio Marino - Three Moons Ranch

    The sisters enjoy a brief successful hunt before having a little chat about what Mati told Lucia about their mother.

  5. What's in the Fog? (30 Jul) - Domonick - Hill of Graves

    Lucia plays hide-and-seek with an unwitting packmate in the graveyard.

  6. stand out on the edge of the earth (19 Aug) - Daisuke - Halifax

    Incomplete. Played out as if Luci at least got her dress around this time.

  7. faites-moi oublier (20 Aug) - Gaël morte dre Soul - Outside PV

    Incomplete. Lucia stumbles upon a stranger playing a guitar. Intrigued, she asks about the instrument.

  8. достаточно ли этого, мы будем счастливы? (8 Sept) - Aleksandr Volsky - Phoenix Valley

    Incomplete. Lucia finds a dude in a tree. The end. :|

  9. a new chapter (19 Sept) - Timid Strong, Geneva Stockholm - Phoenix Valley borders

    Lucia greets a newcomer at the borders, briefly questions them, then calls for Geneva for acceptance.

  10. Distinctions of curiosity (29 Sept) - Shawchert Menue - Halifax

    Lucia meets the friendly Shawchert, who offers her the guitar he just found and informs her of the pack of artists he plans to establish.

  11. Cercatori d'Arte (11 Oct) - Shawchert Menue, Sky Collins, Ouija D'Angelo, Sepirah Lykoi - Cercatori Border Tree

    After deciding to leave her birth pack, Lucia heads west to meet with Shawchert to help him establish his new pack.

  12. all i want (18 Nov) - Ouija D'Angelo - Thornbury

    Description goes here.

  13. Lost and Found. (21 Nov) - Sylvie Ciel - Ethereal Eclipse

    Description goes here.

  14. wearing you down (23 Nov) - Bao di Luca - The Oasis

    Description goes here.

  15. in this moment (30 Nov) - Shawchert Menue - Near Hunting Lodge

    Description goes here.

  16. Do it now and do it loud! (6 Dec) - Orin Takekuro, Shawchert Menue, Sky Katruk, Skye Collins, Ouija D'Angelo, Valinta LeStrange, Bao di Luca - Thornbury

    Description goes here.

  17. keep your head down low (23 Dec) - Tala Djose - CdA Border Tree

    Description goes here.

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- Lucia Marino - 08-06-2010

Derp derp derp. Stuff will go here.

- Lucia Marino - 08-06-2010

My tables:
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ooc murr

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi id leo sit amet enim tempus interdum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam rutrum tincidunt ornare. Sed sed leo vel sem posuere suscipit ac et felis. Aenean a tellus nunc, ultrices pharetra massa. Fusce nec lectus ut risus vestibulum tempus. Praesent non varius turpis. Phasellus id arcu eros. Donec at diam orci. Nulla molestie semper odio sed commodo.

Morbi lacus velit, vestibulum at viverra eget, faucibus sit amet ligula. Vivamus blandit vulputate magna, non suscipit lacus tincidunt at. Donec pretium tincidunt dui, non ullamcorper leo rutrum ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis ultrices tempus elit, nec pharetra neque sollicitudin quis. "Etiam rhoncus ullamcorper lacinia." Duis molestie tempus arcu, sed tincidunt ipsum gravida nec. Sed quis urna at ligula tincidunt suscipit in in leo. Donec posuere, urna in dignissim faucibus, felis odio placerat justo, sit amet pretium nisl sapien non velit. Suspendisse urna ante, congue id congue sit amet, rhoncus eu massa. Donec vestibulum justo adipiscing sem scelerisque et feugiat lectus ultricies.


Tables by others:

by Jamesluff
ooc talk

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi pharetra eleifend dui eget laoreet. Nulla imperdiet molestie auctor. In congue molestie justo in mattis. Vestibulum commodo aliquam dui at tempor. Phasellus dictum tincidunt purus ut venenatis. Nunc mollis dolor ut sem vehicula venenatis. Suspendisse pulvinar, nisl sit amet fringilla lobortis, orci odio consequat augue, eget faucibus est turpis vulputate turpis. Donec a lectus massa, sit amet luctus ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi elementum laoreet quam, sit amet vulputate mi interdum id. Vestibulum vitae sapien massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "speech"

ooc talk

"I'm Lucia," she offered in return, calling her most winning smile to her lips. It was an automatic thing--it was easy for the Marino girl to cast aside her usual snide demeanor when she wanted something, and she certainly wanted a guitar of her own. That had been the whole reason for her trip to the concrete jungle, hadn't it? Maybe she could get more of information about the instruments from this one than the other gentle giant she had briefly encountered some time before. She leaned against one of the old displays and skedaddled a hand idly over the old shelf. Jade eyes met his own dark blue gaze. "I've recently met someone else who owned a guitar. Such beautiful sounds..."


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/K ... blelin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Pendzez was quick to correct him, which the Patriarch partially expected; there was no way the righteous, just white wolf would let his leader get away with accusing his newborns as plausible demonic spawn. Jefferson's tattered ear twitched some, unimpressed by the Nuncio's response; so it was up to Jefferson himself whether or not he was good enough to be reborn when the afterlife was ready for him? Bullshit. The cyclops had little faith in spirits, but when it came to his own fate, he knew it didn't spring in his grasp. The cyclops had barely been able to grasp what had already happened to him, what with the amnesia and such. Redemption for his sins was already long past. "Well," he shrugged, "solved that loophole." And that was the end of that.

"I have several siblings, most of which aren't around and all of which I don't remember from my youth." Green eye glanced over the headstones. Were any of them buried here? Was any of his family resting beneath the soil, potentially inches away from his feet? Even if they were, the cyclops probably couldn't identify them, nor ever put a face to their names. "Two of my younger step-siblings live in Dahlia, but neither of them are trustworthy. My adopted brother is dead." Laruku had been adopted, yes, but Jefferson couldn't remember it. They'd been close once, but that was just another memory and experience his amnesia had robbed from him.


By Sunny
ooc talk

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sed libero diam, non sodales est. Donec laoreet justo ac sapien laoreet faucibus. Morbi id feugiat urna. Ut pharetra pretium nulla, quis pulvinar arcu consectetur pharetra. Donec aliquet consequat dolor, eget consequat dolor pulvinar vitae. Morbi vitae leo ipsum. Maecenas at neque orci, et sagittis velit. Proin eget congue nisi. Donec hendrerit malesuada massa eu vehicula. Curabitur placerat varius volutpat. "Morbi semper, leo non fermentum interdum, purus enim pellentesque turpis, et fringilla velit orci convallis turpis." Fusce tincidunt condimentum tellus eget placerat. Cras dictum massa ut velit ultrices vehicula. Etiam quis leo a odio commodo luctus nec vitae augue. Sed id sapien quam.

Curabitur et interdum risus. Donec placerat sagittis tellus a eleifend. Pellentesque vel sapien imperdiet arcu tempus malesuada in molestie lacus. Phasellus dolor nunc, facilisis ac placerat sed, auctor non mi. Donec sit amet elit et ipsum convallis pulvinar non et nulla. "Suspendisse congue nunc placerat velit consequat ac sollicitudin lectus gravida. Donec quam lacus, dignissim eget imperdiet in, laoreet et neque." Donec porta purus id nulla tristique accumsan. Integer laoreet, magna ut pretium interdum, augue dolor auctor libero, feugiat laoreet mi orci quis tellus. Praesent molestie accumsan eros sollicitudin vestibulum. Proin quis erat ligula. In id elit et dolor bibendum auctor. Ut consequat tellus quis odio ultricies rutrum scelerisque tortor tincidunt. Donec diam lorem, tincidunt a rhoncus eget, suscipit at tortor. Sed auctor nunc vitae sem ornare rutrum. Integer dictum tincidunt sem sit amet pretium. Donec pulvinar mattis tortor.

wc/extra notes

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By Sieface

OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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By Noelle

OOC hereeee. For Lucia! Big Grin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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