'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Wide Open Spaces - Printable Version

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- Izaak - 08-22-2010


OOC here: Table & Coding © Jacoby; Sorry for the delay, some things came up; 515 words

The boy had traipsed out of Inferni. Sure, he was still nearby but no longer in it exactly. He had been following the path of the hills. He raced up the side of one and slid down the other side. All of it looked pretty much the same so he had no idea when he left the portion that Inferni had claimed to the part that was open for all. He was already on the outside of the stakes that marked out the border so he didn't have them to look for to tell him just where he was. He wasn't entirely too concerned with it either. Not when he was having fun and keeping himself occupied. Something that his Unky Cotl will be happy about since that meant that the child wouldn't be bothering him and tearing up his room. Izaak really couldn't help his eager curiosity. His uncle had so many new things that Izaak had never seen before. And well, the boy had a drifting attention span. He didn't remember to put things back when he found something else of interest. It was what had happened to him previously. There were so many things in his uncle's room that he had been overwhelmed and ended up trashing the whole room. Not really purposefully, it just sort of happened.

Izaak laughed as he tumbled down the side of a hill. He fell head over heels in his optime form and was enjoying himself while doing so. He hadn't exactly meant to fall and roll but had tripped and stumbled. He finally stopped at the base of the hill and just laid there and laughed. "Na das war ein spass." The words were spoken aloud to himself. Of course he would be talking to himself since there was no one else that appeared to be around for him to be talking to. Not that such a thing had ever stopped him before. He didn't believe in imaginary friends so he always found himself talking to himself when he spoke out loud while no one else was around. Though sometimes he did it with others around. It didn't really matter to him. It was just another strange quirk to him. Like the second tail that he wore tied to his own.

The laughing finally subsided as the young coyote and dog mix had to pant for breath. His sides ached from all of his laughing. But otherwise he was having quite the good time. And he wasn't even doing anything special. As he calmed down and regained his breath he opened his eyes to stare up at the sky. He watched the puffy white clouds move across the bright blue sky. "Hey look." He paused and pointed to a particular cloud formation as if there was actually someone else there with him to take interest in what it was that he was pointing out. "Ein pferd mit einer gitarre. Und einem nilpferd dass ein banjo hat." Somehow those were what he made out of the clouds. It just proved how strange the boy really was.

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