'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Meeting the pack - Printable Version

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- Michael Northman - 08-31-2010

Michael padded around the territory he now called home. He found a charming small town, naturally degenerating from the elements, but otherwise the area was spick and span. A most excellent spot for fishing, foraging, and maybe finding some of his new pack-mates. Plopping along in his Secui form, pitch black fur swaying with his large muscles, Michael kept a sharp eye for anything that could be of use, like a den.

Acting courteous, he raised his head and howled at the moon, announcing his location to all who can hear.

- Adonia Demos - 08-31-2010

Adonia smelled the scent of a newcomer upon the lands, and immediately she wanted to investigate. It was her duty. She had to admit, she carried herself with a small air of sadness lately. Domonick was being sparse to her after Tannin. Perhaps she hurt his feelings, but she meant nothing by it. She didn't like Tannin anyway, oh well, she had to move on and so she did. As she was nearing the source of the scent, she had abruptly stopped at the sound of his howl cutting through the air. Her ears swiveled around her head but slowly she continued her light trot.

The husky/wolf mix moved in her feral form, otherwise known as lupine form. Her two toned eyes peered up to the stranger, dipping her head down she spoke, "Hello, sir, my name's Adonia Demos. You are new, I take it?" Her head rose as she slowly sauntered forward to a respectable distance. "I hope you find Phoenix as quaint and peaceful as I do." She sat down, not sure what else to say. Typically Adonia was shy and to herself so making an effort like this was hard for her, she preferred to see others and observe them from the shadows, but being open never hurt...right?

- Michael Northman - 09-01-2010

Michael looked over as a husky-wolf came soon after he howled. He lowered his ears half-mast--whether or not she was new as well or not, she was certainly here longer than he has been--and then smelled her from a distance. He answered in a thick New England accent, made deep by his Secui form.

I am Michael. I came from Boston. The Valley is very nice here--certainly a good change from my sinking home.

- Adonia Demos - 09-02-2010

The ebony male seemed slightly weary but not too much. He spoke in response, however he didn't answer the question. His accent was different to her making her ears perk quite intently. He dwarfed her easy in his Secui form and she didn't show how odd it made her feel. If he was a threat at least she had distance between them and her speed would surely out take the massive male. "Boston...huh, never heard of it...I'm actually from overseas Europe was what it was called." She quickly added realized how she sounded, "Well...is, ha...it is still there.." Her ears went back in a shy manner.

Adonia had been part of the pack for nearly seven months now, so she obviously her loyalty had been returned as her rank went up. She was given responsibility and more of it, the hybrid was working hard to prove herself, balancing all her responsibilities as best she could. "Why was your..or more of how was your home sinking?" Her eyes looked up glancing to Michael curiously. She had never heard of someone's home sinking before.

- Michael Northman - 09-03-2010

Wolfen eyes regarded the female Lupus before him. She smelled... unique. A hybrid? No, foreigner. She did say European. How exotic, thought Michael to himself. How did she get across the ocean? And even more importantly, what part did she come from? Michael was never really good with accents aside from his own. Oh, well. Best save those questions for later. Maybe they will answer themselves.

Boston is built on the coast--the bay it had was massive. Simple erosion, and the weight of the city, caused it to sink. Everything was falling apart when I left it. Truly is a shame--wonderful city, Boston. My sire grew up there. Only fitting he die there as well... But enough of me. What part of Europe do you come from, Adonia?

- Aro Marino - 09-03-2010

OOC: Sorry, accidentally posted with the wrong character name >.<

- Adonia Demos - 09-03-2010

Her ears perked as she listened to him seemingly to take all that in. She was going to say more but then he asked about her. "Well, I was born in Greece, but I've been all over Europe actually...probably why I don't really hold an accent of any kind...so...yeah." She never was one to share her past much, in all honesty she was embarrassed of her past. She answered his question, he asked where in Europe she was from and she shared it. Her eyes looked away some and she stood feeling odd not knowing what else to say, "...so...what made you come to Phoenix? I hear there are a lot of different packs to choose from.." Her eyes glanced up to Micheal only to look away to look at the sun which was beginning to come down from its high noon position. It was good to know that there was a lot of day still left.

- Michael Northman - 09-05-2010

The Secui-form circled the female, regarding her casually. It wasn't as if he had never seen a female before, far from it. But one of the reasons he had left the New England countryside was because of a lack of potential mates. So, the ebony wolf was taking every chance he could get, casually "inspecting" females that happened to cross his path. He sniffed her tail and flanks, feeling they were on relatively friendly terms, as he answered her question, heavy padded feet digging into the soft Nova Scotian soil.

I was attracted to the territory. It's very fertile, probably with good hunting as well. I will admit, the concept of wolves living like the humans did, however limited it might be, is... unsettling and strange... but I'm no coward, and I'm willing to give it a shot.

- Adonia Demos - 09-05-2010

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She suddenly felt like prey as she noticed him circling her, but at the same time she blushed as he began to inspect her sniffing around. The black cream female stood still allowing him to do what he felt like he needed to. Her ears flickered forward listening to what he had to say. In all honesty it was nice to hear. She was raised on a more 'traditional' manner. Raised like a wolf had lived long before the ability to shift. It was where her strengths were. Somehow she found herself quickly becoming interested in him when he said he spoke in a bold manner. I'm no coward Stuck out in her head and she gave a small charismatic smile her eyes meeting his casually.

"I know what you mean...I was raised in a more 'traditional' wolf manner.." She said hoping he'd understand when she spoke the word traditional. "I do have to admit, living the way human's did is sort of interesting, but a little more work than necessary to me. I do live in a human home...I do like the bed it is a lot more comfortable than the dirt." She circled around to face him even if he was in mid inspection. Her shy manner getting the best of her making her move away some. She had yet to check him over but the tension of staying still was too overwhelming to her, "So, with what you said, I can assume you were raised in a more natural traditional manner as well?" She sat down her front to him see curious if he'd attempt another 'sniff check' her ears back slightly.

She didn't mind and honestly she was curious about him too. Adonia wasn't sure about allowing herself to do so as Domonick had shown interest in her, and even spoke of it. It was mutual between her and Domonick, but he hadn't been around her much lately or made any more moves to show he was wanting to be with her. So, then would it be okay for her to show interest in another? She wasn't sure, so she'd remain laid back allowing herself to be free. She wasn't claimed or mated to any one so that would allow leeway for competition if a male did show interest. However, perhaps she was getting ahead of herself? He was just checking her out maybe just curious about where she'd been. That was probably it, she reasoned. He was just being curious nothing more.


- Michael Northman - 09-10-2010

Michael, having smelled enough of her to understand her scent, sat down at an angle from her--natural instinct, to keep a wider field of view for any potential hazards. He casually sniffed the air--not a smell of another predator since he got here. This truly is Watership Down to a wolf. No competition, good game, and hospitable, though naturally suspicious, wolves. One can really get used to life like this. As the moon started to rise against the sky, and the lake acted with the tides that were controlled by her presence, he looked over at Adonia before setting his head on top of his paws, casually scratching away at a tick on his snout. Wood ticks--what a terrible pest. But nothing to worry about--just regular annoyances.

Yes, indeed I was. We lived in the city proper, and it was a part of our lifestyle to forage and hunt as he had always done. We subsisted mainly on rats, some canned food. The occassional fish, if my mother ever caught one. It was a pretty good lifestyle. I don't regret it one bit.

The ebony-furred wolf then rolled on his back and started to scratch away at it, squirming on the ground like a worm.

- Adonia Demos - 09-10-2010

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She watched him move away and she then looked to the lake feeling a little thirsty and walked lightly over bending her head down to take a small drink, lapping at the cool water. Adonia was a calm, and fairly laid back, not worrying much about her surroundings but was ready to move if something did come her way. Once satisfied she turned her head back to face him her ears picking up his words and what he said, lifting her head up she moved back over to his direction fully facing him before she lowered her entire body to the patchy grass that laid closer to the bank of the lake. "Certainly different from my upbringing as we moved where the food was most plentiful after my father's pack had kicked him, but I did get to see my extended family from time to time..."

Her head tilted as he squirmed about, "Would you like me to help?" She tried to fight the giggle that wanted to come up as she stood walking slowly over to him, standing slightly over her head tilted down looking at him. She was not knowing but also was testing his dominance a little. Exploring his personality and seeing what he was like. Adonia was quite curious about him, and found him slightly intriguing.


- Michael Northman - 09-10-2010

The Secui stopped squirming around and rolled back on his belly. He looked up at Adonia, then cocked his ears half-mast, if only to seem polite. He wasn't threatened by her, not in the least sense of the word. But the fact of the matter was that he was new, and she more than likely was not. Certainly had been here longer than he had--hell, he was barely a day into his pack initiation! Courtesy was key here, and he certainly didn't want to alienate his potential packmates. He then decided to look at the female's chest, avoiding eye contact like a human would in partition-less urinal stalls before speaking.

Would you? I'd be much obliged, ma'am. Concrete in Boston did such a better job than dirt, this itch has been bothering me since I crossed Maine. Quite annoying, ya know? I would have used a tree, but I was trying to keep my trail clean. No markings--didn't want to seem like the territory was claimed or anything. I'm not much of a leader--I'm a warrior. Always have been.

Soft paws padded at the ground where he was rested, dragging his claws through the grass and dirt. Not for any particular reason, just something of a nervous fidget. Mr. Tourette's here--nah. Just a little tick. He continued to speak casually.

How did you come over here all the way from Europe? With all due respect, that sounds like a journey far to long for a single generation.

- Adonia Demos - 09-10-2010

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She watched him roll over and she sat not meaning to try and start anything, it was her instincts taking over for a moment. A light smile came and she nosed lightly through his fur starting at in between his shoulder blades nipping at any fleas and ticks she came across then licking at any sign of blood to heal the small bug made wound. It had been a long time since she had cleaned another's fur and itched at a hard to reach itch. Her father was the only other male that she had done this with. She felt a little awkward but her mind began to get lost in the action. She actually enjoyed doing this type of activity, not realizing it was a bonding activity. Her ears flicked forward her eyes looking to what part of his face she could see. She paused her activity and responded softly not needing to speak loud or anything so it was sort of a whisper but too loud to be, "Oh..I came aboard a ship that some dog's used, and found myself here. I wasn't really aiming to go anywhere...just somewhere.." She didn't want to think about her reason why, she just had to leave her family feeling unwanted--as usual. The wolf/husky never really felt loved much, only her father showed it at times with the approving smile he used to give her, but now that was different that was the past.

Her eyes was scanning through his fur, trying to keep her mind off her past, watching how his body responded so she knew where to itch at him with her teeth as she would herself. For some reason she was really liking this, a quiet peaceful moment, talking with another who seemed to be kind and nice cleaning his fur of ticks and any itch she found on the way. Adonia tended to keep her fur clean and found waterfalls to be great tools for cleaning herself as well as lakes. Drowning those little suckers were fun. Every so often she'd find some old shampoo or soap and used that in her fur, that was about every few months she found those things. The clean feeling was nice as a treat to herself.
