'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Washing by the Lakeside - Printable Version

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- Skye Collins - 09-09-2010


Skye walked along the edge of the lake, looking down at dark blue depths. It was cool, calm and clear, but the faint scent of wolf was left. Ever since her little adventure into Inferni, she was wary of the inhabitants of Souls - were they all like that? Did they all have skulls on their borders, skulls that looked down on you and cackled as though their last thoughts were of delight instead of horror? She shuddered thinking about it, and sat down on the damp grass.

Her baggy pants and pink t-shirt were dingy from the trek down from Inferni. She had slept in grass and done nothing but hunt whenever she could with her small knife. She took it out of her pants and looked into the waters, pondering what to do next. The reflection in the water was that of a dirty young girl's, her long, auburn hair muddy and her eyes wide with shock at the reality of the world. It wasn't the Skye she used to know. Sick of looking in the reflection, Skye pulled off her shirt and shoved it in the water, letting it become clean. The dirt marks and grass stains would come out, and the cool air felt good against her fur. Summer was ending, and the fall and its cool weather were making an entrance.

Skye scrubbed her shirt in the water with her furred hands, making sure the dirt was completely out before gingerly standing and hanging it on a low-hanging tree branch. She then sat down once more, her legs tucked underneath her, and looked at the shirt. It was clean enough - and when it dried, it would look as good as new. She really needed to learn how to make her own clothes so she could wear more than one shirt all the time.

She then looked at her reflection again and, without thinking, simply dunked her head into the waters. She ran her fingers through her hair three or four times and tousled it thoroughly so that when she came up, it was wet - but no longer caked with mud. The same was true with her face - now she was wet, but clean.

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- Malachi - 09-11-2010


Haiiii! And yes, Inferni is scurry. Oh, and I may be slow to respond within the next couple of days. Just so's you know! Big Grin
“Strangers Like Me” lyrics © Phil Collins.
Mi'kmaq song translation: "Into the future, you will be treated special. As long as the moon shines, into the future, in our thoughts you will remain forever.."

Whatever you do, I'll do it too,
Show me everything and tell me how.
It all means something,
And yet nothing to me.

Mala's eyes were cast downwards, as one big paw lumbered after the other. She was in her pensive mood again, her ears twitching to the back of her crown when an occasional, disturbing thought crossed her mind. It only occurred to her that when she was jabbed in the rump with an outstretched branch that she should be paying attention to where she was walking.
'How long's it been?' She thought to herself, looking up into the trees. 'And for that matter.. how far have I walked?' The creature had been walking around the base of the large mountain for the last few days, in an inward battle as to whether or not cross it and keep on going. However, she felt a drive from within her to keep going, that someday she may meet up with someone that doesn't run by looking at her. Yet no matter how far she walked, every step seemed to get heavier.

I can see there's so much to learn,
It's all so close and yet so far.
I see myself as people see me,
Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there.

She seemed to make a trail for herself in the dense forest, as she decided best to work herself around the mountain instead of through it. Always make things easier for yourself, Mala's mother used to say. The creature smiled, yet sadness sparkled in her large, amber eyes. Her family, who she grew up with.. would she ever see them again? Mala shook her head, and stopped to lift her head up to the sky.
"Elmi'knik, tepjiko'tasitesk ta'n elien.." The song began to utter from her cream-colored muzzle, the song that was always sung to her when she was upset or lonely. It always uplifted her, and gave her hope. For a few brief moments, she somehow felt a little lighter as her paws led the way. "Tepknuset me' wlasij, Elmi'knik.. Ntlita'sutiminaq apji-i'tesk." Malachi's nostrils picked up the scent of water, and a shiver ran down her spine. However, she followed the scent, continuing to hum her song to herself, keeping quiet as if she was afraid anyone would hear her. As the scent of water kept her going, another smell suddenly descended, and froze her in her tracks.

Another.. wolf..?

Something stirred within Malachi. It had been quite a while since she saw another wolf, ever since she had left her tribe. She always scented them on her trails, but was never able to be close to one since. Suddenly, her paws began to hit the dirt excitedly, and she started off in a bit of a run. The beads around her neck collided with one another as she traipsed along the forest. The scent became stronger with each gigantic step the creature took, and a look of hope crossed her eyes, as did the trademark flash of green under the warm, afternoon sun.
Her running came to a skidding halt as she came across a large line of bushes, and blinked out into the lake. Her nose never failed her, and she smiled as she found a Luperci washing by the lakeside. Where did she come from? Was she part of the tribe? Would she like her? All of these thoughts dizzied the brown, fuzzy creature, and then realized that her nose tickled. As she had stopped dead in her tracks from running, dirt stirred up around her. 'No.. no no please don't!' Her large, black nose wriggled to try and stop from sneezing, but sadly the noise of a large sneeze escaped her. Instantly, a big, dark paw was clapped over her own muzzle, staring wide-eyed from the bushes at the Luperci. Had she heard her? Mala surely hoped not.

I wanna know, can you show me?
Something's familiar about these strangers like me.

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- Element - 09-11-2010


Sure! And thanks for replying! :3 EDIT: Oh, jeez! I meant to reply to this as Skye! >.< Just pretend this is Skye's account, not Element's.. -facepalm-

Skye looked at her reflection in the still lake. She was clean, and now her fur was drying. It dried quickly, but not so with her hair - it was still dripping wet, and she took the ends and began to wring it dry. She watched as drops of water fell from her hair into the ground below. Were there other things in this place? Would she run into someone? A wolf? What if she ran into someone from Inferni...? She shuddered at the thought and looked back to the lake. She hoped that not all of them were like that..

Suddenly, she heard a noise. It was an enormous sound, sort of like a large cough. Or was it a sneeze? Skye took a deep breath, and dread filled her heart.


Without meaning to, a small yelp escaped Skye. She whirled her head around, and froze in her tracks - yes. There, right there, was an enormous grizzly bear, her shaggy hair hanging off her body and her nose sniffling as if she'd just sneezed. She just did. Skye closed her eyes, but knew that wouldn't help - and it wouldn't make the bar go away, either. She took a deep breath. There was no running from a bear, was there? She opened her eyes again and looked at the other. She was looking at her curiously - there was no hostility in the glance, but Skye could never be too wary. And she started wishing, not for the first time, that she was still in her cabin at home with her mother and her father.

She studied the bear some more. She was wide-eyed, her paw clasped over her face as though she were startled, or was afraid of something. Her body was half-concealed in the bushes, and Skye faintly wondered if she could talk. She didn't know what else to do - she wasn't stupid enough to run from the bear - it could catch her in an instant. She wasn't fast, or strong - only smart. And what would smart do now, in the face of an enormous creature that could rip her apart in an instant? Skye closed her eyes once more and, in her panic, could only wish the bear away.

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- Malachi - 09-11-2010


XD When I saw you post, I was like "Wait.. she's playing two people at a time?! She must want to talk to herself!" >.>
“Strangers Like Me” lyrics © Phil Collins.

There was just no escaping trouble, she had hoped the other wolf wouldn't hear her, but in the silence by the lake, it was like hoping night would come in the middle of the day. Mala sighed softly as she tried to duck down closer to the earth, but of course her fuzzy fur could be seen peeking from the tops of the bushes. Dang her size! It's always thwarted her! Her claws scraped at the ground absent-mindedly, and she slightly cringed as she heard the wolf yelp. So much for hide and seek.

Tell me more, please show me,
Something's familiar about these strangers like me..

Slowly, she inched herself out of the bushes, her belly still sliding along the ground. Her ears were pinned as far back as they could go on her bulbous head, staying in the wolf's position of fear even when her body was clear from the bushes and visible to the wolf across the expanse of water. If only her tail were long enough, it'd be tucked behind her large back legs. To Mala, this was normal, this was how she learned amongst the others in her tribe. She intruded on what was possibly this wolf's territory, or her pack's territory, and she had to submit to it. Now, to anyone else, it was downright strange for a bear to be huddled up, and looking to the ground, as if it were afraid of the wolf who was smaller than she was!
"Kwe," said the bear in her native tongue. She then shook her head, still maintaining her bodily position. "Meske'i," she said, apologizing for her sudden intrusiveness.
Her eyes searched across the water for some sign, but only found the wolf closing her eyes. Was Mala.. not welcome?

"I-I'm so sorry, I just haven't seen another wolf in a while and--"

Malachi's words escaped her, it had been so long since she could converse with someone. What a sight she must look.. a large, submissive beast with branches and leaves coating her fur. However, Mala didn't say anything else, she knew she wasn't supposed to speak out of line to a stranger. She lazily threw her head to the ground, causing more loose dust to sprinkle into her nostrils. Her amber eyes widened, but she was too afraid to move, too afraid of what the wolf might do, yet the force of the sneeze Mala emitted knocked her on her side.

"Mrrf.. excuse me," the creature said politely, rubbing a big paw against her nose as she returned to her submitting position. "Didn't mean to intrude, I only--"

'Oh Mala, just be quiet now. You're sure to scare her off.'

Ooo, these emotions I never knew
Of some other world far beyond this place
Beyond the trees, above the clouds
I see before me a new horizon

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- Skye Collins - 09-24-2010


I'm so, so sorry for the wait! D:

"Kwe...Meske'i." The bear's voice floated to Skye's head, and she dared to open one eye. The bear had gone from a normal, standing position to a strange one - she was huddled on the ground, round ears as flat as a bear's ears could be, and her tail was pressed against her like she wanted to tuck it underneath her. Skye looked at her curiously. She didn't seem aggressive...and she had spoken, even if they weren't words she could understand.

"I-I'm so sorry, I just haven't seen another wolf in a while and--" The bear seemed to stutter for a moment, and slowly, all the fear drained out of Skye. What was left was only curiosity. She stuttered for a moment more, then fell silent. Something was strange about the sentence she'd just uttered - 'another' wolf? As if she had seen wolves before? Or as if she were a wolf herself? Skye shook the thoughts out of her head - if she'd been terrified before, she wasn't now, and the poor bear seemed more submissive than herself.

"Er...it's okay," Skye began, not exactly sure what to say in this situation. "This isn't my territory or anything. In fact, I don't think it's anyone's territory." She looked behind her at the sopping wet t-shirt and then back to the bear. "Sorry about before...it's just, I've never really seen a bear before, and..." She trailed off, not sure what to say next.

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- Malachi - 09-24-2010


Ish okay! I'm writing this while I'm on vacation. >Big Grin Sorry if it's a little short.

All she could smell was dirt, her muzzle was nestled into the ground like a subordinate, or a pup who just got caught doing something wrong. Her giant paws lay beside her, and she lightly clawed at the earth nervously. Malachi took a chance to glance over at the wolf after her swift apology, and surprisingly found a puzzled look being directed her way. She didn't look angry at her.. but why?
Once she was reassured that her intrusion wasn't a problem, and that it wasn't hers or anyone's land she accidentally stumbled upon (like she so often did), Mala took in a deep breath and let it out very audibly. The creature made to stand, and shake off any loose dust she collected in her pose.

"Oh, that's good, heh.. I-

"Sorry about before...it's just, I've never really seen a bear before, and..."


Malachi's insides screamed, and shivers wracked her large, furry body. "Wh-..WHERE?!" She screamed, not even trying to hide her shaking voice now. She made a couple quick steps towards the riverbank, then halted very quickly.. her fear now growing. Great.. just great. Now she had to decide between getting attacked by a grizzly bear or overcoming her fear of water.
She felt herself being pushed by her emotions, and was half-relieved to see a rock nearby. She quickly leaped on it, though she nearly lost her footing and a bit of her back claw caught the surface of the water. Her back was turned towards the other, looking out for the direction of the bear. The rock was rather small, but she held on to it for dear life, it seemed.

"Quick! Run and hide, but be quiet. Even us two couldn't take it on." Mala was suddenly very instructional, remembering what her tribe did during creature invasions. "I... I'll be over there in a moment," she gulped hard, her massive head moving left and right, searching for another rock, and keeping an eye out for that dreaded bear.

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- Skye Collins - 10-22-2010


Ohjeez! Sorry so much for the delay! -facepalm-


Skye was taken aback at the bear's reaction - she was a bear herself! Didn't she realize that? And then it hit Skye that perhaps she thought that Skye said there was another bear somewhere else. Skye wouldn't be afraid of another wolf, but who knew if bears were afraid of their own kind? Perhaps bears were territorial. Checking over her shoulder to make sure there really weren't any bears, she turned back to the bear and smile reassuringly.

"Don't worry," she said, "there aren't any bears around here...well, aside from you, of course." She hoped the bear wasn't too scared - after all, she had perched herself on a rock, looking down warily into the water. Was she afraid of water, too? Skye shook her head. What a confusing bear!

She had never met another creature other than a wolf - the birds and prey didn't talk - at least, not any language that she understood. And she tried not to make conversation with things she ate anyway - it would be horribly guilty on her part. But this bear...she glanced at it once more. Was she aware that she was a bear?

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- Malachi - 10-24-2010


It's all good! Big Grin

Her eyes darted from the rushing water surrounding her, and towards the brush, where this bear was supposedly coming. Mala knew she'd have to hop across the lake to get to the other side, where at least they two could run and get a head start on the bear. Oh, Mala knew the dangers. Her parents told her how fast a bear runs, and how it stopped at nothing to get what it was hunting down. Mala carefully tiptoed around the rock, so she faced the other female just as she spoke.

"...there aren't any bears around here...well, aside from you, of course." Oh, well, that was a reli--

"Say what now?" Malachi said, obviously confused. She couldn't help but let out a laugh, but it was a nervous one with all that was going on. "What are you talking about? I'm just like you!" She said matter-of-factly. "I'm not one of those.. big, dangerous beasts." And though it sounded far away to her, Mala didn't realize the short distress call she made just thinking about a terrible bear being near her, or anyone, and she thought the sound was coming from the woods. Malachi looked down again at the water and swallowed hard. Looking at the bank on the other side, she crouched low and leaped, and made it to the bank with barely a paw splashed on.

Malachi let the female's question slide, she was obviously dazed from such a big predator that was supposedly coming their way. "We should hide in the brush, I think we're downwind," the creature instructed, her back now facing the river and her body slinking back down to the ground.

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- Skye Collins - 10-28-2010


: D Sorry for the bad post..

"Er..." Skye wasn't sure how to respond to this strange and mysterious creature. She really and truly didn't believe she was a bear - that would explain the submissive, wolfish behavior that she'd showed when she first saw her, and why she said 'other wolves' when talking about her former...pack? She'd been in a pack? She looked at her strangely before remembering her manners and changing her expression to something more pleasant. Perhaps this bear came from a pack of bears that had thought they were wolves, and held heiarchy such as wolf heiarchy? How...strange.

Not wanting to just stare, Skye tried to amend her...mistake. "Really, there is no bear," she said. She fought her urge to say 'except for you' and continued on: "I must have been imagining things." This bear really was very strange - but she didn't want to burst...her bubble. And she realized that if she mentioned anything - that this bear was larger than her, had rounded ears, had sharper fangs, a shorter tail - it could be considered an insult to the bear. No, it was better to just let things lie and not disturb this bear's...fantasies.

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- Malachi - 10-29-2010


It's not bad at all! <33

She kept her body low and her senses alert, awaiting a response from the other wolf. But for some reason, the other female wasn't as quick to move as she herself was. Her gaze was kept on her and of the woods across, but what Malachi hadn't noticed was that she was slowly backing up, rump first, into the bushes. She gave a small shout of pain into the skies when she was pricked by it, and got up quickly.

Padding away from it and closer to the female, a feeling of ease washed over her entire body. "Really, there is no bear." There wasn't? Mala's ease soon turned into curiosity, as she paced closer to the female before sitting down against the riverbank. "There isn't? Oh, well, that's a relief!" Malachi hated bears, she was always taught to be fearful of them and to run away at any sight of one. Her stubby tail wagged, though the other female probably couldn't even see it. A small chuckle came from her short muzzle. "You had me going there!" Malachi thought this female was easily playing a joke on her. Mala's tribe always loved to play games with her, too, so she always thought those messing with her mind were playing a game, not insulting her.

It occurred to her, then, that they hadn't exchanged names. With Mala more comfortable now that there was no threat in the woods, she gave a small smile. "Kwe, I'm Malachi," she said sincerely, happy to be seeing and speaking to a wolf for the first time in quite a while. Mala inwardly shook off any last doubt that there was, in fact, no bear to be seen for miles.


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- Skye Collins - 10-29-2010


Skye smiled back at the bear as she smiled at her. If this bear thought she was a Luperci, well...who was Skye to tell her otherwise? Perhaps inside she really was a Luperci, just in a bear's body. It didn't really matter - she didn't want to attack her, wasn't violent, and could talk. What else made a wolf a wolf and a bear a bear?

"Kwe, I'm Malachi," Malachi said. Skye smiled at her and nodded. "It's really nice to meet you," she said. "I'm Skye." The wolf was glad that was all over - no one was panicking, and everything was fine. In fact, Malachi was the first nice creature she'd seen since she'd left home. She didn't think the black coyote she met on Inferni's borders truly counted, since she was less kind and more warning her - but she hoped she might meet her again and befriend her. But Malachi was the first acquaintance she'd met in Souls, and she was glad she was making progress, no matter how minimal.

"Are you new to the Souls area?" she asked. Perhaps Malachi could teach her more about Souls if she wasn't; then Skye wouldn't be so lost. She found that her tail was wagging; it was nice to have made a new friend indeed.

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- Malachi - 10-31-2010


Sorry about this post. Been having more muse to make art than to write.. as if that wasn't obvious enough. XD

The creature wasn't all too sure how friendly this Luperci herself seemed to be, but judging by the tone of her voice, she seemed sincere. Malachi slowly waddled up, though she kept a good feet of distance between them, comfortably, and gingerly sat herself down by the riverbank. Mala couldn't help, however, but keep her sights set on the woods from across the lake, and keep her ears open for any mysterious sounds. It was just something she was taught to do if she ever got lost. But another part of her, some kind of instinct, told her to be alert at any time.

She turned her eyes away from the flora for a moment and towards the other.. Skye, was it? And a sort of warm, relaxed smile became clear on the beast's face. It was welcoming to have someone to talk to again, especially after over a year of traveling and having no one to talk to but herself. 'Has it really been that long?' she mused inwardly, her lip twisting a bit upwards, and her eyes clouding in thought. Then her string of thought traveled to memories of her family, and wondering if she'd ever see them again someday. She sure missed them, and her heart sank just to recall them.

"Are you new to the Souls area?" The question snapped her out of her train of thought, and she nodded. "Oh, yes. Is that what these lands are called? I came from from far up north." Malachi wasn't all too sure how well the other female knew of the Mi'kmaq tribe. Silence hung on the air for a few more moments, until she recalled the first thing she saw when she spotted the female at the lakeside. "Were you doing some laundry?" Malachi smiled as she asked, resting her eyes on the water, and tracing them upwards from where the water flowed.

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- Skye Collins - 11-02-2010


"Oh, yes. Is that what these lands are called? I came from from far up north."

"Really?" Skye asked in excitement. "So did I! I was born in the Halcyon mountains. I haven't been here long, to be honest - I just kind of washed up here after a sort of scary encounter with Inferni. You haven't met them, have you?" When something interested or excited Skye, she could go on and on about it for hours, asking questions and giving little bits of information at a time. But she did know when to stop - or, at least, she did when she remembered and realized that she was babbling - so she cut herself short this time. She smiled at the bea - er, wolf, and wagged her tail.

"Were you doing some laundry?"

"Oh, yes, I was!" Skye exclaimed, and, laughing, took her clothes off of the branch. At this point, they were dry, and she began to put them on. After they were on, Skye felt a lot more comfortable, and she smiled at the bear. "I think humans had the right idea in making clothes," she said. "I just have to learn how to make them!" Skye had never learned from her mother how to make clothes. All the wolves she'd seen so far didn't wear clothes - she hoped she could find someone who did and ask how they make them!

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- Malachi - 11-02-2010


<3 new artz. Only 13 more posts after this! -wriggles- Oh, by the way, I added you on AIM Big Grin

Her head snapped back a bit at the excitement within Skye's voice. She herself wasn't alone, then! For some reason, Malachi had it in her head that all wolves belonged around this area, that they didn't come from far-off places. "I was born in the Halcyon mountains.." she overheard the Luperci saying. "I think I remember my mother talking of stories of wolves up in those mountains.." she mused quietly, not wanting to interrupt while someone else spoke.

Malachi absent-mindedly traced a claw in the sand of the riverbank, her rounded ears still catching each word of the conversation. She couldn't stop smiling, she was glad someone was willing to sit and speak with her, without blatantly freaking out and running away. She picked her massive head up as Skye asked her a question about... Inferni? Mala shook her head with some disappointment at the lack of knowledge. "I'm afraid I don't. Who is Inferni?" She wasn't sure if that was a specific pack or the name of someone, or a group of people, but instantly the creature was curious about her encounter. In her sitting position, she put her front paws on her outstretched feet and began to rock back and forth slowly. "What happened?" She wasn't trying to be nosy, but she was mighty curious.

And then Skye mentioned something about humans, and her lip quirked. Malachi stopped rocking for a moment and looked into the water. She had never really been told about these 'humans', only that they ceased to exist long ago. "I thought the Luperci invented clothing?" The beast said earnestly. It was true, she thought everything that was invented came from the Luperci, more or less. Her tribe never really thought highly of humans, but was never told that some man-made things were still around today. Therefore, she assumed the Luperci invented it all, with the help of other wolves of course.
This whole conversation was found highly interesting for her, she wanted to ask several questions but wasn't sure how to go about them. She yearned to know what a wolf's life like as here, alone or in a pack, she wanted to know these lands from top to bottom. She ached to be with companions again, even if Mala knew she'd have to make new ones. It was the adventure of a lifetime.

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- Skye Collins - 11-04-2010


At Malachi's inquiry of what happened at Inferni, Skye's eyes widened and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. She loved telling stories, and was glad that she finally had one to tell that was real. She began to speak;

"Well," she said, "I was walking along, just fresh into Souls and out of the house - I wanted to explore, you know - when I noticed something strange. In the distance were what seemed like tall sticks with round, white things at the end of them - and when I neared closer, I realized that they were skulls." She let that sink in; after all, her horror had been great when she'd discovered that the white things on the sticks were really wolf's skulls. "Wolf skulls, to be exact. In fact, I met a jackal on the borders who told me Inferni was full of coyotes and jackals, and that they weren't very fond of wolves at all. It was good that I met her instead of one of the others, since she made it seem like if I had strayed across another one of Inferni's members, I would have been ripped to shreds!" She ended her story in a shudder and listened as Malachi continued to speak.

At her mention of clothing, Skye shook her head. When the wolf wanted to talk, she could talk; and it seemed that today was one of her more vocal days now that the initial confusion and fear was gone. "Humans created clothing. Luperci just continued the trend because our body shapes are so alike," she said, saying 'our' instead of 'their' in case Malachi were to be offended. Besides, she was sure Malachi could wear clothes too, even if they were a little on the...big side.

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- Malachi - 11-05-2010


XD The end of your post made me giggle <3

Mala had always loved to hear stories, and she leaned in a bit closer as Skye began to speak about her adventures. "In the distance were what seemed like tall sticks with round, white things at the end of them.." She heard, and she immediately began to formulate the picture in her mind. Sticks with round things on them? But what-- "..they were skulls." The big creature gasped, maybe a little too loud. Her eyes glittered with a bit of horror, and intrigue to know more.

But then it bothered Mala to hear from Skye's stories that those skulls were of wolves, and she even lowered a head a bit just thinking about it. Why on earth did they not care for coyotes? Didn't all canine species get along? A flash of anger shot through her honey-colored eyes, and as Skye let the end of her story trail through the air, the creature suddenly found herself on her four feet. "They didn't hurt you, did they?!" Malachi hadn't felt this kind of anger within her before, she had believed with all her heart that everyone got along, and that animals had to kill eachother merely for survival. It was merely a cycle that nature went through.

She herself was no healer, but if her new-found friend were hurt she'd need to see one right away. Her furry body dragged along as she began to circle around Skye, looking for any obvious bruises, bleeding, or broken limbs. When Skye spoke about clothing, she merely nodded or hummed a simple 'mhm' occasionally. Mala's concern now was her.

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- Skye Collins - 11-07-2010


6 more!!

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Skye exclaimed. She was glad that Malachi cared for her - other than her parents, she never really had a friend before. Sepirah didn't really count - she didn't hurt her, and she was nice - to an extent, anyway - but she wasn't really considered a friend. But Malachi was, and she was glad. But she didn't want to worry her - only to warn her not to go near this strange Inferni clan, who would tear someone to shreds, no matter whether or not they were a wolf inside or out.

"They're near the norther mountains, on the west side," she said. "Just be sure not to run into them, and I'm sure you'll be fine! Don't worry. We're nowhere near them." She hoped she sounded very reassuring - she didn't want her new friend to worry, but she also didn't want her to run into the coyote clan.

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- Malachi - 11-07-2010


4 more after this :x

The creature's pacing slowed when Skye re-assured her. She gave the female a look of 'Are you sure?', her brows furrowing in a skeptical way. But the tone of the wolf's voice was certain enough, and that was good enough for her. Mala sat back down, and the earth shook a little at the weight she dropped on it. She resumed her sitting position, idly scratching her belly with her massive claws.

When Mala heard about the dangers up north, she looked at Skye and shook her head. "I don't think I'll be going far up north anytime soon.." She answered, both to avoid the Inferni pack and because Mala was beginning to believe her tribe would never take her back again. As her mind was spinning with thoughts, she realized a silence fell over both her and Skye. The subject of danger was a conversation Mala wanted to change. "What other things did.. humans.. create?" Now that she was told humans made clothing, the creature was curious what else she wasn't aware of.

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- Skye Collins - 11-07-2010


Skye was reassured by the comment Malachi made about her never going to the north. Skye may try avoiding that as well for a while - she didn't want to anger Inferni. But she would visit her parents at one point, and perhaps warn them against the dangers right outside their doors.

At the question Malachi asked about humans, Skye almost leapt up in excitement. "They made everything!" she blurted, but then laughed as she realized what she said wasn't true in the least. She amended it; "Well...not everything. But a lot of things! They created buildings, like in cities, and books, and cars that move by themselves, and things that went to the moon!!"

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- Malachi - 11-07-2010


MY LAST POST! -prepares to throw confetti the moment she hits the reply button-
Edit: Alright, I made this post as a wrap up! MalaSkye out! :3

Malachi stopped scratching her belly when Skye's excitement returned in her voice. She herself was a bit taken aback, and tried to make sense of everything she said. Buildings and.. what were cars? And.. what? Malachi thought she heard her say something about traveling to the moon. Her lip curled in a bit of confusion, and she looked up to the sky, which was still light out. "The.. moon? How is that even possible? It's way up there." The creature said, pointing with a large claw up to the sky.

Humans were very strange, she thought. She did remember how they disappeared, and left the world to the wolves and other creatures of mother nature, but where did they get the idea for all this stuff? Malachi shook her large head. "They must have been strange creatures." Both she and Skye went back and forth, and for once the creature was glad to have a decent conversation with someone, anyone would've had done. Even a squirrel.

They spoke until the last traces of sun disappeared and night began, and it was only then that Mala had realized it. Getting up, they both said their farewells, with promises to meet once again, and parted ways in the forest. And, for the first time in a long time, Malachi felt welcome in these new lands.

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