'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
moving on to a different place - Printable Version

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- Clover Love Lykoi - 10-13-2010


Anyone is welcome! :o

Cursed with hate and war, had been his words. She was unsure whether or not that was what had kept her away initially, but now she knew it was time for her to be a part of the family that had always yearned for her. She had spent months alone, searching for signs of her siblings and coming up empty handed in the end. For the last month she had faced a small bought of depression, feeling helplessly secluded and unimportant. She had managed to push her way out of that darkness, and now the young coyote was taking steps to steer clear of it forever. Maybe Inferni was not the place Razekiel envisioned for his daughter to be, but she figured being with her family was better than nothing.

Many of her belongings were still left at the small shack she had been living in. Until she was allowed into the clan, Clover figured this would be best. She brought nothing with her, aside from the clothing on her frame and a small joint tucked into her headband (which was seemingly becoming a habit of hers). Though she wanted to call to her father and tell him of her plan, she knew he did not have the authority to grant her permission to stay here. It was one of the leaders who’d eventually need to come across her, so she let out a simple call for them to come. Maybe she wasn’t meant to be here, but she’d come to find that it time. For now, hate and war aside, it seemed like the only place to make sense in the young Lykoi’s mind.

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- Kaena Lykoi - 10-15-2010



The silver-shaded coyote moved slowly about the border, her movements unmotivated and rather lazy. The winter chill had set in, and with it had come the aching arthritis in the morning, stiff-leggedness and wracking pain for the first hour or so after she woke. This winter was worse than any she remembered thus far, and the ashen hybrid wondered if that was a result of this particularly rough year. Certainly, travel had not been easy on her old bones, but nearly getting ripped to pieces several times over was surely worse. The only remedy she knew for such a thing was forced movement itself. If she moved around and loosened her joints up, it would eventually get easier. Or so she thought. She had been making double trips around the border, despite their relative quietness as of late, and the morning's ache only seemed to intensify. It had not occurred to her yet to visit Corona or even Enkiel—Gabriel's word about Eris actually engaging another member of the clan in a positive way had reached her—and all she knew was that it hurt to move.

Grumbling softly to herself, she pushed onward through the morning, shuffling slowly about and trying to make it seem as if she was simply moving slowly rather than moving slowly due to pain. The limp she now carried was exacerbated, and the more she tried to compensate and move differently on her other three legs, the more awkward movement became. Still, determination forced her forward, and it was relieving to hear the call of a newcomer for more than a few reasons. It would afford her the chance to stop and rest for a reason, and it was the first of such activity the clan had encountered in some time. By the scarred woman's recollection, Heidi was the newest member of Inferni, and she had been here at least a month. The sudden snap of fall cold might have made some think twice about venturing away from their homelands, however, and the silvery hybrid could surely understand that. She did not want to wander around in this sort of discomfort.

As the silver-shaded woman approached the source of the sound, she caught the scent of the newcomer—it was oddly familiar, tinged with recognition, though she did not know this scent. Perhaps she had forgotten it. As the hybrid came into view of the newcomer, surprise tainted her features, and her yellow-golden eye looked on this canine eagerly. “I know you,” the coyote woman said, laughing. “You have my nose.” She did not, in fact, know this canine—they had never met before. Even so, it was plain to Kaena that this was one of her own.

Word Count: 454
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- Clover Love Lykoi - 10-15-2010


They just all know that I'm stinky, and don't want it to rub off on their characters. ;} Hmm, and it seems as if Kaena will be needing some - Clover to the rescue, haha! Also, Kaena is in lupus, yus?

This was not the same as when she had first come to the borders in search of Razekiel. She had not known what to expect upon letting her call drift into the quiet sounds of the day, but she had overwhelmingly felt some sense of relief upon seeing his familiar face. There were many thoughts surrounding her father, as well as many conflicted emotions. She wouldn’t have to face the same thing again here, for he wouldn’t be the one to come, and yet she couldn’t help but anticipate the strange flood of emotion that had accompanied her first seeking venture here.

The figure to arrive not long after Clover had summoned it was not one she had seen before. She had met relatively few of the clan’s ranks, so it was no surprise to her that the woman remained unnamed. Straw gold studied her appearance, marveling at the multitude of scars that adorned her body. It was clear she had seen many days, for even as she walked stiffly to meet Clover, the girl could easily tell she was a rugged woman. Because of this, she was slightly surprised at her words and the laugh that followed. Perhaps in sync with her rough appearance, Clover had been expecting some aggressive words. Instead, features pulled in surprise as she regarded the older woman. How could she possibly know who Clover was? There was only one explanation. "You must be a Lykoi then," and she refrained from attaching one of the usual pet names that preceded her words. She hesitated for only a moment, before realizing an introduction was necessary. She didn’t know how these joining things went, but she only assumed politeness couldn’t hurt. "I’m Clover Love Lykoi." Her usual tendencies made her want to reach out to her, perhaps even offer a hug. Instead, Clover locked her fingers together behind her back and waited to see what the older woman might ask of her.

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- Kaena Lykoi - 10-16-2010


Yes! Big Grin Also, this post is poop. Big Grin

Even as exhausted and beaten as the silver-shaded woman felt, there was energy and spark reignited in her upon seeing this youthful face, herself filtered through the generations. Though she had viewed more grandchildren than she could probably count, there was never any less wonder in the first time she saw them. This one was delicate and coyote-like, her wrists adorned with a multitude of colorful bracelets. There was gentleness in her face, but the silver-shaded hybrid did not demand harshness from her family. She took them as they came—the fact that they existed at all was a miracle. At the younger canine's words, the woman smiled, a strange thing that was free of much pride. Had this not been blood before her, perhaps there would have been arrogance in her statement. “The first,” she said. There was no attempt at arrogance in the scarred woman; she saw no reason to flaunt her position over family. “You're one of Razekiel's, then?” the coyote asked, finding such a whimsical name most likely to come from the russet-faced man. His other children, Sage River and China Rose, certainly had similar names to this woman. “Kaena. I'd be your grandmother, then,” the hybrid said. There was little nonchalance in her tone; pride for what her family and blood had wrought was clear in her eyes. “Do you come here seeking a home?” the hybrid asked, making no presumptions about the purpose of Clover's presence.

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- Clover Love Lykoi - 10-16-2010


Delicious poop.

Upon the woman’s answer, Clover had to wonder what was meant behind her statement. Was she the one to create this surname from seemingly nothing and then pass it along to her children and generations beyond, or did it simply mean she was the first Lykoi of importance (for perhaps a parent of the scarred woman had carried the name)? Either way, the straw tinted orbs glowed slightly with perhaps a bit more admiration. If she was the first Lykoi, then there was no doubt that not only was she family, but this woman was a fundamental character in the family’s foundation. No doubt Clover’s respect was automatically requested. Her smile broadened slightly, nodding at her father’s name, and then the woman revealed that she was in fact her grandmother. No matter what Razekiel had or hadn’t done to Clover’s sister, she still had an immense amount of love for her family and there had yet to be anything to really taint that perspective.

"It’s nice to meet you, Miss Kaena." Since now she knew for sure it was her grandmother before her, Clover wanted to kneel and offer the woman her embrace, but somehow she found it might be slightly awkward for their difference of stature. It was a strange thing to know that this woman was her father’s mother. Somehow, it just didn’t seem real. Still, it was very wonderful to find family here. Perhaps, Clover thought, this decision to join Inferni’s ranks wasn’t such an awful idea after all.. even if Razekiel had warned her of horrid things. "Oh, yes," she responded eagerly. "I’ve been living not far from here along the Bay, but I’ve decided there’s no need for me to be alone. And I knew that aside from Dad, that I had family here. It just seemed to make sense." Focusing on the remaining golden eye of her elder, Clover silently wondered what her grandmother would think of her sudden arrival at the clan’s doorstep.

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- Kaena Lykoi - 10-17-2010


Word Count :: 353 NGL, I giggled like a 12 year old at that.

In her own head, Kaena was, of course, the very first—a seeming impossibility, of course, as she had to have arisen from somewhere. She did not leap from any foreheads or rise from the ground in adult form, after all. Even so, she had been the one to continue on—she had been the very last, and so, she was the very first, too. Her father's distant relatives hardly counted; by now, any who would have remembered Andre's name were dead and buried, replaced by more wolfish generations who might very well be more vindictive toward hybrid-kind, never realizing the faint threads of coyote in their own flesh and blood. “And you, too,” the coyote said, lacking the eloquence to elaborate just how it made her feel when another of the brood crossed the border and came home. She probably could not have put it into words even if she possessed the vocabulary for it.

Her coal-colored ears perked in interest as the russet-faced woman elaborated on where she had remained. The hybrid was interested by the intial distance from Inferni, although she declined to comment; there was no need to sour first meetings with touchy questions and interrogations. “I'm just glad you're here now. You do have quite a lot of family here, too. If you want, we can head in—maybe you'll get to meet some of them today?” the coyote asked. She figured Clover's appearance on the border here was reason enough to cease her patrols for the moment; rest seemed like a wonderful option at that moment, and the scarred hybrid was too eager to indulge herself with that, if it also meant she would learn more about her granddaughter.

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- Clover Love Lykoi - 10-21-2010


That's why I love you. <3

There was a great flicker of hope at her grandmother’s words. Razekiel’s words had kept Clover away for quite awhile, but they were not enough to keep her gone forever. She was eager now, for she had a faint feeling of familiarity – as if she were going home to Juniper Peace. Of course, everyone here would be unknown and a stranger to her, but Clover knew all the same that most would be family. After, if you were surrounded by family, it just seemed so impossible to go wrong. "That would be wonderful," Clover chimed, adorned fingers rising to her face to brush away stray golden strands. She couldn’t help but study the weathered woman’s unshifted frame, searching for clues of her life story merely in the scars that decorated her body. Though they did not know much about each other, Clover already felt a great sense of respect for Kaena. After all, she was her grandmother.

Clover waited for Kaena to show her the way, stepping to the Centurion’s side to follow. She wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to ask first, but the young Lykoi could feel the bubbling of a multitude of questions rising. After such a long life, there had to be so much that the scarred woman knew – about Inferni, and about the world.

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- Kaena Lykoi - 10-21-2010


table © Alaine
Word Count :: Ahahaha. I HEART YOU SO MUCH. Big Grin <3 Also I might as well do all that acceptance jazz because obvs Kae isn't going to be like "NO GO AWAI." ALSO, I AM HONESTLY NOT SURE WHETHER TO POST A TITLING REQUEST, as you r capable of doing this yourself and it's probable that if I do post about it the other admins will be like "lulz anna can do that herself" but because [sparkletext]procedure[/sparkletext] I posted a titling request >_>

The silver-shaded woman was not delighted with the prospect of having to move again, and she stood slowly, taking a moment to try to stretch herself out before commencing movement. It was not so long a walk back to the caves, but the silvery hybrid still wasn't looking forward to it. Feeling rather self-conscious, she started moving off after shooting a sheepish smile toward Clover, a rare expression from the Centurion. She did not enjoy displaying her weaknesses prominently, but it seemed these could not be helped. Since returning, she had a rough time of things—it should not have surprised her quite so much to feel the effects of such a year during the turn of seasons.

“Old bones,” she muttered to the copper-shaded female, determined to attribute this to her growing age rather than the suffering she had endured in recent times. Haku was dead; he would not have hold over her beyond his death. The jawbone in her cave was certain proof of that. The coyote woman kept it in the rear corner where Vieira had slept, where she no longer went. The coyote-girl's things were still piled into the corner; Kaena found she did not have the heart to throw them out or even remove them to the mansion or some other place for storage. It had been so long now the woman did not expect her return. “Razekiel said you were born in the place where he stayed for those years he was away from us. Did you like it there?” the coyote asked, trying to shift the conversation to a new subject.

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- Kaena Lykoi - 10-21-2010

Welcome to 'Souls!

Congratulations! You've been accepted into the craziest bunch of roleplayers on the vast Internet! Please remember to make your first In Character post within five days.

Not sure where or how to start roleplaying? You can check the Open Threads and Thread Requests forum for a list of open threads, as well as tons of people looking to plot out adventures with your new character! You can also start your own thread and see what kinds of interesting characters turn up for you. If you haven't already, please update your profile with detailed information on your character -- it'll help others get a feel for him/her, which in turn will help generate thread ideas.

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You can find general roleplay help and guidelines, as well as a wealth of information on our werewolves and the 'Soulsverse on the RP Guide. Don't feel pressured to read it all at once though! The guide is a huge resource and is meant to be used as a reference for various aspects of the game. If you're feeling lost or confused, don't hesitate to post a question in Roleplay Aides, or to seek out a Mentor.

- Clover Love Lykoi - 10-22-2010


Hehehe. XD

It seemed as if the woman took some time to get going, but Clover would not hold that against Kaena. She had lived a long life and it was obvious she had had her fair deal of struggles, as was evident by the scars riddling her body. Clover merely smiled in response to Kaena’s sheepish grin and waited until her grandmother was set to get going. "You know," she said softly in response, "I might be able to help with that." The girl, of course, was thinking of the small joint that had been securely tucked away into her headband. If Kaena decided to smoke what Clover offered, then she would surely be relieved of some of her pain. However, they’d have to wait until they were done with their small trek. Kaena would find it awkward to try and smoke in her un-shifted form, and Clover was more interested in talking right now that she was in smoking. "When we get there, I’ll show you," she added gently, stepping alongside Kaena as the borders slowly faded behind them.

Her ears lifted at the sound of Kaena’s voice again, and Clover couldn’t help but let a smile beam across her features. She loved any chance she got to talk about Junpier Peace, for she still held her birthplace in such high regard. In all honesty, she missed the atmosphere of the gypsy pack, but she knew it would be hard for her to return. Junpier Peace, sadly, was an old chapter in Clover’s life.

"Junpier Peace, yes," Clover chimed in response to Kaena. "I loved it there. It was an absolutely wonderful place to live and grow up. Of course, we moved around, so we didn’t actually live in the same spot, but we were always surrounded by the same loving people." Their whole foundation was based on peace, love, and appreciation for nature. It was not something Clover had found to have been mimicked anywhere else. "The only reason I left was because my sisters had, and I wanted to follow them. I tracked their scents here, but then they sort of just faded away. I guess Sage and China stopped in for awhile, but decided to leave again. I just figured I’d stay." After all, where else would she go? Junpier Peace would have moved on to a different place by now and it’s not as if she could follow after her sisters, with the trial gone cold.

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- Kaena Lykoi - 10-26-2010


table © Alaine
Word Count :: 311 derp :3

Though the coyote woman was intrigued by Clover's offer, she did not offer more than a simple verbal confirmation to the idea, finding anything worth tolerating if it would alleviate some of the stiffness she felt in the morning, and even more worth it if it took away the day-long aches. There was curiosity in the coyote—she clearly had no idea what the copper-hued woman had in store, but she declined to inquire until they had reached their destination. Instead, the conversation focused on the last place Clover resided—Juniper Peace. The hybrid woman had heard this name before from Razekiel, but she could not have recalled it so readily.

A faint smile lingered on the scarred muzzle of the old woman as Clover spoke of her homeland; it would have made Kaena disappointed, indeed, to hear of grandchildren living less-than-acceptable lives outside of her Inferni. So far, none had returned with a backstory that displeased her or made her rage for them. Sage, Clover, China, and their yet-unknown siblings—if there were more; Kaena could not recall how many Razekiel had claimed as his—had the Juniper Peace place. The coyote nodded at the mention of Clover's sisters, frowning.

“I'm glad you had a good place when you were young. Your sisters, Sage and China, didn't stay long at all,” the hybrid said, clear regret in her voice for this; the silver-shaded woman did not know if there was anything more she might have done to get the pair of coyotes to have stayed. “I'm sure they'll be back, though. Didn't think your daddy would ever be back, but look at him now,” the coyote said, turning her head to Clover entirely, smiling. “Have you visited him yet?” It had been some time since she had spoken with Razekiel; certainly, he would have mentioned Clover's arrival in the area.

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- Clover Love Lykoi - 10-26-2010



Clover was slightly surprised to hear that Kaena had seen Sage and China, but she supposed that would only make sense. If her sisters had stayed long enough to join the ranks of the clan, it was only fair that they would have met their grandmother too. Not to mention, it would make sense that a leader would know of the characters that came and went here, though Clover was still somewhat oblivious to Kaena’s significance in the clan. Clover simply smiled back when Kaena turned to her. It was rather nice to have her grandmother here with her. Though they were still very much strangers, this interaction gave Clover a small sense of homecoming. It was no Juniper Peace, but she’d get used to it at the very least, no doubt.

"Umm, kinda," the young coyote’s voice broke with hesitation. She felt a small pang of guilt now, as if Kaena would look down on her for not seeing her father more. "I came to see him about a month ago, but that’s really the last time," this was accompanied by a loose shrug of her shoulders and a slightly sheepish smile. Her father had warned her that this was not the place for her to be, so she had avoided it until now, but the time had come where Inferni seemed like the only option. She didn’t have it in her heart to reveal that Razekiel didn’t want Clover here. Nor did she want to speak about Storm’s murder, and Razekiel’s possible relation with it. For now, she’d keep those skeletons concealed in her closet. "Daddy’s not really...," she tried to think of a reasonable way to word it, but could only come up with, "well, much of a parental figure." Really though, Clover didn’t think it had really hindered her much. She had grown up just fine with all of the loving, helping hands of those in the small hippie pack.

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