'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Falling Rain. - Printable Version

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- Moonfyre NecroFang - 10-23-2010


Holler Smile come in at anytime I left it pretty open.

Thunder clapped in the distance as Moonfyre trotted toward the Aniwayan village. The sky was dark gray and you’d have to be mentally challenged not to know that it would rain. He had wanted to go explore another part of the human cities today, but he had to get some of his things first. His four legs were carrying him quickly enough down the hill toward the village. The fence around the territory sometimes made him feel trapped, but in the same sense safe.

Once he reached the village he headed towards his house that he’d been sharing with Ember Pheonix for a while now. He burst through the flap of plastic that used to be a doggy door when the humans lived there. The floor boards creaked as he trotted quickly through the house to get his bag. When he found it, he shifted, then grabbed it and slung it over his shoulder. He didn’t see Ember anywhere in the house so he just left as quickly as he came.

When he came back outside he noticed the sky became darker gray than before. He stopped to look at it and think, but decided that he should move along. If he could get there before it began to rain he would be better off. As he walked he passed numerous dens and caves in the sides of steep hills and small cliffs in the territory. He knew he should’ve taken cover in at least one of them, but decided against it and kept walking.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks &emphasizes

Table made by Lou.

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- EchoWolf - 11-08-2010

OOC: Barely edited this post. x.x In a rush because I have some other RPs. But I wanna make this RP long <3 I promise to be faster next time.

Echo was sitting by himself in a little dark cave by the woods. "I wonder when I will leave this small hell hole," he mumbled to himself in a quite, lonely tone. He often thought of whether his loneliness was worth the protection of this cavern... He also wondered whether he was in need of a mate. Or whether it was time to search for one. Being within a large group of wolves did make Echo feel comfortable about his life. Especially within a pack that had much history (and of course, glory). But he was within a cave near the middle of nowhere. It wouldn't take much for a pack of rabid wolves to tear Echo into pieces... (But then again, that was just a bad dream Echo had on his second day within his small cavern.)

But something else soon caught Echo's attention. It was a familiar scent. Moonfyre's scent. "Has Moonfyre become mad?" He thought to himself. "Why would he wander off at this time? Doesn't he know of the rain storm passing by at this very moment?... Perhaps I should follow him. He might be in need of help." The lone wolf did just that, and once he arrived at the scene, he called out to his friend.

- Moonfyre NecroFang - 11-08-2010



The rain came down in small drops at first then larger ones until it was pouring. Moonfyre’s fur was drenched in a minute from the crazy rain. The birds in the sky flew to the trees to take cover from the rain while all other animals scurried toward their dens. Why was he the only one out in it? He shook his body and continued on just to be drenched again in a few seconds.

His ear flicked backward and he could’ve sworn he heard something, but he turned back. He shook again, and continued picking up his pace hoping to get there faster. He skidded to a stop when he heard the fait noise again, and turned toward it. In the foggy distance he could see a small black figure. He couldn’t tell who it was, and began backing up. He didn’t turn away from it just in case it was dangerous. Turning his back on something dangerous could be the end of him.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks &emphasizes

Table made by Lou.

<style type="text/css"> .mf2 b {font-weight:bold; color:#f7f7f8; letter-spacing:1px; } .mf2 .ooc { font-style:italic; color:#000000; padding-top:375px; font-family:verdana, sans-serif; font-size:11px;} .mf2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:5px 10px; margin:0px; color: #322f3c} .mf2 {margin:0 auto; width:360px; background-color:#6a6677; background-image:url(http://i972.photobucket.com/albums/ae20 ... nfyre2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #000000; padding: 10px 0px 50px 0px; font-family: georgia, sans-serif; font-size:10px; color:#0F475F; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.5px; text-align:justify;} </style>[/html]

- EchoWolf - 11-12-2010

ooc: Amazing start out! O.o <3

Echo was a little frustrated with Moonfyre's response. He knew the male could not hear him, but it was raining quite heavily, and Echo worried for his brother. Echo kept up with Moonfyre's pace. He knew eventually he would have to stop. The weather was just too bad out here... But why would he be leaving his village at this time, and where is he heading...? This soon caught Echo's fancy, and so, Echo kept chase.

- Moonfyre NecroFang - 11-14-2010



After continuing on for a bit Moonfyre felt a presence of someone behind him. He paused, and turned to see a bigger dot coming toward him. He couldn’t scent the wolf because the rain was so heavy if he even inhaled strongly he would get a nostril full of water. He trusted his instincts, and stayed still with his muscles tense just in case he needed to use them.

The rain made his black coat darker with dirty rain. It was heavy, and he looked skinnier since his coat was what made him look fluffy. Now it was just muscles, and flesh. A steady flow of water dripped off the tip of his nose as he looked at the other.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks &emphasizes

Table made by Lou.

<style type="text/css"> .mf2 b {font-weight:bold; color:#f7f7f8; letter-spacing:1px; } .mf2 .ooc { font-style:italic; color:#000000; padding-top:375px; font-family:verdana, sans-serif; font-size:11px;} .mf2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:5px 10px; margin:0px; color: #322f3c} .mf2 {margin:0 auto; width:360px; background-color:#6a6677; background-image:url(http://i972.photobucket.com/albums/ae20 ... nfyre2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #000000; padding: 10px 0px 50px 0px; font-family: georgia, sans-serif; font-size:10px; color:#0F475F; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.5px; text-align:justify;} </style>[/html]

- EchoWolf - 11-16-2010

ooc: Ooc: Echo cares for his brother! x.x ...And... Was faster! 8D

Echo was quite frustrated with the male's response. But in this weather, it seemed normal for Moonfyre to ignore Echo's cries. He was too far out in the rain, and, if you were in Moonfyre's shoes, you'd probably think Echo was an enemy. Echo knew there was no turning back after he had traveled a few miles. He also knew that this was a very risky trip to take.

But the male was very curious, and he wanted to find out whether Moonfyre had gone insane, or was on a journey to some other land. Echo did care for his brother's safety, and would not not stand having Moonfyre get into harm's way. So, he continued to follow Moonfyre's scent. !"


- Moonfyre NecroFang - 11-17-2010



The little dot came closer and closer toward him until he realized it looked familiar. When the wolf came close enough he recognized it as Echo. His sopping wet tail wagged slowly at first then raised its speed a little bit. It was almost like it was an unsure wag at first then it turned into a sure wag.


Well, now that he knew it was his esteemed colleague he wished Echo would walk a little faster. The rain began to pour down harder than before if that was even possible. The rain drops fell hard, and pelted Moonfyre’s head.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks/emphasizes

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- EchoWolf - 12-07-2010

OOC: Lol. I seem like the worst RP dude on this Site. I not only take WAY too long to reply to such amazing people such as yourself, but always forget to post...

IC: Echo wagged his tail in disbelief. Moonfyre had finally stopped! It almost seemed as if the lone male would never stop in these never-ending lakes of tears that fell from the sky. And at this time, it seemed that it was getting late in these unknown lands! Echo hurriedly made his reply to the male's welcoming statement with these few words. "Moonfyre! What are you doing at this time? Might I be of assistance...?"

- Moonfyre NecroFang - 12-09-2010


It’s okay, at least you reply at some point Smile

Echo was hard to see in all the rain. The wind made the rain look almost like smoke. Moonfyre had a steady trickle leaking from the tip of his nose, and he made an effort to not inhale too hard or he would get water in his nose. He snorted at the thought. Echo called to him, and Moonfyre had to make an effort to hear him over the sounds of the rain.

I planned to go explore Halifax, but it started raining like this. I’m going anyway though. Would you like to come along?

Halifax wasn’t that far from where they were now, and if worse came to worse they could take shelter in one of the old buildings there. Moonfyre brought his bag hoping to find some interesting things he could take home with him.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks/emphasizes

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- EchoWolf - 12-26-2010

OOC: Thank you for your patience...? XD

IC: "Alright," replied the dark male. "But.... what exactly is the 'Halifax'?" Echo felt a little embarrassed by his reply. He only knew so much of the Aniwaya's territory, and didn't explore that often. Nevertheless, he was indeed a very curious wolf who wanted to expand his knowledge. And it seemed that this trip would indeed do just that.

- Moonfyre NecroFang - 12-27-2010


no problem Smile

Moonfyre cocked his head at Echo’s question. He doesn’t know Halifax? Then he thought on the subject. He couldn’t just Echo, Moonfyre didn’t know the least bit of this place when he first arrived either. The rain began to lighten up, and Moonfyre shook his coat. A spray of rain flew everywhere and possibly on his friend, too. It was still raining hard, but at least it wasn’t pelting down like before.

Halifax is a part of the human city where there is a bunch of stores and houses to explore. I’m basically going shopping; I need to find some things to keep me from getting bored. You should find yourself a bag and take some things back with you.

Moonfyre gave him one last look, and turned to walk toward Halifax. He wanted to get his exploring on.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks/emphasizes

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- EchoWolf - 01-06-2011

ooc: -Is sad to see Moonfyre go... x.x- <333- Do you have an msn I could add you by? O.o

"I see," replied the lone male. "Sorry for asking an absurd question... I only know so much of the Aniwayan territory." He looked around for a second to think about this voyage. Indeed it seemed interesting, but would they get lost in the "Halifax"? Who might be lurking in the "Halifax"? To Echo, these questions indeed seemed vital... Back in his own territory, you could be killed just wandering outside your own grounds... But since it was inside the Aniwayan territory, he guessed it was safe. Why else not? Unless there was an intruder.

- Moonfyre NecroFang - 01-07-2011


Sure, I’ll PM it to you. WC: 284

Moonfyre noticed Echo looked a bit worried. Such a rookie. Moonfyre looked away and smiled to himself. Obviously his friend hadn’t ventured around quite as much as Moonfyre did. He was quite cautious of his surroundings as well, but he understood that. Anywhere else leaving pack lands is vital, but in the Souls’ territories it’s not so much. He laughed good-heartedly as Echo apologized about asking his question. Questions were how you learned about your surroundings, and one should never apologize for asking any kind of question. Especially stupid ones. They had a bit of knowledge in them, too.

Never apologize for questions, brother. They help you gain knowledge.

He always liked sharing his views with others. Even if it wasn’t really the time for it.

I understand where you’re coming from, I was once there too. Come on, let’s go. There are a lot of interesting things to learn there.

Moonfyre led the way once again. He was eager to get there, and wished that Echo would stop asking questions so they would just go. If he didn’t prolong things, they would’ve been there already. Moonfyre broke into a slow run this time. He wanted to get there and get out of this rain.

The city of Halifax came into view quickly now that they were just running, and not talking. The old decayed buildings always fascinated Moonfyre. He always found interesting things in each building he went into. He hoped his friend Echo would share his interest in the city, too, and possibly find some treasures he would be interested in. Moonfyre quickly scurried under a half rotting away awning, but it served it’s purpose as their “umbrella” from the rain.

Moon acts Moon thinks &emphasizes Moon speaks
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- EchoWolf - 01-18-2011

OOC: Moonfyre gone sexy sexy! ;D >XD

IC: After hearing Moonfyre's soothing voicew, Echo calmed down. It seemed that his brother was not at all alarmed by his stupid question, and seemed a little more like an actual blood-brother rather than a close friend. But it wasn't just Moonfyre alone. All who were within the Aniwaya seemed kind enough to share knowledge. They also seemed to always help those who had the least experienced. In Echo's lone, dark world, the only people you could count on was either yourself, or a single family member.

But as the wind blew by, so did the two. And as the old, withered buildings came within view, so did Echo's past thoughts. But inside also came a deep feeling. One which Echo had not felt before in a very long time. It came with the feeling of fear, but did seem normal in a place so big as this. The buildings seemed to have a creepy feeling on the lone wolf.

- Moonfyre NecroFang - 01-20-2011



Moonfyre saw the dread behind his friend’s eyes. There was nothing to be afraid of here, aside from loners that occasionally showed up. They were rare too. The buildings weren’t scary. Sure, they loomed over you a bit, but they wouldn’t reach out and attack like anything else in the forests. Forests. Wolves felt comfortable in those when they were more dangerous than this crusty town.

He didn’t bother saying anything this time. Surely, Echo didn’t want him to know he was scared unless he would’ve mentioned something. The rain let up enough to be able to be out in it without becoming instantly soaked. Moonfyre left the protection of the ancient awning and started walking down the cracking sidewalk. He stopped a few feet ahead and looked toward Echo to see if he was coming. Then he continued toward a store that caught his eye. It read “Books,” which was one of Moonfyre’s passions. Reading. His tail wagged slightly and he continued walking until he reached the door. It was closed.

He jumped up to look inside the store window and saw a lot of books thrown around on the floor and on tables inside. A perfect place to find some human history. Moonfyre shifted. His bag fit him better now that he had human-like shoulders. Then he pushed the door open. The door fell off its hinges almost as soon as Moonfyre gave it a little pressure. When it fell to the floor, a cloud of dust poofed up into the air, which made Moonfyre sneeze. Then he walked inside careful not to step on any broken glass. He walked straight over to the shelf of books that said “History.” He was in heaven now.

Moon acts Moon thinks &emphasizes Moon speaks
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- EchoWolf - 01-20-2011

Echo was quite amazed when inside the small book-shop. It was a room inside a massive structure, and the floors were covered with books of all sorts. "Hm, this place seems very big. Perhaps we should explore more of the city parts?"

Echo was famous for his large sum of curiosity, and had always wanted to explore his surroundings, no matter where they may be. And, like the other times where fear had lost to curiosity, it was inside this building that Echo's fear had lost to his fast curiosity. Quickly, he looked back to Moonfyre to await the male's response.

- Moonfyre NecroFang - 01-21-2011


=] 237

Moonfyre flipped through one of the history books. The pages were filthy and almost falling apart with age. They would hold, though, if one was careful enough. Human history was like gold to Moonfyre. He was very interested in the humans’ fall, and things that happened before that. Many of the recent history books told of the last few years of their lives.

He had been holding a few books in his arms when he heard Echo’s question. Moonfyre closed the book, and a poof of dust flew up at him. He snorted the dust out of his nose and put the books into his bag. He would read them later. He turned to Echo and headed for the door.

Yes, let’s explore the rest of the town then.

Moonfyre walked outside. There were many stores around with different treasures inside. If he wanted to wear clothes, he could probably find some decent ones here. If he wanted weapons, he could find them here. Weapons… Weapons to shoot that annoying little thing you call for a friend, Yuki. The voice. It needed a name… Annoying.

Moonfyre stopped in the middle of the sidewalk with his fingers touching his chin as a way of thinking. He was also waiting for Echo to make a suggestion on where to go next, if he had anything in mind. Well, he probably didn’t since he had never been here before.

Moon acts Moon thinks &emphasizes Moon speaks
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