'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Pack Languages - Printable Version

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- Kanen - 10-29-2010

I just started to look and think I should probably not applied for any pack yet. I did not know all these packs were german and french and such. I thought they jsut had strange names. I am confused. I am american and have no idea how language effects wolves. The art pack. how can a wolf be a musician or a painter? Wolf military ranks? I am confused.

- Silas Agata - 10-29-2010

'Souls takes place in Nova Scotia, so all of the packs are 'English' so to speak. Though some have names that are influenced by a different language, this does not mean that they are actually a pack that is dedicated to said language.

As I explained in my PM to you, the ranking system for each pack varies. For the most part, you can read about a specific pack's ranks on their website - most of them include descriptions that explain their rank system. Depending on the ideals a pack was established upon, their ranks might be designed to reflect them - ie; Cercatori D'Arte is a pack focused on the arts, which is why their ranks are focused on certain talents.

- Strelein von Rosnete - 10-29-2010


Quick note while I take a quick break :x

Wolves here are usually were-wolves, meaning they can shift into a bipedal form. Honestly, it's not too difficult to get once you see a few post examples. Have you browsed through some posts? And have you seen our roleplay guide? It's very helpful to newcomers to souls.

RP Guide

Also, when you were browsing the site unregistered and not logged in, there should have been a link to show you to the new player guide. Hopefully those can provide more help than I can Smile

But lemme try to answer the other questions.

Because of the ability to shift in their Luperci form [this is what the werecanine form is called], the canines are able to walk upright and have opposable thumbs that help them to do more of the things you'd expect a human to do. They are also able to see in colors now.

As for languages of the pack ranks, that is just the way they are stylized by the creators/current leaders of the pack. The way they are organized and structured, or what they believe in, shows in their ranks. Like Inferni is more of a clan and the ranks reflect this. AniWaya is a tribe, so they have a profession tiered system. Cour des Miracles is a kingdom, so their ranks are nobility and such.

Wolves here typically learn English if it isn't their first language. Most of the foreign wolves speak their native tongue, like French, Italian, Germany, Russian, etc.. But English is the major means of communications in 'Souls.

Do you have any other questions or do you want me to clarify if I've been my usual unclear self? c:

- Silas Agata - 10-29-2010

QUOTE (Strelein von Rosnete @ Oct 29 2010, 12:56 AM)
Haha, don't worry! Your answer was a lot better than mine, I think. I am useless at trying to explain things at this hour. :3

- Arkham Lykoi - 10-29-2010


As the game takes place in Nova Scotia, almost all characters in the game can speak English. The packs with foreign names may have members with foreign origins -- a lot of characters are European or Russian in origin -- but they still use English as a primary language. Even when players roleplay characters speaking different languages, it is standard to provide a translation of their dialogue as this is an English-language game.

The ranking systems of packs are often also written in different languages to give the pack a more individualized feel. The language of a pack's rank again do not indicate that that language is more dominant in the pack. Similarly, the military ranking system of Crimson Dreams does not necessarily mean that they are a militaristic pack. It's just a naming standard that they adopted.

As Luperci with humanoid figures, wolves are physically capable of painting or playing musical instruments, and some characters have made that their focus.

- Kanen - 10-29-2010

hmm I am looking at the ones in greatest need, as Salis pointed out. The art and PV. hmm there is a joining thread in art that has been there for 3 days 0.o that kinda makes me a bit hesitant. But yeah I am looking into them. Thanks for your help. I looked at most of he rules and such before registering, it is just very different from my previous role playing forums.

- Strelein von Rosnete - 10-29-2010

Cercetori is brand new and that joining thread is probably a thread before it was officially made a forum. Which was today. Smile

- Kanen - 10-29-2010

I must also admit I am kinda scared by the lack of topics and members, but hey, if it is new as of today. Besides if no one joibs because of that, I guess it would never grow. hmm I guess I will delete and paste a new topic in there and joint hat one. or should it be moved? it is all the same to me.

- Silas Agata - 10-29-2010

QUOTE (Rlgruber @ Oct 29 2010, 01:02 AM)
hmm there is a joining thread in art that has been there for 3 days 0.o that kinda makes me a bit hesitant.[/quote]
This thread was actually just moved to CdA by request, so it technically hasn't been sitting in that forum for three days. For the most part, our acceptance process is usually very quick (within a day or so).

And of course, PV and CdA are in greatest need of members right now, but feel free to join whichever pack seems to make most sense for your character. Big Grin

- Silas Agata - 10-29-2010

You can just request for your joining topic to be moved, instead of having it deleted. It's much easier that way. :}

- Kanen - 10-29-2010

okay. I guess I will do that. It would be easier.