'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
talking to my-self making friends with the shadows - Printable Version

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- Noah - 10-30-2010

He was adjusting to live okay, not great but okay he was learning where things where and where the members of his family where. The male was going to have to figure out where his next meal would come from, but the male knew that there was always some one in the packs that would be willing to share a meal with a kind loner. For now he was fine with that. He would have to figure out his own ways of finding and getting food, he didn’t want to steal from the packs but a loner would have to do what a loner needed to. No harm was going to be brought to the members so it wasn’t to bad.
Silver paw walked along the borders after meeting with the lady from the Valley he knew he had better watch where he moved. The silver brute sniffed the land trying to find a scent of another Sawtooth member.

- Aurora Cresent - 10-31-2010


WC: 344 OOC: Hey! Glad you could put up the thread! Big Grin

Aura was once again in her common form, lupus, walking towards the border. She had had a great nights sleep on a high branch of a tree near the border of her territory. Niro and Kam filled her dreams with pleasant thoughts of their conversation on the beach, along with thoughts of Ayita's sweater dress she gave to her. Indeed, the bright snow white wolf felt pleased. I have had a great start with the pack. Meeting some of the members, I mean. And some of the loners of course. A slight chuckle escaped her form. The brisk air gave signs of winter coming near, and thankfully her silky winter coat was coming in. Thank you Artic ancestors.

That was when she spotted him. Another wolf, approxomitely male based upon size, walking along the border. After he many encounters, the wolfess had learned to not be too protective over territory. She was still technically new to the Cour des Miracles. Aura took control of her being and the tension in her muscles decreased, but not all of it just in case of an attack. Violet eyes stareing him down, she walked over, slowly, each step taken with ease and caution, her head half-way between risen high and a normal position. Yes, the wolfess may have not known if he was a friend of the pack or not, but it was always better to be safe than sorry.

"Hello, stranger." Aurora Cresent stopped at the border line, sat down, and looked him over. Impressive body build. "And who might you be?" Miss. Cresent smiled. Be prepared for anything missy. She adjusted the small pack on her back that held a few items, such as clothes for Optime form and a dagger. The black leather straps wrapped around the shoulder part of her forelegs. One ear tilted down, and the other facing forward, the beauty in white tilted her head. What was left of the sun that shone through the clouds on this cold day made her long haired, silky, snow white coat glisten and shimmer.

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- Noah - 11-01-2010

Moving back and forth at the border lines the male wasn’t looking for any one, nor was he expecting any one his thoughts where upon his growling stomach. It had been a few days since his last meal, and soon it would be time for him to feast again. However the diet of a sick mammal was never a good one, the meat was never as tender nor as tasty as what he would have liked but that was what a loner with blindness in one eye and hard of hearing was going to have to deal with unless someone kind enough took pity upon his poor soul and feed him something or took him in, surely it would have to be the first of the two. He was very much a broken down mule not really able to do much of anything other than pup sit or minor jobs like that. Really he wasn’t worth the ground that he walked upon, but he was alive and away from his father. He couldn’t stress over his own self worth any more he would have to work on moving up and on the years wasted in Unwritten.

Stopping the male sniffed the lands; he felt the movements of the lands under his paws. The scent of a lady moved closer and closer to him, she knew her role she was a prod member of the pack and she still had a bit of unsureness in her step. Lifting his head back up he pushed his two tone eye to look at where her steps where coming from too much pride still within him to admit that he had hearing issues and issues with sight and depth perception, he gave a slow nod of his head greeting her back. Then she asked his name, he wanted to shake his head and run away tail tucked but it was rude and he didn’t want her to think of him as a threat to the land. He lowered his head pushing out his words, hoping not to fight with his voice and stuttering with his words.”Noah.”