'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Fresh meat and curious wolf - open - Printable Version

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- Kanen - 11-02-2010

Kanen lay silently on a nice large boulder that stuck out of the ground. The weather was turning cold as winter approached. The Alpha had showed her around and she was starting to get comfortable. She had found a nice spot near a deserted town. She was laying down in her normal lupis form, gazing around when a quick darting movement caught her eye. In a flash she was after it, darting around a tree to see what it was. A very large rabbit. Kanen chased after it exited. She had thrived on rabbit meat much of her life. Though she could take bigger game now, she still loved rabbits. The chilly wind making her nose and ears a bit cold, she chased it around. The rabbit darted back toward the town and wove between vine and bush covered buildings. Kanen, letting loose for the first time in ages flew past the buildings and sprinted alone in search of the rabbit. It was not long before she found the scent and took off into a nearby building. Inside, it was easy for her to corner the rabbit and chomp down on it's neck with her incredible bite force. She could her the neck snap under her pressure, and dropped the rabbit. After only a few feeble kicks she could hear it's heart no more. It was, however, a shame. She was not so hungry as to need to eat it right now, but she had forgotten where the pack stored their food for winter.

It was as she was trotting back to her nice comfortable boulder that she spotted the array of little shops. She saw this strange green dome thing in a window It had poles and a door, she knew that much. However she had never seen anything like it before. She had never came across a sporting goods store. A sign in front of it read "Deluxe Tent." So that was a tent? It looked like it could be great. A nice big room that could protect you from the rain. But after she discovered that she looked at the door. Kanen saw a big bag thing laying into to it. It had a sign saying you could fold the tent into that. Kanen sat, perplexed at how a a small room could fit into a large bag. It made no sense. Still, it looked nice and helpful. Kanen jumped into the door and it opened, sending her rolling into the store. Kanen promptly landed and began to tug at the large bag. It was not easy to pull. She managed to pull the large bag outside, leaving her fresh rabbit forgotten just outside the door of a building nearby. It was then that she heard something moving nearby. "Who is there?"

- Skye Collins - 11-03-2010



Skye was very glad she and Shawchert had found this little town not too long ago. Since then, she'd pulled down most of the vines surrounding the home she'd chosen for herself - the one nearest to the garden. inside was a nice, soft bed - albeit slightly rotten with chunks falling off - a kitchen, which had several bad foods but some that were still good, such as peanut butter and honey - and some other rooms Skye hadn't explored yet. Stepping out into the street, she stretched her arms over her head and yawned, her sharp, pearly teeth being exposed.

Suddenly, she heard a noise. It was a voice; "Who is there?" "Me!" Skye exclaimed, giggling a little. Then, she realized the noise was coming from a wolf across the street; she seemed to have a bag. Smiling, knowing that this was probably the new member she thought Shaw had mentioned, she walked over and grinned.

"Hi!" she exclaimed. "I'm Skye. What's in that bag?"

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- Kanen - 11-03-2010

"Oh hi. I am a new pack member. My name is Kanen." Kanen pulled the bag out a little more and stopped to rest a second."This is a tent. I saw one inside this store. I thought it would be useful if it was put up and could be used as a shelter or something in an open area if it rains or storms. There are poles and such in here to put a room up anywhere. I thought it would make a nice shelter in the valley. Oh..." Kanen smelled the blood from her kill she had almost forgotten lying just inside a building. Kanen ran back and came walking back to Skye with a large rabbit in her mouth. She recognized Skyes scent around and it seemed she was the alpha female. Pack order was that she should eat before Kanen. This was fine with her, Kanen was not very hungry now anyway. "I caught a rabbit, you are free to have some if you want." Kanen said happily. She was just happy to have a pack at last. "Oh. I see you and Shawshert have a house. It is nice. I see more than one, can I use one?"

- Skye Collins - 11-04-2010


Sorry for the delay! You can be in more than one thread if you'd like. : D Just letting you know, so you can get the full feel of Souls!

Skye smiled as the wolf introduced herself as Kanen. She loved new faces around the pack, and this one seemed very friendly and nice. And at the mention of the tent, Skye's ears perked up. She'd read about those. Humans had used them when they wanted to go out in a night in the woods. Although she thought the houses would be sufficient shelter for when it rained or was storming, she thought Kanen's idea was great, and said so.

"I think that's an excellent idea, Kanen!" she exclaimed, her tail wagging. She was glad she'd found a tent that was intact; so many things were destroyed since the humans died out. At the offer of a little rabbit, Skye realized that she was a little hungry and took some gratefully. "Thank you, Kanen," she said, making sure to leave enough for the wolf to eat later. She had, after all, caught it, and Skye didn't believe in alphas being so far high up above normal members anyway. The only difference was...well, she didn't see a difference at all, and wanted Kanen to feel as comfortable as possible in the new environment.

"Oh. I see you and Shawshert have a house. It is nice. I see more than one, can I use one?" "Of course! Feel free," the cream colored wolf said. "There are more than enough houses in this town to go around. Would you like me to help you pick out a nice, strong one?" She thought that it was important, having a proper house; hers was made of stone, but lots here were made of wood and were falling apart. That wouldn't hold up in a storm at all.

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- Kanen - 11-04-2010

Kanen heard Skye's approval and happiness and that set Kanen to be happy. Kanen's tail wagged happily behind her. She was glad her idea was liked. That made it worth dragging the tent out of that shop, which was not as easy as it sounds with just a mouth full of teeth. Kanen watched Skye eat and that was alright. Kanen wasn't too hungry anyway at the moment. The excitement of her current situation drove what little hunger she had had out of her. At the offer to go pick a house she got even more exited. But Skye had a point. All the wooden houses were starting to go to peices. It would be no fun to have rain fall on you while you tried to sleep. And the winter was coming, so a nice house would be great. " That would be great. I would like a nice strong house. The winter is coming and the last thing I want is to sleep on ice covered ground. And yes I know they are falling apart, that could be a problem. But I suppose a half-gone house is better to sleep in than a blizzard. In the pack I was born in there was no houses and hardly anything human. The mountains get really cold." That reminded her that she would have to figure out how to put that tent up later. All she kenw was that it had lots of poles and some cloth-like stuff on it. " I hear houses often have those thick cloth things that you put over you when you are cold. I should look for oen of those sometime."

- Skye Collins - 11-06-2010


" That would be great. I would like a nice strong house. The winter is coming and the last thing I want is to sleep on ice covered ground. And yes I know they are falling apart, that could be a problem. But I suppose a half-gone house is better to sleep in than a blizzard. In the pack I was born in there was no houses and hardly anything human. The mountains get really cold. I hear houses often have those thick cloth things that you put over you when you are cold. I should look for one of those sometime."

Skye nodded in agreement. The last few days had been great - the house was warmer than outside, as it shielded her from the winds, and the fireplace was a good addition indeed. She'd been cold when she had to sleep on the ground before she'd found her house, and that had been a nightmare indeed. She was glad she'd found her little stone house and would be glad to find Kanen one too.

She scanned the area and found a house that was stone, like hers, on the same side of the street as her house was. She walked over to it and began to pull down vines. "I think those are called blankets," she said in reply to Kanen's remark about the cloth things. "I think my house has a few extras; if your house doesn't have some, I'll give you mine." Skye's coat was thick at this point, and she had extra blankets anyway. Once the vines were gone from the front, Skye opened the door and peeked inside. "What do you think?" she asked, leaving the door open for Kanen to explore.

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- Kanen - 11-06-2010

Kanen peeked inside before walking into the front room. It was nice as far as Kanen knew. What trhe humans would have called a living room, though Kanen did not know that, had a large wooden table that was almost intact, with some raccoon bite marks on a couple legs. There were three chairs that were around the large table, again, still usable, but one had a leg tat was chewed off by the raccoon, and another had it's cushion torn to shreds, and another was almost as good as new. One of those box things the humans sat down and stared at for fun was still working, but with no electricity it was of no use. There was two nice, big couches that were one of the only things that still looked good. As Kanen came in more she saw another room. "Wow this is great! Thanks!" Kanen's tail wagged happily behind her as she walked into the next room. A large, tall box stood in a corner that had was grimy.

When Kanen opened it, it was covered in moldy meats and such. She was amazed how much the box kept the smell inside. When she shut it the smell became much better. There were many bowls inside a wooden storage area Kanen though were called cabinets. Then there was a lot of chemicals in one that her instincts told her to get rid of. There was a nice stone counter that Kanen did not know was called granite. Kanen walked up a set of stairs and found a really big bedroom with a large bed that was covered in various rags that made it look like the raccoon that had chewed the living room up had slept there. Kane pushed all the cloth that smelled of raccoon away and walked around the bed. It'd corners were chewed on. though the raccoon did not seem to like the taste and stopped after it chewed up the bed post a little and two corners of the mattress. The bedpost had nice openings in it to put stuff. Kanen walked into a smaller room and investigated a large chair that smelled bad. On another granite counter was a little bottle. When Kanen pressed it a horrible smell came out.

Kanen jumped back panting quickly. "What was that? It smelled horrible" Kanen walked over to a large wooden thing that had several thick blankets and some towels in it. Kanen had thick fur but was glad her house had some blankets if a snow storm came or it got really cold.

- Skye Collins - 11-06-2010

wc: 324 [+3]

Skye smiled as Kanen said the room was great. Peeking inside, Skye saw that it was. The front door opened to a living room, unlike her house, which opened into a kitchen. It seemed that some wild creature had been here, as the table's legs were bitten and gnawed, but otherwise, the house was in pretty good condition. She guessed it was due to the lack of windows - storms could have blown in through any and ruined the house - as well as due to the sturdy structure of the house itself. It was a nice, sturdy house that would last a long time, and she was glad she helped Kanen find it.

Skye soon discovered also that the house wasn't tall without a reason; it had a second story. She accompanied Kanen on the way up the creaky stairs, which Skye was afraid weren't so stable. She made a mental note to either help Kanen fix them later or try and find someone that would help her fix it. She didn't want the newest member of the pack falling and hurting themselves because of stairs that couldn't hold their weight.

She saw the beautiful bedroom and smiled. Kanen had cleared away the rags that had covered the bed - it seemed that a wild animal, maybe a squirrel or a raccoon, had slept there. Underneath was a soft, plush mattress that didn't seemed harmed at all by the animal. That was good. It would provide a good place to sleep with a minimal amount of fixing. It seemed that Kanen had gotten her wish, too; there were blankets stacked in the corner of a room. The other wolf went into a small room and exclaimed about a bad smell; Skye sniffed and immediately recoiled. "Gross!" she exclaimed, laughing. What was that!

She walked over to where Kanen was and smiled. "Glad you found some towels and blankets," she said.

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- Kanen - 11-06-2010

" Thanks for all the help. I wonder what that bottle of disgusting stuff. I heard the stairs creak a bit though. I hope hey are not going to break. It would stink to have to jump from this room to the one down the stairs. I wonder why this building is not as bad off as others. As side from the damage the animals have inflicted, bitten mattresses and chairs, and such. Thanks for all your help." Indeed it was more intact than many buildings. The rooms were deserted, and aside from chewed on table and chair legs, some rotten food in the kitchen, and a decent helping of animal feces which would need cleaned out, it was in good shape. "perhaps the reason is it is more protected from storms than many buildings. I will need to clean it a bit. I can't thank you enough for all your help."

OOC: Did I not make it as damaged as it should have been? I forgot to take storms and such into account.

- Skye Collins - 11-06-2010


ooc: No, I think that's fine! ^^ There aren't many windows and the house is made of stone, so I don't think that causes a problem.

"You're welcome!" Skye exclaimed, more than happy to help. "I'm always glad to help another packmate. If you need any more help, just call me!" Skye then looked around. It was true; this house was quite nice and more intact than the wooden ones scattered around the town. So was her house; she decided it'd be better to build stone houses in the future than wooden ones, since they seemed to be better off than the wooden.

"I think it's because it's stone," she said, wagging her tail. "That, along with the fact that the house has few to little windows, contributes to the good condition of your home." She loved those words; 'your home'. She'd been using them lately, to describe her stone house as well as Cercatori d'Arte. Her life had been greatly improved when she'd founded the pack with Shawchert; it provided a sense of belonging. A family. Her pack was her family - her parents were still her family, too, but this was her pack - her...responsibility. And she was here, helping one of her packmates decide on a house that was sturdy and warm, good enough to survive the winter. She hoped that Kanen found the pack as homey and helpful as she did - and hoped that there were many more winters to come for Cercatori d'Arte.

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