'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Canidae - Printable Version

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- Liev Morozov - 12-20-2010


# Character Name: Liev Ivanovich Morozov
# Character Birthdate (including year): January 3rd, 2005
# Luperci Ortus
# Species: Canis lupus communis ortus (Russian Wolf)
# Gender: Male
# A secondary form of contact: marinaliz123@gmail.com (E-mail)
# How you found 'Souls: I already played here 8D

Aah, the snow. The old familiar feeling of the frozen soft ground under his paw pads felt so good. Brought so many memories. Good ones, bad ones, but memories nevertheless. And they were all he had now. Ever since he left, all he had was himself, his backpack and the General. It was thansk to him he had walked half the world searching for his "rightful place", so he said.

He stopped for a second, sitting on his heels, spinning his head and ears all around, absorving everything he could from the whole scenario. The General had left his mark everywhereas he went, as usual. The snow was all over the trees and ground, though the sudden break of sunlight through the scattering clouds had a few drops of water dripping off the leaves. The forest seemed rather silent, since many animals were either hiding from the cold or hybernating, but a bird could be heard now and then. The scents were dimmed because of the cold and the water, but there was a faint smell of other wolves, and something over the air. Something almost.... dark, and magical. He was used to that aura, seeing that his former pack practiced Wiccan witchcraft, and the whole feeling it gave around the camps were similar to that, but not all that... massively. It used to be just half a dozen wolves, but here seemed like... a whole pack.


He started trotting towards what seemed to be the source of the whole thing, and noticed a sudden wind going toward the same direction. "As you wish, sir." He muttered to himself, and kept running.

Running on fours while Optime could be quite clumsy at first, but being trainned to run like that through multiple ocasions and landscapes, you get used to that. For his pack, staying on the Optime form was sort of a matter of survival. During a blizzard, whatever you might face on the wild forests, the best way to fight was on your bipedal form. Besides, yielding weapons were much easier with thumbs.

Soon, the scent of wolves and the magical aura grew stronger and stronger, to the point the atmosphere seemed to be pulsing around him, like a beating heart. His pace fastened everytime the air pressed against him, stronger and stronger as he drew nearer.
Suddenly, he stopped fully in mid step, one of his paw/hand hovering over the air. Over an invisible boundary. The wind blew softly but cold on his ears, as if an halt order. He mustn't cross it. "Yessir." He whispered dryly to the wind, and sat on his knees again, facing the invisible wall, as if he couldn't see ahead of it.

With a loud snort, he lowered his face to the ground, sniffing. Yes, definetly the limits of a pack. And a territorial one, for sure. The dominant scent on it was so intense, the wolves must off make clear trespassing was NOT allowed. He sighed.

Falling on his butt, he bit his lower lip, not sure how to proceed. He figured howling would work, but he did not wish to have the whole pack quicking him out, if it would be the case. However, nothing more subttle occured to him. The wind kept blowing toward that forbidden land, ordering him to join it, no matter what.

Rolling his eyes, he backed up until his bare back met the rough bark of a tree, and throwing his backpack to his lap, he searched for the one thing that made him relax. Finally feeling the familiar cold and sleek sensation of metal on the tip of his fingers, he pulled the instrument out, and the silvery glow of the trumpet made him smile, and the multiple songs he knew started to scroll around his mind, along with the memories they carried with them. Then, he chose the very first one he learned.

Lips on the tip of the tube, lungs full of air, fingers over the keys at ready. With the first blow into the metal object, came the first notes. As the notes flowed into the air, the song took shape. Inside his mind, the lyrics came along.

"I see trees of green... red roses too
I see them bloom... for me and you
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue... and clouds of white
The bright blessed day... the dark say good night
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow... so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces... of people going by
I see friends shaking hands.... sayin' "how do you do?"
They're really sayin' "I love you""

Soon, the forest seemed to quiet down (even more) just to listen to the performance. He only hoped only the whole pack wasn't nearby to do the hopely warm welcome to the stranger at the boarders.

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- Theodore Stone - 12-21-2010

ooc;; <3

He'd made himself a door. Though the sentence did not exactly sound amazing, even to his own ears, the young wolf knew it to be an achievement. He'd carved a square out of the wall a few weeks ago and despite upsetting Demi in the process, he'd made his home. However, the gaping hole that left his living quarters open for all passers by to see was something that had been a little bit of a problem. It had taken him days to chop down a tree and fashion planks from the trunk. They weren't smooth and perfect, but they were the fruits of his labour and he was proud of them. He had fixed them together with a few nails he had found in Halifax and his door was complete. He had to figure out a hinge mechanism somehow. After knocking out a few chunks in the hole he had managed it. And his door was complete and working.

It didnt swing smoothely like it should do and it didnt quite close properly as well, but he had made it and he was proud of it. He had spent the last few days collecting bedding and other suck knicknacks for his room. There was a small side closet where his sword, bow and other such weaponry hung. He'd found a few blankets and was laying under them right now in his optime form. Blue eyes were dreary with the telltale signs of just having woken up and he had no doubt that he was probably half in there. He liked having a nap at this time of day when the rest of the pack was busy and he could sleep in peace. He rarely got any in the first place, so a well placed nap was good for the warrior.

However, he could hear music. He had been aware of the melody for at least ten minutes but he brain had yet to awake and he had stayed where he was, listening along. The bad tempered male was not of a muscial ear and rarely had any appreciation for music. However, he could not deny right now that the melody was beautiful. He stayed where he was for a moment before he decided it was time to go and investigate. Heaving the blankets back Teddy pulled on a pair of shorts, tucking his short dagger into his pocket as he did so. He would have liked to take his sword but it was too conspicuous so it would have to stay at home. Scraping the door back he exited.

It took less then five minutes for him to get out of the caves and into the weak sunlight. Snow still coated the slope but it did not hide the new scent in the air. Blue eyes spotted almost immediately the new figure- proped against a tree with an instrument to its lips. To his lips. Teddy could feel his spine straighten and he knew his guard hair along his back at stood on end. Although in optime form his hackles could still rise. He tried to force them down but it wouldnt work. It had to be a male, didnt it? Teddy loped towards the figure, blue eyes wary and hostile. Teddy knew he could not go through life attacking every male, but it was hard to break the habit of a lifetime.

”You are lurking outside Anathema's borders... I assume you have a good reason for this? Else give me one good reason why I should not chase you away from here.”

Came his gruff voice. Theodore Stone was never going to be friendly, but he could do civil. That was civil, right? Blue eyes stared at the musician whilst his arms crossed over his exposed chest. Perhaps there was something more to the lurker outside Anathema, but Teddy was only hear to protect his pack.

word count;; 648



- Liev Morozov - 12-21-2010


ooc: Hai 8DD

Soon, the music was forced to cease. The Russian stopped, fully still for a second or two when a strong, male voice sounded a bit higher than his song. His closed eyes peaked on the black form, contrasted with the white-filled background. The big male wore some shorts and had a dagger with him. Ironic, the gray man did too. He only hoped not to be forced to use it. He then shifted his head towards the man, his purple eyes meeting the strong bue eyes of the warrior. A smile played on his lips as the wind seemed to whisper on his ears something between the lines of "this is your chance".

Kneeling on the ground and standing up, ears turned backwards in submission and tail held close to his legs, he gave a light bow before straighting his back up. His pose was stiff, since he had been trainned to keep this pose everytime he was in the presence of someone more important or higher-ranked than himself. It was already part of him.

"Most honored to meet you, sir. My name is Liev Ivanovich Morozov. And no, sir, I'm not a lurker. I'm herer to join Anathema." He spoke, his voice even and stern, the heavy Russian accent still present in his speech, though clearly submissive to the other male. Only that his last word was not his. In fact, he did not even knew the name of that pack. Well, at least the General had not left him on the battlefront. At least not now. Thank goodness.

Only then he had noticed the standing fur all over the male's spine. Territorial, indeed. At least that much he got right. Swallowing up the iminent sigh for the realization, he avoided as much as possible eye contact with the male. The last thing he wished was to cause a bad impression.

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- Theodore Stone - 12-21-2010

ooc;; haaaii!! I am very sorry for Teddy... grumpy boy!

Blue eyes watched with a certain hostility as the male opened his eyes and stood up. The young Anatheman was inwardly shocked to see that this man had purple eyes but showed no outward signs of this emotion. Despite his own eyes being open and readable there was very rarely anything in them. Teddy was very good at keeping his emotions to himself, except when it came to the boiling anger his father had beaten into him. For that Teddy would forever hate his father. Still, he needed to focus on the task at hand. He watched as the stranger folded his ears back and tucked his tail up underneath him- good signs of submission that each wolf recognised.

He spoke, a Russian accent making his words sound very foreign in his ears despite the english spoken. He appeared to know what to say, even if the emphasis on the word 'Anathema' could have been taken as cocky. Liev was regarded with a cold stare for a moment as Teddy assessed the situation. The male was stiff backed and submissive but his voice hadn't shaken and he seemed confident in what he was saying. There appeared to be a certain confidence about him that Teddy saw in himself. He knew that he could no longer go around picking fights with anyone and everyone he met- he was part of a pack now and he needed to start acting like one.

”Theodore Stone. If you are here to join my pack, why not simply howl? Would it not have been easier than playing your instrument?”

He pondered, puzzled by the unconventional means with which this male Liev drew attention to himself. Although Teddy did not have the power to actually accept the male, he could at least find out if he was any use to Anathema, then call Naniko or Azalea. He forced his spiked hackles to relax and the hostility in his eyes grew a little less blazing as he waited for his answer.

word count;; 334



- Liev Morozov - 12-21-2010


ooc: No problema! Liev is used to grumpy guys. Most of his Quad was like that >P

The dark male seemed to relax the raised fur on his back, which made part of Liev's worries wash off. His eyes, from what the Russian wolf could tell from his panoramic vision, had no feeling in them. They were just empty blue orbs. Yes, the good old soldier poker face. Oh yeah, every warrior had his own cool face, but this one was better than anyother he had ever seen. "Well done" He praised the other inside his own mind. Whoever that male was, he had the ex-Captain's respect.

However, when the black Luperci spoke again, he made the question he hoped he wouldn't make. Now, to be honest or be a suck-up? Well, he never needed to use the last option. Honest it is. "To be true, sir, I sensed this was a rather territorial pack. And I did not wish to be expulsed right on. A howl would reach a much wider area, and giving up my position to possibly all the pack would make the situation much harder to handle. My trumpet -- He mentioned to the metal object still in his hands -- would cover a smaller radius, while the soothing song would still show I'm here at peace, sir." He finished his report/explanation, still keeping his eyes off the other's. Of course, if the male was to chase him off, he'd have to run, or worst, fight. And by all means, he tried as much as he could to ready his whole body for both options, while still keeping it subtle and, most importantly, keep the submissive stance.

Like facing a bear. It was impossible to read other's minds (especialy of one who could hide his feelings so well), so you got to be ready all possible scenarios. Fight, run, civilized conversation, a warm welcoming... what would happen next? No way to know.

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- Theodore Stone - 12-21-2010

ooc;; lovely post dear! <3

The young man in front of him was no fool. It was easy to see that he understood everything that was going on around him, he was very aware of the interaction between the two of them. It made Teddy wonder on those others he'd met- those who were very singular in their thinking and seemingly unaware of their surrondings. Not just their surrondings as in the snow and the trees around them, but the people they were with and the etiquette with which they were meant to act. Teddy had rarely met another who understood these protocols the way he did himself. So why inwardly Liev was impressed with Teddy's concealment of emotion, Teddy himself was impressed with the awareness and the knowledge of this male in social situations. He was brought back to the conversation by the mans answer, which surprised the man.

”You have a very strategic mind, Liev. What do you specialise in?”

Teddy was almost certain at this point that the man was a warrior or at least had been trained as a warrior. His awareness of the consequence's of his actions, which every warrior should be aware of. Though Teddy was conditioned to mistrust males, the dark man could see something in Liev that he might grow to trust or even like. It was very rare that Teddy admitted that there was a quality in another that he liked, let alone within a male. The russian wolf would feel privaleged if he understood what was going on the young mans mind. Blue eyes, though still blank, searched the man for anything that would reveal where he'd come from.

”Where have you come from?”

He asked instead, seeing nothing that would indicate where he had come from. He must have come from over the mountain, unless he had been wandering around Nova Scotia beforehand. There really was only one way in and out of the lands and that was the mountains. But maybe the male had come from somwhere specific.

word count;; 335



- Liev Morozov - 12-21-2010


ooc: <3

He could sense something like a praise in the other's answer to his own. Yes, he always knew he had a complex mind, Thanks God, after all, it was what helped him go from a Private to Captain within only three years, and granted him the nickname of "Captain Napoleon".

"I've grown in a pack in which ever since we are born, we train in the ways of the humans Military. Warriors, so to speak, sir. I left the pack while being the Captain of one of the troops, also called Quadrants within the military. I can run in all three forms, and fight, sir. Not only that, we were also raised in the way of the Wiccans and Alchemists. All of us where taught witchcraft and alchemy, which we use to curse the enemies, cure allies, or protect ourselves from trickster spirits." He spoke with the same tune as before, the stance not changing for a second.

The other's next question didn't get the ex-Captain off guard. He was expecting it, somehow. "I have come from a long way. Across the mountains and across these vast lands, lies a bridge of ice and earth, once called "Bering Strait". Beyond it, lies my home, the frigid lands of Russia. Near the old city of Tiksi, my pack, Czarova, resides." He spoke, while point straight where he had come from, and then using his feet to draw the North American Continent, the Bering Strait, and a bit of the Asia, making a dot about where his former pack was. It was a rough sketch, but still easy to understand. He was quite used to making improvised maps on snow. A rather banal act to a Captain who needs to draw strategies to his soldiers during a strong winter blizzard. No biggie.

He then faced the dark warrior, but still no eye contact. It would surely be a bad idea.

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- Theodore Stone - 12-24-2010

ooc;; lovely post dear! <3

Theodore was never a sociable creature and especially towards males. His father had trained him since he was old enough to walk and talk- Teddy was perhaps one of the most skilled in these parts. His father had made sure that both his sons were well adept at trusting their instincts, knowing the nature of their opponents without even having to speak to them. Though wary and mistrusting, Teddy could tell there was something genuine in the male before him. That didn't mean he had to like him though. He began to speak once more, answering Teddy's question.

The young warrior listened with a certain reserved interest as the grey male spoke. He had never heard such a strange story, but that wasn't really saying anything. His father had never indulged his sons in story telling, and his mother had been too frightened of upsetting the tyrant that she had never nurtured their creative minds. So they remained ignorant of magic and impossible beasts- their minds were almost totally empirical. However, there was a certain truth in the words the other spoke that made Teddy sure that he could not be lying about such things.

“I know nothing of magic or alchemy, but I am a man of the sword. Do I need to ask what other skills you have that may benefit Anathema?”

He asked with a wary glance in the other mans direction. Cursing enemies was something that Teddy performed with his filthy mouth and nothing more. But he knew Anathema was a pack with more of an open mind than most. For a moment the black mans thoughts drifted to Demi and her wicked potions. Perhaps this man could do the same. He began to speak about where he had come from and Teddy watched as the luperci drew in the snow. So he could draw too, it appeared. Blue eyes turned to purple.

“Why have you travelled so far from your home?”

He asked with the barest hint of interest in those sapphire depths. He needed to call Naniko or Azalea soon so that he could return to his daily business.

word count;; 355



- Liev Morozov - 12-30-2010


ooc: <3

Liev was rather astonished as he noticed that the black male did not believe in magic, let alone alchemy. Of course he could understand - all the way to this lands, very few wolves knew these words even existed -, but in a pack that held the thick smell of magic surrounding it, the Russian surely was stunned.

Though surprised, he did not flinched, nor did he let his feelings show. Holding his posture and empty gaze, he answered the next question. "Well, sir, besides being a good strategist and having a good endurance on bad weathers, I believe that's all I have to offer. I know it isn't much, but I hope I might be of any help within your pack, sir." He spoke with his deep voice andstrong accent, modest in the speech and soul. He couldn't be more serious and honest thanhe was being now. All he wanted was to join Anathema. Nothing more, nothing less.

Next question made him swallow the cold air on his throat. Gods, how to explain he was brought here because the winter wind told him to simply because he did not belong on his older pack, without sounding like a lunatic. If the Anatheman did not even knew of magic or alchemy, how to have him to believe in his story, true as it was. If a sheepish sigh, he let his pose falter for a second, biting his lower lip and scratching the back of his neck in a unconfortable gesture, before speaking up again.

"Truth be told, sir, General Winter brought me here." He said, pausing for a second to organize the whole story."The General is the spirit of the cold winter, the one which presence brings the freezing season upon the lands of this planet. He came to me a few years ago, telling me to leave Czarova, simply because I did not belong there anymore. That I my rightful place was somewhere else. So, he guided and guarded me all he way here, everytime pointing me the right direction. And, finally, he told me this was the place. That's the only reason I left everything to join this very pack. And, with all the respect, sir, this is the truth. Every single word is the truth. Even if you don't believe it, it IS the truth, sir." He spoke, his voice turning stronger and more daring as he went. Once he was done, he noticed how disrespectful he was being, and strenghtened the submissive gestures, apologetically. He then wondered if he had went a bit too far with the warrior, and bit his tongue, cursing himself for letting himself go that far.

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- Naniko D'Angelo - 12-31-2010

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I hope you don't mind my jumping in quick while I was online :]

New members had been popping up here, there, and everywhere, and the alabaster wolf had found herself at the border more often than she was at home any more. She had tried to take a break from the constant border-watching a few weeks earlier, but that had proven to be risky. They'd had a few strangers around the border and her own son had wandered outside of the lands while chasing after a foreign pup. So she was a little obsessive about the borders nowadays, checking them as often as she could. Anathema was a new pack and she wanted to be aware of what was going on at the borders and within the pack itself at all times.

Naniko was making her usual rounds when she came across the pair. She walked on two feet, as was normal for her, without clothing with the exception of a weapons belt that held a few daggers and pouches. A twine necklace adorned the tall female's neck, a leather pouch hanging from it; her gris-gris. She approached the pair, observing their body language and the way that they were speaking to each other. When she found the opportunity to she spoke up, clearing her throat beforehand. "Who've we got here, Theodore?"

Table by Jenny!

- Theodore Stone - 01-03-2011

ooc;; <333

Though there was very little hostility in his gaze now, Theodore was still wary of the near stranger. He didnt know him, despite knowing his name and where he came from. But he didnt know what had happened to this male in front of him. He didnt know if something horrific had been done to him which might later make him flip out. It was true that Teddy himself was not the most stable of creature's and almost all of the blame lay on his fathers shoulders. What if Liev had been abused as he had? Blue eyes narrowed as he begun to speak in answer to his question and Teddy gave a nod. He was obviously a skilled man and there was no denying it. He could probably do Teddy's job better than him, mostly due to the fact that Teddy had never really been put in charge of a group of others, as Liev had obviously been.

”I'm sure you'll excell”

Teddy offered with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice. However, he was not prepared for the mans next words. Teddy had never believed in magic, his father had made sure of that, and therefore he found the mans words exceptionally hard to understand and accept. However, his father had made sure that Teddy knew how to read body language. From the nervous neck rubbing and lip biting of a few moments ago Teddy figured he didnt think the warrior would believe him. But there was no deciet in his pose and therefore, despite the absurdity of his story, Teddy was inclined to believe him.

”Your story makes no sense to me, and I doubt that it ever will. But it would make no sense for you to fabricate a story such as this and therefore I will believe you.”

Teddy offered. Blue eyes fixed the man with a stare then as he considered calling Naniko. However, there was a small voice from behind him and Teddy twisted his body to see the pale woman herself. She appeared to be around the borders a lot lately and Teddy was grateful that he hadn't had to call her. She asked him what they had and Teddy took little time to shortly explain who he was and where he came from. In a rare moment of male comraderie Teddy glanced once into her mint eyes before looking away and speaking on behalf of the loner.

”I believe him to be an asset to Anathema”

He spoke shortly before stepping behind Naniko and effectively giving her the reigns of this meeting. Blue eyes glanced at the instrument in the mans hands once more before he settled, ready to back Naniko up if anything happened that he had not forseen.

word count;; 460



- Naniko D'Angelo - 01-03-2011

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wc: 321

She was lucky to have been blessed with such wonderful pack members. It was good that Teddy had stopped this wolf before he'd come into the territory. She expected that each pack member be willing to do such a thing, and it pleased her to see him doing a basic duty despite him being in the warrior rank tier. Though she supposed that it was also one of his duties to determine whether a stranger was a threat to the pack. It was the part where he had stuck around and began the joining process that pleased her most.

Naniko listened to what Theodore had to say about the stranger and introduced herself to him. She trusted Teddy's judgement and held his opinion in high regard, he being one of the founding members and the one who had begun to teach her about weapons, and nodded to him when he said that Liev would be an asset to the pack. If he thought so then she believed him.

There was one thing that she had to be sure of, though, first. Some wolves were squeamish about blood and those types of things, but it was a ritual in Anathema for all new members to share blood with the wolf who accepted them into the Anathema Order, their ranking system. This would join the new canine to the rest of the pack through blood and confirm their membership. After sharing blood, that canine would be welcomed back into the pack without question if they ever left.

"Are you willing to share blood with me, Liev? It's a ritual in Anathema that all newcomers share a small amount of blood with whoever accepts them, to bind them to the rest of the pack and confirm their membership. If you wish to comply, give me your hand." She said. Naniko pulled a small dagger from her belt, pricking her own first finger with it.

Table by Jenny!

- Liev Morozov - 01-06-2011


Soooo sorry for the late, guys! My cousin is around and, since he's never been in my city, we had to take him around everywhere. I barely get time on the internet (to make it better, he even torture me to play on my PC as soon as we're home). The pest... ¬¬'

Liev's ears pricked towards a small voice that came from the silent woods, even though his attention was, a second before, towards the black male before him. He have sensed a different... aura approaching, but ignored it at first, leaving it as the next more important thing, besides, of course, the warrior speaking. After the presence made itself noticed, he decided it would be better to turn himself towards the approaching creature.

It was a female, and she emanated a strong and determined spirit, which he usually saw in higher-ranks back at his pack - his underlings also said he had that aura in him as well. Even so, she had a rather... tired expression? It was very faint, so she must be hiding it very well.

Either way, seeing she must be in a higher rank than Theodore, he shifted his ears further flatter on his head, and his tail further between his legs.

"Milady." He said, lowering his trunk lower and a while langer than when he did with Theodore, awknowledging her presence and, more importantly, her high hierarchy.

Solenmly, he waited to receive the right to speak, leaving the two Anathemans discuss about him. He used to having others speaking about him as though he wasn't there, since it was quite usual while talking to the Officials back on his pack. So, when the woman spoke to him again, he simply rose his head, not even focusing on her face, listening carefully. As soon as she was done, she took her dagger, and he knew what to do. The cold wind blew against his back, eager for that moment. He stretched out his hand, not hesitant at all, but still submissive. He had been meant to go through that ritual, sooner or later. Not that he feared it. He himself had shed plenty of his or others' blod in order to accomplish spells or enchantments, and he had a few scars on his wrists, palm and even neck to prove it.

In anyway, he felt another presence, fainter than the other two. He glanced towards a tree nearby, where the leaves seemed to have frozen up completely. He was close now. He wind blew closer and close to that spot, and the snow that rose from it seemed to form a deem mist, and inside the turmoil, the Russian spotter numerous figures: a mountain goat, a snow owl, a polar bear, a white moose, a snow leopard, a seal, and so many others. One, in particular, looked more distinct than the others. An Optime Luperci shape, with fur so white it seemed to shine. The eyes were almost grey, like the clouded winter sky. The creatured seemed to smile lightly, and nod to the warrior, making the usual salute of the Czarova pack: a fisted right hand laying on the left side of the chest, above the heart, and a straighten palm facing the right side of the face, vertically put on top of the muzzle bridge. Soon after, the condensed wind blew off, leaving a frozen side of a tree and a hole dug down on the snow, pressed so hard by the small twister that the snow turned into ice. It shouldn't have took more than only two, or three seconds, but still enough to set his heart pumping madly.

Yes, he was now at his true home.

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- Naniko D'Angelo - 01-06-2011


Not a problem ^^ Skipping Theo for this turn so that we can get you accepted ASAP. I’ll have Nani run away after this and you two can continue or close the thread. :] Welcome!!! wc: 200

He gave her his hand willingly. Naniko didn’t usually enjoy discussing wolves in front of the wolf themselves, but in the case of the newcomer it seemed to be the easiest way for them to get the process over and done with. She didn’t know how long that he had been speaking to Theodore, but she wanted to get him situated in the pack as soon as possible. She gave him a small cut on his finger and pressed her own to it, holding them together with her thumbs. After a few seconds she pulled back, a small red stain showing on her pristine fur.

The female considered her job at the borders to be finished. ”Welcome to Anathema. Theodore, w ill you get him settled in? I must finish my rounds of the borders.” She felt certain that she would see Liev around the pack lands, and she saw Theodore on a regular basis. She’d let the newcomer get settled in and then go and check on him later on to see how he was doing. "See ya." She gave the two wolves a nod, re-sheathing her dagger and turning to restart her rounds of the border once more.

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- Naniko D'Angelo - 01-06-2011

Welcome to 'Souls!

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- Theodore Stone - 01-08-2011

ooc;; finish soon? <333

His role in the ceremony that was taking place was a silent one. He watched as Naniko asked the newcomer whether he wanted to be part of this pack, whether he was willing to share blood to become family. Teddy was cast back the the forming of Anathema, the small cut on his forefinger that had healed so quickly. Naniko had been gentle with him that time, despite his constant flirting and inappropriate comments about sharing other bodily fluids later that evening. He had thought it rather funny, but the white woman had given him a tight-lipped look at sliced his finger. He supposed he deserved it but there was nothing he could really do to help it. Blue eyes watched as the ceremony took place before him, a little less dirty than his own experiance of it.

Blue eyes, though emotionless, moved to watch Naniko's mouth move. She was leaving now, but she had welcomed Liev into their community. He would be standard rank until he had tried a little of each responsibility before choosing his tier. Teddy wondered if the pale man would choose the tier that Teddy already belonged to- would the captain become a warrior once more. But then again, perhaps he wanted to change his career completely and steer clear of the fighting. Still, he was left wanting answers- he was never going to talk to this man like a friend. He wasnt. A nod was given to Naniko as she asked him to get the newcomer settled. She left then and Teddy watched as ass swing back and forward as she went. A wicked smile crept over his lips as he turned back to the man.

”Well, shall I show you to the main cave?”

He gave a dull nod towards the grey man before he turned and padded towards the cave entrance. Perhaps he would show him around... or maybe he would throw Liev in the deep end and make him find his own way around the tunnels. Looking back to check he was following Teddy made for the cave entrance with a spring in his step. He would be free of the grey man soon and he would be free to go back to his training.

word count;; 374



- Liev Morozov - 01-16-2011


Sorry again!! ;A; Well, it seems I'll be able to keep a more steady pace now I'm done with my... well, family issues, so, Honey, wanna plot a new thread? ^.~ Also, short post is short.

It was done. As quick as the female emerged, the ritual was finished, and she left. All too quick for the Russian, though he was so acquainted with quick thinking and all. As he snapped from his stuppor, he found himself alone with the black male once again, only the faint sting on his finger and the warm drops on his claws to assure everything actually happened. The other spoke, and he slowly turned to the other, no longer avoiding his gaze. At least not as much.

It felt good to have his ears held normally, up, but still relaxed, shifting lightly at any unnusual sound from the woods. With a small nod, he welcomed the introducion to the territories of Anathema. "Yes, please, sir." He responded, following as the other went.

Strange as it was, calling the other "sir" felt rather... unfitting? Odd, perhaps. "Sir? May I ask you something?" The greyish spoke, his eyes not as empty as the warrior's, but still hard to get through. All that slipped off was... curiosity. "How may I call you?" He asked simply, his voice not submissive, but with the same tune it had during their whole meeting.

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- Theodore Stone - 01-21-2011

ooc;; last post for me, you can reply once more or just leave it, I dont mind! And yes, another soon would be lovely! <333

Blue eyes flashed softly as the man followed him with a simple 'yes please, sir' coming from his mouth. It felt good to be obeyed from a man who had, until a few moments ago, been a total stranger. However, Naniko had shared her blood with him and that made the man family, even if right now he felt a little like a long lost cousin or a barmy uncle one only saw on christmases and weddings. Still, they were family and Teddy therefore would protect the man that had called him from his den by music. An odd one most definitely, but wasnt that the way it went with family? A grunt was given in his direction as they entered the dens and were plunged into gloomy darkness. The torches didnt start until further in, since the entrance was still bathed in natural light. It was just a lot darker in here in the winter.

Ears flickered back as the man came up beside him and asked him how he could call him. Did he mean his name or did he simply mean to get his attention. Pausing beside a large gap in the wall that was only a few hundred yards from his own home Teddy signalled that the grey man could stay there if he pleased. He knew Demi was close- could smell the mad girl from a hundred feet away. Perhaps he could go and visit her now that he had done his duty to his pack. He turned back to the grey man with a scowl on his face- no more friendly than before, it seemed.

”A howl will suffice. I will know it is you if you blow on that trumpet of yours as well... pick whichever.”

Came his blunt answer. Satisfied that he had showed the man around the cave system, even though he hadnt, Teddy turned back and rolled his shoulders. Perhaps he could entice Demi in some afternoon fun with him. The little firecracker would probably bash him on the head and tell him to piss off, but it was worth a shot. Snorting to himself at the mental images of Demi leaping at him from behind her door for the fun of it, Teddy turned to walk away from the man. He paused, looked back and gazed at the man who was now family, but still complete stranger.

”I'll see you around Liev. I hope you survive...”

He chuckled before disappearing into the darkness. It was fun to wind people up, but Teddy also knew that Demi was lethal, as was Naniko when she wanted to be. A smiel etched his lips as he thought of two of many women in his life before he neared one of their doors and his excitement brewed once more.

-exit teddy-

word count;; 466

