'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
mother's crying blood dust now. - Printable Version

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- Eris Eternity - 12-23-2010



Moving had become difficult for the sable-shaded canine; her stomach had grown much larger than even she could have anticipated, and its weight seemed to drag her down. Whatever pride and prettiness she had felt earlier on had faded, and instead there was only swollen misery. She was either too restless or too sore to sit still, and when she moved it was like trudging through a thick slime, so impaired was her movement. How her mother had endured this so many times, the charcoal woman could not tell.

She meandered the edge of Anathema territory, moving with a calculated slowness. Though Eris knew she would not be required at this late stage of her pregnancy to work toward any duty, she knew eventually they would come. Seeing as she presently could not stand the cave she had chosen as her future den a moment longer, seeing as sitting still an instant longer than she had would have resulted in intense and immediate madness, she had chosen to take a walk. It was not so far from the entrance to their caves system that she wandered, but she found herself tired after only a short distance, and she settled down near a tree just outside of the territory.

Her yellow-green eyes peered toward Inferni, and she wondered if they had even noticed her absence. Maybe her mother did, but the sable-shaded woman did not fear retaliation. Inferni would not start trouble with this new pack over her, of all canines; she knew them well enough to say that.

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- Tayui Aston - 12-24-2010

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Just so you know, Tayui is a member at this point! :3

Refamiliarizing herself with the territory was a delicate dance. On one hand, she knew the above-ground territory quite well from her time in Shadowed Sun. But on the other, the tunnels were a foreign and dank mystery that she did not seek to fully explore. They were not lit, which meant she had to carry fire with her as she ventured deeper. She had emerged from the underground caverns about an hour prior and had spent some time moving through the above-ground lands. She decided to return to the entrance of the caverns and try her luck again. She still did not like them, but she hoped eventually she would. This was, after all, her new home.

She spotted another canine lingering nearby and decided to approach them. As she drew closer, she noticed that the wolf was either incredibly overweight or pregnant. She quickly realized the second option was more likely. She trotted closer and stopped a few metres away.

“Hello,” she offered. No smile accompanied her greeting, but she did offer her name: “I’m Tayui Aston.”


- Eris Eternity - 01-01-2011


I love you and this post sucks 8D

Eris and her children were not worthy of pursuit -- her mother might have chased her when she was younger, but Eris thought maybe that was only a sign of her mother's drive for vengeance than anything else. It was less a love for the child Astaroth had stolen and more of a desire to drive the knife of revenge into his chest, Eris figured, and maybe she was more right about that than even she knew. They would be safe here in Anathema, of that she was certain. The sable-shaded woman did not know this pack very well yet, but they had welcomed her in all her burden with open arms.

Her thoughts distracted her, and the sable-shaded woman did not catch the stranger's approach until she spoke. Still, there was no startling Eris -- her body was too sore and stiff to manage jumping up and spinning around, and instead she merely craned her neck around, yellow-green eyes falling on the pale-furred woman as she introduced herself. There was some vague familiarity about the wolf's face, although the Tuyul was far from interested in contemplating this familiarity. Instead, her face split a thin smile, intent on making a good impression with this fellow packmember. The smell of Anathema was not very strong on the woman, but Eris did not think anyone would be this far into their packlands. Thus far, they had done a good job of marking the borders, or so she thought.

“Eris Eternity,” she said, her yellow-green eyes focusing on the woman's face. Her eyes were of different colors, one of them a deep blue and the other red -- this was not a combination the woman saw often. “New here?” she asked. This woman had not been at the founding meetings.

Word Count :: 297

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- Tayui Aston - 01-03-2011


Is can has be loving more you! (240)

Tayui flicked one ear forward when the black wolf spoke and took a step closer to better hear her. She introduced herself as Eris Eternity and Tayui wondered if she was a descendent of the madman, Salvaged Eternity. She recalled the struggles to bring him down and how ultimately, Kaena had murdered the beast. Tayui had been glad to see him go: while he had not done anything to personally harm her and had been the surrogate father to Shaeniire’s children (wherever they were) he had done wretched things to many wolves. He had also painted Jaded Shadows black with his sins and now she realized that had been wholly unacceptable. It had been a good day when he had died, even if she had not recognized that then.

She decided not to pursue this. She assumed that like many of his children, she resented him. Tayui wasn’t sure why she carried his name, however. Perhaps it was to spite him; she could understand that.

Tayui shook her head in response to Eris’ question and replied with a simple: “no.” She paused and then amended her statement. “Well, yes and no. I’m new to Sh– Anathema, but not to these parts. I’ve lived on Halcyon Mountain before, 'Souls, and the areas farther north. What about you?” She didn’t bother explaining her history with AniWaya; like many items of her past, she preferred not to discuss them. It was too soon.


- Eris Eternity - 01-07-2011


Word Count → 349 :: Herp derp I do not know how to direct this thread to where we wannit. :/ There seem to be opportunities but IDK!

Though her body ached and was too large and sore to ignore, the sable-shaded woman had given very little thought to the things growing inside her. They moved these days, shifting this way and that. It was an eerie sensation, and not one Eris found particularly enjoyable. If anything, these tiny signs of life only served to further estrange her from the little things taking shape within her. It was now concrete that there would be children in her life -- no longer were they a card to deal against her mother. They would be children, soon enough -- sooner than even she could imagine. That they would have come into her life so quickly was mind-blowing; it seemed like the day before she had been with Larkspur. Now they would have children together, they would choose names together. It would be too easy to trust all of it and fall into a rhythm here, but the sable-shaded woman had been here before. Eterne should have been a home forever; she should have found happiness there, and maybe she almost did, but she had also endured the aftermath. Trusting him and trusting this place too fast would get her nowhere.

“I was born up north,” she responded, chartreuse eyes studying the other woman in curiosity now. Tayui did not appear to be that old; Eris herself would be four soon, and that was at least as long ago as the fires had occurred. The sable-shaded canine did not know when this had occurred; it had been in that great span of time when she had been away from this place, but it seemed like forever ago. “I lived very far south in the desert and came back here eventually,” she said, shrugging slowly and neglecting to mention her own history with Inferni. “It's at least a lot more comfortable here in the summer,” she said uneasily, trying to familiarize herself with the other canine. A faint nervousness had risen in her with the closer scrutiny of the pale canine, and Eris fought to keep from fidgeting beneath Tayui's focus.

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- Tayui Aston - 01-07-2011


Hmm, well we can save that for another thread if you want. ^^ It's no problem if this thread doesn't steer in that direction. It might be better, too, given Eris' pregnancy! (425)

Since it looked like they were going to be conversing for a while, Tayui decided to take a seat near Eris. She took another step closer to avoid a strange rock outcropping and settled herself on a flat part of the mountainside. The ground was cold and Tayui appreciated it; although she knew she should be conserving her body heat, it felt so good to feel that cold winter chill again! Tayui shifted her weight so that she wasn’t leaning to one side, instead distributing he weight evenly and leaning forward on her front paws slightly. She did not have to strain herself to hear the black wolf, for there was no loud wind blocking their voices, and Tayui appreciated this.

She replied with a small “hmm,” when Eris noted her birthplace. Tayui assumed by “up north,” Eris was referring to Bleeding Souls. Tayui wondered who her mother was, and who would possibly be willing to sleep with Salvaged. She supposed that if Shaeniire had been willing enough, there were probably others. Tayui hoped her mother had not been raped – not after she had found out Haku had done to Kaena it would only bring more sadness if Tayui knew this was the case. So, she decided not to pursue it just yet. Maybe later she would ask, but until then, she didn’t mind exchanging pleasantries and getting to know Eris (and not her parents). Tayui knew that the children didn’t have to turn out anything like their parents – hers certainly had not and she was very glad for this.

Tayui was surprised when Eris mentioned she had lived in the south – the desert, in fact – before returning to ‘Souls. She wondered what had made her return here. Tayui chuckled when Eris pointed out the difference in weather between here and a desert. That was certainly true! And as an arctic wolf, Tayui knew she would never be able to live in a desert. Her coat was too thick and she loved the winter far too much!

“What made you come back?” she asked. As an afterthought, she added: “and why Anathema, if you don’t mind me asking?” Tayui hoped she was not being too intrusive. Eris looked like she was fidgeting a bit and Tayui hoped it was not from her questions. She was just curious, after all. But of course, Eris was also very, very pregnant – that would certainly make anyone a little uncomfortable. Carrying around four puppies had not been easy for Tayui, so she suspected it wasn’t easy for Eris, either.


- Eris Eternity - 01-14-2011


Word Count → 359 :: Har. Worked in sort of a clue-ish? Big Grin Eris wants informashuns though. :|

That there was life growing in her was inconceivable to the sable-shaded woman. She had wondered sometimes why this had not happened to her sooner. It should have and could have happened many times in Eterne, and yet Eris had no coyote children. These would be wolves, and she knew this well -- her own coyote blood was dim enough to be missed by those without high perception and maybe even experience in such areas. Her children were the children of a wolf, Larkspur, and she knew well enough from looking at herself and her coyote-bred half-siblings by Astaroth (once her whole-siblings, now halved by what the Tuyul had learned from Eterne) what they would look like. They would never be able to live in Inferni, and by birthing them elsewhere, she was insuring that.

The woman had paused at the first question, uncertain as to how to answer it without seeming out of place, when the pallid wolf blissfully added another question -- this one was answered far more easily, with a gesture downwards at her stomach. “Larkspur's family lives here. The D'Angelos,” she explained, hoping Tayui had met Naniko or one of the many other distant relatives of Larkspur that Anathema harbored. “I thought it'd be better to raise them here. Nowhere else felt like home,” she said, segueing from one answer to the other. She was not eager to answer the question, but some good could be gained from answering it, after all.

“Couldn't live where I was anymore,” she said, chartreuse-yellow eyes studying the other female with more sharpness for a moment. “I thought someone other than Salvaged was my daddy, and by telling the coyotes there that, I lied to them, and I couldn't live there anymore after that.” If this wolf had lived in the north, then she maybe she had known that wolf, by face or reputation. The sharpness had disappeared from her face, but there was no less eagerness in Eris to continue the conversation now, physically uncomfortable as she was. What her mother had told her was not enough; the man was dead. Information was all she would ever have.

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- Tayui Aston - 01-28-2011



Tayui nodded quietly as Eris outlined her reasons for choosing Anathema. Tayui was genuinely interested in figuring out why others had been so drawn to this place. For Tayui, it was the return to her true home: to Halcyon Mountain and back to the mountain that had reminded her so much of her first home. She had accepted the loss of Jaded Shadows, but she didn’t think she would ever get over the loss of Shadowed Sun. Even though Jaded Shadows had meant so much more to her, there was something about Shadowed Sun that always left her wondering. What would have happened if Skoll hadn’t been killed? If Lubomir had not left? If she, Pilot, and Sirius could have created a home forthemselves here? Sirius was not really Pilot’s child, but he could have been, and Pilot had loved him like a son anyways. There were too many what if’s and that was what really hurt.

So when Eris enunciated the same things she was feeling, she felt herself nodding along again. She didn’t want to say too much; she still missed AniWaya, but recognized she could not return just yet. Dawali had said she could, but would she? What was right? She had come here for a reason: to fulfil her desire for vengeance and she would undoubtedly satisfy it one way or another.

Tayui was surprised to realize she could relate to so much of what Eris said. She had joined AniWaya and only shortly after, gave birth to her children, too. She had left her home just recently and she had lied to so many about the father of her own children. She was just surprised to hear Salvaged was Eris’ father.

“So who is your mother then, if you don’t mind me asking? I hope I’m not being too nosy; I used to know Salvaged – vaguely – and I knew some of his other children. I don’t recognize you as one of them.” She gave Eris an apologetic smile, hoping this would somehow appease her.


- Eris Eternity - 02-15-2011


Word Count → 388 :: AND THE SIE SUCKS. Also, LOL: "She was just surprised to hear Salvaged was Eris’ mother. " new meaning to his old bold pink "uberfeminine" title, eh?

Whatever attachment the sable-shaded woman had once held to Eterne or Inferni had been severed or burned to pieces. Neither place would accept her again; she was sure of that -- Gabriel and Kaena both had merely tolerated her presence in the coyote clan, and the place buried deep in the south had only accepted her so long as they thought she had coyote blood in her. There really and truly was nowhere else for Eris -- the other packs were unknowns to her, and the woman probably could not have listed off all of them. Dahlia and Phoenix Valley were familiar enough to her, but anything else, she might not have even recognized. Ignorance and indifference to history and heritage that did not concern her was not particularly arrogant, however -- why should she care about any of these other packs?

The woman's chartreuse-shaded eyes did not waver away from the paler wolf as she again spoke, now an undeniable curiosity and excitement lurking in her shadowy face. Someone else who had known him -- the coincidence seemed too good to be true to the woman, but she did not doubt this woman's story. The pallid wolf had no clear reason to lie to Eris, after all -- they were packmates now, and the coy-wolf had never held much animosity to her own kind. She couldn't anymore, anyhow -- not since she had learned just how much wolf really ran in her blood. Eris should have known it, she should have realized it, but denial was a powerful force at times. The sable-shaded woman had spent most of her life in Eterne, surrounded by coyotes who either whole-heartedly believed or were nice enough to pretend to believe she was a coyote.

“No, you're not being nosy,” the woman said, hoping to alleviate whatever concerns her packmate had regarding the sharing of information. “Sharing information is a good thing, after all,” she added. “My mother is Kaena, but I don't know that you can refer to her as a mother beyond that she birthed me,” the hybrid said confidently, wishing to differentiate herself from the cult of Lykoi that infected Inferni. “She didn't know many of Salvaged's other children, but she said I was the last. I would think she's correct, since she also said she killed him.”

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- Tayui Aston - 02-15-2011


You saw nothing! :U (465)

Tayui tried not to flinch when she realized how closely Eris was examining her. For a pregnant wolf, she moved very quickly, if only in her mind. Tayui could practically see her mind making the connections. She wondered if Eris would recognize Tayui as a packmate, probably the only wolf who might not think of Salvaged with only pure loathing, and ask her about Jaded Shadows. Tayui didn’t know how much Eris knew of her father, or what kind of monster he had been, but there had been a time when Fatin had been in love with him. There must have been something there for such a kind and gentle creature to place her trust in his paws.

She gave Eris a small, almost-smile when she placated her worries. Tayui was glad Eris didn’t find her to be too nosy or overbearing; she worried constantly that she had this effect on others. Tayui wasn’t sure what to make of the comment about sharing information, so she just nodded quietly. She was surprised to hear that Kaena was her mother, but tried not to show it. Kaena had never mentioned Eris, but then, Kaena had not mentioned any of her children by name. They had always spoken knowing they were there, but never had she really picked any of them out except for Gabriel. Tayui could not mask her surprise when Eris very clearly enunciated her differentiation from her mother. Why was she so willing to follow her father when her mother was the better of the two? This confused Tayui, but she didn’t want to say anything to make Eris think she supported her mother more than she did her. She didn’t want Eris to know her opinion just yet.

Tayui was not nearly as surprised to hear that Kaena had murdered Salvaged. It was probably justified given his reign of terror. Like Haku, he had deserved much more than death.

“I knew some of your siblings. Half-siblings, I suppose. Shaeniire Vanim had four by him. Ophelia, Thanos, and two others that I never knew too well. They all lived in Jaded Shadows. He also had some children with a female named Fatin Kali. I didn’t know those children too well, but I do remember the children he… well, I knew Nirupama Tsunami, a half-brother of yours. He lived in Storm and looked after a girl I once knew.” She glanced away, trying not to think about it. She hadn’t thought about Ember Agaric in years and didn’t need to start re-living that nightmare now. “You’ve a pretty extensive family from your father, though, most of them don’t think of him as their father.” She could identify with this very well. She never wanted her children to identify themselves as the offspring of Haku Soul.


- Eris Eternity - 02-20-2011


Word Count → 300 :: HEHE, it made me giggle though Sad

It was nice having contact with someone in the pack other than Larkspur. She had not gotten out and around very much since coming to Anathema, for obvious reasons -- it was only near stir-craziness and a body that would not stop aching that had driven her to restless movement. The sable-shaded woman did not think suspiciously on her pale-furred companion now; rather, the coyote hybrid wanted to absorb every bit of knowledge within the other canine's skull regarding her father and these mystery half-siblings. Few of the names Tayui mentioned rang familiar to the Tuyul, save Fatin Kali. That was one name she did remember -- her mother had said it strangely, however, and Eris could not decipher why at the time. She still did not know, of course -- but Fatin's connection to Salvaged was one she was aware of.

“No. None of them seem to have his surname,” the coyote pointed out, herself being the obvious exception. “But that's the only legacy I have that means anything anymore. A dead man can't disappoint, after all,” the sable woman added, her nose wrinkling with humor at this statement. She was not unaware of the seemingly terrible legacy the man had left in his wake -- her mother had not spared the detail. Something in Eris suspected, or hoped, maybe, that there was some better truth to him, something her mother had not seen. Her existence was proof of some sort of twisted relationship, after all -- the scarred woman had not hunted Salvaged and savaged him in the manner she did without some manner of closer relation. There was something more to the story. “Are any of them still around, do you know?” she asked, thinking not. It was still a question the coyote hybrid had to ask.

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- Tayui Aston - 02-24-2011


>_> <_< >_> (402)

Tayui was surprised to hear that Eris felt closer to her father than her mother. Tayui thought so highly of Kaena that she forgot that the aging warrior would probably have some enemies. And given the number of children she had, she was bound to have a falling-out with one or two of them. Tayui couldn’t even think of having that many children and then being expected to love them all. It had been difficult enough raising the four on her own, but she recognized it was even more difficult to have none at all and not know how they were doing. She had pushed Claudius away and now she paid the price. She had lost Noir and Ocèane, but Attila had come back to her. It was all so confusing. She supposed Eris’ identification would be like Claudius renaming himself as Claudius Soul and calling Haku father and Tayui just the birther. It sickened her.

“This might be me, but if he were my father…” she began, and then paused. Should she really say this? Whatever. “I’d want to be my own wolf. Not the last vestige of a rapist and not the daughter among many. I suppose it’s hard to strike out on your own when you have such a large family, but pretending you’re related to Salvaged more than you are Kaena seems…” she trailed off and then shrugged. “It was complicated. Sal had a few children and Fatin had thought she really loved him, but he just abandoned her like he’d done to the others.” Bitterness crept into her voice now. She had become so close to the red-hued woman that not feeling angry for her would have been wrong. “He had his good days, but his legacy was always there. Azathoth was formed with the purpose of murdering him. By the time Kaena did, he had hurt a lot of good wolves. And all of his children left. None of them are around anymore as far as I know. I saw Tsunami a few years ago. Thanos’ daughter, Dierdre Rhiannon, was around these parts at one point. Ophelia had a pretty big litter, too. Oh, and Tsunami’s son Bane was in the old parts a few years back. Dierdre had a son – Sirius – I met. He’s your… something. I don’t know. You have family, yes, but… they’re not Salvaged. They’re their own wolves.” They found new life.


- Eris Eternity - 03-01-2011


Word Count → 399 :: HERP

It was difficult to simply set aside one's history, and in truth Eris knew she was unlikely to be able to ever fully separate herself from her mother's legacy and Inferni. They had been silent to her since her departure, but it was not as if the sable-shaded woman expected them to burst through the pack's borders and interrogate her by force. She had expected indifference, and they had not surprised her one bit, other than Sepirah. Her niece's compassion had been unexpected, to say the least -- if she had trusted her other relatives one bit, she might have even headed back to see the girl once in a while. She did not think he wanted to spend any time around Inferni, however; it seemed too dangerous a prospect. Those that did not remember her would simply remember her as a wolf.

The coal-shaded hybrid listened with interest as the woman spoke, leaning forward with curiosity as the pallid woman spoke. The words were absorbed quietly, though they did churn within the Tuyul's head long after they had ceased to ring on the chilly winter air. Though what the woman said seemed true, perhaps it was the hurt he had caused that made Eris gravitate toward him. Hearing Kaena speak of him, the sable-shaded woman knew he had hurt her -- and she would have readily admitted there had been some twisted enjoyment in that pain. She could not hurt the scarred woman on her own -- a stronger canine might have snuck into her cave and tried to slit her throat, but Eris was neither that violent nor that sure of her own skill.

“I recognize some of those names. Fatin, Thanos. Funny -- the way he's talked about, he had such a reputation,” she shook her head and cracked a smile, exposing white teeth against a sable-shaded muzzle. “Poof,” she said, making a motion in the air with a closed fist and opening it, shaking her head. “All gone.” She suspected most of his distant descendants would not recognize his name -- she certainly had not, though it had been kept from her. “Maybe I wouldn't put so much faith if I hadn't been assumed to be a part of it in the first place,” she mused, rolling her shoulders. She remembered being treated differently, and she had been so eager to eat up Astaroth's story.

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- Tayui Aston - 03-02-2011



Tayui wasn't sure how to respond to Eris' words, so she just shrugged, but offered no smile. She didn't know what to say to that toothy grin or the fact that Eris seemed to (somehow) enjoy these stories. Tayui felt a little frustrated -- she wanted to show Eris how her father had been a brutal man, but she just didn't see it. For a moment, Tayui wondered if Eris could do what she had not: seek the vengeance she needed to avenge her daughter's death. There was certainly something 'off' about the dark hybrid, but Tayui did not know what it was. Taking this information in with such glee had to be a warning of some sort.

And then, poof, Eris enunciated, explaining that it was all gone. Tayui nodded hesitantly. Yes, Sal was gone, but his children weren't. What was she trying to say? Tayui felt herself going cold, but didn't show it -- she wasn't too sure of this Eris character and didn't want her to know of her doubts.

Eris' last line gave her something to work with. Tayui replied with a quiet, “hmm,” as she considered the other woman's words. “Then don't,” she replied. “Don't let anyone assume anything. They hav the power to decide what they want, but so do you. You don't have to be anyone you don't want to. There's nothing wrong with just being you -- just Eris.” She hoped she didn't sound too much like Eris' mother -- lecturing her and demanding she be someone else. That was just it: Tayui thought she should just be who she was, not the remnant of an old family or a forgotten heirloom.


- Eris Eternity - 03-02-2011



The sable hybrid was either unaware of or indifferent to the pallid wolf's discomfort; her chartreuse eyes had dulled and lost their curious gleam, and now her thoughts were distant -- focused on those names, that legacy. Whatever it had meant, her mother had certainly believed, and to Eris, it did not seem as if she had ever been properly accepted because of it -- the differences in treatment, she could hardly remember their specifics, but such feeling was there. And so Eris had presumed that such prejudice had filtered throughout all of the Lykoi family, every single one of them -- why would they ever feel differently from Kaena, after all?

“I don't want to be anything or anyone else,” she said, defending herself without very much fervor at all. It was more an explanation or excuse than a defense of herself. “I would just like... truth, knowledge. Something like that. Anything to pass along to these children other than that they're dirty coyotes,” the hybrid said, now scowling. “I was not told the truth about him, myself. Lied to twice over, maybe more times,” she added, shaking her head slowly. “Even if it's not a good story, they deserve the truth.” She would tell them who their grandmother was, who their grandfather was -- they would know of all their vast, dead family, both halves of it. One had gone extinct, and the other would reject them -- not only for their tenuous link to the family in the first place but for their very blood, for the fact that Larkspur was not a coyote in the least.

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- Tayui Aston - 03-02-2011


IT R OK (325)

Tayui chuckled when Eris spoke. That was exactly what she had been saying all along! She shouldn't be someone else, anyone else, just because other wolves thought she should or even because she thought she should. There was nothing wrong with doing exactly what you wanted when you knew what it was you wanted. All Tayui had ever wanted her entire life was truth and knowledge. She wanted the power to know that when she made a decision, it was an informed decision based on the truths she had come to accept and treasure. She could understand why Eris wanted something similar, but couldn't understand why Eris thought wearing Salvaged's surname as her own gave her any knowledge. It was just another lie she had created to satisfy herself. It didn't mean she had taken a hold of her own destiny or even shaped it: just that she accepted someone else's definition of who or what she should be.

Eris emphasized that she had been lied to before and Tayui nodded in response. Tayui was curious what it had been that made her so bitter about it, but she didn't want to ask. It seemed too private and too personal, and Tayui didn't want to pry.

“But you don't have to live a new lie to make up for your old ones,” Tayui explained after a short pause. “If you want to be yourself and you want knowledge, you don't need to brand yourself like livestock. You can pass on the knowledge of your family without claiming to really belong to it. There's no reason you have to be anyone if you don't want to. Using Eternity as a name is a symbol of your own self-oppression. You can still remember without that constant reminder.” She didn't know if this even made sense, but somehow, it sounded right and true in her head. She didn't know if that was how it would sound to Eris.


- Eris Eternity - 03-02-2011


Word Count → 329 :: FASTEST REPLY EVAR

True independence was not something Eris was familiar with. She had never provided for herself completely, and dependence on other canines had been a way of life for the sable-shaded woman, especially in Eterne. The thought that she might be able to carve her own legacy was at once intruiging and intimidating -- with nothing to stand on, how could she possibly hope to ever have anything of her own spotlight? She would never be able to separate herself from her coyote heritage, nor would she be able to abandon her father's heritage so easily. The others might have, but their mothers had loved them and given them a softer, kinder truth rather than an outright lie -- of this Eris was certain.

The hybrid's attention turned back to Tayui, and she listened to the hybrid speak, a spike of annoyance running through her -- the idea that she could claim no one was obvious, but it was not something she wanted. To Eris, this was as much a lie as anything else -- to say she was molded of nothing, that she had come from nothing -- this was not true and it never would be. As much as she wanted to abandon her Lykoi heritage, she could not -- it would always be a part of her, as would this Eternity heritage, the blood of a dead man running through her veins. She rolled her shoulder slowly, a frown appearing on her muzzle. “I have nothing else to call myself.” There was hesitation in her voice; the hybrid did not know that she had to refer to herself as anything. She could be simply Eris.

“I like the reminder, anyway,” she added quietly. “It's not just for me, either. You knew the name,” the hybrid pointed out. Others would know the name and they would guess why she carried it -- the more who recognized her name, the more knowledge she would have about her dead father.

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- Tayui Aston - 03-17-2011


:} I hope this is logical! Given that all of the family of Sal's that Tayui knows don't share his surname, I think it'd be reasonable for her to suspect something and finally realize it now. Maybe there was chatter in JS, too -- GOSSIP! (306)

Tayui shrugged when Eris claimed she had nothing else to name herself. While Tayui knew this wasn’t true, she didn’t really want to get into an argument over something so petty. What bothered her was that Eris didn’t want to consider the thought that there might be something out there – some other name or symbol she could hold onto. Why did it have to be one family over the other? Why not both? Neither? Or some long-lost family member she didn’t know about?

However, Eris quickly revealed that she wanted that name. It was a name that had been cast away so many years ago due to the shame it had brought. It was not a name Tayui wanted to remember. Not after the bearer had hurt Fatin and even Shaeniire in a roundabout way. Shaeniire’s abandonment of her children by Salvaged had hurt Fatin in more ways than Tayui could ever know. She wondered if Fatin had ever forgiven Shaeniire, even after her death. Even after she had become Tayui’s mate. Fatin had given Tayui her blessing, but she still suspected that wasn’t the end of it. There was still that guilt she carried and that anger toward Salvaged. He was at fault for so much misery.

“It’s not a name I’d like to remember,” Tayui replied coldly. “You’re not reminding just yourself – you’re also reminding his victims. One of them was one of my closest friends. He…” she trailed off and then shook her head. “There are other names you could use. I knew one wolf, Vorrau… Vorr… Vorretsetsung? who was a family member of… his. Valerick Wick, too. Valerick was… one of Fatin’s.” Tayui frowned. “I don’t think Salvaged Eternity was his real name anyways. Wouldn’t that just be another entire sham if you take the fake name of a real dead man?”


- Eris Eternity - 03-27-2011


Word Count → 346 :: Yeah, s'fine. 8D Eris is all like derderder and I couldn't think of a lot for her to say in this poast. ;_; Maybe cap with your reply?

The sable-shaded woman was quiet as the other canine spoke, listening to her with more reservation than she had previously. There were good ideas here, and ones Eris might not have dismissed so easily, had she any interest at all. She could not have pronounced or spelled the first suggestion, and she did not want the name of another child of his -- she wanted his name. The possibility that it was not even his truthful name did give the darkened hybrid pause, her yellow-green eyes searching the other woman's face.

If she reminded his victims of what he had done by her appearance, however much like him she looked, or her surname, then it was a powerful thing. By no virtue of her own, she would intimidate and cause fear. These were thoughts she did not share with the pallid wolf; instead, she attempted to appear sympathetic, her ears flickering half-mast as if to consider the others' suffering at thought of their old ghost. As it was, though, the hybrid did not encounter many who seemed to recognize the name -- she had been using it to introduce herself for some time, and the only ones who seemed to know it were canines of the older generation. Most were blissfully unaware of whatever relevance the name held.

“I suppose. Or maybe a fake name is more appropriate. It would be a creation all of his own, with none of his family to taint it,” she said, trying to force light merriness into her voice that simply did not well up. “If it bothers you, I'm sorry you feel that way,” the hybrid added, lifting her shoulders in another shrug, the falseness of her apology apparent from word choice. “I was assumed to be part of his heritage when I was born, and rejected as a part of that, something that continued even after I came to Inferni from living like a coyote to the south. I'm just living up to that assumption,” she said, attempting to shift the blame of her attachment away from herself.

hold us at the center while the spiral unwinds
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- Tayui Aston - 03-29-2011



Tayui could not dislike Eris for who her father was: this much was clear. She had already resigned herself to accepting that the children did not and should not be blamed for the sins of their fathers when she decided she could not murder Haku’s other children, because then she would have to be a murderess to her own. But she wondered if Eris was following her father out of ignorance or some darker reason. Tayui had given the wolf enough reasons to discard the fake name, but Eris didn’t seem horribly convinced.

“I suppose,” Eris replied, to which Tayui inclined her head ever so slightly. Tayui raised it slowly as Eris spoke again and tried not to frown when the other female revealed that perhaps this made it even more appropriate. Tayui had to disagree: it just seemed like Eris was running from one family to the next and stealing names and inheriting things she had no right to. This name was not even real and yet, she still wanted it? Tayui didn’t understand this reasoning. If anything, Salvaged was the taint in his family and his children were his saving grace. Tayui had known so many wonderful wolves that descended from the madman which made her think he was the real one to ruin the name. None of his children save Eris took it and for good reason. None of them had wanted to be like their father.

Tayui eyed Eris uneasily when the woman made a half-hearted apology. “If it bothers you,” Eris noted, not caring if it did or not. She wasn’t apologizing for anything: she was manoeuvring to make it seem like she was, but in the end, Tayui recognized that she was just trying to placate her and nothing more. Eris shrugged and Tayui felt anger bubble up as she tried not to lash out. She was pregnant, after all.

Eris explained her reasoning, but it was all just folly anyways. She had been blamed for being Salvaged’s son, both before (where had that been?) and while living in Inferni, hence her reasoning for joining Anathema. “I’m just living up to that assumption,” Eris tried. Tayui didn’t buy it. It was just a cop out.

“Very well,” Tayui replied. She could see she could not argue her point further and that Eris would not listen to her anymore. Tayui had nothing else to say and now that she knew Eris wanted to be more like her father, she knew she would like to have nothing to do with the dark woman. “Good luck with your birth,” she added. It was time to leave.
