'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
sunshine's been keepin' me up for days [p] - Printable Version

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- Magnolia Takekuro - 01-01-2011


waaaaaaaaaaaay overdue for Malachiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Word count: 360

The winter was not something that appealed to Magnolia. Everything was dead and lifeless and cold. It felt like the world would never recover, even though Maggie knew it would be warm again soon. Going outside depressed Magnolia, so she spent most days holed up in her mother’s house. She was getting older now, and far more restless. She wanted to explore, to see new things, but the winter made her stay inside. For a growing puppy, it was incredibly irritating. She had spent days destroying things out of boredom because there was nothing else to do. She just wanted something new.

It wasn’t her nature to disobey her mother, which was why she had never strayed far from the house. The one time she had run into Saul she had felt bad for running away, and she felt even worse running into Daddy without her mother’s permission. She knew she would have been mad, which was why her mother didn’t know. It was still not the best thing in the world though. Maggie felt incredibly guilty scampering off, but today felt like the right day to go. She was growing up, her mother was out; what did it matter? A little stroll to the edge of the borders didn’t seem too bad.

Another wasted afternoon led Maggie to be walking aimlessly into a sunset. It was getting dark quickly, and she knew she shouldn’t be doing this. The 3 month old was scared. Silvery paws jumped nimbly over a fallen log, but after the jump she stopped in her tracks. She felt at home at Dahlia de Mai, but the darkness was still engulfing. She never strayed this far from her home. She knew she was still safe in her own lands but she had no idea where she was. Maggie had let her feet take her wherever they wanted. They had taken her to the south, where a forest stood in front of her. It smelled like her home, but the creaking and whispering of the trees made the little girl worry. Well, shit. There was nothing really she could do but try and find her way back.

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Table by fae! <3

- Malachi - 01-06-2011

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607 words. Thread backdated to December 17th!

Large paws adorned with long claws made heavy footprints in the gathering snow on the earth, trudging along with sounds of heavy breathing. The great, shaggy beast had nowhere in mind to be, she felt slightly hungry despite all the fat she built up for winter, which was unusual even to her. All Malachi knew was that she had to eat a lot more when the cold season hit, but sleeping it off.. well, she tried to not even think about sleep. Her large body waddled as she moved forward, and it felt as if it was weighing her down, or pulling her back. The instinctive drive, too, of hibernation slowed her actions and movements dramatically, which frustrated her to no end.

It didn't seem like the large creature was walking far enough before she had to stop and rest. Her breath misted in the air before her honey colored eyes, inhaling and exhaling large amounts of cold air. Rounded ears swiveled atop her wide chocolate and cream head, lifting her head from her ruffled neck to survey the scene. Mala knew she was rather far off from her Cercatori, and from her cave just south of that. These lands were different.. ones she hadn't waddled into before. The forest that surrounded her at every angle made it hard to judge, though the scents she did not recall.

A gentle snowflake drifted from the frosty skies and came to rest, and melt quickly, on her nose, which made the beast look upwards. The malachite green shone in her eyes briefly with help from the sun, then the color disappeared into her honeyed orbs when Mala turned her head a different angle. It would snow soon, and how hard and fast Mala wasn't quite sure. She was about to turn her massive self back around when she thought she heard the sound of paws. Large head moved back around to look through the opening of trees, an end to the forest, where she thought she heard the sound. Having lived in a tribe of wolves all her life, and Mala believing all of her years that she, too, was one, her sense of hearing and smell were much like theirs. Though her ears were smaller, they still noticed subtle differences in sound, but no one (or so she thought) could out sniff her sniffer.

Making up her mind, Malachi moved to the opening, where the scents of another wolf became stronger and stronger. Her insides froze up, for she then caught the smells of several other wolves.. indicating a group or pack nearby. The large creature swallowed hard, and nearly shut her eyes when she dared herself to push onwards, cream colored muzzle pushing aside large leaves that bordered the forest and the open plains.

When she opened her eyes, though, Mala's entire body relaxed. In fact, her stomach did a small jump, in both happiness and surprise, at seeing a wolf pup nearby. The pup seemingly looked flabbergasted at the forest before it, as if debating whether to go in or out. The large female was sure she was in plain sight now, and so she thundered a couple steps forward before settling into a more submissive position, the one wolves used to show who was dominant. Of course, Mala knew this pup had no authority over her, heck she was ten times bigger, but the shaggy creature had a feeling she belonged to a pack nearby, and could easily call on others. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you, little one," she spoke gently, with a soft smile. "Wouldn't want your mother to worry."


- Magnolia Takekuro - 01-06-2011


sosuwrimo: 465

The trees moaned while blowing this way and that, sending an eerie chill down the little girl’s spine. It was hard to tell what, exactly, she should do. The desire to go in there was stronger than ever now that she was getting freaked out by the woods. She knew she was safe anywhere inside Dahlia territory, so this forest couldn’t hurt her. She knew Momma was just a few miles away and she would come running should she need it. But how would she be able to find Maggie? She didn’t tell her where she was going, or when she would be back. Oh well, she wasn’t about to turn back now. She was already gone from her home and her mom would just have to deal with it, she supposed.

Maggie wondered if this was the way her daddy was. She knew nothing of where he ran off to, or why he didn’t stay with her, Poppy, Foxglove, and Momma. Maggie was starting to see her uncanny likeness to him – today, her Mohawk was growing and very apparent between her two little ears. Out of annoyance, the puppy took her silvery paws and ran her paws down her face while simultaneously sitting down on the ground. Magnolia missed her Daddy. She was the only one of her sisters who ever talked about him, maybe they didn’t like him.

Suddenly, the little one heard tremendous footsteps behind her and she perked up instantly, tiny stomach twisting into knots and leaving her speechless. She didn’t expect anyone to be all the way out here. Maggie was horrified, this beast was huge! Green eyes darted around looking for a place to escape before the beast before her spoke with kind words and made the stranger approachable. The pup was still horrified, however.

It took a while for Maggie to say something. She just stared at the hulking figure in front of her, wondering why it had come to talk to her. The stranger mentioned her mother, and Maggie furrowed her brow in confusion. Momma never mentioned this big beast. “What are you? And you know my momma?” she said quietly, feeling smaller and smaller with every second. But still, being the ever curious one, Maggie held her ground and refused to budge. This was her home, not the big brown beast’s home. She would defend it until the end of time. Maggie still stared at the creature in front of her. She reeked of wolves, but not Dahlia ones. This new discovery was awfully confusing. Maggie knew about shifters and their ability to change form (Magnolia had yet to do so, as she wanted to wait) and thought that maybe this one could shift, too, just did it differently. Regardless, Maggie was still incredibly confused.

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Table by fae! <3

- Malachi - 01-07-2011

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438 words.

Her large, cream and chocolate body stayed low to the ground, despite how cold and full of snow the ground was becoming. Honey colored eyes watched as the pup she ran into made the same surprised look that all pups had. Truthfully, it broke Mala's heart to see their faces full of surprise, and sometimes mixed with fear. Rounded ears became flat on her head, as Mala tried to look as small as possible. It never worked, of course, and she almost regretted stumbling into the pup. Besides, who knew if she howled and other wolves came running to her aid. Malachi suddenly blamed herself for assuming, if she scared this pup she could surely call for help. Not like Denali had all those moons back, where his fear subsided and turned into play - one of the first times since Mala was banished.

"It's okay," Mala said into the air softly, trying to sound almost motherly. Instincts of having looked over and cared for pups in her tribe kicked in, despite how much she was breaking on the inside to see the little one scared to death. "I'm a wolf, just like you. Only.. bigger. I eat a lot in the winter," the shaggy female explained, suddenly grabbing the courage to lift her body up some, only to roll herself onto her back, large belly exposed playfully. Snow nearly covered every inch of her now, looking like some great snow beast of some sort. All four of her paws were drawn up some, looking more like a large, cuddly thing than something menacing. Malachi hoped that's what the pup before her would think.

"I don't know your mother, but I don't think she'd like you in the forest.. or anywhere by yourself." The large creature wasn't sure how old the pup was, but she still had that soft hair that puppies did. Even if the young one did squeak out how old and mature she was to be out on her own, Mala would still smile and worry for her. She glanced at the pup, her muzzle turned sideways but still seeing her upside down. From this position, it looked like the pup was a giant, towering over Mala herself. "My name's Malachi, what's yours?" Her voice, though gruff, still moved like silk the moment it slipped from her tongue. It was coupled with an accent no one else could really describe, unless they spoke the same language. As much fur and fat that the shaggy female had on her, she was still freezing, but was too afraid to move for fear of scaring the young wolf.


- Magnolia Takekuro - 01-07-2011



This new friend was confusing. Maggie knew she was trying to play, and to be honest, she really wanted to play with her new friend, but something didn’t seem right. She sure acted like a wolf, and she wanted to play like a wolf, but she didn’t smell like one. There was a lingering scent of something else, a scent Maggie couldn’t place. It wasn’t a scent that Maggie was wary of, to be honest she didn’t mind, so the little girl let her guard down with a small smile. The creature before her said she was a wolf, so Maggie believed her. At her age it was hard for Maggie to tell when people were lying to her. Though to be honest, Maggie didn’t care if her friend was lying. She would probably be fun to play with. She was awfully big for a wolf, and she wondered what she could have possibly eaten to make her such a big animal. Maggie hoped she’d never be that big.

“Yeah, I see that,” she grinned at her playmate’s expense, wagging her silvery tail. “Do you like being so big? You could probably climb anywhere!” Maggie’s manners were subpar at the moment, as her mother hadn’t taught her the phenomenon of tact in asking questions. Maggie was blunt, but didn’t see any other way of asking the question. Maggie was also unaware of how sluggish and cumbersome bear bodies were, and didn’t realize that climbing was probably out of the option for the Grizzly in front of her. The ‘wolf’ was trying to be nice to her, because Maggie knew this was her land. The little one lapped all the attention up, grinning but not allowing her friend to get up. Maggie towered over her friend, and looked her straight in the eye.

“I can have adventures. Momma lets me. Poppy and Foxglove don’t like exploring so my Momma lets me go out on my own because no one ever wants to go with me,” she said with a sad smile, when she thought about her sisters. When her friend introduced herself as Malachi, Maggie positioned herself so that Maggie was looking directly down Malachi’s snout, and made a funny face at her because she was on the ground. “I’m Maggie,” she giggled, and jumped away from Malachi’s face. “You should come exploring with me. At least then Momma won’t get mad at me for going out on my own!” she said happily, not even waiting for her friend to get off the snowy, frozen ground before running full tilt into the strange, creaking woods in front of her.

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Table by fae! <3

- Malachi - 01-07-2011

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456 words. Writing this at work >_>; Hope you don't mind the slight pp near the end? Lemme know ^^

The lumbering creature watched tentatively as the pup approached as soon as Mala rolled onto her back. She had a feeling it would work - it usually did with the tribe's pups. If you were bigger and towered over a young one, they were less likely to listen. Mala, having been a sitter for pups for most of her life, still felt the need to connect with pups in the lands she lived in now. She still feared them, of course, especially in play. Who could imagine a great, shaggy beast like her afraid of a miniature wolf who still had their soft, downy hair? Hah! But fear crept through her even moreso when the young ones were alone - that could mean that someone was looking for them.

When excitement replaced fear in the young, squeaky voice before her, Mala felt her own muscles relax in her half-laying position. Her nose wriggled, nearly feeling a sneeze come on, but she did her best to suppress it. The large female laughed into the cold air, which would only grow colder in the next few days, when climbing was mentioned. "Well, almost anywhere! Not trees, though. Some Luperci I know could do it. I'm one, too, but I never did learn how to climb those." Then, a small thought crossed her mind, and words spilled from her salmon pink tongue. "Are you a Luperci, young one?" Mala was merely curious, staring up at the pup.

Suddenly the young pup ventured forward herself, so she and the large female were eye to eye. Unfortunately, the sneeze Mala was holding back finally drove forward again, and she huffed into Maggie's face before turning to the side and bellowing out a large 'ACHOO!'. A great big paw came up to wipe her snout, before looking at the pup sideways again. "Are those the names of your siblings?" She was sure they were, pups almost always had relatives around the same age.

"Maggie.. funny. That doesn't sound like the name of a flower," Malachi mused, recalling the other two names that the young female mentioned. But suddenly, Maggie suggested an adventure and took off into the leafy forest, darting before Mala could even roll herself back up on four legs. "Woah, hold up!" The shaggy female shook herself of snow as fast as she could, large balls of white flying in all directions. Then she willed herself as fast as she could forward, lumbering at her fastest speed. It didn't take long to find the pup, however, even when Mala's entire body slowed due to hibernation. Instinctively, Malachi bent down to grab the pup gently by the scruff. "Whurr dfu fink yoor goinf?" She said through a small mouthful of fur.


- Magnolia Takekuro - 01-11-2011


Awwww, they’re so cute. :3 I don’t mind at all ^^
sosuwrimo: 289 x_x. sorry this is so short I don’t have much time.

Maggie had run off ignoring her friend’s questions. Malachi had caught up with her, though, and Maggie pretended to be angry and tried to wriggle out of Malachi’s grip, even though she was unsuccessful. “My mom named me Magnolia, but I like Maggie better,” she said between heavy breaths, she was panting heavily after her short-lived sprint. “I’m a luperci, too. Both Momma and Niro are both luperci, so that makes me one too right? I never done it though. Momma says I should wait til I’m older, just so I don’t get hurt.” The thought of shifting had never really crossed Magnolia’s mind, but now the thought of changing into a new shape seemed wonderful.

“So what do you look like when you change shape? Do you get bigger or smaller?” Maggie, of course, believed her friend was indeed a wolf as well and didn’t know that bears couldn’t shift. She had also forgotten that Malachi had stopped her from adventuring into the forest. It didn’t matter now, though, because she was having fun just talking to her new friend.

“Where do you live? Do you live in Dahlia too?” Her friend didn’t smell like her home, but figured she would ask anyway to be polite. She was fun, this new friend of her, and she was happy that she found someone who wanted to play as much as she did. She hadn’t seen Saul in a while so she thought it was the best thing in the world to have a new playmate. She was nearing the end of her playing age, though; sometimes playing with friends was boring. She supposed it was time to grow up even though she didn’t want to.

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Table by fae! <3

- Malachi - 01-13-2011

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620 words. It kinda makes me sad that Maggie will be corrupted later by Nani XD.

She felt the pup struggle under her grip, though her long ivory fangs were gentle when Mala picked the pup up by the scruff. Rounded ears listened as she heard the pup give her name, and plopped her back onto the ground again, gently, as Maggie spoke about being a Luperci. "Well, your mother's right," Mala said as she lifted her head back up from dropping the young wolf. "You got just a little bit more growing to do." Cream colored muzzle leaned in again, her nose at Maggie's belly to tickle it briefly.

What she didn't expect the pup to ask was what she looked like when she shifted. Malachi felt different than the other Luperci, but nonetheless she thought of herself as being one. Though she nor anyone could explain why it was much more comfortable to be on all four legs, a pup usually looked more intimidated when they saw Mala in her shifted form - brief though it was. "Well, I certainly don't get smaller!" A small giggle bubbled up in her throat, which looked like it didn't belong from the shaggy female. "But if you really want, I'll show you."

Malachi took a deep breath, something she subconsciously did, inwardly hoping she would not scare the pup. Her body waddled back a few paces to give herself enough room, and enough space to be out of the way for her young, fuzzy friend. Honey eyes closed, as they always did when she was "shifting", moving all of her tremendous weight to her back legs. Slowly but surely, her front paws lifted off the ground, curling towards her sturdy chest as Mala rose into the air at her full height. Even standing she still looked pudgy, due to excessive eating, but in this form she was taller than most other Luperci. When Malachi opened her eyes, she merely peeked them open at first, to see Maggie's reaction. Her black nose wriggled, huffing mist into the air, wondering how she never felt bones grow or muscles move in odd ways when she shifted. At least, that's how other wolves described their transformations. Perhaps, because Mala was bigger on four legs, shifting was less.. obvious from the inside.

But the young female kept on talking to her, and Mala felt relieved that she didn't turn around and leave, leaving behind small, white paw prints in her wake. The large brown female slowly came back down to earth, again without feeling any bones pop or anything out of the ordinary. Her eyes were trained on the small wolf, choosing to finish her 'transformation' before answering the question. "No, no.. I don't live far from here, though," she said with a smile crossing her cream colored muzzle. "I live near Cercatori d'Arte, do you know where that is?" The beast didn't think the other would, unless her parents had told her. Then, for fun and games, Mala looked out beyond the pup, as if trying to search for where the art pack was. "It's right.. here!" She said just as she lifted a large paw to nudge the pup. "Tag!"

Before she wanted Maggie to react, Malachi turned and waddled off further into the forest, taking care not too venture too deep within. Though it wasn't her own pup, Mala still felt responsible to look out for the young whelp, for she was sure her parents and siblings would worry if it grew too dark. That wasn't her worry at the moment, though, as she tried to push her body to run faster than it was willing. Every grizzled inch of her, though, slowed as they did every time around this year, though the shaggy female willed herself against it.


- Magnolia Takekuro - 02-02-2011


I need to be thwacked. :x also, I could have sworn I replied to this already. >>;

“But I dun wanna wait! Momma only walks like that, and I like doing the same things momma does,”Magnolia said stubbornly. She gave the smallest of smiles to her new furry friend, thinking contently of her mother. But Magnolia’s face suddenly changed as she watched Malachi rise far, far up into the wind. The little girl watched very close to the ground, mouth agape at her friends size. “WOW!” She said, amazement twinkling in her eyes. “You’re the tallest wolf I’ve ever seen!” she said with another contented giggle. This was too cool for the little silvery girl.

Magnolia’s mind was buzzing at a million miles a minute. This new friend was the coolest! She was massive (and kind of scary), but could do new things that neither Momma nor Papa Niro could do. Giving her Mohawk a scratch, Magnolia listened to Malachi tell her about her home. She shrugged at the name, as she had no idea where anything was outside of Dahlia de Mai. Maggie’s mind suddenly shut off when Malachi tagged her, and the young girl went straight into play mode. She giggled at her friend’s slap, and watched her gigantic friend waddle off momentarily before taking off at a wobbly, puppy gallop.

Mist clouded in front of the girl’s eyes, and her Mohawk kept slipping down in front of her face (it still hadn’t grown all the way to be sticking up 100% of the time), but she didn’t let that bother her. Magnolia let out a joyous bark and took off after Malachi. Magnolia managed to get neck and neck with the bear, pink tongue flapping in the wind. “Where we goin’?” She called out, not wanting to end the game of tag just yet.

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table by fae <33