'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Let The Water Fill our Lungs, - Printable Version

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- J'adore Austral - 01-05-2011

OOC- J’adore has gone for a swim and is heading back home.

The water covered J'adore's head as he dived down below the surface of the bay. The water wasn't as clear as the Mediterranean seas, but he could see where he swam. He surfaced a few seconds later, as the water was colder than one should be swimming in at this time of year. He made for the point where the sand floor elevated and rose from the water. Standing up and leaving the cold water behind him, he picked up his bag and produced a blue towel. He flicked his ears, shook his head and dried himself as best he could. J'adore pulled on his cargo shorts, a thick, snow white hoody and tied his scarf around his neck. Pretty pleased with his dressing speed, he decided that he would head home and read. It was a relatively long way home and he was getting bored after the first few minutes, wishing someone would appear and start a conversation.

- Halo Lykoi - 01-05-2011


Hey, hope you don't mind the post length too much ^_^; sswm 1288

The woman almost never ventured south west whenever she chose to leave the comforting lines that kept wolves at bay. The forever grinning skulls of the deceased had disappeared behind her a long time ago, and she chose a path that led her along the salty bay so that deep and vivid rubies could continue to gaze at the partly frozen shore where the chill had managed to turn amounts of salt water into ice. Lakes and smaller streams were quick to freeze and obtain a vividly tranquil stillness, but the sea was grand and seemed to hold its temperatures better than the lesser amounts of fresh water within the lands. It had the privilege of owning constant motion as well, so waves would continue to ripple and reject the forming ice crystal that wanted to steel that movement that seemed to harbour an ancient will of its own. Perhaps there were old gods of the earth, for there was grand power in nature to be seen everywhere around if one knew how to appreciate it.

Her hours walking were lonely, but the solitude was one she had sought for herself. It was nice to sometimes just get away from everything to think. The bay seemed abandoned before her deep wine red eyes, and that was how she wanted it to be. Her life was a splendid one for the most time, but Itachi’s crushing betrayal had destroyed something within her. How come such horrid things happened whenever her life was well back on its way to stabilize again? The warrior princess with the royal blood could not help but ponder why it had to be this way. Was it really karma that returned every time to haunt her? What had gone wrong with the little child she had birthed into the world? Was it the sins of the parents that sought to materialize themselves through the offspring? The woman had been unable to believe the news when she first had received them, though she did not doubt that this was the absolute truth of what had happened. Her child was gone, and he had tried to murder someone dear to her heart.

Itachi was lucky to still be alive, and she prayed that she would not meet her son in the future. Halo was without mercy when dealing with the scum that betrayed her beloved clan, and especially when they had tried to harm those she cared for. As a mother, she could not stop loving the flawed little pile of dirt, but she knew that she was capable of murder if she got the chance. Itachi’s sins were not of a nature that could ever be forgiven by his warrior mother, and she hoped he too understood this and stayed away from her sight for all eternity. Still, she silently mourned the loss of her unwanted firstborn, though no tears adorned her beautiful hues. The katana’s soothing weight remained on her back, and she rested assured that life would continue on without him. It was probably for the best, for every time she had gazed into her son’s features, she had seen her rapist. Her imagination was vivid, and she imagined similar eyes to belong to Itachi’s sire. The wolf had no doubt been wicked as well, though the woman was glad that she had been drugged and remained unable to remember the horrible episode.

Coppery hues lost their fluid pace as there was a scene to be witnessed along the shore. She was not the only creature out here today, and a frown nearly broke through immediately as she witnessed the bathing moron. Was it a canine seeking death, perhaps? The temperatures in the waters these days were dangerous for other beings, and when the fur was soaked and revealed to the cold air of winter, it was a dangerously hard task to maintain one’s body heat. She stepped closer to the unaware canine, wondering what kind of madness it was that she was observing. Truth be told, she was not surprised to discover that it was a wolf that rose out of the ocean on ice, walking around with a towel as if it was a warm day of July. Her chin lifted in quiet, arrogant disgust, though she was not close enough to yet possess the option of spitting cruel words into his face. The sword’s weight reminded her of its presence, but she was reluctant to let the blade breathe air just yet. She wanted some time to understand how much brain damage this one suffered.

He was dressed by the time the exotic looking woman had approached further, and she stopped at a reasonable distance to cross her slender arms across her chest, the crimson chaos star gleaming brightly against the cream hued pelt on the woman’s chest. The warrior woman was not certain if she was able to conjure a question that could sting him enough. Mad canines were mad, and who knew what kind of answer he could come forth with. He was larger than her, but this did not intimidate her the least. Halo Lykoi was a warrior by profession, and there were few in these lands that could honestly match her level of skill whenever she possessed this form. Overall, she was a very dangerous creature, dressed in lovely hues and a well sculptured body that many a male had adored. Only one had managed to get a genuine taste of her love, and she wanted to be his forever and ever. Through the disgusting scent of wet dog, she wondered if it was the scent of the Aniwaya tribe she could detect. Halo rarely travelled much around, and most of the packs and their distinctive scents were alien to her. The fact she required in order to prematurely judge him was that he was not Inferni and that he was a wolf. That was enough for her to loathe him, though she would not outright spit into his face just yet.

Her ruby eyes had slimmed down into two slits of glowing reds, but her plain discontentment was not revealed by the rest of her form. She would not give him the honour of immediately revealing to him exactly what she thought of him. Suspicion of him in general was displayed, but that was probably not anything he was unused with if he had meet another stranger, for they were on neutral ground and everything could happen. What was a canine doing this far north? She could not fathom where he could come from—who would come so far north just to bathe in the frozen sea in the middle of the winter. The answer was easy to guess for her; very easy in fact. Halo resisted the strong urge to shake her head at him immediately. Her lips formed a hard, horizontal line without a hint of emotion. Her dark tail lashed behind her with something that could suggest impatience, or perhaps it was just naturally animated. As so often when positioned close to the open sea, there was a fresh salty breeze whirling about them, messing up the deep auburn hues of silky smooth hair. Fingers rose to tame the wild locks, brushing them away with an automated move. Perhaps there was reason to cut it, but she adored the deep colours. Though being a warrior, the woman remained possessed by her own looks, and knew how to bring forth the best that her beauty could provide. She was a rare beauty and knew this, but her wares were reserved for one person only. Ugh, why had she chosen to come all the way out here?

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- J'adore Austral - 01-06-2011

OOC- Woah! Hey there! I caught a Libri, YAY.

He shook his fur, loosening the rest of the water and tidied his desheveled hair. It was admittedly stupid to be swimming at this time of year. But being him, he had always been oblivious to the cold, but he still wore human clothes in winter to ease others concerns. Valinta dripped through his mind once again. Her dancers body and odd ways, thinking made him grin and wish she was here. But he noticed something, that drew him out of his thoughts. J'adore noticed a female. She seemed a bit discomforted by his exsistence at the beach. He also noticed her eyes. Ruby red and narrowed. Her coat was a nice copper colour and J'adore could tell where she was from. Inferni, at least thats what he supposed. She had a large coyote ring to her person and Inferni was where the most coyotes and coyote hybrids were from. He, noticing her behaviour, considered keeping his head down and moving on, but if he couldn't make friend with the female, he didn't have any enemies yet... He lifted his hand up into an odd wave and shouted 'Hey'. He wasn't sure what her reaction would be, if she would wave back or storm over to cause a fight. Personally he prefered the former, but everybody needs some spice in there life. He only hoped he would not be in a life threatening situation, he was on good terms with Valinta and would kind of liked to see her again. He walked towards the female, noticing her weapon and wishing he had something to defend himself if the need arose. She kind of looked as if she'd kill him if he said the wrong thing. 'Inferni, right?' J'adore asked as he stood, admitted further away than you would in a normal conversation, in front of her. He was not imposing, in fact he was totally submissive, his ears were up and his posture was relaxed as he waited for the females response.

- Halo Lykoi - 01-14-2011



The woman’s face remained tainted with her initial disapproval, but the man seemed able to greet her without turning the scene hideously ugly. The beautiful female’s contempt only grew as he dared to approach her. Fingers itched for the steel attached to her back, but she remained cool, for she knew that it was she that was in control of this situation. He had nothing, and if the need rose, her twin sword would be resting in her palms immediately. It was as much a part of her as the lungs she breathed with. The woman’s cream hued muzzle turned from him, though a ruby orb kept a watchful eye on him as he tried to be friendly and guessed her faction correctly. At least he knew when to cease his approach, but she was far from soothed in any way. Her distrust for wolves was hideously strong, and it was not beyond her to attempt to harm without provocation.

He waited for her response, but it was terribly delayed. Halo merely stood her ground, watching him carefully with orbs of freshly drawn blood, inherited by the monstrous Samael Lykoi. She was the Inferni princess, and she was uncertain if this wolf was worthy of even gazing into her general direction. Fingers lifted to brush against her red branded chaos star, the obvious sign that spoke to all that knew of the Lykoi that the blood coursing through her veins was coloured royal blue. The gold bracelet of the dragon embracing her slender wrist reminded her of the one good thing in her life, and the woman had to ponder what Silas would have thought of her behaviour right now. What he did not know could not hurt him though. She was only a good person when his presence was near, and right now he was far, far away. She could tell.

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- J'adore Austral - 01-15-2011

Yep, definately Inferni... he thought his tail swishing lazily. He didn't mean any harm from his though, he didn't really know any Inferni canines, he didn' know enough to judge them either. 'Hi' he repeated, a little concious of the blade she harbored. 'Lykoi'he murmered, knowing the sign even though never speaking directly to them. Wait. Why would and Inferni member wander this far? This he didn't know and decided not to question. He waited for her to say anything... the silence was killing him. For all he knew she could be plotting how to butcher him like a fresh kill. Not that he would die from an attack should the situation arose. He wasn't armed, but if he had to fight... surfise to say he had his weapons. Tell a lie he WAS armed, his hunting knifes lay in his bag, but he didn't wish to start a conflict, and it probably wouldn't metter if he was attacked,, he wouldn't have time to reach for them. If her did, he'd give her a chance to kill. 'I mean no harm' he said suddenly. Not knowing if the female would believe him. Maybe this was how Vee felt? he wonered thinking of his Cercatori friend...

- Halo Lykoi - 02-05-2011



It was easy for her to guess that he was becoming uncomfortable. They usually did when met with silence, and she found glee in this, though it was silent and hidden behind her cold facade. He repeated his greeting, and she maintained her wall of quiet reluctance, fiery rubies speaking openly of her initial dislike for this creature before her. Should she ask if he was cold? What had made the moron risk suicide by diving into the frozen sea? His lips formed words she did not catch, but if he did not have anything worthy to say out loud, she did not wish to hear it. He should not be here, but that he was and she pondered if she wanted to destroy his day.

As he then spoke about meaning no harm, an arrogant huff escaped the warrior princess’ divine form. Did he believe her to be scared? Did he think that was the issue? ”Hah,” she spat; letting her hand brush away stays of deep auburn locks. ”Do you think I’m scared, mutt?” A grin stretched her lips and revealed brilliant white fangs beyond. Ruby glittered darkly though, and she awaited a response for him with relative interest now. Everything would be turned against him.

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- J'adore Austral - 02-05-2011

He shrugged, 'No'. He was just pointing out he didn't want to fight. 'Just making sure you didn't attack cause you though I was going to attack you' he noted looking towards the sea. Why did all Lykoi's have to be so... difficult? Wait, weren't some of the Inferner's part wolf? Better not bring it up, it could turn the conversation sour. J'adore was not up for fighting, for most of the time J'adore was a calm, gentle person. He didn't fight... much. Flicking a few last beads of water from his ears, he sighed. The female didn't scare J'adore in the least, he'd been attack by a shark in shallow waters while in Portugal, it hadn't been a very large one. It had been about the size of J'adore himself and didn't pierce his skin. Same difference, he'd faced Lynx as a pup and bears in Russia. There wasn't much he was afraid of, which is probably why he could come across as arrogant. But to be honest he was a tiny bit. He never let it show, he wasn't stupid. Perhaps he was, swimming in ice cold water. Then again being from a hot country you'd think he wouldn't last a second, but he could, he was able to endure freezing temperature, thanks to his stay in Russia.

- Halo Lykoi - 02-05-2011



She shifted her weight slightly; rolling her weight onto right hip as she placed a hand against it. Lifting her chin at the male and his pathetic words, she expressed another wave of her royal arrogance. The creature was so far below her dignity, but it did not mean that he was anywhere remotely near safe. He had not made sure of anything, but of course, he was free to believe so. No wolf had outright attacked her without solid reason before, but she rarely feared the canines she encountered no matter their race. She was confident in herself, but not as arrogant on that field. She knew with certainty that she was more skilled and fit than most canines of ‘Souls, but there was always the possibility she met a more dangerous creature than herself.

”Is that so?” she asked, turning slightly and stepping forth a little. ”Well...” she then cooed, voice coated with sugar and honey, ruby holding a sudden softness. ”What will you do then?” A small smirk was given to the earthen hued wolf, but that was about it. Fingers stroke against the soft fabric of the cloth wrapped about her waist, and her statue seemed smooth and relaxed. She was not certain what to make of his scent—she paid so little attention to the wolf packs around here, so it was hard for her to determine where he was from. Not a loner though, but that was all she could decide on for certain. It mattered so little though, for they were all the same, were they not?

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- J'adore Austral - 02-06-2011

'Nothing...' the Spaniard said shrugging slightly.His head turned to the female, he found it hard to stare into her eyes for long. His attention turned to a lone seagull flying over head, it squaked loudly, leaving J'adore to wish he had some sort of firearm to shut the thing up. Luckily the bird disappeared after few moments, flying further out to sea. The conversation wasn't really going anywhere, he was starting to wonder wether to leave or not. He decided against it, where he stood was unclaimed land, he wasn't doing wrong. AniWaya was a peaceful pack, they had no reason to fight, they had a pretty decent relationship with Inferni. Even though they hadn't sided with Inferni in the wars, they hadn't sided with Dahlia either. J'adore hadn't been witnessed the wars, he had only heard about them from word of mouth. He wasn't feeling exactly safe, he knew the woman coud turn at any second, but play his laxness well. He didn't have any weapons himself, but knew if worst came to worst, which hopefully it wouldn't, he could claw his way out. It wasn't the fact she was a woman, or and Inferner, that he didn't want to fight. He didn't want a fight because he wasn't the fighting type, he knew how to but more often than not turned to verbalisation as a solution.

- Halo Lykoi - 02-12-2011



Nothing? Oh, Halo was disappointed in the male’s dull reply. There were possibilities here; opportunities that he might could have taken to make this encounter interesting to her, but no, he had not. The boring canine gave her very little to work with, and as he turned his attention to a passing seagull floating above between white spun sugar clouds, crimson remained on the light, sickly looking eyes of his. Scars dug into his skin could have been appealing to her, but they were not. No, it made him rather unattractive in the warrior princess’ eyes. His colours made him uninteresting, so very much unlike the wonderful exotic colours making up a certain Russian’s shading. Silas could not be compared with anyone.

Lips pursed somewhat, for he had not returned the polite hues that she had granted him. The fellow was rude too, but she did not expect anything positive from his race. Instead, a light grimace lingered behind her impenetrable mask, hovering behind an actress’ smile. Knees buckled ever so slightly, and hand rose and moved to her neck, lingering close to the metallic blade she adored beyond anything. The move was calm and fluid. What would he care, the male that preferred to watch seagulls rather than a unique, exotic beauty.

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- J'adore Austral - 02-12-2011

'Why' he questioned, turning to her and giving a plain smile. His eyes flickered to her hand, she was reaching for the blade! 'Hope your no thinking of fighting me. Not maliciously anyhow...' He spoke lightly, his stance not opposing or showing any signs of hate. He considered his next words, 'If you want to fight, I'd be happy to engage in a friendly'. He didn't want to fight because of hate, but if the female wanted to fight friendily, he would be happy to oblige.

The female was pretty, showing much more exotic tones to her pelt than Valinta's rather plain black and cream. He eyed her blade, tihnking that maybe it would be a good idea to find himself a weapon. Hunting knifes were okay, but they lacked the elegance of a good sword. Maybe a rapier. He favoured it's weight and swiftness over the thick swords. Katanas were good as well, but he still loved the beauty of the rapier.

'I don't want to cause a problem betweens packs you see' he explained, But sparing would be accepted'. It would be a shame to ruin AniWaya's neutrality, he would be happy to spar though. The fight would be a little unfair seeing at it was a blade against two hunting knifes.

'My name is J'adore Austral' he said, noticing he hadn't mentioned his title yet.

- Halo Lykoi - 02-12-2011



Why did he smile? There was no reason to. Then again she could probably stop trying to read everything from every little move the male made. Why she should bother was beyond her. She could walk away and they could both return to whatever they wished to do with the day. Fingers remained by the base of her neck, remaining some inches away from the twin sword’s decorative handle. Her own, vicious smile widened with ease, for he could at least prove that he was not completely oblivious of her moves. He said that he would be up for a friendly fight, but why in the world would she do that? ”I don’t do friendly,” she cooed, melodic voice thick with toxic sugar.

She was older now though, and should have had time to mature on many fields. Lids fell slightly down over crimson, for she could change and become someone better. She could strive to be deserving of the Agata male’s affections. She doubted she ever would be, but there was nothing wrong with dreaming. He even gave her his name, but she was not interested in such interaction. The Lykoi female’s imagination could be horribly vivid, but she wasn’t the young girl falling for imagined temptation any longer. A quick shake of her head was given, silky auburn hair softly swinging with the sharp movement.

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- J'adore Austral - 02-12-2011

'You know what I meant' he said with a breif smile, 'No killing, or maiming. Only small injuries...' He paused again frowning and sighing afterwards, 'But if you took up that offer, you'd have to wait till I found a better weapon'. He frowned, his knifes were not for fighting, they were strictly for prepping meat.

'So...' J'adore mused afterr a few moments of silence, 'What brought you over here?' He didn't need to know, he was just curious. He was well aware this territory lay beside Inferni's side, but she could have gone to a similar place in her pack lands.

Then again he was hanging around here for no reason. It wasn't uncommon for a person to find themselves away from their homes. J'adore himself did it alot.

J'adore's tail swished lazily, the breeze waved his mane, again pushing a lock of chocolate tinted black into his eyeline.

The view was beautiful, though not a patch on the Barcelona sunsets. They were something. The reds and yellows and oranges blended together in the sky like a giant spanish flag. The Nova Scotia skyline burned in similar shades, but messy and blended, and a lot more washed out.

J'adore still couldn't help feeling homesick.

- Halo Lykoi - 02-12-2011



The fine line on her lips lost its gentle curve, turning strictly horizontal at his words. Yes, the copper hued woman with the deep crimson gaze inherited by a true monster that had once been her idol and hero. Strange how time flew and formed the shapes in her life. ”You misunderstand,” she revealed, itching to draw the impressive blade so that she could see his relaxed form find fear. She missed the war—missed feeling like the immortal deity on the battlefield. There were people she still aimed to impress, even a certain monster that was no longer around. It was too twisted, but her heart and mind rarely followed logic alone.

”When I use my sword I aim to kill,” tones offered the possibility of this scene’s ending, but she had yet to make up her mind. It almost made her chuckle at the thought that he believed she would waste time on a friendly spar. The Inferni lands harboured the best warriors in the lands as far as she knew, and she was definitely one of the best overall. There was no way she would hold back in a friendly session with another, much less one of lupus blood and the stench of wolf pack. He was already an enemy whether he wanted to or not.

His question was received poorly as well. ”I have as much right to walk on this soil just as you,” if not more. She sneered, perfect white teeth peeking through parted jaws. Seeing negative emotion and intention everywhere, but Halo had no reason to trust anyone but herself and her clan. She had never been given a reason to do differently.

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- J'adore Austral - 02-12-2011

He ingored her first comments. Flicking his ears away in disintrest at fighting talk. They flicked back as she mentioned her last peice of information, 'I didnt say you didn't, just wondering if you came for something specific'. His answer was simple, if she came for something specific why was she conversing with him? He'd just answered his own question, but he waited for her own version.

His golden eyelids closed over his milky white eyes. The sea lapped against the rocks below, the only thing he was concious about was the woman's blade.

He nodded suddenely, 'Yes, I doubt you carry that blade around for decoration'. It was a nice blade, well crafted and simple. He wished he had a blade, he could always go and find one but his time table was filled up.

He was sharing similar thoughts to the female, he could tell she was tiring of this game and so was he. He didn't want to fight, if she attacked he would though. His knifes were just inside his open bag, he could reach them in time if needed. H ehoped he wouldn't though, he had no use for scars.

'If you want a good fight, go to Aanathema and find Alaki' he said smiling plainly, 'He's a good fighter'.

- Halo Lykoi - 02-13-2011



She was disappointed with the overall response she was dealing with from the simple creature. Rolling her eyes at his words, she let her eyes move up and above his wolfish form. Perhaps they thought the same thoughts: why were they here and why in the world did they keep up the poor attempt of a dialogue? He had been in her path, partly blocking her. The copper and cream princess with the deep cherry eyes did not want to be the one to have to amend her path because of a mere stranger dog. It was foolish arrogance, but she had always been rich with that. After all, she was of royal blood.

A lonely eyebrow slowly rose as he mentioned her sword. Eck, what did he know about the treasure resting inside its sleek black sheath. It was beyond anything a creature could forge today, and that knowledge alone made her permanently proud of her twin blades. More words tumbled out of his mouth, but she found it tiring to form a response to the words he spoke. So, therefore, she did not. Instead she inhaled wet salt; the moist breath from the partly frozen ocean. So much more pleasant than the stench of wolf.

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- J'adore Austral - 02-13-2011

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Are they gonna fight? Big Grin

He sensed this was going nowhere, actually maybe it was edging towards a fight. Talitha, despite being a little cold, was not very threatening. This woman seemed to be pushing him towards anger. He had no use to fight, she hadn't done anything to provoke him and vice versa, though being a wolf may be cause enough.

He would not move either though, if she was so bother she could move. He had been here first and he was doing any wrong. He wasn't bother by her being there either, it seemed she was the one most disturbed.

He sipped from his flask of absinthe. The taste unrivaled. It was his guilty pleasure, the thing he treasured when his love wan't around. She would be very displeased if she found out. A man not understanding her wouldn't have no need to be afraid. But of course J'adore knew he punches hurt, her size was no indication into her power.

He slid his hand into his bag, to replace his flask. Whiel he did he slide his knifes further towards the opening, careful not to reveal them. Secretly he wondered where the female got her blades, but being sensible he understood she may get defensive


- Halo Lykoi - 02-15-2011


-shrugs- who knows :]

The beholder of fire water was too far away for the warrior to get a breath of what it was. Regardless, she could guess, but the woman held little interest in alcoholic beverage. Although several in the clan enjoyed it every now and then, the female did not. What was of more interest was the hand dipping into the bag he wore. It could mean anything, but the woman was cautious of nature. A soft sound glimmered amongst the silence as she drew her blade, revealing the metallic wonder that had previously been hidden within the dark sheath strung to the slender optime’s back.

The move was relaxed and patient, and she let the slightly curved blade stretch behind her standing form, the tip of the blade nearly kissing the hard soil behind her feet. Deep crimson pools zoomed out, keeping an eye out for muscle movement from the other. Face that had danced so smoothly between smiles and grimaces was empty now, merely watching the other with tranquil intensity. When had she last allowed her blade to taste maroon? Her days had been dedicated to peace, and though this was good, there would always be a part of her longing for death and honor.

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