'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
his voice on the wind - Printable Version

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- Rendall - 01-29-2011


Hello! word count:395

Ren walked quietly down the street, listenting to the sounds of the shoreline and the wind whistling through the empty abandoned buildings. This place was unique all in its own. She didnt find it scary, just peaceful, and curiousity swirled through her mind as to what it must have been like living here when the humans where still alive. Ren's feet carrried down a more familiar area, a place where many boutiques and jewelry shops had claimed their kingdom. Ren found herself here often when looking for charms for a friend or, in this case, trying to find a new dress to replace the one she had owned. She stopped outside a store that seemed to have what she was looking for, sighed in relief, and went in to find her covering.

Normally she walked around without clothes, but she always kept a dress at hand in case someone was uncomfortable with her nudity. And, when she had tried to tame a certain black stallion, her former one got torn to bits. So here she was sniffing around old humans things trying to find a replacement. She sniffed around a few silk scarves but nothing caught her eye, finally she reached a smell she enjoyed most....cotton. She quickly trotted through the store towards the scent and found a rack or so of some items that might hold her interest. Nothing came to such and she ended up walking back down the street frustrated.

Around noontime she got tired of trying to look for something and ended up spending her time on the beach, watching the icy water roll over the sand as the quiet rolling of thunder fallowed each movement. She closed her eyes and listened to the ocean for a while, not wanting her one moment of peace to end, but of course, she caught a slight hint of a smell against the sea breeze. She opened her eyes quickly and furrowed her brow when she lost it again. Ren tried for it again and found it, but very lightly, had she not been paying attention she would have lost it again. Ren looked around to see if anyone joined her but it seemed they wer still a ways off. She got up and began to walk, not sure if she should go towards the smell or put some distance between her and it.

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- Fallen - 01-30-2011


table by Silver! OOC: Hey there! Big Grin WC:778

Feet hitting the ground with ease and silence, a teal eye simply scanning the area of Halifax. This male, who wasn't the largest in the world, his name was Fallen. His whole family was pretty large, Chain was huge, yet, Fallen could still defeat the younger male. Sila was a little shorter then him, along with his mother, but his father was big too. He must have inherited his mothers height and speed. He walked with grace and completely silence, the only sound you could hear was his gentle breathing. He only had one eye that scanned the horizon and town, the other was covered with bangs and gone. He had lost it in a good fight, but he was horrified by the scar. Pups squealed when the saw him, elders saw him as a demon who would eat them. Of course, he wasn't going to steal the pups, nor would he eat the elders. He wasn't a bad guy, just a slight bit antisocial, grumpy, and often is a bit disagreeable. He sighed to himself, but instead of slightly pitying himself, he sat down onto the broken ground, and started to grow through his bag. The ground was cold, and it made his bottom throb slightly, and he brought out all the jars from his bag. Many were pretty full, except two. One, which held Echinacea, which helped sore throats. That was mostly gone, due to Fallen having a sore throat for a week. And the other was Catnip, a cat's drug. It helped anxiety problems. He knew of a patch of catnip was, safe from the cold, in one of the many empty buildings. He stood up, and carried the catnip jar in his left hand, as he slung the green army bag over his right shoulder, as he broke into a swift run.

He soon approached the shop, broken down, vines growing on the sides. He believed it had once been a shop of some sort, where you bought things you could eat.... Market! That was it! Every once and awhile, he would find food and herbs sometimes. He went through the broken door, and found the fine patch in the one of the many corners of the market. He trotted over, and went down on one knee. He grabbed a few of the delicious stalks, and opened the jar. He stuck the fine stalks into the jar, and sniffed it before he dropped the stalks. The others were good conditions. None were rotting. He finally he dropped the stalks into the jar. He then put the stalks into the jar, and then dropped the jar easily into the bag. He reached in again, and grabbed echinacea jar. He sniffed around the market, searching for the spicy scent of the herb. He detected it faintly, and it mixed slightly with the scent of the ocean. He lifted the bag, and slung it over a shoulder quickly, before trotting out of the market. He followed the scent, which was very much mixed with the ocean, which showed that it was close to the ocean. He trotted down to the beach, and lifted his long snout into the air, and sniffed. It was strong now. He moved his head, until he found the scent coming from his left side. He turned to the left, and then detected the scent from a rock. He lifted it up, crouching on one knee. He smiled, something rare for the antisocial male, as he picked up the plant, took the leaves and roots. He then slipped the herb parts into the jar, and nodded with slightly victory. He soon froze through, as another scent floated upon his nose. A wolf. Luperci. Female. He rose from his one kneed position, and saw a pretty female standing, looking upon the ocean. He was wearing his normal, tan cargo pants, a button down shirt, although, only five out of ten were buttoned. He had a slightly beaten up fedora on his head, and a feathered necklace around his neck. He blinked his teal eyes, as the feather that was attached to his ear moved slightly in the ocean breeze. He tilted his head in slight interested, as he voiced,

"Uh... Hello, Miss. I am Fallen. Nice to meet you."

He kept the sentence short and sweet, as he nodded in acknowledgement. He was calm, and didn't show any sigh of aggression nor submission. He blinked silently, making sure the bangs were over one of his eyes. He tilted the fedora over his bang slightly too. He shifted his hands into his pockets, his eye locked on her, looking for signs of aggression.

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- Rendall - 01-30-2011


Ren had stopped after a while to stare again, enchanted by the rolling waves. She had smelled the males approach earlier but the wind had changed direction. She turned her deep blue eyes towards him warily, she wasnt sure what to think of him at first. Not to mention that she only had a scrf wrapped around her left hind leg, she was completely nude thus far. Her thick fur covered her blush though she really wished she found a dress now. She observed the male that had approached her. He was taller then her, his fur was a reddish brown with the exception of a few areas. His belly and legs were a creamy ivory, and the area around his eye was a lighter brownish cream, she couldnt see what was under his bangs, though her curiosity peaked in her mind on weather he had another pretty teal orb or is he was a cyclopse like many she knew.

She observed his feather and almost chuckled at the similarity of the fact that she had a falcon feather in the fur behind her left ear as well. She soon realized that she was being rude. She blushed and quickly looked away "Oh....um Hi....I'm Rendall, its..uh, nice to meet you too." She tried to keep her eyes off him, though she found it hard too. He wasnt bad looking, she wondered why he was out here. She looked down at his bag and wondered what he could have been searching for out here in the middle of of the deserted city. The cold wind brought his scent to her nose and she realized she kinda liked the way he smelled.

He didnt seem very social like most wolves that she met, but he didnt seem to be a complete jerk either. He was pretty ok, she guessed. Ren took a few steps closer to the tall male "What brings you out here?"She tried to make some conversation, but a cold breeze reminded her of her lack of clothing, she shivered a little and tried shaking the cold from her fur to help ease the icy feeling.

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- Fallen - 01-30-2011


table by Silver! OOC: Ren has seen cyclopes! :O WC:480

Fallen looked upon the girl with his single teal eye, slightly alight with curiosity, but he soon realized that she was almost completely naked. He looked out at the sea, instead of at her, a light blush under his fur. He wasn't a guy who loved to see girls naked, but luckily, his blush was hidden by his dark fur. He still looked out at the sea, and then slipped one hand out of his pocket, and then slipped it into his bag. He took out a piece of catnip, that would calm his nervousness, he had never been good at talking with others. He chewed the herb, and swallowed it, the pleasant taste lingering inside his mouth. He then also pulled out a blanket, which was green, and very large. He threw it to Ren, and mumbled,

"Here... Cover yourself....."
He then slipped his hands back into his pockets, but quickly darted one out, and fixed his bangs so it showed absolutely none of the socket. He adjusted the fedora better of his eye, and then faced her, only looking at her face. She said her name, which was Rendall. He nodded, and slightly lifted an eyebrow as she stared at Fallen. He saw her eyes slightly trail to his bag, and his eyes drifted to his bag too. He reached in, and grabbed some of the jars inside. He showed them, and decided to tell her, so she would think he had drugs on him for him to get high and then fall of a cliff. He didn't understand why others did that, it was quite a stupid idea, the drugs were slowly killing you. The same with smoking. He then began to speak,
"Er... Hello, Rendall... These are herbs, if you are wondering... I often smell of them..."
He blinked, and nodded, and then started to put the herbs away. They were mostly the sweet smelling types, and he was so glad he didn't have to bring out the peppermint, the scent burnt his nose and always caused him to sneeze.

He watched a she came slightly closer, and Fallen didn't move, his hands still in his pockets, his eye usual as they remained on her face. He heard her question, and then thought. Originally, he came here to venture around, and really try to find some violin wood, or even a complete violin, but that didn't happen. Instead, he found herbs. He didn't want to make a fool of himself for saying he was looking for a complete, amazing violin, and so, he told what he had really found,
"Well, I came here searching for herbs, and I was surprised that I found some in this season..."
He sighed slightly. It was pretty cold, but he had enough clothes on. He hoped the blanket would be warm enough for her.

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- Rendall - 02-01-2011


lol yeah Jefferson and another male in the PV pack named Noah ^.^

Ren, already slightly embarassed, toko the blanket quickly and wrapped herself up inside of it, thanking him quietly, it was nice of him to show her such generosity, she would remember to have it returned to him as soon as she found a proper cover for herself. A pleasant smell drifted to her nose as he chewed on a stalk of a herb, and the corners of her mouth tugged up a bit watching him do so. It was soon fallowed by all kinds of different smells and plants contained in different jars. She examined each one in his hands as he showed them to her and explained his being here. "I use to have a friend who collected them, she smelled alot like them too."

She had been talking about her friend anya, a woman who took care of her for a short while when she was a pup. Ren always helped her gather herbs and loved to smell them whenever she got the chance. Ren wrapped the blanket tighter around her as she listened intently to his words. He seemed friendly enough, though still alittle snit-social, her mind continued to pick at the question, but she knew it wasnt one she dared ask. Her ears pricked up alittle when he talked of herbs again. "I would be suprised to find them here as well. back at the Valley, we had to search at all the different mills and such for herbs, but it was always hard to find good ones in the deep snow." She looked out to the ocean lost alittle in her thoughts, she glanced back at him and smiled alittle.

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- Fallen - 02-05-2011


table by Silver! OOC: :OOO Sorry for the late reply. WC:417

Fallen watched out of the corner of his eye, as she took the blanket and wrapped herself up, hearing Rendall thank him. Fallen reached back into his bag to pull out a catnip stalk, just to get rid of his nerves. He chewed the stalk in two, and chewing one half, and then swallowing it, and the chewing the other side, which wasn't very delicious, and so he spat it onto the ground quietly. He blinked as she began to speak, and he gave a small smile. A very rare thing, he looked close to an angel when he smiled. It was small though, a big smile made him look like a true angel. He scratched his ear, and then combed through his bangs carefully. Fallen nodded simply at her comment, he was glad there were some other wolves that shared his "hobby" for collecting herbs and such. It was a fun thing, to heal others, watching them get better slowly. He felt good to be useful, and to make the sick the healthy, and eventually help the healthy that turn into the sick. He chuckled to himself yet, again, the fine wind chime like jingle calm and soft. He lifted his hand up to finger his hat, and then he placed it better over his face.

When she finished speaking, and seemed to be think, Fallen looked out at the sea, his medium sized figure relaxed and visibly calm as he looked out onto the ocean. He sniffed in the sweet, yet salty smell of the calm ocean, that had the best rhythm to it. In, and out. Sway forward, sway backwards. Hit, foam, and back. It was a fine orchestra of beautiful deep beats. He felt the sandy snow under his feet, the cold and grainy stuff felt calm and cold under his paws. He then turned his head as Rendall spoke again, talking of someplace called "The Valley." He tilted his head slightly in a comical way, and listened.

"We have some in the forest that Cercatori owns. You just have to know the right places to find certain herbs... Well, getting lost in the Cercatori forest for awhile also helps... Yes, this snow is terrible thing. Killing plants, making prey rare... So. What are you doing here, and what is... "The Valley"?"

Fallen asked, with a tilt of his head, his teal eye glowing softly as he watched with calm narrowed eyes and a slight curious look vibrating in his eye.

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- Rendall - 02-07-2011


Its fine Smile

Ren grew quiet and blushed alittle, She didnt like talking about why she was here, simply cause she really wished it was any other reason but this one. She looked up and saw him looking at her curiously, her breath caught and she quickly looked away, blushing even more "Well I....um, came to find a certain item of clothing..." She looked away blushing. She hated lingering on the subject and decided to change it quickly when he mentioned the Valley. "The Valley is where I'm from. It actually called Pheonix Valley, but all the wolves inside it refer to it as the Valley." Only then did she realize where he came from.

"Wait...so your from Cercatori D'Arte? I've heard of that pack but never got the chance to visit, though now that I sorta know someone from there I'll have to come visit." She wanted to be ambassador to her pack so badly, but she never really knew how to become one until the mishap with the barn. She was incharge of getting livestock back. So, even though she didnt want to admit it, she would have been traveling over to the packlands eventually. Her heart skipped alittle at the thought of seeing the male again. She wasnt exactly sure about him, but she knew that some part of her enjoyed his quiet company.

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- Fallen - 02-07-2011


table by Silver! OOC: Short post is short D: WC:391

Fallen listened to hear for Rendall's answer, but she soon went silent. Fallen's eyes flicked at her with slightly curiosity, but they soon flicked towards the sky as snow gently started to come down. He put out a large hand, and felt the fine ice crystals hitting his hands. He closed his eyes gently as the snow particles fell upon his face. The cold felt good as it seeped into his skin, but he soon opened his eye and looked at Rendall. She talked of finding clothes, and he listened calmly. He watched as she looked away, and blushed, Twice. He blinked, and slightly tilted his head as he slipped his hands into his pockets calmly. He watched here with light interested as she continued to blush. What type of clothing he wondered? Normal? Or... Other? He knew normal clothes stores, and he soon said casually,

"Miss Rendall, there happens to be a clothes store quite close by. It has vines growing all over, and you can see chipping black paint. I think it says, "Gar Clothes" Although, I am unsure... I am most likely wrong..."

He watched her with his single teal eye carefully, and he fixed his bangs slightly, so they were perfectly covering his ugly blemish. He gave a small smile, a very rare thing, but it soon disappeared. He sighed to himself, but his ears soon perked as Rendall began to speak again. The Valley, Phoenix Vally, was a pack. Hm. It sounded nice enough, although, he was staying with Cercatori, he was the art's type.

"Yes... It's a nice place... Has a nice forest with much herbs... Large town. Kind artists. I hope I can get my violin soon, they have many types of arts there... Hmm, who is your friend?"

He actually gave a true, warm smile, large and happy. His eyes slightly narrowed in a fond way when he truly smiled, but it soon faded lightly into nothingness. Once she stopped speaking, his eyes wandered easily around the area. The fine dark blue ocean of salty water, and then the destroyed buildings that was once a great city. It was a place in which all the wolves could find supplies that they needed. The seagulls cawed above, some holding fish as the light snow fell down easily upon their heads.

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- Rendall - 02-16-2011

OOC: Hello sorry for the whole scarcity thing -.- i had to get my computer cleaned up this week cause my grams put a virus on it o.O lol

Rendall looked quickly up at the male and slightly blushed. "Well I guess we should make this meeting a little less awkward and see if its still around, thank you for mentioning it, I do feel bad that you caught me like this." She thought she saw him smile but before she could get a good look it disapeared. She listened to him for a while but when a strange word came to her ears she paused in her thoguhts a moment. "Uh...Violin?" She had heard it before but never really knew what it was. She was told it was something like a fiddle....whatever a fiddle was. Her ears cocked curiously. "Whats a ...violin?" She bagan to turn just slightly, giving him a look like she wished that he would fallow her and walked a little ways before turning back to him. This time her breath caught when she saw him truely smile, but all too soon it was gone. She looked awkwardly off to the side, not wanting to stare at him too long. She trailed her foot in a little circle in the slow-falling snow "lets go find that store, you can tell me about your violin on the way."

She smiled alittle but then her head filled with awkward thoughts when he asked about her friend, and her smile faded. "Well...I...uh... was hoping....it would be you...I guess." she turned away from him, not wanting to show her blush. She made herself busy for a moment gathering her long wavy hair in a braid, waiting for him to join her and help her find something. She brushed the feather aside and it made a small swoosh-like noise in protest of being bothered by her hand. Still twiddling with her hair she glanced up at the male shyly before deciding to change the subject "So..um...lets see if we can find that store shall we? I dont know where it is so youll have to lead the way. You can tell me more about your pack lands and what life is like over there. I can also tell you alittle about the Valley if youd like." she offered a warm but still shy smile for the male.