'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Question About Characters - Printable Version

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- Rewdeynetya - 02-01-2011

When someone takes up a secondary character, after all the necessary steps are taken, does that mean you have to be more active with your first character and not ever let it become more inactive than your second? I saw some stuff on dropping characters, and I wanted to make sure I had it right.

- Tayui Aston - 02-01-2011

You've got the right idea! Your primary character should be the one you post with the most. We suggest a 2:1 ratio of your firstConfusedecond character. So if you make 15 posts for your main character in a month, you'd look at making 7 or 8 with your second character. But ideally, yes, you'd try to stay active with your primary character over your secondary. Sometimes folks post more with an auxiliary character and that's fine every so often. :3

I hope that answers your question!

- Rewdeynetya - 02-01-2011

Sure does! Just wanted to understand the posting ratio a bit more so I could plan out my plots and such accordingly.

- Tayui Aston - 02-01-2011

Not a problem. Thanks for asking. Smile

- Kaena Lykoi - 02-01-2011

You're also not stuck with the same primary and secondary forever -- if you find that you're way more into your secondary character and you want to switch it up so that they are your second and your former primary is now your secondary, that's fine too. ^^ Just post in the Absentee forum to let us know if you'd like to switch. ^^