'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
I Thought I Knew It All... - Printable Version

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- Cotl - 02-07-2011


OOC: This thread is when Maschine gets stuck in the swamp.

The man was out and about the lands, trying to get home. He needed some food, and he braved the storm long enough to dig up some of his old traps that held frozen prey. He didn't care that it was frozen, he'd just warm it up over the fire that the residents of the mansion had made sure to supply them with. Why Cotl thought it was a good idea to make Maschine brave the storm as well was a stupid decision on his part, and obviously not well thought out. He only thought that he would be going out to the ones closest to the house as well, but he ended up being out further than he thought. Before he knew it, it was all the way by the grotto with his steed, about to dismount and dig up a trap that would have been placed close to the grotto. Cotl didn't know that the land around the Grotto would be so deep, and so stuck worthy. He didn't realize things today, and in his mind, this storm was making him panic, so he wasn't thinking things all the way through, this was for sure.

The winds died down for some time, giving the man a break from the constant wind blowing against him, but it wouldn't be gone for too long, for they would come back, strong as ever, and once Maschine took a wrong step on a patch of snow that was too weak for his weight, the horse immediately had fallen into the muck, it's second front leg also following suit into the thick muck. There was a shocked whinny that came from Maschine as he sunk, thrashing to get free, but only getting another leg caught. Cotl quickly jumped off of the steed's back and onto some more solid ground and he had looked to Maschine. You'll be okay, Maschine! Ich promises. Ve needs help.. the man spoke, before he looked back towards where there would be clan members. He let out a yowling howl for the clan to help. Hopefully someone would hear his over the rushing winds.

-FUCKSHITBITCH- the words came from the Imaginifer's maw as he had walked back over to Maschine and he had taken the steed's reigns and tried to pull him out as well as he could. He needed help. He was too small to do this all alone and Maschine would die if he was left here. That was the last thing that Cotl would want for his steed.

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- Sascha - 02-13-2011

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Sascha to the rescue >3 | 591 Words

The weather had not been friendly at all, deterring him from venturing outside except to check on Donder and Blitzen at times. They had to be cold but he couldn't make them any more comfortable. He rested on his bed, staring up at the ceiling while blowing raspberries. It seemed it was something he would never get tired of doing. It was about the only noise he could make since his mother ripped his vocal cords out of his neck. He continued to fill the air with noise until he grew bored of simply staring at nothing. He raised himself into a sitting position, crossing his legs so that he was sitting in Indian style. Only for a moment did he sit there until he removed himself from the bed and headed to the only window his room had.

It looked pretty bad out; he couldn't imagine anyone out in this. Yet, his ruby eyes spotted his father heading out. He couldn't help but scowl slightly harder only because he was worried about him and Maschine going out in this. Despite the worry, he still remained in his room and hoped that Cotl would return soon. However, he couldn't relax and just paced his room by the window. He would peek outside here and there in hopes to see him but nothing. His scowl became even more harder on his face as the worry grew. He had lost his brother; he didn't need to lose his father as well. He had never thought about death until his brother died; now he was paranoid about it when things seemed dangerous. He now worried about his father dying during times like this.

Time had passed and Sascha had been pacing the entire time. He was growing more anxious due to the fact that his father had yet returned. He couldn't take it any longer, something could be wrong. With that in mind, he thought he should bring some things that may come in handy; after all, his father could have fallen somewhere or gotten stuck. He grabbed a rope in the corner of his room; the rope he had in case one of the ropes that held Blitzen and Donder in their place needed to be replaced. He headed out, tensing from the invading cold that attacked him when he exited the building. After checking on his pets one last time, Sas headed out in the direction he saw his father ventured in hopes he would cross paths with him. He walked and walked, trying to keep warm with his pouch hanging from him and the rope in his hand. His steps were hurried as the hard scowl remained in his features.

He heard a howl; the voice he recognized immediately. His steps were faster than before as he headed in the rightful direction. His mind no longer paid attention to the cold but to his father as he rushed to him. He was right to worry; something was wrong. Soon, he made it to the scene. His father was struggling to get Maschine free from the prison he had fallen into. He hurried to his father's side and tied the rope around the horse, pulling it alongside his father. He knew his father didn't want Maschine to die and so he would help him; that and he actually liked the horse. He hoped he could help; he was bigger than his father and now there were two of them helping Maschine. He just hoped this would be enough and turn out positive.
