'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
The one with the invasion - Printable Version

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 02-15-2011

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Now that she was finally free of the den, the girl had taken to doing a bit of traveling in their expansive cave system. She did check back in with her family often to tell them about the things that she had seen and the adventures that she had been on, though. In fact, she'd just gotten done chatting with them about the snow monster that she and the wolf Pontiac had vanquished. Now she was headed up a steep incline toward the emergency exit, the one that her mother had taken her the day that they had found the wolf Naniko at the hot spring.

The green-eyed pup was just beginning to see light up ahead when her sniffer caught a peculiar smell. It didn't smell earthy and good like their home did...nor did it smell like her any of her family members. It was a weird and musky smell, strong to even her weak nostrils. A scrabbling sound caught her attention as well, and she peered up ahead of her to the exit ahead. It was late afternoon and she could see something outlined against the brightness of the world outside.

The thing seemed to be coming nearer, though she wasn't sure exactly what it was or why it was coming through the entrance. "Hiiii?" She called up to it, but it gave no reply as it came closer and closer. She could see now that it was bigger than her, though not by much. A loud bark seemed to startle the creature but didn't deter it from its path. What type of monster was it that would invade their home like this?

She gave a loud screech and then let out of volley of barks, trying to scare it in the opposite direction. She would defend the pack against this monster if she had to, but she really didn't want to have to! It stopped when it was a few feet from her. The girl's hackles raised and she jumped toward it with little baby leaps, threatening it. "Yoo monster! Yoo go 'way! You get out!" She growled. She could make out a few features on it now that it was closer; dark eyes, a long bushy tail...and a masked face. "Why yoo hide yooor face monster?!" She shouted.
