'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
dead man's tango - Printable Version

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- Pandemic D'Angelo - 02-16-2011


Hi dawg!

Glints of beryl traced a hostile scene of endless light, but words had yet to set a name to the dye applied to a young soul that ought to be innocent according to age. There was suspicion to everything beyond the endless halls of dark, hard rock. Flawless ebony form moved towards the end of what was not an eternal tunnel after all. This was not the first time he had taken steps outside the earth’s safe mouth, but to make the journey alone proved different. Courage was something he wished to possess, and resolve brought him out into the purified landscape. Black lips parted slightly in continuous wonder and there was a tremble brushing through the young spine.

Dark shaded muzzle fell to the ground, testing the soft matter and the result was wetness against the tip of his ebony nose. A timid huff was giving in instinctual response, and paws started to dance against white as the black form wandered further from his underground home. Paw had disturbed the purity of the snow, but this excited the youngster, for he was reluctant to swim through the cold matter. Following a trail that seemed to own a touch of his father’s familiar scent, he continued to move, oblivious of the lacking freshness of the trail and the direction he was headed.

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 02-16-2011

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Today was a good day to be outside. It was slightly warmer than usual, which had completely delighted the girl; some days she had to come inside because she got too cold (she was a very thin puppy), but today she'd be able to stay out and play all day! She'd even found a nummy water source; the hot springs! The girl had made a game of picking up big hunks of ice or snow in her mouth and tossing them into the springs that morning, delighting in the hiss that they made when they hit the steaming waters. There was a smaller pool to the side of the outdoor springs whose water was somewhat cooler, and she used that to drink out of between games.

The off-white pup had taken a different direction after her hot spring games, leaping through the snow banks and digging tunnels through the ones that she couldn't jump over or find a way around. She knew that she was still in Anathema and felt safe, but wasn't exactly sure where she was in the territory itself. Wretch came upon a particularly large snowbank and began to dig her way through it, boundless energy providing her with the means necessary to make her way through it. She could see through the other side of it now!

Hmmm. Something was moving out there. The girl held her breath, not wanting to give herself away to whatever monster was nearing her snowbank by making any sounds. Green eyes darted about, watching and waiting for whoever or whatever was making the crunching sounds in the snow. And...aha! She caught sight of her brother and made a split second decision, leaping forth from her hide-out. "I gawt you pan-monster! I gawt you!" She ran at him, kicking some powder in his direction.


- Pandemic D'Angelo - 02-16-2011



Eyes of flawed fluorapatite were occupied by the endless prints in white that he followed. Shrouding vapour rose from his exhaling snout, and sought repeatedly to steal away focus from his dedicated task. Excitement flared, but would not be everlasting. Pandemic was a child that could easily get bored, and thoughts could easily be derailed if there were elements of stimulation present. Huffing and puffing, the boy had to wonder if his journey would be endless, for his surroundings did not change. Within the mountains were paths and sights that could keep him going, but everything looked the same as long as snow clung to the outside world. Salmon tongue peeked out between sparkling white baby teeth.

A hostile element appeared out of white, and young jaws parted instantly to gurgle out his cute baby rumble of a growl. He could not move undetected out here in the open, but she could. White powder was kicked into a face of flawless black, and dull gray-green eyes pulled shut as his face was embraced by cold. It was unpleasant, but a child’s mind had a marvellous ability to jump from one focus to another, so it was forgotten moments after. Spluttering slightly as snow had entered his warm mouth as well, the boy charged straight forward, seeking to punish his smaller sibling, this with a waving tail of ebony following behind his larger form.

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 02-17-2011

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Despite her sickly appearance, the girl seemed full of energy on this day. Perhaps it was the slightly warmer temperature that the mountains were experiencing; maybe after the snowstorm, mother nature had felt that she'd punished them enough! Wretch hadn't liked having to stay cooped up inside during the storm. She much preferred being anywhere but the caves if she could help it.

She giggled when she saw that her snow had hit its mark. Bulls-eye! When he came back for her she shot back into the hole that she had come out of, aiming to lose the boy. Maybe he'd be too big to get through! Wretch laughed inwardly at the thought of her fat brother getting stuck in the hole she had dug. "Tum get me Pan! Ehehehe!" She got through the hole to the other end, looking back to see if her sibling was following.


- Pandemic D'Angelo - 02-17-2011



The girl remained timid of appearance, but her darker sibling had learned that she seemed to own certain abilities that could make her a frustrating target to follow. What the boy could see was white, but parts of the ivory moved against the frozen world, and he followed, white baby teeth glaring in the midst of the compact black that inhabited his unique pelt. Brows curled with the pretence of ill intent, but the boy’s gleaming charms smiled as his compact form chased his litter mate.

A muffled squeal was released when he found himself staring into a wall of snow with a hole in it. Set on vengeance, the boy decided to follow without much thought dedicated to the choice. Black form continued the pursuit, though he soon found himself regretting this move, for he was by far the largest of his siblings and this tunnel was not made for someone on his size. Claustrophobia’s breath was down his neck, and a wail was born; though greatly muffled by closed jaws.

Wriggling his form, he could feel compact white walls surrounding him give in slightly and offer him the tiniest amount of space. ”Wrah!”

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 02-21-2011

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She hadn't really thought that he would actually try to get through it, and shook with laughter at the sight of him trying. Silly Pan! She giggled until she came nearer and saw his actual reaction to it; he looked afraid! She felt a streak of guilt for laughing at her trapped sibling, having thought of it in more of a joking fashion before, and came through the hole toward him. "Can joo go backward?" She asked.

Maybe she could help push him out. The little girl put her head against his trapped shoulder, trying to help push. What if he was stuck in here forever, until the snow melted? It got pretty cold at night...that wouldn't be good. And what would she say to their parents when she came back alone without him? She had to get him out of there!


- Pandemic D'Angelo - 02-25-2011



The walls around him turned out to give in somewhat to the young male’s strength if he concentrated it. Black rump wiggled and forced the snowy tunnel to offer him some more room. The child’s ebony tail started to wag somewhat again, for he was not facing death—and best of all, Wretch was coming straight at him. It did not matter to the young soul that she returned with concern and helpful words. Pandemic remained set on revenge, and no obstacles could derail him.

As his sibling pushed against his shoulder, the male saw his opportunity to strike. Jaws snapped after an ear or face or neck—whatever part of her he could get hold of. A puppyish growl made his throat vibrate—it almost tickled! ”Rrrrrrr!” She believed that she had tricked and caught him, but she was so wrong! Now was time to be sorry. They were young, and though the boy knew that this sibling in particular was not as healthy as the rest, he did not yet know his own strength, and less how to control it.

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 03-13-2011

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She felt suddenly guilty for making her brother chase her back through the hole. It had seemed like a fun idea idea at the time...what had gone wrong? If only they were the same size...or closer to the same size. But no, Wretch was much smaller. "I'm sorry I'm so small."

Then a sudden pinch as her ear was caught in the other pup's mouth. Her muzzle fell open in surprise at this sneak attack, trying to turn her head in his direction to snap at whatever parts of Pandemic she could get at. She'd get him back for sure! With a larger yank her ear was free and she reached out to try and push him before turning back toward the forest. "Come catch me!"


- Pandemic D'Angelo - 03-15-2011



Puppy teeth were sharp, but were not permitted to inflict damage before the other child had snapped at him back and yanked her ear free. The brother’s jaws snapped after light hues again, but the little girl was quick. His playful growl came to an abrupt stall when her little body pushed at him, but then she disappeared and shouted taunting words. Pan fell for the taunt, puppy throat rumbling and his larger body fighting its way towards the end of the little snow tunnel of hers.

Soon he was out in the free again, blinking at the world of white around him. The child was bright enough to follow the trail of puppy footprints, and she had not gotten too far yet. The D’Angelo’s form raced after his lighter shaded sibling, though he knew that he would not manage to catch up with her unless she decided so. Or until she got tired! ”Wrechh” the little boy bellowed, disliking the fact that he improved the distance between them and the cave entrance. He did not belong here.

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 03-19-2011

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Is it ok that she's teasing him? XD ahah <33 It is meannn. And I'll have something happen to Wretchy in my next post, ja? Then he can be a hero >Big Grin

The puppy ran quickly away from him, making a lot of distance. She wanted to get out of his sight, an easy task with her coat coloration. Wretch flew over drifts and around logs, doubling back around to try and confuse her brother. Hahaha! She was now behind him, watching as he ran forward searching for her.

"Back here dummy!! Hahahaha You're so dumb, Pan!" She was cruel with her words. If he told their mother about what she was saying then she would surely be in trouble...but he wouldn't do that! She'd try and make sure of it. "Dummy dum dum" She yelled, turning to run back to the caves from which they had come.


- Pandemic D'Angelo - 03-28-2011



His playful mood was slowly pouring out as anger quickly invaded his space instead. Her light form was gone in all the white, and beryl glare ran across the tranquil scene, but failed to focus in on his target. Young baby teeth grinded against each other behind ebony lips, and his pace turned slow, for an invisible chain did not wish to let him stray far from the comforting dark of the caves. Everything seemed just all too bright out here; the absolute contrast of black. Darkness could both scare and soothe, depending on the situation. Then again, the young boy did not wish to flee back into safety just yet, because there was a certain girl that deserved to be punished.

Ebony pelt stood on end as the insults were thrown at him. The boy’s angry eyes travelled across endless white, but the cheeky girl was not discovered before his searching gaze has travelled past several times. But just as he found her form she took off again, and the young male was not slow with following, pace nearly matching hers now when it was fuelled by a child’s furious rage. He felt the strange thirst for violence; to make his sibling suffer. Perhaps this had been merely a game at the start, but it was no longer. Not to Pan. He growled his cute little puppy growl, she would pay.

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 03-28-2011

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"Joo such a dummy, Pan!" She continued to call over her shoulder as she ran away from him. This proved to be her downfall, however; the girl's foot caught on a branch that was hidden beneath the snow and she flipped completely over, landing on top of a large rock on her back. She felt a tiny pop when she landed and her breath rushed from her body.

She lay there gasping to regain her breath, mouth twisted into a grimace, eyes closed. She couldn't tell if Pan was coming or not..but her back really hurt now. And she could barely breathe! Wretch had never felt something like this before and wasn't sure what to make of it...she laid still, unsure of what to do. She was able to slowly regain her breath, but it would be a matter of seconds before her sibling was upon her, she felt.


- Pandemic D'Angelo - 04-05-2011



He disagreed. He was not a dummy, but the words scotched and burned in his mind, and eventually it would give red edges to his vision. What had been fun a little while ago was not anymore, and instead it was anger that kept him going. His pathetic puppy growl rumbled under his breath as he did his best to catch up with his sampling. But speed was simply not his friend, and as long as she stayed ahead he knew that he was not likely ever to catch stupid, stupid Wretch.

But suddenly she was there on the ground, and the boy wasted no time with thoughts or words before he pounced on her smaller form, digging sharp puppy teeth wherever he could. Ebony paws with dull claws drummed against the pale form and he continued to growl and bite, oblivious of the reason why he had managed to catch up with her in the first place.

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 04-30-2011

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A clash of fur and teeth. She yelped loudly, crying out at the sharp pokes. She felt them everywhere on her! Wretch had closed her eyes to try and escape the pain, attempting to roll onto one side, and they snapped back open to observe her attacker after a few moments of yelping.

Her...brother was the one hurting her? She couldn't believe it for a second. The girl opened her mouth again, shouting in between yelps. "MOMMY!! MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!!! HELP!!" Maybe her cries for help would bring her mother to her. She could only hope. Wretch continued to scream, hoping that her cries would bring some kind of an end to the painful biting.
