'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
One Man Caravan - Printable Version

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- Imacai Kimaris - 02-18-2011

1. Character Name: Imacai Kimaris
2. Character Birthdate (including year): November 2, 2009
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
4. Species: 50% Canis latrans cagottis, 25% Canis latrans ochropus, 25% Canis lupus nubilus
5. Gender: Male
6. Currently played characters: Ouija, Selene, Sakari
7. How you found 'Souls: Been around for awhile
8. Initial post:

I'm not picky about who picks this up, just want someone who will make it a priority because I like to get through joining threads quickly; 505 words

Anyone watching the procession would find it an odd one indeed. Who wouldn't think it odd? Taking the lead, on the back of a Fresian, was a silver furred lady with a brown mask. Then following behind, on a wagon pulled by a couple of Gypsy Vanners, was a boy of muted gold that was streaked with gray in places. And what was probably even odder yet was what was in the wagon. Loaded in the back of the wagon were a few large jars of dirt. What was hidden in these jars was just that, hidden. You couldn't see what was contained within the jars at all. But that was the whole point behind them really. If he had wanted everyone to know that he was bringing with him then he wouldn't have bothered to fill the jars to hide his possessions. He had already had all of his possessions stolen once. This simply prevented it from happening again. Think about it, who would be addled enough to try and take jars of dirt? He looked quite ridiculous just lugging them around. But what was most likely sillier yet were the couple of blue heads that had poked up from one of the larger jars before ducking back inside.

The male didn't seem to notice this at all since he was watching the female in the lead. He had to since she was finding the paths that he could take his wagon down. He was lucky to have the extra set of eyes to help him out, especially since he had gotten split apart from his siblings. He had parted from them in Freetown to see what was further to the north. He figured that he could go ahead and scout around. His brother had proved a better fighter and an easy protector of their sister so of course he trusted him to keep her safe. Imacai figured that he could find a place for them and end up sending word back. He could plan out the way and such.

He was led down around the mountains, heading over an open plain. To his left side were mountains and off to his right the beach could be seen. After a long travel they reached a line of staked skulls with strong scent markings that indicated that it was a border. The male glanced to his mounted coyote companion before looking back to the borders. This place looked as good as any. Especially with the scent of coyote being overpowering. And well, where he came from he was used to being around coyotes, or at least coyote dominant hybrids.. He ceased the procession and sent up a call. After all he wouldn't know more about this place and if it would offer rest and refuge if he didn't try. He remained sitting up on the seat of his wagon for the time being, using the height as an advantage. It allowed him to see out further past the stakes and watch for whom might approach.

- Kaena Lykoi - 02-19-2011

Welcome to 'Souls!

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- Sage River Lykoi - 02-20-2011



Today had seemed like a good day to walk the borders, something Sage infrequently found herself desiring to do. Generally when she did so, she carried a small bag stocked with seeds of flowering plants of all kinds to sprinkle around those menacing-looking decorations. She did enjoy the skulls, having a bit of a fascination for bone itself, but she did not like what they represented: death, murder, war. And so the hippie girl had made it one of her missions to ensure that at least some stretches of that border would be ripe with life by springtime.

As if a sign from the Earth Mother herself, Sage noticed the worn remains of a small yellow flower, several of its petals browned, and a few others simply gone. With a smile, she gently bent and picked it up with her good arm-- her left one was still wrapped and in a crude sling from her accident on the mountain. Happily, the girl tucked the small flower delicately into her disheveled hair. Then, as she rose, a noise caught her ear. Were those voices that she heard? The lovely sound of hooves on the hard ground? Perhaps even a wagon, or something on wheels?

Suddenly excited, the girl moved quickly towards the source of the noise, her body seeming to drift, carried by a playfully fast breeze. It wasn't long before she saw ahead of her a small group of Luperci gathered at the borders, accompanied by several lovely draft horses and a muted gold man in, surely enough, a wagon. She approached slowly, but was not immensely cautious. After all, they did not appear aggressive, and she did not see any weapons drawn. So, like a delicate little bird singing against the wind, she called out.

"Why hello over there!" her melodic voice drifted towards them as she came nearer now, stopping about 15 feet from the caravan.

"Hey, there, lovelies!" she addressed to the group with a warm smile. Then, she looked to the pale yellow man, seated up high in the wagon which she just knew carried an infinite number of marvelous treasures. "Looks like you've got quite a lot of goodies, there!" she said excitedly, craning her neck up, trying to get a better peek at those strangely large glass jars which seemed to be filled with dirt. What use was that? Sage thought maybe it was a sentimental thing, maybe he gathered dirt from whatever place he'd visited. It seemed a bit silly, but she'd known people to do sillier things. Either way, her curiosity could not be contained.

"I don't know if you know, but this is Inferni," she said, extending her usable hand to show off the land. "And I'm Sage River Lykoi." she added, introducing herself with a hazy, friendly grin. "Might you lot be looking for someone?" the girl asked quietly, yellow eyes still peering about the new and exciting things that they had brought with them. She itched to touch one of those gorgeous horses, fighting the urge to run over to it, talk to it, pet its silky fur. But for now, she managed to show restraint.

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- Imacai Kimaris - 02-22-2011

Thanks for joining hun. Sorry I ended up being slow despite my wanting a quick thread. Had to deal with bank screwing with my moneys and trying to figure out how to pay cable bill and get food in the house at the same time. But yay auto-acceptance!; 710 words

Imacai wasn't certain what to make of the place exactly. It had been awhile since he had lived in a pack. Then again when he had been in Eterne he had lived with family. And well, in Barbados he had been with family as well though it had that less than permanent feel to it as it had in Eterne. There were times that he just couldn't stay in the certain place for too long. Not when he was taking from others to make his own. After all with all of their possessions having been taken from them they had to steal back to buy passage on the ship that was headed north. The female that was with him now had traveled with him from Barbados. Actually she had helped him to gain passage on the ship. The least he could do was to bring her along.

When they were approached he glanced over to the female that he had traveled with before looking back to the female that had approached. "Mornin'. How you?" He returned the greeting in a fashion and climbed down from the wagon. He glanced to the load that he had carried with him then back to the female again. He chuckled and shrugged some before speaking up again. "Jussa bit." Not that what he had brought with him could be seen. He had made sure to keep all on his possessions hidden after his first batch had been stolen from him. Now others just thought him odd for carting around jars of dirt. Or well jars of dirt with a penguin in it. "Jussa minute." Whether he was talking to Sage or the penguin was uncertain. Either way he climbed up up onto the wagon to be able to reach the penguin to pull out the blue and white feathered animal from the jar so that he could stroke the feathers and check on his pet. Finding no injury he figured that it was just food that was a problem.

"Dere fish?" He asked as he looked back to Sage, motioning to the body of water. "Small fish? After all the full grown penguin was only a little over a foot tall. The little guy couldn't really go for the big fish. Not if the fish were bigger than his small body. He placed the penguin back down into the jar of dirt for now. After all he had to wait to see if he would be allowed to let Tybalt fish before letting him go.

"Dat Inferni?" He repeated and glanced out over the land. At least he now knew the name of the place. He leaped back down from the wagon as the female introduced herself. "Sage." He repeated her name as he moved around behind her so that he could drop down to his knees in order to try and attempt to sniff as her behind in a truly canine like fashion. He had a name and now he just needed a scent to go with that. "Imacai." He gave his name after scent harvesting and remained on his knees though he ended up placing his hands on the ground so that he could present his rump in order to make it easier for the gesture to be returned. "Dat Sessane." He introduced his canine companion and pointed in her direction.

After the introductions were taken care of he stood up again. He once again glanced out over Inferni before giving Sessane a questioning look. There seemed to be some sort of unspoken communication going on between them. "Yes an' no. Sista done guh an' git loss. You see?" He doubted that Xochime would be found so far away but you could never tell. "I come see wuh I see. Fin' wuh nort an' tell brotha an' sista 'bout." So he was searching for someone but not actively searching either. He'd also been sent out too early to complete what it was he had to do. So while he wished to complete that he wasn't at the age to do it just yet either. He still had a few months before he could work on completing his Ehecatl journey. Though he supposed that he could look for prospective parties for that still.

- Sage River Lykoi - 02-28-2011


Sorry for making you wait! D: WC: 658

"Mornin'. How you?" the dirty blonde man offered in greeting.

At the return of her greeting, she gave a broad smile, piping up happily as he climbed down from the caravan. "I'm quite well, and yourselves?" she said cheerily, glancing between him and his companion.

It was good to know that there was no hostility in this group; if they wanted to attack, they likely would have done so already, and she would have been outnumbered. The thought lingered on her mind for a moment; this place had the potential to be dangerous. Maybe she should learn some self-defense, for her own sake. Oh, but even the thought was troubling...

"Jussa minute." he said, turning his back to her and climbing back up onto the wagon.

Curious as ever, Sage couldn't help but let her eyes follow him, taking a few steps nearer to the caravan, craning her neck up to get a better look. She watched as he pulled something small and blue out of one of the jars, but it looks like some sort of animal. She gave a small gasp, and quickly averted her gaze as he returned to question her.

"Dere fish?" he asked, motioning to the sea. "Small fish?"

"Oh yes, I'm sure! There are plenty of fish, of all sizes, in that water." she gave a brief smile before concerned yellow eyes darted towards the caravan once again. "Are those little things alright in there? They seem a bit cramped, don't you think?" she said, hoping that the things were being well cared for. The man also seemed worried for their welfare, though, so she couldn't push the issue too greatly.

"Dat Inferni?" he repeated questioningly in response, placing the creature back inside of the jar securely and jumping down from the wagon again.

The hippie Lykoi gave a nod, vaguely motioning in the direction of the territory again. The strange golden man lowered himself to all fours before her and, having repeated her name, proceeded to sniff about her in a very dog-like fashion. Oh, my... she thought, trying to stifle a giggle with her hand. It was silly to see a two-legged Luperci sniffing a scent that way, but she did not waver, managing to remain silent.

He introduced himself as Imacai, and she nodded, wide smile still plastered on her face. As he said his name, the man turned around on the spot, his rear end up in the air, as if beckoning her to perform the same ritual that he had. Sage stood still for a moment, unsure of what he was asking of her, and then with a quiet Oh!, she knelt down and breathed in his scent as well, even closing her eyes to get the full effect. He smelled familiar, almost wonderful. His scent was musky and strong, it smelled like the earth and like every place in the world all at once. Sage was instantly reminded of Juniper Peace, and she rose, remaining in quiet wonder and awe.

"Dat Sessane." he said, pointing to his companion and causing Sage to break out of her sidetracked trance.

"Ah...hello, Sessane!" she called out in a sing-song voice, pleased to meet the quiet woman.

Sage's mind fell into a place of euphoric interest with Imacai, and she could not help but be amazed by his movement and speech. Large chocolate ears twitched and swerved as he spoke again, alert and ready to listen.

"Yes an' no. Sista done guh an' git loss. You see?" he explained briefly, "I come see wuh I see. Fin' wuh nort an' tell brotha an' sista 'bout."

"Oh, that's terrible!" she said, eyebrows creasing in empathetic concern; she could only imagine how greatly upset she would be if one of her own sisters went missing. "I can't say that I've seen anyone much like you around here..." she responded despondently, glancing around as if the woman might show up at any moment. "Where did you lose her, love?" she asked tenderly, placing a small but warm palm on Imacai's upper arm, hoping to comfort the stranger.

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- Imacai Kimaris - 03-03-2011

It really is okay, you don't have to keep apologizing. I've been slow too. Every time I've been meaning to post something would come up. So yeah, I know just how it is; 561 words

"Nice nice." He responded with a nod of his head. Him and his companion were feeling well. The travel was long but they weren't suffering from any sort of adverse effects at least. Perhaps on the hungry side but that could be taken care of by a bit of scavenging. He wasn't a true hunter in any way but he knew how to secure a meal still. He had actually come to be quite decent at taking things that belonged to others. He had learned the tricks of slipping his hands into pockets and coming up with something. Slight of hand had become a craft that he had grown adapt enough at. It was thought those tricks that he had bartered his way onto the ship to get up to the north. And well, his brother was the better fighter actually.

"Oh yes, dey small. Real real real small." After he had settled the bird back inside the jar he lifted up their home. The jar was about as tall as his torso was. It was also wide enough that they had room to make their underground den. So for the one foot tall penguins it was more than enough room. He placed the jar back down carefully, trying not to disturb his little pets too much. He had gotten them from a Chilean breeder. The penguins acted as quite the side show attraction. They distracted the crowds that had never seen anything like them before so that he could walk amongst the crowds and slip away with precious baubles that he could use to buy his, as well as his family's, way onto the ship. He wasn't so certain how well they would do here since there wasn't the bustle of the port and travelers here. There was a lack of commerce that he was used to.

What better way was there to learn about someone? A scent didn't lie as words would do. She was obviously female, though that could be gathered from appearance alone. She was young still, maybe around his age or so. He would say at least past the year mark but he couldn't pinpoint exactly how much past. She was a good bit coyote but still there was a mix of others in there as well. Not that he could say much since he had a bit of wolf blood in himself as well. So it might come across as strange but it really was the easiest way to gather information about who someone was and where they were from.

He stood again after the exchange of scents was done. "Sessane dun speak. Sessane dun hear." He explained to Sage and waved to his friend before pointing to Sage. This prompted the female atop the horse to wave as well. Imacai smiled and gave his friend a nod to indicate that she had done right. He then turned his attention back to Sage once more. He glanced down at the hand on his arm then back up at the female again. "Eterne." He didn't really expect her to be this far away from home or anything. And she hadn't been the exact reason that he had left. No, he had been sent out on his quest. And well, it didn't hurt to look for her while he worked on fulfilling just what he had to.

- Sage River Lykoi - 03-16-2011


Word Count → 361

Derrrr. ILU! <3

Sage watched, wide-eyed and curious as the man fuddled around with the oddly shaped, bird-looking thing for a while more. Yellow eyes sought to discover just what they were; they were like no creature she'd ever seen, and she knew the animals quite well. Was it blue? She squinted her eyes, and could have sworn she saw a flash of a lovely cobalt blue color before he tucked the animal back away into its temporary home, out of sight. Her eyes flew to Imacai again.

"Oh yes, dey small. Real real real small." he explained, holding up the jar which seemed to swallow the small creature.

"Oh, I see!" she said, surprised. "What are they?" Her curiosity demanded to see investigate these strange, new creatures.

The hippie Lykoi girl had already given a friendly greeting to the quiet woman nearby when Imacai said: "Sessane dun speak. Sessane dun hear." Tilting her head in confusion, the girls sun-colored eyes narrowed for a moment as she thought. The girl had no voice, and couldn't hear either? What a shame that was! Sage couldn't imagine a world where she couldn't speak to anyone, or even hear the sounds of the forest, of other voices. The girl frowned at this news, though the woman did not seem deterred by her impairment, for she offered a friendly wave back in response. Sage's smile returned to her face briefly, before her ears caught Imacai's unique voice once again.

"Eterne," Imacai stated.

Eterne? I think someone's told me of that place, sometime... Where is it? Can you tell me about it?" the tawny girl inquired, curious. Any and all mention of the place had been vague, and she certainly couldn't remember much. Now would be a good opportunity to fill those gaps in...

Languidly moving over to the two horses that Imacai stood near, Sage slowly rose a tanned hand towards the handsome equines, letting them take her scent before reaching towards the closest one, hoping he might let her pet him. "Your horses are gorgeous, love," she commented in passing, her voice still laced with wonder and intrigue. Imacai had brought along such interesting creatures!

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