'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Questions for the SA - Printable Version

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- Kallisto - 02-21-2011

In the world of 'Soulspocalypse and etc,

1)Would it be feasible for a non-luperci female, out of 'Souls (somewhere in Saudi Arabia) to give birth to a litter of 10, assuming that we're stretching boundaries to the limit here,

2) Would it be allowed for my unjoined female character to be impregnated by someone's joined male character(who has been on souls for 6months or over), outside of 'Souls (not too far outside) and then the unjoined female character joins souls a few weeks pregnant

i has a cookie bet with marit for this XD

- Tayui Aston - 02-21-2011

1) The maximum size for litters I am aware of is seven, so I'd say no. :O You can always have multiple litters. (Though, if you're hoping to adopt out nine siblings, I'd warn you against it since it can be pretty tough to get an entire family adopted out! >__< I've seen better luck with two or three family members.)

2) If it occured before the character joined 'Souls, then yes. But since the gestation period is ~60 days (two months), that wouldn't work. Given that the character would have had to leave 'Souls territory to impregnate the character, I would think no? Since then you'd have to backdate the pregnancy to half a year ago IC'ly and we don't allow backdated pregnancy threads (because then everyone would backdate them two months and have the puppies immediately :S)

You could have her impregnated with another character that is not on-board and join with the puppies, but I don't know if they would be born? I would have to see what the rest of the SA thinks since any puppies born on board need to follow the puppy guidelines.

Hmm, this is kind of a tricky question, so I think we'll have to discuss and get back to you. It involves changing timelines of established characters and joining with a puppy.

- Shawchert Menue - 02-21-2011

If i may interject #2 would have been a totally seperate litter from #1.

the question is, can they have a soul's person go out into a territory close to 'souls, but is outside, impregnate the said character and the male come back, while the female stays in that out of souls area for a little while and before the puppies are due the impregnated character joins souls and the male character use their puppy points. If that makes any sense... lol

- Kallisto - 02-21-2011

the first question was refering to a npc, specifically the character i would play's mother. none of the siblings would be coming to souls or stuff like that or the mother. its off of souls board. all i wanted to know was would it be ok to include in my characters bio.

and shaw got question two right, sorry if my explanations suck. I don't know where you got half a year from o.O but then im on the edge of a nervous breakdown so whatever. All im wanting is for my character to arrive at souls two weeks pregnant and the puppies she gives birth to would take the points of the male that kindly donated them to me. If its that much of a hassle i'll simply rp it and have her get knocked up when she arrives at souls.

sorry if im seeming disrespectful or anything, i just have very little patience to spare atm

- Arkham Lykoi - 02-21-2011

1) It's possible for non-Luperci females to have litters up to 14, so it's not a huge stretch. I would agree with Tammi that it would be very hard adopting out a family that big though. It's also worth remembering that only characters 7 months of age and older may be listed on the Open Characters list if they were born off-board. Smile

2) We're discussing it. :3

- Jace Wolfe - 02-21-2011

andf yeah those questions were ment to be unrelated XD i really need to explain stuff better

- Arkham Lykoi - 02-22-2011

We've discussed it and:

A) If the male leaves 'Souls NOW or did so less than two weeks ago (reasonable backdate time) to impregnate the female, then yes. She could join ~2 months from now, pregnant, and give birth on-board, with the male's puppy contributions.

B) If the male supposedly left 'Souls two months ago, allowing for the female to be pregnant NOW, then we would need to disallow it because saying something happened two months ago is outside of reasonable backdating times, even if no thread is actually written since the female character is not a member and the actual impregnation takes place off-board.

Hope that makes sense.

- Jace Wolfe - 02-22-2011

ok then, i wont be picking the character up until may anyway so it wont be for a little while yet anyway

- Tayui Aston - 02-22-2011

That works fine then. Smile If the male character writes a post where they leave 'Souls and encounter the female NOW, that would work.

Feb 22: Impregnate + pregnancy
Apr 26: Give birth
May 26: Have one-month old puppies

The only issue with this is that a one month old puppy might not be able to survive the trip. (Though I'm not totally sure on this -- you might want to do some research and figure it out, since I'm just trying to use whatever I can remember about wolves) If you bring in the character in June, then the puppy would be two months old and more likely to make a long trek to wherever they are headed.

Hmm, hope that helps. :]

- Makhesthai Lykoi - 02-22-2011

lawl would it just be simpler for us to rp them bumping uglies once she gets to souls then? i dont think i could keep up with the dates and stuff. i are stoopids :3 i'll just rp the pregnancy out full term i think it would be easier for everyone XD

- Tayui Aston - 02-22-2011

Either way works. Smile Just remember: gestation (pregnancy to birth) is 63 days (so about two months) and you can't play the characters until they are two months old, so the timeline is two months + two months = four months. ^^

- Makhesthai Lykoi - 02-22-2011

Big Grin

thank you for your patience with my stupid brain


- Tayui Aston - 02-22-2011

Not a problem! Smile Sometimes it can take time to grasp things or just have them sink in.