'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Some Questions! - Printable Version

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- Frodo Silvertongue - 02-22-2011

I have some questions!!!!!!

I know this is set in real life time, but do I have to wait a full year real life time for my character to age up a year?! If the answer is no, when and how do our charries age up?

What are puppy points? And, if, sometime in the faaaarrrrr future, when Frodo (hopefully) gets a mate, how can he have pups?? Do I have to do something special? Do I have to post the mother and fathers stats and receive a random litter or something, like other sites?

Do people actually have fights on this site? I mean, I'm quite happy about that as most sites I have been on, the whole plot is about fighting, but I have never seen any going on, on here. Can people actually challenge for packs or are you not allowed do that/do you have to be a mod or something do to it? Also, if you do fight on this site, what are the rules for fighting? (I'm asking this because I'm curious, and I don't want to mess up if someone attacks Frodo DSmile

Can Frodo teach his horse a bit of high speech? Could they somehow learn to communicate better?

Would it be ok for Frodo to find an old human book, that teaches him Elvish? (like, a Lord of the rings fan book- not that he would know that that was what it was). Could Frodo gradually learn fluent elvish? (Elvish, when spoken, sounds very soft and quiet. I want Frodo to learn this so that he can calm animals sometimes. And also, so he can learn a few more elf songs xD)

I am so sorry for the many questions! C: I'm just curious!

- Sepirah Lykoi - 02-22-2011

1. Yes this is in real time so your character will only gain in age from the date birth you have given him.

2. Puppy points are used so your characters can have pups. Each player is given 3 so you can use up to 3 per year in a litter. More on this is under the procedures as well as the rules for puppy points.

Sadly these are really the two I know the answers to ^^;

- Arkham Lykoi - 02-22-2011

1. Yup, you'd have to wait a real year for your character to age a year.

2. Our puppy procedures are here. If you're approved for a litter, you can decide everything about it. Since there are no stats, etc, you can pretty much decide how to mix the traits of the parents into the puppies yourself.

3. The fighting section of the RP Guide is here. Almost all fights are pre-planned with a conclusion in mind, though some players do like to have un-planned fights that depend on what they each end up writing. Realism in fights is heavily dependent on players since our characters don't have stats. Characters may indeed challenge for ranks and pack leadership, but again, these events are generally planned out with all involved parties, meaning that essentially, you cannot stage a coup de'tat without the former leader's permission. Wink

4. Horses cannot learn high speech. However, Frodo may be able to pick up some horse low speech given a lot of time, patience, and practice. I am in the process of finishing up a speech guide that should give a lot more information about high/low speech and the nuances thereof, so hopefully things will be a lot clearer in that area when I'm done.

5. It would be possible. If Frodo can already read English, or whatever, then it's just a matter of finding a book that hasn't deteriorated beyond comprehension (I'm sure you can figure something out ^^) and learning it in the same way a human would.