'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
We meet at last - Printable Version

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- Jace Wolfe - 03-11-2011

WC: 300+ 3

Jace had never been one to complain or whine. Anything that was wrong in her life she could and would usually sort out herself but this... this went beyond her and beyond her friends this went straight to the top. It had taken her this long but she had finally worked up the nerve to try and find the Alpha, to find Jefferson and let him know about the monster that stalked his pack lands. No doubt he already knew but she might be able to provide him with some evidence that helped him get Lucifer the hell out of Phoenix Valley.

In her Secui form her belly hung below her with a distinctive bulge now, there would be no hiding it from anyone from now on and she sniffed depressedly. Her fur fluffed up unhappily as she approached the place that she recalled Jefferson was staying with Geneva and his son. She couldn't recall the boy's name though and it irked at her. Her paws sunk into the slowly melting slushy snow and she grimaced, the part of the year she hated was when the snow melted then it created a mess everywhere and it clung to her dark grey paws.

She sighed and looked around her. She couldn't see anybody but that did not mean that she was alone. She walked carefully and warily, her eyes scanning for any hidden threats, she would not be attacked again and that she had wandered the borders distracted had been incredibly stupid of her. She growled low in her throat, her claws extended and dug into the slush. She sneezed and continued walking, using her sensitive nose to try and find any scents that may still be lingering in the white snow or that could possible lead her to the Alpha.

- Jefferson Soul - 03-11-2011


A sneeze that echoed even to the back of the church roused him from his hiding spot, stepping out into the open. The church was a desolate place, long out of use by the humans and since never used, to his knowledge, by any of the members of Phoenix Valley. It was once a place of faith and prayers, of false hope and subordination; perhaps it should have symbolized that to he and the Valley, in that the leaders had chose to duck into it in a time of disaster and destruction of the pack, but Jefferson offered no prayers. They lived in a place of hope and faith ironically; their wishes for peace over the pack once again had nothing to do with an upper entity. This was the Valley's problem. It was Jefferson's problem.

He had explored the further depths of the church more out of curiosity than anything else; religious robes and the like hung somewhere in the back, some coated in mold while others dissolved or eaten away, and what appeared to be religious artifacts like chalices and dishes lined the cupboards, surrounded by mouse droppings and dead bugs. He didn't understand a thing of it. The sound of an intruder had been a welcome interruption, then, pulling him away from what was slowly beginning to frustrate him, and the creaky close of one of the doors to the sanctuary and he stepped down and past the altar quietly, one arm swinging at his side, one sleeve flapping emptily behind him.

"It's dusty in here," he said, his voice hardly booming yet its naturally gravelly tone resonating on the church walls without effort. "How are you holding up after the storm?"

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- Jace Wolfe - 03-11-2011

WC: 300+ 3 points

The sound of footsteps brought her attention, and she turned her body around. It was coming from the area she had just vacated. She tensed her body, ready to either fight or run but then she relaxed as the leader's scent floated on the air and overwhelmed the scent of blood coming from her arm, and then his voice reached her ears. The battle scarred leader came into her field of vision and Jace felt awe and respect rush through her, she held a lot for respect for this man. His reaction after the snowstorm had cemented that in her mind, and that he had given his good arm to save one of pack mates. Her ears fell back and her tail lowered accordingly and she bowed though it was nothing elaborate or fancy, a simple greeted to a higher up.

"Yes, very dusty.... I am not unwell." She had hedged his question, if she answered that she was alright or fine then she would be lying, and lies were something she could not bring herself to utter. Lies hurt people and got them killed.

She felt somehow unequal with him in her four legged form and so shifted, raising up into her optime form as well. Though her form bore no clothes like his did, her thick fur was enough to keep her warm. Her slightly extended stomach was even more noticeable in this form something that she despaired at, her ears dropping back completely to lie against her head. She folded her arms across her chest and grimaced, the scars across her face stretching and distorting. She would not beat around the proverbial bush, not with something this important,

"I don't know if you know me but I am Jace, I joined the pack a short while ago. And you need to know that there is a rapist stalking the Valley." Her eyes hardened and filled with anger, flicking down to her stomach before she turned around without another word, showing him the red claw marks that extended down her black from her neck to the beginning of her tail and the teeth marks in her shoulder.

- Jefferson Soul - 03-11-2011


As she shifted up to meet his height, the male looked lazily in another direction, but directed his gaze immediately to her stomach upon turning back. He knew that roundness well enough; perhaps that was why she carried despair in her eyes, to be pregnant at a time like this. When she straightened up, his gaze did as well, meeting her face emotionlessly before she could realize he'd noticed at all.

Her words were blunt and quick, and the Patriarch simply stared at her a moment in their wake as he attempted to make sense of them. He could have snapped something sarcastic, something rude and very typical for Jefferson, but the brute did not. His gaze grew sympathetic slowly, putting two and two together, and a sigh burst through his defenses as he bowed his head.

"I see," he said, raising scarred fingers to rub his eyes. A moment more of consideration, then he turned his gaze to her once more. "Who did it? When?" And a subtle what happened? was also hinted in his gentle, yet weary, tone.

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- Jace Wolfe - 03-12-2011

300+ 3 points

His sigh was sad and weary and she turned back around to face him, uncrossing her arms and curling her hands into fists at her sides, her tail now flicking agitatedly behind her. She watched warily as he rubbed at his face, she didn't know how he would react, he might even be angry at her for causing it but whatever punishment he dealt her she would take.

"Who did it? When?" His questions were not unexpected as she answered them with complete honesty. Her stomach still lurched unsteadily at the thought of her rape and nausea filled it, churning uneasily within her.

"Lucifer." His name was hissed with all the hatred and rage that Jace felt for the sick black male. Again her eyes shifted down to her protruding stomach and her voice still remained a snarl,

"These might be his." She nodded down at her stomach, "About the end of last month. I had met him before, he was staggering around drunk inside our borders so I suitably ejected him from the Valley after determining that there was nothing of purpose that he could be doing here. Anyway I was patrolling the borders as per usual and I was ambushed from behind by him like all cowards attack." Her lip curled up in distaste. " The struggle escalated to rape and if it wasn't for Ookami I do not believe I would have escaped alive. He seemed intent on causing as much.. damage as possible." She had given him her explanation, she did not expect any sympathy or comfort from the Alpha male. he was not the type of person to give those out so freely. But his knowledge was enough for her and he could begin to help hunt down this monster and silence him for good. It was too late for herself but others could be spared from the ordeal.

- Jefferson Soul - 03-12-2011


The second that name spat from her lips, the glow within the emerald of his eye intensified, burning a near-yellow; it took every effort of restraint he could muster to keep from running out the door on her in search of him. Trespassing? Raping his members? The fury burnt in his chest as vicious as the blaze that once crackled and popped before him in the ranch hearth, before it was filled in with snow from the storm. He breathed, in and out, and focused on the cycle of wind within his lungs; it calmed him, and in silence, the spiked fur at his neck and the glow of his eye gently subsided.

As she continued through what she had experienced, the cyclops raised his scarred fingers to her shoulder and directed her softly, moving her a few feet back to sit down on one of the strewn pews not toppled over in the church. He sat down on the floor before her, a lower perspective than she, looking up at her; it was a position of defenselessness, of no intimidation, of subordination. Jefferson did not wish to risk intimidating her. Not now. Green eye simply gazed on as she spoke, sympathy whirling in its color.

"He is a demon," the brute hissed, gaze falling to the floor as his tone shifted to stoniness rather than anger. "I'm sorry that happened to you on patrol. It might be safest not to go alone, at least not while he's around." A pause, then his eye lifted up to her. "Though, you won't be patrolling again for a while, all right? I need you to take care of yourself."

He sighed again, pushing himself to his feet. "The next time I see that piece of shit, he won't be leaving my sight until we're throwing his corpse into the goddamn quarry. I'll swear that to you now."

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- Jace Wolfe - 03-14-2011

300+ 3 points

The scarred she wolf pulled back for a second, startled by the sudden intense fire that raged in her Alpha's one vivid green eye and for a second thought the anger was directed at herself before realizing that the male knew who she spoke of. She continued her story as he calmed himself down, she tried her best but couldn't suppress the flinch as his hand came down unexpectedly on her shoulder, it was an automatic reaction and one she loathed, no matter of her size, no matter of her strength, no matter of her rape; Jace Denahlii was not a victim. Ever.

She let the one armed cyclops steer her towards the pews and sat down upon his inviting. She blinked, surprised as he lowered himself before her, taken aback at the display of subordination he showed to her. He was the Alpha was he not? The higher in rank therefore he should stand over herself. It was a strange situation to her and one she wasn't sure she particularly liked but the sympathy in his eye helped soothe her ruffled fur, the Alpha knew what he was doing, even if she did not. She unconsciously relaxed some, her tail curling around to lay itself in her lap, the tanned tip twitching ever so slightly.

"Yes he is... " She nodded as he announced that she would no longer patrol the borders, something she had been considering herself as she was becoming increasingly more vulnerable as her stomach grew, unable to move as swiftly or as agilely. He pulled himself to his feet, looming above her now but any fear she would have felt had been washed away by the kindness he showed and by his last declaration about tossing Lucifer's body into the quarry, surprisingly it make her let loose a bark of laughter and as she looked up at him for just a second the tiniest hint of madness showed in her mismatched gaze,

"He's a demon who is missing a good chunk out of his shoulder." Again she barked out her laughter, betraying the dog blood that made up half of her genetics.

- Jefferson Soul - 03-20-2011


Of course, despite the Patriarch's uncanny knack for sarcasm, any given threat the scarred man spat out was not necessarily an empty one — in fact, he could not think of a time when he had made a threat he was unwilling to follow up on. That said, the bark of laughter flipped the man's tattered ears to attention, his gaze shooting up to her in alarm. She found it humorous? He would not argue it with her, not after all that Lucifer had done; what rage Jefferson felt for the dark-furred idiot was ungrounded compared to what Jace had experienced with him, and yet the Patriarch's rage did not lessen. His shocked gaze on her softened, not quite into a mutual amusement, but into something much more stony and tired.

And again she commented on him and laughed, and still Jefferson held his silence, analyzing the humor. Was she laughing away the pain? That was something he'd envy, as one who had never been able to do the same.

"Then you got the job started for me," he sighed, making for a feeble smile. "You're strong, Jace. Don't let him or anyone try to tell you otherwise."

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- Jace Wolfe - 03-24-2011


His reaction to her laughter was one of confusion and she could understand it, who in their right mind would laugh about such things when they had just suffered rape and defilement of the worst kind but if she was honest with herself, it was either laugh or cry hysterically with no end in sight and she would rather laugh and be seen as odd that loose her plot completely and break down into hysterics, she had never been one for hysterics. However she appreciated his small effort to be appearing to join in on her humor with her, she hadn't expected sympathy she had just wanted to get her story out into the open.

She stood at his words that she was strong and nodded, her mother had been strong before her to bare pups to a male who was not of pack, despite that she could have been ejected from it and left on her own to die. Jace shifted her weight from one foot to the other and back again nervously, she sensed that their conversation was rapidly coming to an end, obviously he would not have time to sit with her all day and talk for he had important duties and things he needed to attend to. Noe would she want him to stay with her, at the moment she often felt the need to be alone so she could slowly collect her thoughts and begin to function like a normal wolf again.

She felt grateful for his help and support but didn't think she could express it in a vocal sense instead she stepped forwards and being careful not to touch his injured arm nor where he had lost his other she gave him a short awkwardly placed hug that had she been thinking straight would have never dared to do and eh pulled back from it fully expecting to be chastised. The words "Thank you" murmured from her lips quietly.

- Jefferson Soul - 03-26-2011


He stiffened some at the embrace, he being a creature of little sentimentalities such as it; most of his embraces were reserved for his mate and child, and he could not think of a single other that he'd gone out of his way to... "hug" before. She was a little thing, he realized, as she drew close and latched onto his scarred and horrid frame. A small, lithe, innocent thing, as compared to he, the monster, and the likewise Sawtooth monster that had ravaged her. She'd never deserved it; she'd never stood a chance against him.

Jefferson was her guardian, like he was all the rest. Like most of the Valley, he towered over her effortlessly, a scarred and monstrous titan in a land of innocent dreamers. He served as their leader, an ironic leader, but the one responsible for them... and he had failed her, as he had failed so many times before.

A sigh escaping his lips, the scarred man reached his arm and held her close. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you," he said gently, the harshness of his usual tone suddenly smoothed into something... humble. "It happened under my command, and I failed as your leader. I'm sorry."

A moment's peace, then he released her and looked her in the eye. "I want you to stay with someone at all times, like I said. I just can't risk this happening again. Not until I taste his blood for myself." Another pause. "I'll walk you back to your den."

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- Jace Wolfe - 03-28-2011

300+ 3 points

She felt him stiffen and knew she had gone too far with her daring, even in her confused and upset mind she could feel the wince at the social blunder, but then his arm came up behind her and he returned the.. awkward hug type thing that they had going on. He apologized to her for not being there to protect her and she likened his response to the same one that Temo had shown and she shivered just a little bit, suddenly feeling a frigid cold settling deep into her bones and realised that she felt old, very very old, she wondered how that was possible when she was not even in her third year of life and put it down to the trials she had already been through.

He moved back and she let go of his form and stepped back, giving him space. 'I want you to stay with someone at all times' She nodded at him, Temo would be happy to be on guard duty and follow her around day and night. She looked into his single vivid green eye and saw something within it that she couldn't place at that moment in time, sorrow? anger? respect? she couldn't tell. Finally she dragged her gaze away and turned her head to look at the church surrounding them admiring the level of craftsmanship that had gone in to its creation even though the years had damaged it and taken their toll, then back to him and she nodded,

"Of course, thank you Sir." She remained lost in her thoughts, her mind spinning its wheels over their conversation and her the strange itchy feeling that now nagged at her as he walked her back to the hole in the ground under the log that she called her home.