'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Life without you - Printable Version

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- Rendall - 03-11-2011


pre-dated to the night before she leaves for Inferni, setting at the fallen eagles tower.

Ren paced anxiously around the ruins of the fallen tower, the setting sun making her fur glint brightly in the orange light. Tomarrow she would be going on her first trip to Inferni since she was a child. The idea of seeing the coyote leader again made Rendall's heart throb heavy in her chest, both in joy and in fear. A part of her didnt want to leave Pheonix Valley but she was still restless for something. So she would leave and travel about souls, returning only a few days each week. However, she felt bad for not saying goodbye to a certain friend of hers, one whom she had grown close to since his arrival. Noah was someone truely special to the woman. Though she knew he was closer to someone else she still kept deep feelings for the male. He was the first one she had ever taught to shift. The woman smiled at the thought. She had invited him to come here in the place of ruins and death to say goodbye. She would see him again, but not as often as she wished.

Ren paced faster, but finally decided it was doing nothing to help, she sat down, trying to calm her nerves and watch the setting sun. Yes this was a place of death and ruin, but here and now she would make it a place with a better memory. A place where two friends can meet and talk about the past and future. Finally feeling her nerves calm alittle more she layed down, placing her head on a piece of rock that was probably once a piece of the towers once-powerful walls. The cold was quiet, not much wind came and not many animals came accross the quiet place. She watched the clouds dance across the sky, turning pink and orange and then grey. Soom enough the wind brought the males scent to her. She sat up quickly and dusted the snow off her fur, the sky showed small hints of darkness as the sun slowly progressed in its setting.

She turned waiting for the male to come over to her. Her nerves grew just slightly. She wasnt sure what to say to the male but she was sure he would, as always, be there to listen to what she had to say......thats of course if she acctually said something. She sighed and waited for the male to arrive.

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- Noah - 03-29-2011

He had not been the same since the day he rushed to Tala’s side, he had put both of their life in his paws, and had risk his life, Tala’s life and Yuki life just to make sure that one pack member made it out of the cabin safely. The male was suppose to be resting he was suppose to be letting his leg, or what was left of his leg heal. The silver male needed to get out of the house, the cabin was nice, but he hated lying around when there was work to be done around the pack lands.
The tripod had fallen into a state of depression, he felt horrid for being depressed over losing a leg and losing a patch of fur. Noah knew that if he did not go in after Tala that she could have been killed by the beam that fallen down taking his leg. The male saw her laying there, the white ear tipped female that he loved dearly; she had been a very loyal friend to him. He was lucky to have her, pushing on that million doallar happy smile that he knew he needed to keep for the pack the male looked at the babe. ” Rendall?!” The silver Sawtooth was always happy to see her, but something seemed off with her, and that bothered the male.

- Rendall - 04-08-2011


I'm so sorry this took so darn long, my computer really doesnt like me lol

She froze as she heard the males voice from behind. She put her head down slightly, trying to compose herself as she turned to face her friend. Ren offered him her ususal friendly smile as she tried to leave her emotions and anxiety behind. When her eyes met his though her heart leaped for joy and she truely could not hold back a smile. "Hello..." her voice caught in her throat as her blue eyes traveled down to his missing leg. She gasped a little and was saddened by the fact that she had not helped him when he was in danger. Her voice was barely above a whisper when she spoke "How....is your shifting coming?" She tried to give him the comfort in her eyes but not without guilt and saddness.

She walked over to the ltest tripod and sat down next to him, giving him a comforting nuzzle on his neck and a playful nip on his ear. Her heart still weighed heavily with the burden of her news. She looked away again, not wanting to meet his eyes when she told him. "Noah.....theres something I must say. I..will be going away soon. Tomarrow in fact. I have to leave to help the pack rebuild. I..am sorry I could not spend more time with you." A tear slid down her face and her voice rose slightly as she tried to hold back from crying. "I will return of course, but, we will not be seeing much of each other for the next month or so." She turned to look at him, scared of what she might find from her friend.

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- Noah - 04-17-2011



The male shook his head rolling his ear back as he returned her soft caring touch. The silver male had come to care deeply about the black and white female, she was like a sister to him, a very close, and very trusted friend that he would kill for, just as he could for Tala, and Jace. It was a wonderful thing having other’s to care about and knowing that if it came down to it, they would be there for him also. He lowered his head pushing his head into her shoulder then lifting his head up looking into her eyes, something bothered her, she was able to push a smile upon her face, but there was still something that was bothering her and he would not be happy till he knew really what was bothering her.


That was the only thing that he could think of that could be wrong with her, after the entire Valley was nearly in ruins from the snow storm that had came overnight and took Souls in its frost bitten hands. She was a brave soul that was no lie, but he had hoped for her sake and safety that the land of Coyotes would great her with warmth and kindness. The silver male knew that they had a track record for not being the kindest of beings with wolves, but the Valley was full of members that where really peaceful beings and wanted nothing more than to bring the warmth and love of the lands to everyone.

”Will be wh…whu…wh…wha…wait..e…eeeee….eee…waiting.”

He knew that stopping her would not be smart. She was doing something that was the best for the pack lands. She had a heart of gold, something that he was in envy of her for. He did not have something like that, he thought of what would be best for him-self and then others. He did try to think of what he could do to make others around him happy though.


- Rendall - 04-19-2011


sorry if its an icky short post XP

She looked down again fighting the tears that would soon come. "I am a little, but, I'm more sad about something else." She looked down, she woud be very lonely for a long time on this trip, but she already accepted that. She would have enjoyed his company but, like many males, he was about to be claimed as well. She took a deep breath and realized that she would be happy for him no matter what happened. The thought did make her feel alittle bit better, she returned to his side and leaned tiredly against him, trying to relax and enjoy the moment they would have together again. "Thank you Noah, for everything. Youve been such a good friend to me."

She smiled when he said that he would be waiting, it made her feel wonderful knowing that she would have family here for her return. "Your my best friend Noah, I'll bring something back for you, I always do for my friends on my journies, its sort of my thing." She looked away and blushed as she said that, she wanted to show him that he meant the world to her. However, she didnt want him to feel uncomfortable about being around her, she just wanted him to feel happy.

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- Noah - 04-20-2011


OC: Your fine!!!

He felt sorry for Rendall, she was going to be making this trip all alone, and if Noah was stronger and just a bit healthier she would be forced to accept him as a traveling partner. That what the silver male fully believed what was bothering her, and not one ounce that she was just sick of being alone, and all the good males taken. Then even some of the less trusted males were taken to. If Noah would have known this he would have felt horrid, he never tried to show off the love and devotion he had for his beloved. But then again, Noah never really showed much emotion other then respect and care for anybody that had proven it to him or someone higher then what he was. The silver male lowered his head as he laid down looking up at the faded babe. ”What’s wrong?” He offered up a soft whine looking up at her.

Giving a nod, the male smiled softly hinting that she might have cracked into a wall he had built around his heart to protect him from getting hurt. ”Sam…eee” He stopped thinking about it, he loved her like a sister, like the sister he never had, like he loved Tala. It was a deep bond that would make him do just about anything to make her smile, to make her happy.

”Request?” The male pushed his three legged body to sit up as groaned like an old man, it was sad that his body had crumbled downhill that quickly within a short amount of time, what happened to the glory of youth?


- Rendall - 04-28-2011


lol lol ok ok ok

Rendall smiled though her heart was still sad. At the last moment of truth, she choked, she couldnt tell Noah about her feelings for him. She didnt want him to feel pressured or terrible about the way she felt. So instead, much to her demise, she told him something else in hopes he would believe her. "I feel bad for leaving without spending some time with you, I mean after all your my friend and I feel bad for leaving. Plus I feel, well lonely, I'm tired of being the loner of the pack all the time." She closed her eyes and frowned, it just wasn't fair, she could never get a break from it all.

She did however when smile when he said same. She looked up with curious eyes when he said request. What request did he wish to make? "Yes?" Her thoughts bubbled with questions abut what he may want. She looked again at his eyes. Oh how she wished someone would look at her the way he looked at Yuki. She frowned in her unhappy loneliness again. Here it was spring, the "season of love" and no one was having worst luck than her. It made her almost mad that her luck was running out. She sighed lightly and waited patiently for Noah's answer.

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- Noah - 05-01-2011


It wasn’t that Noah wanted the pack to come back together; he wanted the Valley to live and flourish not just for now but for the rest of its life. The silver pack member knew that she to want nothing but the best for the pack also and he knew she was trusted by all the members in the lands that they both knew. Frankly Noah trusted her with his life, and had done so more than once. Just being around her and letting him-self find a point where he was weak she was holding his life in her own bare hands.

He shook his head utterly blind to the fact that she would have feelings of passion for the horrid looking silver male. As he lowered his head giving her a soft nuzzle into her shoulder. He hated that she was off in a distant world, worrying over the pack. She needed to worry about her-self and make sure that she was happy and by the looks of her face she was far from happy, but foolish Sawtooth male did not want to upset her any further. ”Never Loner!” He snorted, as he brought his head up shaking it, as long as she had the love of the pack lands and her members she would never ever be a loner. ”Always welcomed auh…auh..auhtha…at my house.: He meant every word if he would ever have pups she could come knocking right after getting them to sleep and she would be welcomed in.

”Come back suh…say…saf..safe. I love y…yo…yuh…you.” He admitted, he was madly in love with Yuki but there was a feeling for the black and white female, she was like a sister, a very close friend that he could lay down and just chat with and not have to worry about the topic being to strange or odd for her. After all she was the one that did not laugh at him when Noah confessed to her that he did not know how to shift his body.
