'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Help Needed - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Help Needed (/showthread.php?tid=16100)

- Axle Sargos - 03-16-2011

I'm trying to fill in some holes in Axle's history but i've come to a little hitch. To make it all fill out I need someone to have killed his parents around october 2010. It is best if this person was a former member of DDM but left before connor became alpha and the system was changed. Also any former or current member is acceptable (in that order). If you'd like to apply post in this thread or pm me. thanks

CORRECTION: that should be August. not october. sorry about that.

- Naniko D'Angelo - 03-16-2011

I'm going to move this over to Questions and Help so that it'll get more attention Smile Character-related questions and such should go in that forum.

<333 Where was Axle/his parents at in October 2010? Somewhere off-board? Was it very far from 'Souls? I have an old character, Ember Phoenix, who was a member of Dahlia in the past before leaving to join AniWaya. She then had a psychotic break and attempted to murder her own pups (Born Sept 2010) before fleeing the territory a few months later. She didn't officially leave the board until December of '10, but if they were somewhere within 'Souls or nearby I would be willing to volunteer her if you'd like. :3 She was pretty nutso and could have likely done something like that.

- Axle Sargos - 03-16-2011

Hey thanks for moving it. I guess I didn't see that forum on the site.

most of this can be adjusted to fit whatever is needed but first of all it was either august or september actually not october (I had forgoten that I had moved the date). as to the area I'm not quite sure. probably somewhere inside souls, maybe in an area like {Dang this tiny screen! I can't read the letters! >.<. you'll have to wait untill tommorrow for me to get the name but it's that open area underneath the DDM border}. but it really could be just about anywhere in, or nearby, souls, whatever works for you.

Definatly sounds like a good option though and I'll consider it.