'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
the death of my vanglorious children - Printable Version

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- Valinta LeStrange - 03-30-2011


Word Count → 591

ONe or two people that are close to her that are members of the pack. She's wakin' up, y'all! Sky locked all the doors, so she's pretty much trapped...

When she was young, Valinta's tutor had been beaten by members of a rival pack. She had been found unconscious in the snow, near death. When she had woken up, months later, the child had asked her what it was like to be asleep so long. "It is like pure nothingness." her tutor had responded, a far away look in her eyes. "It was like I was dead, only I was alive. And I wanted to die. But.. No matter what I did, I couldn't." Her eyes snapped back to the child, and fire returned to those eyes the child loved. "Let us return to your teachings, Princess."

Her tutor hadn't lied. Yet she had. It was as though the female had died. There was nothing, but then she lived it all again. The attack, falling into the snow, feeling the pup's soft body beneath her. The sensations of it all were so realistic that had she not been in a coma, the woman would have started to cry. There was fear there, in that room. Fear strong and not wavering, the stench increasing and decreasing in waves. It let them all know she was still alive.

Barely. Valinta couldn't see, she couldn't hear, she couldn't do a thing. Not a single damned thing. She could breathe, yes. But that was all. Yet such a seemingly inconsequential act was so important to her now. At one point, she had to struggle. Stretched out where ever she was, the female had to fight for her next breath. And she fought visciously, as only someone dying can.

The breath was hers, each one a hard-fought victory. And now, in celebration of all those victories, her mind and body worked together to create another victory, one all the more worthwhile.

Her eyelids fluttered. No more movement. Her mind snarled and sent a bolt of adrenaline through her body. The eyes opened and slid shut. A hand twitched slightly. The Russian woman's maw opened and released a weak, hoarse groan. All the sound she could make. Pulsating wildly, her heart surged the blood that was going slowly, forcing it to move quickly.

Yellow eyes snapped open and the woman gasped. It was her new birth. She had spent time in her mind's womb, growing, changing, and finally... She was. She was alive again, she had taken her first breath of life. Valinta's arm reached blindly for something to grab onto, and a cup fell from a table next to her with thunk and rolled away. Clutching that small table, the black-furred female forced herself up until...

She fell. Her knees giving out, the woman fell forward onto the ground, emitting a soft cry of distress, her voice hoarse from disuse. Crawling, inching her way forward, she leaned against the door and tried the knob. It was locked. Had the woman been locked in a room, awaiting her death? In her weak, fragile state, Valinta couldn't think, she didn't know if she had been left to die or protected. She only wanted out.

Weakly tapping against the door, she leaned and panted, out of breath. The exertion was too much for the panicked woman. She smelt her own fear, congealing heavily, stronger now that she was awake. Where was she? Why was she there? Valinta couldn't remember... Couldn't remember at all...

"Help...." she whispered softly, her voice a weak, single thread amongst a million different ones. "Help me..." She panted and leaned her head against the door, not able to work up the energy to cry.

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- Sky Rhiannon - 03-30-2011


OOC here!

Sky had been in her room at the time, restocking her medicines and resorting the first aid kits. She had spent most of the morning moving around, dealing with various new rules and the like. She had no idea where the hell her mate had disappeared to, and that was by far the worst of it; he could've been doing some seriously stupid things and here she was, stuck at home.

It wasn't until the faint knocking, followed by cries for help came to her ears that she snapped out of her frustrated work. That was coming from across the hall... the guest room... Valinta! She snapped away from her work instantly, bolting for the door. At a frantic speed, she bolted across the hall from her own room, unlocking the door quickly. Opening the door, she was met with Valinta, who had been leaning there.

Very likely, the patient had fallen as the door had opened, and if so, Sky would catch her carefully under the arms. "Oops. Hey, Valinta, sweetie..." Concern laced Sky's features, especially those blue eyes. "..you're awake. Oh thank gods." That catch became a hug, which turned into Sky attempting to get the girl back over to the bed.

"You're alright, hon. You're in my house. You're safe." Damn right she was; the place was a freakin' strong-hold. No one got in, no one got out without the keys. "Shawchert found you all beaten up, so he brought you here. You've been out like a light ever since. I was afraid you'd been in a coma." With any luck, Val would let Sky lay her back down into bed. "You need to stay still. I need to make sure you didn't go hurting yourself again. Lay down."

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- Valinta LeStrange - 04-04-2011


Word Count → QqQq :: This post was quite honestly fucking amazing and then I hit the stupid free hotmail button when I wanted to go into the chat so I had a spazz because I had to hit the back button and I lost my entire damn post. So I freaked out over chat a little. <3 OUT OF LOVE YO.

The door opened and Valinta fell forward, too weak to not do anything else. Softly furred arms caught her, hugged her, and helped her back to the bed she stood from. The steady stench of her fear dissipated slowly, the air becoming more and more sweet as it usually was. It was Sky who helped her, Sky who had always been her dear friend and stood by her no matter what. It would hurt when Valinta left the pack, losing Sky especially.

"Sky.... Oh Sky..." Valinta rasped, her voice still as weak as a newborn pup. She had nothing for herself at the moment, a distinct lack of something to grasp to boost her into strength. Sky's voice was beautiful, owning a lyrical quality. Even when she spoke, it sounded as though she sang. It was perfect to give Valinta a leg up into being stronger.

The woman sat up against the wall behind the bed and sighed. It had been a coma, of course it was a coma. "How long was I out?" she asked, knowing that the longer it was, the longer her recovery time would have to be. And the more she'd have to learn of what happened in the pack while she was 'gone'.

It would be a good as way as any to catch up on what happened in the pack and pretend to be interested in things she really wasn't. The gossip about the pack, straight from the alpha's lover. It'd be a pure source. Not that she honestly cared. "So, what'd I miss?" Valinta asked. If she were to learn what her pack had been up to, she would learn it through Sky.

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- Sky Rhiannon - 04-04-2011


Sky sadfaces. ;-;

Sky knelt down beside the bed, one hand resting on her friend's foot, the other helping to hold herself up. She hated seeing Valinta like this, hated it so much, but at least she was awake, and at least she was moving, sitting up and talking. That was as much as anyone could ask for at this point. "Not long, Val. A week at most. That damned beast attacked you, but Shawchert's taken care of it. Everything's safe now." At least, Sky hoped so. Her mate hadn't said too much about the final battle they'd had, just that Argul wouldn't be causing any more trouble.

"I've been waitin' for you to wake up. Orin and the girls are still missin', but I'm gonna go look for them as soon as I trust you'll be okay." Then came the hard part. She bit her lip some, and shifted to sit up on the bed also, reaching over and taking one of her friend's hands. She had to know. "...there's... something else, too."

"We... We found a pup. A little girl. She had your scent on her, Val." Sky's ears were pinned back. She'd never tell Valinta what condition they'd found the little orphan in, simply because it would be far too harsh a blow for her. No, all she had to know was that the pup she'd probably found was dead. "Argul got to her. When Shawchert found you, there was nothing either of us could do."

There was a sadness in Sky's voice that didn't belong. Even during her own depression after the death of her sons, she'd never sounded so... hurt. The death of not one, but two innocent puppies had been a huge shock to her, and now that the final piece of the puzzle was fixed (save for Orin, who she'd yet to find) Sky felt as if she couldn't hold back anymore. Her emotions were getting to her.

She wouldn't cry though. This was Valinta's time for crying, not hers. She had to be the strong one, the one who made sure everyone was alright. She had to put the rest of the pack ahead of her now. She was their medic in training, and there was nothing she could do about herself until her job was good and done. "...I'm sorry."

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