'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
three things cannot long be hidden - Printable Version

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- Salvia Eternity - 04-02-2011



Frustrated when her parents had refused to divulge where her sister was, Salvia had gone looking for Pandemic. Her stupid brother might know, given how often Wretch played with him. She had never liked playing with Salvia because she was always the loser, which was exactly why Salvia liked them so much. The tone in which her gruff father had spoken indicated that he was angry about something, and Salvia had not pushed him further. Though she knew he would never hurt her, she still feared what Larkspur was capable of.

Large paws trotted towards the outside of the caves, her nose working furiously as she tracked down her brother. It had been a few days since Wretch had come home, and to Salvia, this meant she was hiding. Maybe she had done something. Something bad. Now more determined to figure out where the girl was, when the timber child caught sight of her larger, darker brother, she all but charged up to him. “Pan!” She barked, green eyes gleaming with the same fanatic determination they so often showed when she was on a mission.

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- Pandemic D'Angelo - 04-02-2011


Hi dawg!

The young male felt relief flood his senses when a name was barked out. It was his name; he was safe now. Beryl hues wished to abandon the light gathering outside the cave’s exit to greet his sister’s purer green, but his gaze was reluctant to move. What was it that was so frightening about the purity of the light beyond the caves’ comforting shadows? All he knew was that he did not like it. The glistering white rain had steadily leaked away into the earth and made the ground sodden and strange to tread upon. It was just not natural out there where no roof existed. It was evident where the boy felt most comfortable spending his days. He liked to be able to hide away in the dark. Out there, he could not.

”Whaat?” he whined, seizing her with eyes shaded gray-green. His black tail rose and waved in greeting, and he felt some kind of happiness approach. Perhaps she could distract him from troubling thoughts. Or would she ask him to come outside and play like Wretch so often did? Why didn’t they feel the same way about the outside? He didn’t like being called a sissy or a stupid dumb boy, but perhaps that was exactly what he was. The D’Angelo boy bared bright white at his smaller sibling, playfully.

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- Salvia Eternity - 04-04-2011


Though all of the children were various earth tones, their eyes shared a similar color with varying shades. Salvia’s own took after her mother, but were purer in their green—far too similar to the dead grandfather that had once caused so much strife in the lands. Her fur was not exactly the same as his own had been, but she was a mirrored image through dirty glass. The aggression she displayed now could have been a warning, but she was still a child and still simple in her thoughts. Tail high, the puppy closed the distance to her brother and glared at him.

“I can’t find Wretch and no one will tell me where she is,” she yipped angrily, huffing and frowning in a dramatic fashion. She hated that she had to look up at her brother, but was equally glad for it; he would be able to protect her like their father if there was a need. “Have you seen her?” She asked, green eyes still furious. This had to be a game, and no one was playing fair!

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- Pandemic D'Angelo - 04-05-2011



Wretch disappearance had definitely been noticed by both siblings by now, but the young boy’s mind did not keep tab on her. As long as she was not in sight he did not always remember to wonder where she could be. Perhaps his sister was a bit sharper, though not as much if she had to come to him because she couldn’t find Wretch. Without the stupid snow, it couldn’t be that hard to find the palest of his two sisters.

”She’s hiding!” he announced, ignoring the dramatic air that accompanied Salvia. The true answer was no, he had not seen her, but he firmly believed that finding her would not be a complicated matter. He had failed to grasp what his earthen shaded sibling had; that their sister had been gone for days and was missing. It was not simple stupidity that made him unaware, but he simply hadn’t thought it through yet.

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- Salvia Eternity - 04-05-2011


“Not inside!” Salvia growled, shoving her shoulder into her larger brother’s side. Her brows had crinkled and formed unhappy lines over her face, light-to-dark fur contrasting with each movement. She was still nowhere near the color she would be, but the green-eyed girl was showing that her heritage belonged far more strongly to her mother’s paternal link than the D’Angelo side of her.

Tail high, the girl looked out into the vastness of the world beyond their home. She had looked everywhere in the caves, so it was only logical to think that Wretch would be somewhere outside. This too, irritated Salvia: her parents had always insisted they stay away from the borders, so in her mind, that was where her stupid sister had gone. “Come on, Pan, we’ll find her. She’s not really good at hiding,” she added smugly, lifting her dark nose and prancing out into the open. Of course they could find her—Wretch didn’t have the right coat to hide in broad daylight.

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- Pandemic D'Angelo - 04-14-2011



His earthen sister seemed confident that their other sibling’s hiding place would have to be outside the caves. It was obligatory for Pandemic to agree, for only he was magnificent at disappearing into the darkness of their home. Wretch had always adored the open world with the tall ceiling, so it would make good sense. A low rumble rattled within the boy’s throat as the bossy girl shoved at his pitch black side.

Velvet ears flattened at the girl’s words as she assumed that he would follow her. She was right in believing so, because he would. He was the largest in his litter and he thought that would have to mean that he had more space to hold qualities as well. Dull, moss-green eyes followed the girl as she moved out into the natural light outside where the day was bright and smelling foul of a young spring. His tail moved quietly without confidence, but he obediently followed.

Salvia was correct; Wretch was not really good at hiding, and the quicker she was found the quicker could he return to the safety beneath the earth without losing face in his sibling’s presence.

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- Salvia Eternity - 04-19-2011


Though not entirely oblivious to her brother’s discomfort above-ground, Salvia was stubborn and had a way of getting whatever she wanted. Right now, she wanted him to help her, and so he would. Besides, what else could he possibly be doing? Sitting in the dark? Lame. Lifting her tail dominantly the puppy began her search, eyeing each bush and tree as if it might hide their pale sister. This method would not do well, so she quickly dropped her nose to the ground and began sniffing out the familiar scent that clung to all of them.

Many other scents blurred across the ground, made up of the many pack members that came and went with each passing hour. It was harder to find smells out in the open, where the elements could pull them away, and she growled as this method proved equally ineffective. Frowning, the girl turned to her brother, green eyes frustrated. This wasn’t as easy as she had hoped.

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- Pandemic D'Angelo - 04-26-2011



Pandemic had early discovered that it was easier to follow. He disliked taking the initiative and holding it, and preferred having someone to turn to, regardless the situation. He could have remained in the depths of the caves where he felt more comfortable, but he knew that he could not shy away from natural light forever. His larger form trailed after his sister, his tail hanging loosely between his hind legs and contrasting his sibling’s dominant confidence. He did not have to prove much to anyone else, but found it easier to follow another’s example like he did now. To walk into the above world without fear. No, he didn’t fear it, he just wasn’t as comfortable!

Beryl hues occasionally released the latte and gravel form before him to search for Wretch’s lighter shades amidst the flourishing nature, but his sister’s strong orange hues would no doubt discover anything before him anyway. He thought the caves were big enough already to house the pack, so how were they supposed to find one little puppy outside where there was so much space? The smaller girl turned to him with frustration and a frown, and he copied the unhappy expression, though shaking his tail slightly to appease her. He stepped closer and let his jaws grab for her ear.

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- Salvia Eternity - 04-26-2011


There was no doubt a difference between the pair, just as there had been a difference between the children as a trio. Salvia would always be the dominant force, and Pandemic always following her lead—but this suited her just fine. Her larger, quieter brother was a constant reassurance of having someone else there. She did not know loneliness, and likely never had. The puppy’s horizon would never grow as large as the world; she had no desire to exist outside of the places she knew, where she was always protected, always mighty. Outside was dangerous; her brother seemed to recognize this too, in his own way.

Pandemic’s expression made his face look funny, which brought a little giggle from her mouth. At his movement, she allowed him to nip her ear. A low and playful puppy growl came from her throat as she reared up on her haunches, lifting her paws to strike him in the shoulder. Wretch could hide as long as she wanted, Salvia thought bitterly. She would have her brother all to herself, and that was now what mattered most. She wouldn’t lose him, not in the shadows of their home or in this sunlit world.

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- Pandemic D'Angelo - 04-29-2011



The dark child liked the sound of his sister’s laugh, for it showed that she was not too unhappy with their failed expedition to find the missing Wretch. Perhaps she could be hiding in the caves after all? While Pan had searched a little for the disappeared sibling, he had not taken the extra step to look into other members’ homes to see if she might be there. The young ale thought about mentioning it, but Salvia was a very smart sister and she had probably looked there already. While he did like a functioning excuse to return to the caves quickly, it was not much fun to play hide and seek without results. That was boring, and Pan did not like boring.

He was victorious! A childish squeal flowed past alabaster teeth, meeting his sister’s playful growl. Salvia could not disturb his balance with her move, for while she was indeed larger than Wretch, he remained the largest of his siblings. He hoped this would never change, for he wasn’t a girl like she. The boy’s rump swayed with the force of his waving tail, and bolts of energy flowed through at the thought of play. Salvia was much more robust than the smaller sibling, and it was much more fun to play without remembering to be especially careful all the time.

The boy pushed against her weight, squirming with childish delight. ”Rawr I'm Tak!” But it was daytime now. Nothing was quite as scary in the light.

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- Salvia Eternity - 04-30-2011

We can wrap this up whenever you want. Smile

Her brother, larger in his build and darker in his pelt, would fill the gap where fear had sprung up. Larkspur lived there, for he was her protector, her father, but Pandemic was something still greater. She loved him more because of his simplicity, because he seemed to sense her and know what she needed in turn. Pandemic pushed against her and Salvia took two steps back on her large paws before stumbling, landing on her back with a squeal of play-terror. Never would she fear her brother, even if he was Tak. Salvia would not lose him. Her eyes gleamed in the sunlight, as brilliant as their mother’s (if only a shade or two closer to true green) as they narrowed.

Both feet kicked up in wild, untrained flails, and she growled and showed her teeth. “And I’m Rah’Khir!” She squirmed and wiggled out from under him, rolling in the grass before finding her feet again. Front paws dropped as her bottom rose, a playful puppy bow demanding play. “You better run, Tak!” Because in the stories, Tak always ran from the Silver Lady. Salvia would not destroy her brother as the goddess had. She loved him too much for that.

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- Pandemic D'Angelo - 04-30-2011


Can end it here Smile <3

His velvet fur stood on end as the girl stumbled back and finally lost her balance. His simple joy at his sibling’s response to his silliness would get him far, though he was old enough to have learned that there was yet a threshold he had to watch out for. But he didn’t worry now, and even though he was the mighty Tak of the night, he showered his sibling with big, wet puppy kisses as she squirmed around on the ground, about to be defeated by the dark God. It was easy to forget his distaste for the open world above ground when there were others that could distract him. It would be rare to find Pandemic outside the caves without company, perhaps never.

But Panpan should have known that his sister would not give in that easily. The boy jumped in the air at her voice and her role, almost resembling a surprised feline’s frozen form moving a moment above ground. And now she was up on her feet, and it was his turn to fear her. He did as Rah’Khir advised and started running away from the other puppy, for the mighty Tak didn’t want to die today. Excited chills danced along his spine as he was in the role of the one being chased for once. Salvia was more equal to him, and he didn’t feel quite as slow and dumb in her presence, even if he suspected that compared to her, he probably was.

But Salvia never teased him undeservingly, and that was one of the many reasons why she was one of precious few that would ever receive his full trust.

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