'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[J] This ain't a fairy tale - Printable Version

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- Saphira - 04-04-2011

1. Character Name: Saphira Moroi
2. Character Birthdate (including year): 6-12-2010
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
4. Gender: Female
5. Your e-mail: tinyprincess@email.com
6. A secondary form of contact: tinyprincess@email.com
7. How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: alphawolf.gotop100.com
8. Initial Post:

OOC: This is long for me...

At first, she thought that she was drowning in the loneliness that was supposed to be healing her from the terrible disease that had killed her family and left her with life-threatening breathing problems. It sucked her under and carried her on a current, her body tumbling and swaying to and fro beneath the waves of her sorrow. She didn’t remember passing out, but at some point she must have, because after what must have been quite some time, her eyes opened to a bright light shining in them – but it wasn’t heaven. It was the light of day.

She was stretched out on the ground, her body finally free of the ache that had consumed it for days, from the wheeze that had burned her lungs, and most thankfully, from the half-real pain of her life falling into ruin. The relief that spread over her was all consuming, and she made to stand up, her legs quivering from excitement – along with the rest of her body. Caught up in the heat of the moment, it took a moment to realize that something was off. But then she took a good look around, and a gasp escaped her mouth, because this was not the place she had come from.

Everything was different, and she felt a creeping but minimal sense of foreboding, though she assumed this was due to the fact that everything was so strangely different than before. Her pack (what was left of it, to be more accurate) was nowhere to be seen, and she was beginning to wonder if they had even made it to the mysterious land called Canada or if she had been the only lucky one. The scent of other canines was fresh on the air, but none of the scents were yet familiar, and Saphira was a quiet soul. She sought out the others timidly, ready to bolt in an instant if danger appeared eminent. She was a friendly girl, but now didn’t seem the time for friends. She was lost, and her pack was missing in action.

The girl sighed with disappointment at the fact that she didn’t see anybody she recognized, though she wasn’t exactly surprised. If her pack was here, she would have smelled them before she saw them. With a vexed mind filled with confusion and annoyance, the pretty girl moved towards the woods, seeing the borders of a pack, though remaining on the outside of them, a confounded expression evident upon her young face. She desperately wished for an answer to all of her questions, but at this rate, she wasn’t going to fool herself into thinking someone else had them.

She sighed heavily, her mind too perplexed to allow her to think about approaching anybody that could potentially be dangerous. She was resigned to waiting on someone to come to her.

- Jefferson Soul - 04-04-2011


Welcome! I couldn't tell what form Saphira was in, but Jefferson is in his full werewolf form ("Optime"). ^^ Also, I wanted to ask -- you said her breathing problem was "fatal," but do you mean "life-threatening"? She's not dead. Tongue

He was quite weary of all the traveling, of the back-and-forth routine between AniWaya and Phoenix Valley. How he yearned to stay in one place, as ironic as it was for the one-eyed idiot; he had been a vagrant before the Valley was a piece of his history, even as far back as when his identity had been Maluki, breathing insanity in his incessant migration filled with fights, murder and whatnot. The truth was that Jefferson had never intended to even stay with Phoenix Valley — he had wholeheartedly intended to fill his stomach and avoid death emaciation, but Iskata's inspiration and sheer fate had intervened. That was where he had remained since; with Iskata dead and the other leaders far behind, Jefferson had led the Valley alone for a number of years, eventually adopting an unsaid dedication to it and its members. The insane beast that had been Maluki became less and less evident, as if tamed by the carefree nature of the pack he ruled over, and yet Maluki knew to show his ugly face when the Valley or its members were threatened. That dedication was not easily broken, not even when Jefferson was forced to lead AniWaya in Dawali's stead, but each time he was forced to come and go he left his heart behind in the pack he loved, the pack the once loner had come to call home.

His business in AniWaya had kept him from many of his regular duties as Valley Patriarch, though Tala had certainly rose well to his expectations and directed and guarded the pack in his many absences to the western tribe. The members were thriving, the pack was unexpectedly growing; even in the wake of so many personal disasters for the Patriarch not to be discussed here, the Valley endured and blossomed, much like the awakening springtime the months were easing into.

But today he chose his time in the Valley wisely before heading back to AniWaya. He walked the borders, stalking them one-eyed as he always did, and one-armed as he had not done before February. The scarred man detected a stranger's scent lingering in the air just off the borders and followed it, silent and stolid like a ghostly guardian wandering the land it protected. "What are you doing?" his scars frowned when he came upon the stranger, sprawled rather unceremoniously on the ground. "You have business with Phoenix Valley?"

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- Saphira - 04-04-2011

OOC: Fixed! Thank you for pointing my stupidity out. Haha.

Saphira was surprised that someone had come so soon, as she sensed that this was a place not often visited. "Um, hello to you to, I guess. I'm actually new here, and I was hoping someone would come and explain to me what this place is like. I originally came from somewhere warmer and more temperate, called Virginia. But I guess I don't have business with Phoenix Valley, I don't even... oh wait, is that be the name of this pack?" It was more of a statement than a question, but the male looked so frightening that she couldn't help but stutter. "Um... are you hungry? I can hunt..."

The girl had to be surprised that she wasn't in the foul mood she should have been in. She was tired, hungry, scared, her temples were throbbing, and she wanted nothing more but to just lay down on a fluffy bed and go to sleep. But there was nothing left for her in the whole wide world. And besides, she was too hungry too even think about sleeping right now, so she decided to get away from the stranger's glare and hunt.

Soon, she caught a glimpse of a rabbit out of the corner of her eye. On closer examination, she realized that it wasn't a rabbit but a stoat, and a fat juicy one at that. She chased it on two legs, easily outrunning it, its slow clumsy movements hindering it from running away from her. Yawning in boredom, she put out her paw and grabbed the stoat by its tail. It wasn't much, but it was more than enough for a tiny girl like her. She dangled it upside down only inches before her face as she came back to the male.

"If I had more time I could catch something more worthwhile, but I guess it's rude to just go running off. Oh, I'm forgetting to introduce myself, my name is Saphira, Saphira Moroi. And, um... maybe... I haven't been part of a pack for months, so I don't know how to do this. But I would like to join Phoenix Valley..." she trailed off, afraid this had been a mistake. She wasn't in any condition for fighting, and even if she had been this male looked like he could easily take her down, even with only one eye and one arm.

- Jefferson Soul - 04-05-2011


It became clear to him quickly that she did not have business with the Valley, nor did she particularly seem to know what she was doing or why she was even there. Before he could even begin to explain what the pack was like, or even tell her not to bother with feeding him, the girl was up and gone in a flash, and moments later unceremoniously carrying a hare He snorted, looking at it deadpan, and shook his head, "I'll pass."

Turning, he glanced over the pack territory that lay behind him, lips upturning just slightly in a subtle pride. "We can always use more hunters," he shrugged, one-eyed gaze returning to her. "I'm Jefferson, the leader. We're a pretty laid-back bunch. Lots of loonies, not much conflict. We got room if you want to stay, but I'd rather know more about you before we decide anything." He gave her a very specific look, a hint that she was to start talking.

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