'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
when one was desolate - Printable Version

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- Helios D'Angelo - 05-09-2011

FYI: The first part of this thread takes place in the unplayable area of 'Souls where Helios has been wandering, and happens to find some remnant of Kaelyn's scent amid the ashes and black of the fire that swept through there. He ends up approaching the borders closest east to the area where unplayable 'Souls is. No need to match length either! Shoot me a PM if you need clarification on anything. Smile

          Twilight hour had already past, giving way to the darkened skies and the veil of obsidian with the distant flicker of galaxies overhead. Earlier in the day a warmed breeze prevailed; now turning cold and whisking in the same direction as the lanky male migrated, as if offering an invisible hand to guide him forth. Tossing his head and flinging aside the choppy layers of his bang fringe that often masked one jade eye, he had been like a marching soldier carrying on relentlessly through the days, weeks, months. There was no real destination to be met, or really no destination had in mind to travel to. He didn't even suspect he would have happened to end up this far South on this continent, and travel so far West like he had. Helios expected he wasn't hot on the trail for Selene anymore; losing what scent he could reminisce about his sister miles back. The scent of Roman, his father, was just as indescribable at this point; Helios never truly known his father, so it was literally impossible to even attempt to find grounds to search. Helios was going to turn around, and meander Northward. It didn't seem like there was much to stumble upon when heading westbound.

          But then, Kaelyn's scent was a cold, cold hit of reality. His mother, of all scents to know, was suddenly… here?

          Her scent had long since faded for years now, and the stoic looking D'Angelo stopped dead in his tracks, pressing his nose into a deadened bark of tree that held potential to splinter through his snout, and taking a deep inhale of the scent only his subconscious could remember from years prior. Helios thought his mind was tricking him, perhaps it was fatigue settling in and making him delusional. However, the scent was not as strong, but it was there. It was her, the light feminine scent amid deadened lands of ash and black. Closing his eyes and lingering on sniffing the scent on the dead bark for a little longer, Kaelyn was once here. Had Selene passed through here as well? What was his mother's scent doing all the way out here? Helios confirmed his sanity wasn't all lost, for he knew and remembered what his mother smelled like. This… this couldn't be. Impossible.

          Most importantly, what happened to everyone that was here before some great fire engulfed the area in flames?

          The alligatoring along the trees that still stood in their skeletons told of some great fire that happened to sweep here before, and Helios began searching hastily in the area for any significant scent of his mothers that was still left. Appearing as a dark cloaked poltergeist weaving through the trees like a lost soul, there was suddenly a spark of jade fire that ignited in his eye. Helios came to life all of a sudden: perplexed, in a state of greater awareness, in a state of frantic. From slouching he raised to his full height's potential, he was not merely a wandering lost soul, but one suddenly turned with a prerogative. There was nothing more to find in these ruins; nothing the ash could reveal as useful. There was only one option, and that was to head west of these burned lands. If there were any survivors of these lands, they had to have headed west. It was the only option.

          Marching along with hurried strides, the taut muscles of his own quivered with anxiousness. It wasn't long before Helios ran smack into the pungent scent of a pack territory along the mountainside, and once again was struck dead in his tracks. His olfactory senses were attempting to solidify the memory of Kaelyn's scent, thus not paying attention to the current scent that lingered on these borders. It had been many moons since Helios last encountered a pack, and while he would have been on the slightly cautious side to be approaching a pack border so boldly, his slender muzzle lifted to the darkened skies and called out a howl of urgency.



- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-09-2011

ME ME ME ME ME <3333

The female was an insomniac, a fact that she was realizing as night after night wore on. She only caught random hours of sleep during the day, her periods of awake time lengthening during the later hours. Naniko had been this way for a few months, but lately she had been staying up for the entire night and rarely sleeping during the day.

It was useful in one way, at least...she figured that if any other packs or groups were to attack Anathema for some reason, they would do it by night. Or if an intruder was going to try and trespass. Perhaps she was paranoid about it...about another pack or individual seeking to harm what she had. Naniko held control of a rather large group of canines, so it seemed unlikely that anyone would seek to do them harm...and yet the thought remained.

An odd scent caught her attention first, as she padded 'round the backside of their mountain territory. The winds continually shifted, changing directions as they flowed around the peaks and valleys, bringing the smell to her nostrils. A few deep huffs of it brought the realization that it was unfamiliar....and yet there was something about it that brought memories to her mind when she focused on it. Childhood memories.

The tall luperci began to travel down the mountainside and toward the smell, passing the small hot spring, inhaling the moisture-filled clouds of fog that settled over portions of her mountain home. The smell was getting stronger. She narrowed her jade gaze. A howl sounded as she came closer and she put one hand on the dagger that rested at her side, strapped to her weapons-belt. She wore it openly so that others could see that she was armed, but only pack members knew of her dagger's poisoned tips, what made them such efficient weapons.

She kept her distance at first, peering down the mountain side as she tried to see the other. "Who is there?" She called. They wanted something, or else they wouldn't have howled. "You've come to the borders of the Anathema pack." Where were they, exactly? Naniko cleared her throat, keeping her hand trained on her dagger.

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- Helios D'Angelo - 05-09-2011

:O! <3

          Heading westbound proved to be beneficial to his prolonged travels beyond this whole journey for him. There had been clues before that Helios assumed there was a hunch on, but none of them followed through to anything significant. None of the clues could compare to the scent upon the skeleton of the tree, a scent that flooded a reverie of his earliest memories into his mind. Anxiousness sent his nerves in a frenzy, feeling jittery, uneasy, enlivened, thrilled. The D'Angelo's senses were still attempting to relish in the after scent of his mother, until in the distance of the dark, a voice called out to him from slightly above him on the mountainside.

          The voice was demanding of who he was, stating this was Anathema. Anathema… why did it sound vaguely familiar, as if Helios recalled hearing it once before? While his senses were still in a fray, his mind couldn't immediately process where Anathema was heard before, but Helios recalled hearing it when he was a juvenile. Brushing the bang fringe that often overshadowed his right eye, jade eyes squinted uphill to a tall luperci figure who was pure white. The darkness had veiled her figure some, casting her as more off-grey in the darkness. Details were sketchy in the shadows, and from the tone of her voice, seemed like there was some distance between them until any close encounter was to happen.

          It didn't help that Helios blended in near perfect with the shadows, so the lanky rogue stood his ground, clearing his voice. "Helios." He shouted up to her, deciding it would be better to leave the surname out for now and to keep it simple. "If it's not much trouble… is this pack, Anathema…" There was a breaking pause, the word sounding terribly familiar upon his tongue, but disregarded the sudden strangeness felt. "… was Anathema once from the east of here?" Helios felt a tinge of foolishness for asking such a question at this hour of the night, but it turned out he was on the path to something that could possibly provide answers.



- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-10-2011

Big GrinDD <3

The voice of the outsider gave a reply. It offered her two things; information and the creature's location. She couldn't be certain that it was a wolf, and was mindful of herself as she took a few more steps down the mountainside toward it. Helios. She nearly interrupted him when he stated her name, a question quickly formulating in her mind, but he continued on.

His question perplexed her and she once again took a step or two closer. "I am Naniko. But first of all..Helios who? I can't see where you are to know if you might be the boy I was told of by Selene D'Angelo..but the Helios that she spoke of was a dark wolf with eyes the color of our father, Roman. The same color of my own gaze."

"And secondly...well. There used to be quite a few packs in the lands to the East, the burned territories. I was born to the Chimera pack, myself. Many of the wolves from those lands relocated..but no, I don't recall there being another Anathema" She didn't know many wolves or other canines that had relocated any longer. It had been over a year since the fires had taken those lands, and they were scattered now.

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- Helios D'Angelo - 05-11-2011


Prevailing down the mountainside, the figure that was dim from the contrast of the dark began to become a brighter apparition in the shadows. A figure of strong femininity, carrying with her the confidence of the world upon her shoulders. Wrapped around her waist was a tightly secured belt, freely displaying the sharpened dagger she carried. A compact weapon, but a weapon nonetheless. Impressive in stature, the pale Luperci drew closer, approaching with a lengthy speech.

In this moment, Helios could have collapsed then and there. His heart stopped, skipping a mere beat when Selene D'Angelo was mentioned. Even more, when Roman was spoken. Captured by silence, Helios was left speechless despite Naniko's wordy response to him. Her words held weight that metaphorically punched him square in the jaw, and then again, words that Helios didn't feel like he comprehended completely.

Camouflaged in the shadows, Helios too took a bold step forward to where Naniko could see his faint charcoal outlines and the wide, shocked gaze of his jade eyes. Mirroring his exact gaze on point, Helios was startled to realize Naniko held the same rich hue of jade as his very own. Even more, startled to realize Naniko reminded him precisely of Selene. "A dark wolf with eyes the color of my father, Roman." Helios breathed, his voice shaken with shock. There was no elaboration that Helios was a D'Angelo through and through; his very presence was the ghost of Roman before Naniko. Helios never really seen Roman in the fur and flesh before him, but had always been told he was an exact mirror of him.

Briefly picking apart information in regards to the lands of the East, Chimera was mentioned, but the pack disbanded sometime ago. Suddenly the aspect of finding out the mystery of the lands to the East flew right out of mind, as Helios' mind struggled with bearings upon Naniko before him. Naniko had said "our father", indicating a plural relationship. "Roman is your father too, then. We are siblings, then." Helios confirmed aloud, attempting to convince himself this relationship between himself and Naniko was actually through blood. Still, the relationship the two strangers had didn't click right away with him. Nor did it feel authentic, despite how Naniko did look strikingly similar to how Selene looked. This was beginning to scare him a little.

"Where is our sister, Selene?" The D'Angelo suddenly inquired, finding it strange to know this was technically Naniko's sister as well. So many questions began to materialize in his mind, but Helios couldn't barrage her all at once with them. First thing was first, and that was finding the whereabouts of Selene.


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- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-11-2011

Is it alright for a slight PP of them heading back up the mountain to the back escape entrance?

It wasn't a very common name, and was one that she had never heard besides the time that Selene and her had spoken of the male. Of course, Naniko had not ventured very far from the peninsula before, even when she had taken of to search for Selene herself. She had made it to New Brunswick and had come across her sibling by chance. Speaking of Selene...it was odd to her that he would come now, just after she had passed away. What a strange coincidence indeed.

His affirmation of her realization brought mixed feelings. She wasn't one to place trust in another wolf so quickly, and for all that she knew he could have been just as twisted as she had known their parents to be. What kind of a mother and father abandoned two pups and never returned for them? Selene had informed her that Kaelyn had died and that she had become insane at at least one point...but she knew nothing of what had become of Roman.

It was true that Helios looked to be a mirror image of their father. She had seen him as a pup and then again in dreams and nightmares as she had grown. Naniko had not had the easiest puppyhood, but it had made her into the capable wolf that she was today and she did not regret anything. She had been adopted after Roman and Kaelyn had left by a madwoman named Iskata...and then abandoned once more. She had gained independence and had learned the value of being self sufficient.

"Yes. Siblings, then. But we aren't litter-mates...like you and Selene are. My litter-mate is Pontiac D'Angelo, who lives here as well. We're older than you..I turn five year old next month" He was indeed a stranger to her, and yet...family. More than likely they would grow accompanied to each other with time, as she had with Demi and Ouija when she had first met them. That is...if his intention was to stay there. "You should follow me inside...I can offer you food and something to drink, at the very least. What has brought you to my borders?"

She turned back to motion for him to follow her. A question came about their sibling and she winced slightly. This question was going to come up sooner or later...best to answer it now. Her sister had died here in a cave-in, within her packlands. "Selene does not walk this earth any longer. Her children were left behind by her accidental death last month...she has three living children here. Demi and Ouija D'angelo and then little Juju."

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- Helios D'Angelo - 05-11-2011


Of course. <3

Helios couldn't help but let his jade eyes keep themselves transfixed upon Naniko intently. This was certainly the shock of the century for him, for the D'Angelo had no idea his nose would lead him to basically a stranger who was genetically related to him by the same father, and had never met. Naniko made it a point they were not litter-mates, for their was another sibling by the name of Pontiac who was also from this first litter. What was surprising was Naniko and this Pontiac were older than himself and Selene. Helios blinked in silence to himself. Why Kaelyn had never explained to him nor Selene about this first litter until now, Helios would never know. More bizarre history kept coming out of the woodwork the more Naniko explained, and Helios nearly wanted to deny every single fact she spoke. Can't be true, couldn't be true, but it is.

Offering hospitality to Helios, the dark D'Angelo could only dumbly nod in acknowledgement to her offer as her motion led them to the areas inside of the territory. Striding beside her, he temporarily forgot her inquiry of his arrival upon Anathema's borders as he was still in a state of puzzlement about everything. Snap back to reality, Heli. Focus. Shaking his head to himself (and tossing his wayward bangs to the side), there was a pause before he responded. "I smelled my mother's—" Correction, Kaelyn was also Naniko's mother too. "—our mother's scent in the Eastern lands, at that Chimera area you mentioned. I… wasn't sure if it was really her that lingered, but it was just like how I remembered her." Helios explained, narrowing his jade eyes toward Naniko. "I originally been on the run to track Selene. Turned up nothing until now. Well, more than I needed to know." Helios added with an amused snort, thankful this time it wasn't another dead end situation.

Then again, it was a dead end situation. Overwhelmed with so much surprise for the evening, Helios' blood ran cold in his veins when Naniko explained Selene didn't walk this Earth any longer. Swallowing hard, his jade gaze adverted blankly off into the distance as Naniko told of her death by accident. Not particularly close to Selene growing up, there were few reveries remembered of her in their younger years. Feeling like he had arrived too late in his long journey, Selene left three legacies behind: Demi, Ouija, and Juju. More news to send his mind spinning. "Accidental how?" Helios questioned, continuing to keep the pace beside Naniko. There was a passionate frustration in his question, wondering how accidental something could be to lose his sister's life.


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- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-11-2011


She went around the small, steaming hot spring toward the emergency exit that came out toward this side of the mountain. There were several of these back exits, she'd found, but some were very well hidden. Naniko had come across one of them herself, the same day that she'd discovered the springs. The tunnel was more than large enough for her to walk through standing upright, lit with a few small torches that hung upon the walls. "This will lead us to the tunnel that goes directly to my quarters."

Naniko listened to his words, frowning. Whatever scent he had found...had it actually been Kaelyn's? "Selene told me that Kaelyn had died...but...perhaps she was around the area before she passed on. Otherwise, maybe it was someone from the same territory as Kaelyn. I didn't know either of them very well, her or Roman...not that it would have done me any good now anyway for either to show up. Pontiac and I managed."

She paused so that she might walk alongside him, observing the way that he walked and a few of his subtle mannerisms as they went. This was her younger brother. She had never thought that she would ever see him, much less meet him or speak to him. She was glad for the opportunity, and would answer any questions that she could. "We live underground. She was exploring a new part of the cave and..she just must not have noticed the signs. She was among the founders of the pack, those of us who have lived here the longest. But she must have allowed herself to become distracted. There was a cave-in."

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- Helios D'Angelo - 05-12-2011


Keeping pace with Naniko, the D'Angelo's ears flicked at the mention of the tunnel destined to lead them to her quarters, but didn't say a word. Mutely Helios followed, engulfed in the darkness of the caverns and the dim light of the torches flickering idly upon the walls. This is interesting, Helios thought as they navigated to Naniko's quarters. Most pack lands were open amongst wide fields, secluded forests, or next to tropical-esque landmarks of water. Out of the corner of his peripheral vision his jade eyes observed Naniko in her strides, curiously observing how his older sister aged and looked. Too much like Selene, as there was a pang of hurt in his soul to even see the resemblance of his now deceased sister. As far as the Anathema caverns went, Helios had been a nocturnal creature anyhow, so the dimness or darkness of the caverns didn't seem to bother him any.

Kaelyn passed long ago, to which Helios nodded in acknowledgement to. There was a possibility the scent that Helios picked up in the ruins of Chimera could have fooled his nose, but had been so convinced otherwise he had to travel west to run into Anathema to find out if it was a certainty. Not knowing their mother for what she was really worth either, it was a mystery how Helios even could recall her scent from so long ago. It had to have been some subconscious, instinctual thing; that seemed to be the reason for many phenomenon in the world nowadays. At the mention of Pontiac, the name mulled in his thoughts. "Is Pontiac still with Anathema?" Helios asked, feeling full of questions. Naniko said managed, noting of a time in the past. As much as Helios would love to know more about Naniko, his brother from their same mother who he never met sounded very appealing as well.

As appealing as the caverns were of Anathema, they were the very death of Selene in a cave-in. It caused him to briefly look upon the ceiling of the mountain, testing its strength if it was to have another cave-in in the future upon them. There was fair trust in Naniko's words that the cave suited Anathema well, and Selene had been innocently curious on exploration. Selene was a founder of Anathema, and it was a proud title for her to be remember by to Helios. "Makes sense." Helios remarked, as he really didn't have anything else to say about it or the death of Selene. Still following Naniko, he brushed his bangs away from obscuring his right eye. "You said you were born from that Chimera pack, so you must know the area well. What do you do in Anathema, exactly?" Her stature could have been one of high rank and pride, but Helios was curious to know a little more about this older sister he never really knew. He wanted to know what she did, what her hobbies were like, what her life was like without their parents up until this point.


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- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-12-2011


They walked along beside one another through the tunnel system, making a few different turns before Naniko motioned for him to follow her into a large crack in the wall of the cave. Through the crack was her own den, her place of solitude. She had managed to find a cart and had drug a bed back from the old human city in two separate trips, one with the mattress and box spring and one for the frame. It was old and wooden, but held her weight well enough. In the other corner of the room was a second crack in her wall, one that led to a smaller den off to the side. That was where Scorpius and Juju stayed when they were in.

"She is. We had a few happy months together, the three of us..." I wish you had been here as well She had wanted to say. Naniko was a blunt but not altogether insensitive wolf, in some situations. She felt that if he could have been here or would have known that all three of his sisters had been here, he would have come. She wasn't going to comment on it and make him feel bad about something that he had no control over. The female sat down upon one of the flat boulders that lined up against the walls of her den, inviting him to sit on another.

"I am the leader here, the Angela. Selene and I formed this pack alongside a few others. It has grown very large since its formation. I can offer you sanctuary here for as long as you'd like it, brother...if you wish to settle and find more of your family. There are many D'Angelos here...my own children, cousins, extended family...so many of us to meet still. I would like to hear of your journeys as well, if you would be willing to share." She said, one hand reaching for the end of her long, braided silver hair and twisting the end of the braid through her fingertips idly.

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- Helios D'Angelo - 05-18-2011


Meh, sorry for the delay. D:

Jade eyes danced along the details of Naniko's dwelling. Some remnants of human civilization were salvaged in her underground den, containing a cart and a full sized bed with the frame and all. Helios pondered how Naniko was able to get such heavy objects back and underground to these caverns, and was curious to know what other human objects Anathema happened to forge down in the darkness of the underground. In mid-speech Naniko invited Helios to take a seat on the flat boulders that were in her den, to which the D'Angelo automatically sat down, but kept his eyes and ears flexed forward upon her words. Pontiac was still here, along with Selene's offspring. Feeling his heart leap at the confines of his arteries, there were individuals that were his blood he was destined to meet, and from what he was told from his history a long time ago, there were many of them. "How many of us are there, then? Are there more like us in other packs too?" Helios inquired, us meaning the D'Angelo heritage exclusively found in the area. He wished for Naniko to elaborate, for he was curious to know every single individual that still breathed and shared his blood.

Naniko told of her story, of her leadership as the Angela of Anathema. Naniko and Selene were both responsible for the dynamics of this underground pack, and Helios couldn't help but feel a twang of hurt swell in his chest. It was a swelling of pride and admiration for the sisters he never truly knew; females in the D'Angelo family who were born leaders, strong enough to take the reigns and create something out of the D'Angelo name. That was highly admirable, and Helios was interested to know how Anathema progressed and flourished since the time of its creation. Jade eyes blinked, however, when Naniko offered him the hospitality of refuge within Anathema. He was questionable about that offer at first, as if it wasn't entirely genuine. Helios obviously had nothing to lose at this point in time with settling in, for this was what he sought after for so long. "I… I would be thrilled to stay with you." Helios replied, feeling the creep of a charming grin stretching the corner of his maw, but kept his grin tamed. "I don't think I could roam anywhere else, for it seems all the answers might be here." The dark D'Angelo said, enthralled to know Naniko was willing to accept him into Anathema, despite how much of blood they were related, they still were technically strangers.

In turn, Naniko was curious to know a little about Helios. Taking a deep breath, he placed his hands upon his thighs, glancing to the ground in formation of his thoughts. Where to start, exactly? "I don't know. Uh… I lived with our mother's brother for awhile, though I wasn't entirely close with him. I spent a lot of my time alone, or either in the company of outsiders. Growing up was a little difficult for myself, I was a self proclaimed bad-ass in my mind who didn't care about anything.
Helios said, grinning coquettishly and chuckling some. "I was your typical rebellious teen, and got into some nasty habits and mingled with the wrong crowd for a second. Our uncle straightened me out for a minute, but after that, I decided where I was wasn't helping me at all. That's why I decided to travel, to try and find Selene again." Helios concluded with a weak shrug. There was apparently more to the story than told, but Helios wasn't exactly comfortable or ready to share the deeper details with Naniko just yet.


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- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-20-2011

No worries Smile I'm just glad I saw this now because I wasn't gonna be around the rest of the weekend XD

Friendship and family were sometimes interchangeable words to Naniko. She had a few friends that she was so close to that she considered them a part of the family automatically...as well as family members that she had never met or had never known. Blood tied she and Helios together where social networking had not, each having grown up in their own places far apart from each other.

There were others, of course, and she opened her muzzle to speak of them. "A few of my children still walk these lands...one lives in Cour Des Miracles, other D'Angelos used to live in Cercatori de Arte and I have heard word that there may be some up in Dahlia de Mai. There are quite a few here...cousins, my direct family, our great-aunt Misery, Roman's aunt.." She trailed off. There were many of them.

Helios did wish to stay, it seemed, a fact that pleased her. The more of her family that she could get collected into one place, the better! She had been away for a few months before she had made Anathema, while she had been searching for Selene...but now she was back and, like Helios, was devoted to the cause. "Here...or in this general area. I'd be glad to offer you a home, brother."

"You sound like a D'Angelo to me. I do not follow the religion of some of the older D'Angelos, like Aunt Misery...but I do feel that we have our own dark, rebellious streak that is a part of our lineage." Naniko nodded. "I can direct you to a more permanent den...we have plenty of open ones, and you're welcomed to explore the caves. Just be careful. At any hint of shifting or a rock-slide, run as fast as you can."

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- Helios D'Angelo - 05-25-2011


Naniko disclosed the whereabouts of her children, to which blackened ears narrowed a little more forward at the names of the packs that colonized in other areas near Anathema. Cour Des Miracles, Cercatori de Arte, Dahlia de Mai. They all sounded fairly exotic of one another, and for once Helios was rather fascinated to seek out these areas to meet more of Naniko's offspring (technically his nieces and nephews). He was never really one to take interest in other things unless they were of beneficial use to him, however, there was something about these lands that sparked his curiosity in a whole other manner. There were cousins scattered about, and a great-aunt of theirs by the name of Misery. Helios nodded in silence to this. Misery would be kept in the back of his mind, for their great-aunt could prove to be a link to their past. A link to who their father was. He wished there was more to contribute, but Helios couldn't help but absorb all Naniko told him, and listen to her words in silence.

Enthralled that Helios made decision to stay in the underground refuge of Anathema, he was still generally cautious about making this sudden move and commitment to something he never really knew or understood. There was something inside of him, though, that told him this was what his current destiny was supposed to be. He had traveled for miles, and while he didn't turn up with Selene living and breathing, this was her legacy she left behind with the rest of the D'Angelo family. Naniko seemed rather pleased for Helios' decision to stay, and thus was an opportunity to get back to his roots. There was a soft grin to cross his black muzzle when Naniko recognized him as a D'Angelo through and through, and spoke about the religion that much of their older ancestors practiced. Helios shook his head indignantly. "Religion. I've always been interested, and have tried on some. None of them appealed to me so far, but I'm interested in knowing just what religions our elders followed." Helios replied, knowing that Naniko possibly could know some detail about the religion, or possibly Misery would as well.

Naniko offered a den that would be his permanent residence. Nodding in acknowledgement to this, Helios would be destined to follow wherever Naniko decided to take him. He wasn't particularly picky either, as any den in the caves would be able to suit his needs. Noting caution, his thoughts drifted to Selene's fate once again, and felt a deep twang of sorrow in his soul. "I won't make the same fault as Selene." The dark D'Angelo said, the sentence coming out a little more darker than aspired to be.


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- Naniko D'Angelo - 05-30-2011

End? :]

She was relieved to have her brother here with her, whether Selene was with them any longer or not. His coming was a sign that her luck was turning, perhaps...that she was doing something right and was being rewarded. The female had wondered, after her sister's death. "Selene and I lived in a pack where voodoo and rituals were sacred. I carry some of their beliefs with me...and so far, they haven't done me wrong. I see things in a different light than most."

Viking had claimed the first den down the twisting hall that they entered, but the second was open. She stopped outside of it, pointing to the large crack in the wall. "This is the second den of the set. One of the better ones, in my opinion." She hoped he'd find it suitable. The female stood back to allow him inside, grabbing one of the torches from the wall so that they could light one inside of the room. "I hope everything looks alright to you. I have some extra furs for you to use, at the very least"

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- Helios D'Angelo - 06-01-2011


Sounds good to me. Smile 368

Whether or not coming upon Anathema and Naniko was something of luck for Helios' benefit, that would be told with time. He would have much preferred to seek Selene and go along his way with her, but the cards of fate dealt him this deck, and held no choice but to work with the option he was given. The idea of becoming part of Anathema so readily wasn't as appealing to him as he would like it to be, but it was the start for a new beginning, and figured to embrace the change instead of push it away like he was known for doing before. This wasn't to say he didn't appreciate his newfound discovery and Naniko's offer for a new refuge, but it would be one which would take getting used to, surely.

Naniko elaborated on the ritual the D'Angelo clan focused upon, mainly dealings surrounding voodoo. Voodoo wasn't particularly one religion or ritual Helios was familiar with, and so the thought of it mildly struck his interest. Judging by Naniko's words and the way she looked, it seemed like voodoo didn't do her wrong in the least (she was the Angela of Anathema, after all, and looked healthy and sane enough). "I'd like to learn more, then." Helios responded, almost in a mere whisper. There was no point in closing off his mind from whatever else he could learn about Anathema, the D'Angelos, and anything else worthy of knowledge he could obtain here.

Holding a torch to illuminate the den of Naniko's choice, jade eyes surveyed the room for inspection. It looked like another cavern like the rest of them to be, so there wasn't anything Helios could be particularly picky about; he was fortunate enough to be getting the hook up right now from his sister. Also noting there were extra furs in case Helios needed some, the dark Luperci offered a solemn nod. "This will suit fine. And… thank you for the offer. For all of this." Helios said, a meager, almost awkward smile to cross his chiseled jaws (but how else was he supposed to show his gratitude in this moment?) Perhaps with time, it'll be easier for him to come around.

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