'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
lost my way but found today - Printable Version

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- Iskata Sadira - 04-28-2008

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v160/ ... /ocean.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc sucky post, rushed because of family reasons!

She wasn't so sure how the rest of her life would go on, but for the day atleast she knew part of the pieces of her puzzle were put back together. Like a broken priceless piece of art it would never be perfect and seamless, but it was what she had left. She'd found what was left of her family but she was still restless and angry inside at how her perfect life had so quickly gone downhill. She knew life wasn't fair, but this was beginning to become a little bit more than ironic.

The night before had been spent along the beach roaming in the dark, trying to drive out the creeping feeling that was lingering under her skin. Finally she'd given up and laid down between two sand dunes to fall into a fitful sleep shortly before dawn. When the sun had crept across the sands she had awoken and sat on the shore staring off into the distance wondering just how her wayward offspring were doing. She hoped their lives were going better than the wolves here at home. She shook her head and sighed as she shut her eyes against the blazing sun that was reflecting off the calm sea.


- Shakadyn - 04-29-2008

Well, one thing that he could say about this promised land was that it was beautiful. It lay somewhere between a well-tended garden and his own face in regards to beauty, and though it pained him to say it, it was definitely an improvement over Bleeding Souls, even before the disaster. If he were an optimist, he would be inclined to say that there was a certain atmosphere of newness and hope, as if the requisite doe-eyed townsfolk were liable to show up and burst into song at any moment. If he were a tourist, he might use the words 'quaint' and 'picturesque' to describe the place.

Fortunately, he was neither. What he was was a pessimist (and a vagabond), priding himself on his ability to scoff at such wanton idealism (not to mention his ability to pointedly evade any and all pack ties). With that said, he might as well have been an optimist and a tourist both, what with how taken he was with the scenery. There was evidence of morning dew on every leaf and grain of sand, and everywhere the scent of life. Spring. If you looked up at the technicolor theatre production what was daybreak, you'd swear you could see the holes in the ozone layer healing. Every smell, sound, and sensation painted a picture to rival the classics each. It was what textbooks called hyper-reality, and what diaries called a good trip.

As a matter of fact, Shakadyn was what a textbook and a diary might call - in a stage whisper that was once reserved for fashion victims, pregnant thirteen-year-olds, and pregnant thirteen-year-old fashion victims - a 'morning person'. Some People did not share his reverence for the wee hours. Some People did not jive with his appreciation of the aesthetics of dawn on the beach. If he hadn't abruptly woken up to the fact that there were Some People besides himself elsewhere on the planet, he would have bumped into one. "Ah..." She looked unwell. Not so much physically unwell (in fact, she was quite pretty, although The Light of Sunrise would flatter anyone given half a chance, the flirt) as emotionally unwell. Shakadyn took a moment to evenly consider both "sorry" and "have you ever played leapfrog naked?" before opting for the decidedly more suave, "Good morning."

- Iskata Sadira - 04-30-2008

ooc-- To whom it may concern. This is an innocent thread, except in the back of Iskata's mind. Smile

She heard the patter of paws in the sand before he appeared, the slight shift of the sands as his weight sank into the ever giving material of the beach. Flicking an ear back as she heard the sound of his voice she turned to gaze at him. Eyes the color of the summer sky, shot through with the rays of sunlight peered at the male as she took in the sight of him. A slight smile crossed her maw as she nodded after a moment, clearing pausing to contemplate something before she spoke. Good morning... she said softly as her gaze shifted back to the seascape once more. She hadn't really expected visitors on the beach, but she didn't own it and she didn't feel like making him leave. For all she knew he could be enjoying the lovely 'scape before him while she was stuck wondering just what her children over the big blue were doing.

Turning slightly she gazed at him out of the corner of her eye as she spoke again. Ever wish things could be like it was when humans ruled the world.. to hear the voice of another a thousand miles away? Think it was really possible.. or just stories... She didn't even know the boy and already she was pelting him with questions about things that didn't really matter. She smiled as she shook her head, turning to fully face the male as an apologetic look crossed her face. I'm sorry.. she said, though she wasn't sure why she was apologizing.. she hadn't really done anything wrong...

..Except in the back of her mind there was this tiny little voice making comments on how nice the male's body looked and admiring things a wolf with a family and mate shouldn't be thinking. She tried to shut out that voice, but her own mind argued that Phoenix had left her all alone... She was horrified at the fact that she knew that was exactly how she felt, but she didn't want to be checking out the market either. She didn't want another damn heartache on her mind.. but that tiny voice was peeping up once more something about no strings attached, one night flings, no one needs to know notions.. and.. that didn't sound too bad.

If he could read her mind he'd probably be horrified, and if he could see her blush she'd really be blushing right now. Shaking her head to try and rattle the thoughts and shake them out of her mind she took a step back as if to leave. They'd just met and already her mind was contemplating deeds she wasn't sure she should even be imagining, now or ever. A sex drive was a dangerous thing when trying to hold it in check.

- Shakadyn - 05-05-2008

Shakadyn, despite all of his posturing, was not much for one night stands. He was not much for any kind of stand at all, really - he had better things to do. His id begged the question, "Like what?" His super-ego replied, "Reading books; you wouldn't understand." He supposed that he was vaguely aware of the fact that other wolves found him attractive, but he found the notion vexing - there is, after all, no promise that others will follow suit if you are in love with yourself. Then again... He remembered Aquarallyx. He had always met her disapproving verbal fencing with sarcastic remarks and teasing, and all the time there had been an undercurrent of something substantial. He remembered a girl named Jade who he had had to save from herself one evening. He'd found her lying on a sidewalk in the old suburbs, high off of her ass, and when he'd been a gentleman and helped her to shelter, she'd become a ruthless flirt. And of course, there had been Gibraltar, drunken and straying. Every time, he had rebuffed their advances. He'd been desired, yet untouchable. Why? He wasn't insecure enough to be doing it on purpose. He just...

The she-wolf's words (which were softer than he had been expecting - she must have been younger than she looked) extracted him, thankfully, from his reverie. He had been right about one thing: she was unwell, and any playful traces of libido that might have been lurking in his mind erased themselves. Deep down, he was too honest to take advantage of someone so depressed (and it would be no fun without a chase, and he wasn't into younger women, and... well... that might have been an incorrect assumption, but it was impolite to ask a lady her age). Her question hadn't unsettled him for its depth - he was used to wolves that he had just met being philosophical, given how many of them had been intoxicated - but before he could answer, she had shied away from him. "Hey, wait. Don't apologize. Have you ever tried connecting two cans with a wire?" Well, it was a start.

- Iskata Sadira - 05-05-2008



She'd almost turned tail and had been miles away before he spoke up. She wasn't use to others trying to keep her around, normally everyone just let her run. The ones that really knew her understood atleast that she'd return when she was good and ready. She flicked her ears back, still tempted to run, but the question that followed made her stop. Turning back and studying the male again she actually smiled. Not one of those fake half wavering pity me smiles, but a genuine smile. "I'm not sure if we'd be able to find enough string to go across the ocean, let alone the valley.." She teased. She wasn't so sure if he'd meant it as a joke or not, but she knew it wouldn't help her problem. She shook her head and tried to remind herself. There was no real problem, she just missed her children.

"My family went overseas and I just miss them.." she stated truthfully. There really wasn't any reason for her to be moping. She had found Naniko, Ember, and Kansas along with a vast variety of long lost relatives, but she knew she'd still worry until they were all home. Turning back towards the male she moved forward, closer to him before offering something other than excuses for her issues he obviously didn't need to hear about. "I'm Iskata." Short and simple.
