'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
We All Deserve a Break. - Printable Version

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- Ookami - 05-23-2011

Anyone from Phoenix Valley and AniWaya are welcome to post!! There is no posting order either. This thread is just for having a big party! Your character can show off and do anything that they feel like, except for getting into trouble!(:

So post.post.post.away!(:


Ookami stared into the flames of a giant fire. All his thoughts melted away as he stared into them. They licked the air and cackled, as if mocking him. His eyes glazed over and his fur started to warm. Jefferson had started the giant bon-fire. He was here to call the members of Phoenix Valley and AniWaya to come here and enjoy the night and celebrate all of their hard work. He was going to sing for them!

His stomach knotted up. It was a mixture of the pain he had been enduring and the nervousness of not being good. He shook away both feelings and took another sigh. The first person he would call would be Jace. Maybe she would sing with him. Tonight was going to be a night to show off one's skills. Anyone could do anything they wanted too. Ookami was quite excited, he wanted to have a party night.

There was two freshly killed moose not too far away from the fire. Ookami had shifted into his Optime form and used a knife to cut the moose meat into strips. They were neatly lined and stacked on a large rag, as to not get grass and dirt on it. There were several long and thick sticks laying on the ground next to the meat. Ookami figured that anyone who wanted to could put their strip of meat onto the stick and cook it in the fire.

His mouth salivated slightly but he swallowed and focused on the goal. Tonight the members of the Valley and AniWaya would get to know each other even more than they already did. They would all have lots of fun, they would eat and sing and show off for each other. He smiled at the thought of both the packs being together in one place. They were in an alliance and they should both celebrate together right?

Ookami took a deep breath and stepped away from the fire. It had just been started at dusk and now it was darker and there were several stars starting to show. Ookami's auburn eyes twinkled as he lifted his maw to the sky. He let out a calling howl. It was for both the Valley and AniWaya. He made sure that he let it carry as far as AniWaya and made it loud. Within his howl he told of the party he wished to have. He said to bring anything with them that can help them have fun tonight. He spoke of the moose and what a great night it would be. Then he sat down on the ground, his head held high and waited for his friends and his soon to be friends to arrive. He had prepared a song that him and Jace could sing. He wouldn't make Jace sing though, she would only sing if she wanted too. He smiled, waiting oh-so paitently.

View all the beauty.

Take in all the hurt.

But love until your heart bursts.

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Template hurr!

- Ayasha - 05-23-2011

Ayasha was patrolling the AniWaya border but wasn't too terribly worried about anything happening to her Tribe. In the couple of weeks that she has been a scout she has only had a few people come to the border under her watch and they all had been friendly. She had one main thing on her mind: Roran. She was wasn't sure if all the time she thought about him was healthy or not. She had yet to discuss these feelings with her parents or J'adore and so didn't know if these were normal.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a howl calling for Phoenix Valley and AniWaya members to come and visit with one another. She cocked her head to the side as she considered if she wanted to go or not. After a minute of consideration, she decided to go. She headed back to the tree house to let her father know that she was going over to Phoenix Valley and might be awhile. She then headed off.

It took her about a day and a half to arrive. And when she got there, she saw a white wolf in the distance. At first she thought it was Roran but as she got closer she realized that it wasn't. She wasn't very disappointed however. It meant that she would meet someone new. She approached the male. Hello. I'm Ayasha from AniWaya. I heard your call and decided that I would meet more members of your pack. She gave him a wide friendly grin.

- Jace Wolfe - 05-23-2011

ooc; temo agreed to pp
WC: 3+

This was it, the night both she and Ookami had been waiting for, time for the pack to kick back and relax and have a good time. The woman had been jittery and excited all day unable to stay still for any length of time, pacing and occasionally having to go for a walk to burn off the excess energy. Earlier in the day she and Temo had visited the old nightclub near the borders and ransacked the collapsed building for anything drinkable and undamaged. They had quite a collection now stored along with the converted phonograph they had found and all the records they had been able to bring back with them, Jace planned another trip to Halifax soon to see if they could find any more. They had constructed a litter to carry all the stuff with them.

"Come on Temo!" Grabbing one end of litter and waited for him to do the same. Together they lifted it clear of the ground and carried it with relative ease, an almost life time of living alone had hardened them both, Jace even more so than she was already inclined. Temo gave her the directions to walk in and she trusted his decisions. The pair joked together as they traveled in the easy manner they had always done, although the air of sadness for their lost children was apparent they covered it up as best they could with laughs and reassuring smiles to one another.

Halfway to the party site they took a break and sat leaning against each other while watching a nearby stream trickle by, sitting in silence and simply enjoying each others company. After a quiet rest they got back to carrying the stuff and eventually came across the large fire and the dead moose, beyond that Ookami and a young female she hadn't seen before who smelt of AniWaya.

"Hey!! Alcohol and music sorted." She called out.

- Ookami - 05-24-2011

Ookami didn't have to wait long until somebody showed up. A young white wolf appeared before him and introduced herself. "Hello Ayasha from AniWaya.. I am Ookami from Phoenix Valley." He smiled happily down at her. A familiar scent came on the wind. Another smile spread across Ookami's face. As he looked up Jace came before him. A chuckle came out of his mouth. "That's great!" He knew Jace and Temo would help sort things out.

They were going to sing tonight for everyone. They had to wait until there were more people here of course. He looked at the young wolf, "Are you hungry? I could help you prepare some moose meat if you would like." She seemed old enough to do it herself but Ookami didn't want to risk her getting burned by the fire. He look at Jace and Temo, "Would you like me to prepare you two some meat?" He didn't mind helping, in fact he really wanted too.

He may as well feed everyone as they showed up, that way he would know if he needed to go hunt for more moose. The two that he had already got had been farily large so he assumed that they would be fine. He was sure that there was going to be a few people who didn't care for moose so he had already seeked out some rabbit and would go catch a few if anyone asked.

- Temo Wolfe - 05-24-2011


Temo Wolfe

Temo was a bit nervous about this party. For being part of a social species, he did not care for large crowds and meeting new people always made him nervous. He knew that he had only met a few in a large pack and he did not want to alienate Jace's friends. However, Jace was happy about the party and for that, he would go and help her with hauling the new found equipment and setting up. Thus, he arrived at the party with them packing the litter.

He breathed a silent sigh of relief when he saw that there was not many yet and he already knew half of the previously arrived guests. It would not be so bad for him having the guests arrive a few at a time and not have to meet everyone all at once. This brightened his spirits and a bit of a smile came to his muzzle.

"Hi Ookami," he called out, "Nothing at the moment, thanks, things to set up and get ready first." He looked to the other that he did not know, "Ma'am," he greeted her. With that, he got busy helping Jace get the bottles arranged so others can see them and adjusting the turntable to set fairly level and steady. He gave the hand crank a few turns until it was wound up. Carefully moving the lever on for a moment then off to make sure it still worked properly. He looked to Jace, "All ready here, what would you like to play first?"


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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- Roran Wolfe - 05-24-2011

There was a loud thud as a massive white creature landed heavily in the clearing, having swung from a high branch and fell to his feet. It stood to its full height of almost 8 feet and looked around, its face suddenly erupted into a head splitting grin as it looked around the gathered. The creatures blue eyes gleamed and it howled loudly in greeting to everyone.

Roran made his way to his mother and wrapped his arms around her and Temo. He smiled and hauled them off the ground in his hug. "Hello my dear parents" He says, his grin looking like it would split his face in half as he finally set them down. In his Optime form, he was a giant for a year old.

- Ayasha - 05-24-2011

She grinned at the larger white male. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ookami. She glanced around and saw two dead moose. She was starting to get hungry. Ookami seemed to know that she was hungry and offered his help. Yes, please. She was polite about it but excited as well.

Her attention was brought to other adults coming over. Hi. I'm Ayasha. What are your names? She asked the two wolves brightly. She was glad to meet more people from Phoenix Valley.

Her attention was brought over to a familiar form. Roran! She ran over and hugged him and gave him a nuzzle. Why must you be bigger than me? She pouted up at him. But then she gave him a playful shove. But when he said parents, she cocked her head the side and considered the two of them. Oh. It's nice to finally meet you. She glanced over to see if Roran had said anything about her to his parents.

- Roran Wolfe - 05-26-2011

Roran jumped slightly when he heard someone say his name, though his ears pricked when he recognized the voice. He turned in time to be wrapped into a hug by Ayasha. He smiled and returned the nug, nuzzling her back when she nuzzled him. "Greetings my Dear friend, i have missed you" he says in a soft voice. In truth, he truly had missed her, for she was the only thing that had been on his mind for the last day or two.

He laughed when she commented about him being bigger than her, and when she tried to give him a shove, he simply wrapped his arms around her in a hug and lifted her off the ground. He smiled when she greeted his parents and let her go so she could stand by her own power. "This is Jace Wolfe, my adopted mother, and Temo, my adopted father" He says.

He grinned slightly upon her being able to meet his parents and couldnt help but wrap her in another hug, though from behind as he simply held her affectionatly. "They took me in when i arrived here, and have been kind to me ever since. I told my mother about you as well" He says, nuzzling her slightly as he held her against him. He loved the feel of being able to hold her, he had missed her comforting warmth and softness.

- Ookami - 05-26-2011


Temo answered and he nodded his head. "Alright. Need any help with that?" He smiled as he looked down at Ayasha. He got a slab of moose and put it on the stick. He held it over the fire for a few minutes and pulled it out when it was perfect. By that time Ayasha was already wrapped up in Roran's arms. He smiled. Young love. At least that's what it looked like to him. He chuckled to himself and walked over to Roran, Ayasha, Jace and Temo.

"Hello Roran." He smiled gently at him. "Your moose is ready Ayasha. Where would you like me to put it? Or are you going to take it now?" His voice was incredibly calm which surpirsed him. He was giddy inside and ready to burst. He smiled with a questioning glimmer in his eyes. He thought of answering Temo's question but figured Jace probably had an even better song picked out for them to sing. He would wait to see what song she chose. He probably knew it. He had been listning to quite a few songs recently, learning them instently. He practiced all the time. He used the things that the kind woman Io Berlin had shown him and he thought he was getting a lot better. He guessed that tonight would prove that.

View all the beauty.

Take in all the hurt.

But love until your heart bursts.

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Template hurr!

- Jace Wolfe - 05-26-2011

zomggggg Jace in a cowboy hat

She shook her head to the offer of food from Ookami, she couldn't possibly eat at this moment, tail wagging faintly behind her. She helped Temo remove the old converted phonograph from the litter and wrapped the bottles of alcohol up in the cloth that they had been carried in to hide them from the younger ones and hid it near the phonograph. She watched diligently as Temo wound up the machine. She began to flick through the huge pile of vinyls they had brought with them to choose from when she was physically hauled off of her feet and into the air, flashbacks of Lucifer's attack streaked across her mind and she was almost turning to bite when Roran's scent invaded her nose and relaxed, flicking him on the nose for the trouble,

"Hello Roran." She waved at the young white female with the blue eyes and smiled as her suspicions were confirmed as to her identity being the female from AniWaya who Roran had mentioned he was smitten with. She opened her mouth to introduce herself but never got the chance as Roran did it for her, she mock glared at him,

"Nice to meet you too dear." As Ookami came over with food for Ayasha, Jace returned to flicking through the records looking for one to start the party off with. While she was at it she grabbed the cowboy hat she had found found in Halifax the same day as the phonograph and jammed it onto her head, the rim making her ears splay out to the side.

- Temo Wolfe - 05-27-2011


ugh, piss poor post.

Temo Wolfe

Temo looked up at a loud thud to see his son, "Oh, Hi, eeeppp" his greeting was cut short when he was suddenly picked up and hugged by a white furred giant. "Roran" he squeaked out. He wondered when they adopted a polar bear.

He nodded, "Nice to meet you, Ayasha." The two lovebirds reactions to each other did not go unnoticed by Temo. He also noticed that Jace was not surprised and wondered why no one ever tells him anything of the happenings and going ons around them.

He looks over to Jace, "Find anything to get the festivities started with?"


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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- Jace Wolfe - 05-28-2011

fail post

She flicked through the collection quickly with her mouth turned into a frown, and then restarted the entire process, being well over 200 vinyls that had managed to survive the years they had lain unused. She had several in mind but didn't know which one to choose. She looked up as Temo came over to her and wagged her tail,

"Not really, I have a few but I can't choose between them." She and Temo had spent hours listening to the entire collection together. She showed him a few of the ones she thought could be good,

"What do you think?"

- Ayasha - 05-28-2011

At Ookami's question, she grinned. I'll take it now, please. She carefully took the moose from him and after it cooled a little, she started eating it. All while staying in Roran's embrace.

She was happy by the reactions of his parents. Though she was surprised by the fact that Jace seemed to already know. So she knows? She asked Roran, smiling gently. But her smile lessened as she realized that she still needed to tell Ralla and Kemo, her parents.

Her attention was grabbed by this funny looking contraption that Jace was playing around with. What's that? She asked with extreme curiosity in her voice and eagerness to learn. She had her head cocked to the side as she considered the contraption.

- Temo Wolfe - 06-01-2011


ugh, more post fail.

Temo Wolfe

Temo watches Jace decidedly thumb through the records. He glanced around at the few others that were there and drew a total blank when she asked him what he thought about what to play. "I do not know." he replies.

Watching Jace thumb through the records he ponders what would be a good one to play. He looks up at Ayasha asks her question as to what the device was. A slight grin grows on his muzzle, "You know, most are not going to know what this contraption is, maybe we should start off with some dance music that is up beat and lively."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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- Pendzez Zazkex - 06-01-2011

Pendzez had disappeared somewhere. Not only him, but his son too. Xeris was gone to. Where were they? He knew that eventually his son will leave, like his other children. He didnt stop him, though. It was his choice. Maybe, though, he went with his mother. They will return when the time comes.

Now, he had to do some work he's been missing. Jefferson might get angry and will lose interest in him and deem him unnecessary for the pack. Yet, Pendzez, no matter how thin the line he's treading on is, always seems to find himself back into work again. This times though, he'll have to be serious.

He was about to meditate to begin the day, yet this was interupted by a howl on the wind. A howl for both Phoenix Valley and AniWaya. It seems there was a party happening. This might prove to be of use. He could help around with that.

He began to make his way the origin point of the howl, taking his though back to his beloved and his children. He has yet to see their faces once more. He could understand the children's motives for adventure, yet, what motivated Xeris to depart? It was unlike her to leave without saying. Yet, he could only pray for her, and his children's safety.

He had eventually arrive to the point of the commotion. This sort of recreation he was familiar with, yet did not practice. He was the kind to uphold old traditions, yet maybe he was out of tune from the others. Maybe, for once in a long time, he should take a trip to their world. "Hello all." he simply said to them.

- Temo Wolfe - 06-23-2011


ugh, anyone have a muse they want to hire out?

Temo Wolfe

Temo looks up from the vinyls to see another join the party. "Hello" he answers back even though he did not recognize the newcomer, and he knew there are others in the valley he has not met yet. Maybe he would meet more of them tonight during the party.

He looks at Jace and the indecision on her face as she thumbed through the collection of records. Glancing down and watching as she went through them, he spied one and pulled it out of the stack. After looking at the cover for a moment, Temo pulls the black plastic disc from it's sleeve and places it on the turntable. Flicking the lever to start the record turning, he moved the arm over the record and carefully placed the needle onto the spinning disc. After a moment, human music began playing from the speaker horn and a group of human voices followed singing "Dancin', Shaggin' on the Boulevard".


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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