'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[M] Afternoon of Pleasantries - Printable Version

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- Giuseppe Trovato - 06-01-2011

WARNING This thread contains: mild/strong language from the somethingith post. Reader discretion is advised.


It had been a couple days since Giuseppe had been forced to teach Matteo a hard lesson but it was a lesson he simply had to learn. Not everyone could be trusted, not even family. The sooner naive little Teo understood that life wasn't all rainbows and butterflies the better off he would be. Their own father had fought that lesson to the mix since the brothers were old enough to talk. Often a small and curious Giuseppe would ask too many questions or push for attention and be punished for sinning. The main sin he was punished for was usually greed. If you knew the horrible things that the mud shaded hybrid did in his spare time it would be hard to look past his actions to find out why but in his heart he really wasn't such a horrible person, just a little misunderstood. What would you be like if daddy beat you every time you yelled in desperation of avoiding the stern neglect? So lash out at the source he did. If Matteo hadn't been born albino then it is very possible that the hybrid would have turned into a very sociable and god serving man.

Obviously, from anyone watching him now, this wasn't the case. Walking on all fours in his Lupus form the Trovato child appeared frustrated and preoccupied. He had been pushed into another round of walking the boarders and checking for trespassers. Everyone knew that there would never be any good action. Some wolf or coyote wasn't about to stole into the territory and start causing trouble. There wouldn't be an opportunity to taste the blood of another canine and that simple fact made boarder patrols a dumb waste of his time. His paws scurried in a direct line, not looking around or sniffing the air, there was clearly no pride taken in this line of work. He'd much rather be hiding away in the caves.

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- Luna Sabino - 06-04-2011


394 words/ Sorry for the delay! But here it is. And Kali is the ghost of a white wolfess.

It had been a long day for Luna. First, she had tried to stalk a group of white tailed deer, and her tryouts to catch one had been failed. In the end she had given up the hunt and had walked away, but then she twisted her wrist while walking in a muddy path. So now, crippled and hungry, she walked in a random direction, until she stepped in the trace of an injured animal, following it then. Kali followed her closely, this time showing herself as a traslucid shape.

"...hey, why don't you rest? you look very bad. No offense implied." The Lupus rolled her eyes at her companion's statement. "I said no offense implied!" "I know, just let me keep on ok? i am still hungry." This time it was the ghost who rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

The small conversation was interrupted when the Lupus smelled something else than the bloody trace of what would become her dinner. It was the smell of a nearby pack. And the trace of the injured animal continued towards it's center. The female came to a full stop, and sighed at the impossibility that she had of following her prey any further. And the events werent turning for good either. A diffuse smell reached her nose. It was a canine. Luna turned her head and spotted a dark colored, coyote-like creature walking towards her. At the beginning she wagged her tail. Maybe if she asked for permission she would be able to follow her prey. After all, she didn't face the opportunity of having an easy meal every day.

But her joy didn't last for too long. Something was wrong, and she suddenly found out what. She was past the borders of the territory. The female retreated quickly from the territory and lowered her ears and her head a bit, as well as placing her tail between her ankles. Trespassing hadn't been a wise action, and she was aware of it. However, she wasn't used to show extreme submission, and she assumed that only a light display of submission would be enough. Kali unlike her, seemed nervous. She stood beside her, her stance showing anxiety, even though her eyes were empty, as always. That wasn't a good signal. "Kali..." she muttered, but focused on the dark colored canine as he closed the distance between them.

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- Giuseppe Trovato - 06-19-2011




Grumbling internally he continued to walk quickly, not particularly focusing on anything but getting back to the bed he deserved to laze about in all day. He wasn't a working dog, that was clear, but he wasn't extremely lazy either. When something benefited him, Giuseppe would go well out of his way to achieve it. In fact, that was probably the only reason the year old male appeared to be fit. Back in his home land he practically ran the joint behind his fathers back. Trying so desperately to gain respect from the rough looking canines that his father employed. It was those gang members that had helped Giu learn to fight in his small figure, always relying on his speed and fists rather then actual strength. He had been lucky enough to gain his fathers broad chest, which helped him to appear more threatening then he actually was.

Nearing the half way point of the boarders he stiffened as an unfamiliar scent. Perhaps he could have some fun after all? His large ears looked comical, as they were indeed too large for his small triangular face, as they moved around like satellite dishes searching for a signal. Beady brown eyes spotted the earthy toned wolf in his proximity, clearly past the boarder line. Narrowing his eyes he started a towards the girl, his thin tail raised up in the air and nose pulling him along at the front. She appeared to be oblivious at first, her tail shaking in a friendly manner. Quickly her demeanor changed as she began to retreat, clearly realizing her mistake. Speeding his trot to a run the coydog caught up to the female and began to growl, “What business have you entering onto Anathema territory?” He knew for a fact that his wolf leader did not approve of threats to the territory and he could do as he pleased with this female but she was clearly larger than himself and Giuseppe Trovato was no fool.

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- Luna Sabino - 06-22-2011


368 words.

Aggressive. That was the adjective that, in Luna's opinion, suited the canine best. He carried himself with a dominant stance, his head and ears perked up, looking at the female with anger. And she didn't blame him. She had tresspassed on his territory after all. As the male reached her location, snarling, Luna lowered her eyes. She noticed the difference between their sizes, calming a bit. If he tried to attack her she would be able to defend herself. However, the situation suggested that if she recieved a bite, she would not be in the position to complain and return the action.

But there was no punishment, no bite. Just a very pissed coydog, demanding her to explain herself. "I-i'm very sorry. I didn't intend to tresspass. I was only following a prey." Her shoulders lowered, showing even more submission than before. Her mistake hadn't been too serious. In fact, she hadn't done it on purpose.

But the longer that she remained there, the hungryer that she got. She hadn't eaten that day, and the odd sensation in her empty stomach caused by the gastric juices that had nothing to digest was getting very annoying, almost painful. She stretched her toes a bit, scratching the soil beneath them, pondering whether to vocalize her request or not. In the end she decided to speak. "Humm, i don't know if it would be the best, but i would like to ask for your permission to go after my prey." Her voice was soft and insecure, but it didn't show fear now that she had apologized. "It will not take too much time. I'll just catch it and leave, i swear." Luna whimpered when she felt the effort that her twisted wrist made to support her body in her current stance, and shifted her weight in order to remove as much weight as she could from the sore limp, straightening in order to keep her balance. Her companion remained there, staring at the scene blankly, but clearly nervous and worried for her friend's well being. Luna just hoped that the male would let her pass in order to save both of them the nuisance of being in such an awkward situation.

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- Giuseppe Trovato - 07-11-2011




The brown hued wolf started to speak with a stutter causing Giuseppe to smile. Perhaps this would be fun after all, she didn't seem like she would even put up a fight. Watching as she lowered her shoulders he pushed dangerously close into her comfort zone to test the girl. Maybe he could even try a thing or to and get away with it. Listening to her pity story his rolled his eyes, nudging her body with his long muzzle, still testing her submission. God he enjoyed a female that would submit to him. Gemma had been wonderful for that very reason. She always aimed to please him physically, taking care of him first and then letting him fuck her silly afterwords. It was a great relationship in his eyes.

Her request struck him as a rather dumb idea on her part. Who in their right mind would expect someone to let a stranger waltz into their territory and take their food? Apparently this broad was crazy on top of lacking in intelligence. With a trot he circled her slowly, licking his lips as he went. She would certainly make a good fuck if he could make her give it up. As she shuffled her limbs he noticed that she appeared to have a sore leg, even better! Now that he knew she couldn't run he moved to her front once more. “Fuck you!” He stated in a matter of fact tone. “Where do you get off thinking that I'd let you onto our land free of charge?” His tail began to wag slowly back and forth in anticipation of his next line as he started to pace to her rear again, “Now if you were to maybe give me a piece of that ass I would make sure you left here plump full of meat and satisfied.” Licking his muzzle once more he stopped behind her, waiting for her to attempt to run or agree to his terms. She was on Giuseppe's land now.

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- Luna Sabino - 07-12-2011


441w/ Finally, but here it is. A very pissed off Luna XD

Something was going really bad, she could sense it. The lupus felt the mutt's eyes wander along her body, evaluating her as she muttered her excuses. When she felt his muzzle get close to her body, she reacted at the intrusion on her personal space retracting her lips lightly, but her submissive stance didn't flinch. She saw the lust on his eyes, the way he looked at her. Fear. That was what she felt. And confusion. The circumstances placed her on a situation in which she was more vulnerable. And she hated that.

Her lips unwrinkled as the male faced her, an evil look on his eyes. This time, she looked at him in the eyes, no longer feeling remorse for trespassing. That seemed to have occured several hours ago. And when he spoke, his words felt as a bunch of teeth scratching her face. She blinked a bit at this, retracting her head a bit due to the surprise, but she looked at him again once it passed. His arguement seemed quite unfair. If he didn't want her to tresspass that he should have said so in the beginning. Why didn't he just chase her off and finish with that?

The tension in the atmosphere produced a few changes on the healer's stance. Her ears were pressed firmly against her skull, in case that she had to defend herself; her lips began to tremble, and all her body tensed. She didn't speak when he questioned her, taking it as a retoric question, but her eyes didn't leave him when he began to move towards her hind quarters. She didn't suspected his intentions at first, limiting herself to watch all of his movements. But when he insinuated what he had in mind, she decided that that was enough. No more submissive girl.

As soon as he spoke his last word, Luna's lips retracted on an audible growl, turning around so he faced her side instead of her butt. As she moved, she opened her muzzle, closing it near his face with a loud snap of her teeth. Her eyes were no longer pressed to her skull. Instead, she straightened them up along with her tail. Now she was standing at her full size, which caused her torn wrist to hurt. She did her best to ignore this, though. She would not show weakness in front of a possible aggressor. "Not even in a million of years, idiot." Her words came out hissy due to her irritated state. She would not allow a bumtious male to mount her in exchange of a simnple meal. Talking of which, she didn't feel hungry anymore.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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- Giuseppe Trovato - 08-03-2011




It had been a while since the hybrid had tail that belonged to a wolf. Although his values told him that they were good for nothing laborers his penis, however, thought a little differently. In fact he quite enjoyed having a fluffy wolfess to heat things up a little. Gemma was a good mix of coyote and wolf, long fur but with the genes he could trust. At least she wasn’t a full-blooded wolf. Now he had the chance to have a full wolf, to take her hard until she begged for mercy. In a worse case scenario she would run away and he would return to his den and use the white girl he already possessed.

Standing his ground now, his jaws frothing drool, Giuseppe was quite the sight. Ears perked as the brown toned girl began to growl back and the hybrid found himself face to face with a rather pissed off female. Now had he been anyone else the larger wolfess would have scared him but this was Giuseppe Trovato, he had pissed off many ladies in his past. “Oops. Did I hit a chord?” He chuckled malevolently. Refusing to take a step back he decided now would be a good time to remind her where she stood, “Remember your manners pet. I don’t think my alpha would mind if I put a few holes in you but if you even touch me…” Trailing off he let the words sink in.

Naniko wouldn’t stand for an intruder fighting an Anathema member and he knew damn well he could get away with whatever he wanted. Keeping his head raised the coydog continued to drool at his own sexual thoughts. “Now you have two options.” His voice was calm now, almost eerie. “You either shut up and let me…enjoy you. Or you get the fuck off this land and never come back!” As the sentence continued the Trovato’s voice grew loud and angry until it was a growl. Finally he snapped his jaws a mere inch from the girls face. “But you better fucking run!” A loud cackle escaped from his open maw. He would chase this bitch clear of their lands.

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- Luna Sabino - 08-07-2011



Fumming, the female kept her ground and didn't flinch, not even when the coydog mocked her or threatened her. Her teeth weren't displayed anymore, but her gaze was placed hard on him, not even daring to give him the slightest opportunity to take her. She listened as he spoke big of him, saying how he could tear her off and threatening about what would her alpha do to her. He even called her 'pet'. But a great imaginary barrier had already formed around her, protecting her from his offensive comments and preventing her from attacking him. She didn't need an open injury right now. What was she saying? she could keep him at ray. She was bigger than him, and that gave her an advantage.

She half-closed her eyes when he gave her her 'options'. Who was him to tell her what to do? Moving her gaze away from her aggressor, she looked at the border of the packlands, which was a few feet away from them. He hadn't noticed that yet, which unnerved her even more. They were close to Anathema, yes, but in neutral territory. Her gaze returned to his angry features once again, just in time to back off when his jaws closed only a few inches away from her mouth. "You know what? You are nobody to tell me what to do." Her usually pitchy voice was now harsh and hissy. She straightened a bit more, pointing out the difference between their sizes. "I came her by peaceful means. I mended up my transgression, for what?" She gave a step backwards. The intention of leaving was clear in her body posture, but she wanted to put the dark-coated agressor on his place first. "You tried to take advantage of me. So you know what? Go fuck yourself!" Both the ghost and the loner were surprised by the latter's display of aggression and deffensive attitude. The last word was emphasized with an aggressive bark, and, before the coydog was able to react, the earthen-colored wolfess had already turned around and sprinted towards the safety of the forest with certain difficulty due to her torn wrist. Luna didn't even turn around to see if he was chasing her; instead, she kept on running until her limbs were sore. Loud pants left her open mouth as she came to a halt and tried to collect herself. A last look in the direction of the packlands assured her that she was not being followed, so she resumed her path, this time walking, in search of a good place to rest. She wanted to make sure that she was far enough from the Anatheman lands before lowering her guard.

This had not been her day. She had almost been raped by a stupid jerk, and she had lost her day's meal.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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