'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
out & on, before i set this room alight - Printable Version

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- Oak - 06-28-2011


Shiloh Hills, around the northernmost ? part of Rabbit Lake. 300+

High clouds draped the world like a thin silver blanket. Oak had paused at the porch of Haven Manor and lifted his muzzle into the soft waft of wind, his nose quivering to give him some idea of what these clouds meant. The air lacked the scent of coming rain, so he would remain dry for several hours, at the very least. Only later might the clouds swell with moisture, and perhaps even thunder and lightning. By then, however, he would be home, free to retreat into Haven Manor and enjoy the storm from the safety of the Dreaming pack's prized shelter.

He loped North, toward Rabbit Lake. It was one of his favorite haunts, perfect for exploring, and even better for swimming. He had looked around for someone to accompany him, but all of the younger Dreamers were either gone or occupied with something else, leaving him on his own. It would have been fun to bring Cypress or one of the Sadira-Marino youths with him, yet Oak was not opposed to being alone. He found it easy to entertain himself, and sometimes he even preferred the opportunity to wander around alone, still thrilled by the independence he had gained during the past several months.

The brick-hued boy reached the sparsely treed fringe just before the lake and stepped out of their slender shadow, into brighter grass that swayed gently in the breeze. His cobalt eyes widened at the sight of the lake, a perfect, shimmering mirror of the silver clouds above. He did not remain to absorb the beauty for long, the energy that ran through his veins pushed him forward, and he soon found himself skirting the perimeter of the lake, enjoying the tender lilt of the waves lapping the pebbled shore as he crossed the borders of Crimson Dreams into unclaimed territory. Ahead and to his right, the jade Shiloh Hills spanned beyond his field of vision, and rather than pursuing a swim in the lake as he had planned, he pivoted northeast and broke into a spontaneous run toward the nearest gentle incline, cold fingers of the wind lovingly stroking his fur. He had no clue where he was headed, but that was always the best indicator of a good time, for whatever came would be a surprise. He adored surprises.

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- Alaine Winters - 07-05-2011


Word Count → 3+ :: I am superbly sorry for how long this reply took! Also, I know this is a mentor thread and you are expecting some manner of critique and help with your writing, but I totally forgot to ask you whether you'd like that posted at the start of my replies, or PMed to you in private Confused I must add that your post up there was brilliant! You have a fantastic and natural-sounding talent with the use of metaphor, and I am going to enjoy reading all your following posts! Big Grin

Tranquility seemed to coat the land of Nova Scotia, although the heavens hung with baited breath in expectation of potential showers. However, the dismay grey clouds did not deter the agile form of Alaine Winters from her routine flora-gathering treks from Cour des Miracles. On this day she was to be found astride the gently sloping back of her rotund bay mare, Nana, equipped with her leather satchel and nothing more.

The pair were headed westward, towards the sloping knolls and pockets of the evergreen Shiloh Hills. Their broad expanse beckoned the usually lackadaisical and lazy broodmare, who kept her large body in motion at an easy trot. The Apothecary had long since become adjusted to the movements of the horse, and she sat loosely, ivory fingers twined in the creature's shaggy black mane and thighs tensed to guide it as they moved. The woman rode without tack; Her equestrian skills, although surpassed by many, were capable enough for such a feat.

A cool breeze tangled in the healer's unruly auburn ringlets, spinning the jade gemstone plaited into one of the curls. But although the area was filled with much beauty, Alaine's thoughts turned inward, as they did so frequently of late. Ever since losing her pupil to the coyote clan in the North - Ezekiel was Inferni's leader now, and had no time for the likes of her, such a thing he had made very clear - the woman had been somewhat quiet and withdrawn. It was as though someone had muffled her very existence; Perhaps the world was beginning to forget that she existed at all. More troubling than these thoughts was the feeling of deep foreboding that chilled her gut when she pondered too long on the past. Bad news was coming, she could feel it; If only there was a way to escape whatever it was fate held in store-

The Apothecary's attention was snatched away as Nana tossed her head and came to a stop. The mammoth mare, although placid as a nursemaid and kinder than any Luperci Alaine had ever known, was quick to pick up the scent of an approaching figure, brought to them on the traveling wind. Alaine's shamrock-green eyes glanced keenly about the rolling hills, and although she urged the large bay broodmare into a trot once more, her vigilance remained. Whoever dallied in the hills would surely come to her attention soon enough; It would surely be difficult for them to miss the big mare and her exotic rider.

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- Oak - 08-17-2011


I'm so sorry for the ridiculous wait. 300+

Oak's large jaw opened and he began to pant, softly at first, but as the slopes of the hills forced his muscles to work harder than usual, his body heated up rapidly, and causing his salmon tongue to hang partially over the left side of his teeth. The heat was so unbearable that he slowed to a stop. Despite the heavy cloud cover that illustrated rain, and perhaps ill-omen, the heat had prevailed, worsened by the moisture in the air.

Oak was lowering his rump to sit down at the base of the tall, rocky hill where he had stopped his chase of nothing, but just before he had seated himself his eyes happened to flicker upward, where he was taken by the sight of an unusual canine perched on the back of a rather round bay horse. Though the horse was comically fat, even arousing a grin that Oak could not seem to keep at bay, but the woman was absolutely intriguing. She was definitely not wolf, but a dog, a beautiful one, like none he had ever imagined. Her fur was silky and flowing, colored by ivory and apricot, with a mane of crimson. For a moment he simply stared at her, like a boy fascinated by a strange bird. Before now, he had no clue that a canine like her existed, and although he was aware that there was dog in own his blood, he had physically manifested none of its traits.

The brick-hued Lupus looked away from her and approached her over the small incline. He was careful around the horse, remaining in its line of sight in case it was prone to spooking. Hello, Miss, he said gently and with a polite smile, looking up at her again with curious dark cerulean eyes. His questions were burning his tongue, but he did not wish to put the dog-woman off by speaking them right away.

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