'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
My Silent Undoing - Printable Version

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- Voron Radav - 07-05-2011


Voron stood still, her eyes closed. She could be a statue, except for the way her ears twitched at every sound. She was enjoying something she hadn't felt in a long time – peace. The sun's light made the foliage around her glow green, and the chirping of small birds reassured her, there was no danger here. If she concentrated, she could even make out what they were saying. The constant chatter was telling others of food, the occasional shriek warned of some passing danger, but over all, the chatter said one thing; I am here. Voron trusted the birds. They would alert her, not through sounds, but through silence, if there was some real danger.

The black female was at the edge of the old graveyard, in what used to be Dahlia de Mai's land. She had come here in hopes of finding her old pack, and perhaps rejoining. But all the scents were old, they were long gone. And Voron was weary; finding them could wait for another day. With a sigh, the wolf opened her eyes. She knew she had to find food if she wished to live. Food and water – water was in abundance, but she could not approach streams or rivers, let alone the ocean, without terror sinking it's poisonus fangs into her. And food, well she could still kill as well as any wolf, but lately she was just too tired. Starvation had settled into her very being, leaving her coat thin and lack-luster and her ribs and hips protuding. Voron looked around her, wondering faintly why she felt more at peace in a graveyard than anywhere else. Especially when what haunted her was a ghost. Cheron, however, had been silent so far today.

Voron took a few steps so that she was in the shade of an old tree, and lay down. Maybe if she lay here long enough, she would join the ancient skeletons buried underneath. Then some young wolf would come along years from now, and fing her skeleton buried amongst the bones of humans, and wonder... the female yawned, the heat and peace making her tired. She layed her head upon her paws and closed her eyes, a black sleeping statue amongst old gravestones.


- Axelle Napier - 07-05-2011


Sorry, forgot to edit the OOC from my last post -___-

Ever since Dahlia de Mai up and left, Axelle has been making daily routines to the old graveyard. Her old friend Dracula was happy for the company, and she was happy to give him company. She was in Optime form today, carrying her bag. She had a few snacks inside of cooked meat and jars of water. She planned to stick around for a while. She hoped the old black ghost wouldn’t haunt her today. She felt peaceful, and she didn’t want anything to disrupt that.

She walked along the old trees at a calm pace. She wasn’t in any rush or any hurry. She walked along with her head down, watching the grass as she did so. From walking so long without looking up, she hadn’t realized she’d approached someone. They were ways away, and with a black coat. Their scent smelled familiar, but Axelle couldn’t really put a finger on who it was. She carefully approached, and her heart jumped into her throat when she saw her malnourished friend lying beneath the tree. She hurried forward and sat before the female, ”Voron?” She didn’t mean to look like a pest, but she was worried. The last time she saw the female, she looked plump and healthy. Her bones were showing through her skin and her fur looked unhealthy. She looked like she was on her death bed.

Axelle began to retrieve the food out of her bag without even thinking. She was never hesitant to help a friend out, but was selfish when it was a stranger that needed her. Voron wasn’t a stranger, and she deserved Axelle’s food. She placed the jar of cooked meat in front of her dark friend, and the jars of water next to it. ”Eat, my friend. You look like you need it.” She didn’t mean that in a hurtful way; she just wanted to help her friend.

Axelle untwisted the top and took out a few chunks of meat and placed them on the detached lid. Then she pushed it towards Voron. She took out the bowl that she was originally going to use to give Dracula a bowl of water, and placed it in front of her as well. Then she poured a little bit of water into it. Then she sat back, feeling like she hovered over the female enough. There was nothing else she could do for her now, but hope that she would eat the given food.

Word Count → 410

Points → 3

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- Voron Radav - 07-06-2011

On my table? Does it show up funny or something? O.o

In her half-asleep state, Axelle's scent came to her as a sort of dream-memory. Back when there was still snow on the ground, she had met the black and white female in this same graveyard. In fact, that meeting had been right after the very first time she had seen her brother since joining Dahlia de Mai. At the time, Axelle had been pregnant, and none too happy with it. Voron opened her eyes slowly when her name was spoken, to see the bi-coloured female sitting in front of her with a worried look on her face. Not a dream after all. When Axelle started taking food out, Voron's stomach gurgled loudly, showing more life than it had for days. The black wolf was ashamed that her friend would find her in such a pitiful state.

 ”Eat, my friend. You look like you need it,”
Axelle said as she set out cooked meat and a bowl of water and placed them in front of Voron. The black female shot her friend a look of deep gratitude as she rose to her feet and quickly engulfed the small meal. Starving though she was, the food filled her quickly. Her stomach must have shrunk from living off of nothing for so long. When done with the food and water, Voron sat back on her haunches and looked at the ground ashamedly.

"Thank you, Axelle," she said quietly. "I never though I'd see you here. Though I should have known – with Dahlia de Mai gone, there's nothing to keep you away from your graveyard friends. I'm... I am very grateful for the food and water." A breath of wind ruffled Voron's coat, and she flinched. It had felt like the brush of a ghost against her fur.


- Axelle Napier - 07-13-2011


Nope, nevermind. I forgot to edit the OOC from my last thread… The person had a weird animal on their table that I couldn’t tell what it was… So I asked =]

Axelle sat back and watched her hungry friend eat. She didn’t begrudge her. Everyone had tough times in life. Voron saw her when she was going through one of hers. When she was pregnant with a rapist’s children, but that was taken care of quite easily. Their little screams echoed in her mind, but she shook the memories away. She would never be able to get rid of that memory, unless she were to forget everything and start over… She thought about it for a moment, but then ruled it out. The memories didn’t bother her that much.

Axelle smiled down at her friend, and caught a weird scent of wet dog. She looked at Voron, and she didn’t appear to be wet. Axelle assayed the ground around her, and none of which seemed to be wet either. She stopped looking and turned back to Voron, ”No problem, and yes I do visit here often now that Dahlia de Mai is no longer here.” The smell of wet earth and dog still lingered in the air, strangely not moving with the wind. It was almost like someone wet was here, but there wasn’t anyone around. ”At least I don’t have to sneak around anymore,” she admitted. She didn’t like to have to sneak around in places she wasn’t supposed to be in.

Axelle saw Voron flinch uncomfortably. Maybe her friend was hurt, ”What’s wrong?” She looked over her with concern clearly written on her face, but her friend didn’t seem injured at all. Just hungry. The smell was still in the air, and it was driving her insane. ”Do you smell that?” She couldn’t keep it quiet any longer. The smell of wet earth was almost like what it smelled like after it rained hard, but it was a moldy smell as well. Almost like the water had been sitting there for a while now. It could've been one of the trees they were nearby, some of which hold water longer than others. Or maybe the smell was the rotting, soggy bodies in the cemetery. That would be a stretch, since she never smelled that before until now.

Word Count → 358

Points → 3

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- Voron Radav - 07-18-2011


OOC: Sorry it took so long, I've been out of town. :/
Word Count: 213

Voron distractedly listened as Axelle talked. She felt a presence, something that made her fur bristle and her nose twitch. Not again... she thought. A faint damp scent seemed to permeate the air around her, but for the first time she felt that his attention wasn't on her. The name of her old pack snapped her back to attention. ”... now that Dahlia de Mai is no longer here. At least I don't have to sneak around anymore.”

"“What happened? Where did they go?”" Voron asked, concerned for the welfare of the wolves she used to know. The scent of wet dog and earth lingered, and she flattened her ears in annoyance. Go away Cheron, she said inside her head. Her brother was not welcome here. She didn't want to appear insane in front of Axelle yet again. Strangely, the other female seemed equally distracted. “Do you smell that?”

Voron blinked, unsure at first what her Axelle was talking about. Surely she couldn't mean Cheron's scent? “Do you mean... a wet smell? Kind of like a wolf that's been wet too long?” Voron's eyes were wide, staring at her friend in surprise. Never before had another wolf sensed her brother.

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- Axelle Napier - 07-19-2011



The smell kept lingering, and now it was more like a stench. It got stronger than before, and now it really did smell like moldy wolf. Axelle’s eyes widened as Voron’s statement pinpointed exactly what she was smelling, ”Yeah, yeah. It smells kinda cheesy. What is that?” Axelle, again, began looking around her making sure she wasn’t sitting on anything disgusting. She was totally prepared for Voron to tell her she just sat in a huge pile of mud, but it didn’t feel that way. The grass underneath her butt seemed perfectly dry and grassy. She checked underneath herself and there was no pile of mud or anything else gross beneath her rump.

She switched back to the question that remained unanswered because of the strange smell, ”Oh, I don’t know exactly why they left, but both Phoenix Valley and Dahlia de Mai joined and made a super pack and made camp in a different set of lands.” How would she know why? She could, but that would be trespassing. She had heard that the Alpha supposedly had a strange dream that the lands were not suitable for them anymore. And so, they packed up and left for good. If anything were to happen, Axelle would go down in history with Dahlia de Mai, now that it was neutral territory. Axelle suddenly twitched, feeling some form of movement slide up the fur of her back. Whatever it was had an icy touch to it, and it almost made her shudder. She turned to look and there was nothing there. She touched the area, and it felt weird almost like someone had just touched her there. Maybe it was Dracula playing tricks on her again. He had his special way of doing that, and she had her special way of believing it.

Word Count → 301

Points → 3

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- Voron Radav - 07-20-2011


Word Count: 240

As Axelle grew more uncomfortable, Voron considered her response to the question about her old pack. Dahlia de Mai joined with Phoenix Valley? She wondered if Conor Soul was still the leader. He had been the Alpha during her short time with the pack, and had seemed like a good leader. "Do you know who leads the new pack?" she asked. “Also, what do they call themselves? I might want to see if anyone I know is still there.”

Seeing her friend twitch and look around, Voron realized that the strange scent must be even worse for the other female. While Voron had grown used to Cheron's semi-constant intrusions, Axelle would most likely be finding all this new... and disturbing. Afraid to sound foolish if her dead brother's scent wasn't what was bothering the black and white wolf, Voron said, “I... I think it might be Cheron. That's his scent, but he has never made himself known to anyone else. Sometimes you can just smell him, other times he appears. It's worst when I'm alone at night...” The thin black female shruddered, all thoughts of her old pack momentarily forgotten. She was afraid, both of Cheron's ghost, and of how Axelle would react. She was also angry at her brother. In life he had been kind, if somewhat rambunctious. However, in death he seemed spiteful and cruel.

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- Axelle Napier - 07-26-2011



Voron’s response broke Axelle out of looking around for the origin of the scent. She quit looking around and focused back onto Voron with undivided attention, ”I’m not sure who leads now, but they call themselves Ichika no Ho-en.” She inhaled deeply, still smelling the cheesy, moldy wolf smell and before she could ask again, Voron answered her question.

So, finally she got to meet this Cheron. Axelle nodded and looked around. She was sure spirits made themselves known to her now, and she was kind of getting used to it. Axelle shuddered at the thought of being scared, alone at night. She knew what that felt like every time she saw that angry black wolf in her dreams and even when she was wide awake. She would trade that for seeing Cheron any day.

Voron was afraid of her brother this time, as to where she was delighted to see him last time they met. Axelle was confused, ”Why are you afraid of him now? Last time I saw you, you seemed happy to see him. Don’t be afraid.” Cheron’s presence was nothing like the other’s presence she felt sometimes, and the worst part was that she didn’t even know who that black wolf was. At least Cheron, to Voron, was something familiar. She knew what he was like in life, and now she knew what he’s like in death. Axelle didn’t really have a clue, but she didn’t feel scared. Just a little freaked that she was actually touched. ”Don’t be afraid of your brother.” It was silly to Axelle, she wouldn't mind being haunted by a familiar member who didn't want to physically harm her at all. But maybe she didn't know the whole story with Voron and Cheron, and maybe he wanted to harm her too.

Word Count: 300

Points: 3

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- Voron Radav - 08-02-2011


Word Count:

, ”I’m not sure who leads now, but they call themselves Ichika no Ho-en.” Voron considered this. Maybe one day she would find them, maybe there was still a place for her among her old pack. But for now the black female was happy to stay in Dahlia's old territory. She was familiar with the land, and wouldn't have to deal with the daily stresses of pack life. Voron knew that she would get lonely soon enough, but would enjoy the relative solitude of neutral territory until then.

 ”Why are you afraid of him now? Last time I saw you, you seemed happy to see him. Don’t be afraid. Don't be afraid of your brother,” Axelle said. Voron sighed. True, when her brother had first started appearing she had been happy. But now... now she wished he would just leave her alone. "I used to be happy to see him," she said, talking slowly and considering her words before she spoke. “At first, I was just happy because I missed him. Then, I was happy when he appeared because I thought I could finally get his forgiveness. I talked to him, I begged him to say that it wasn't my fault...” She trailed off, staring into the past for a second. By “it,”
she ment Cheron's death. “For a long time, he never talked to me. He would just appear and stand there, or sometimes follow me around. He would stare at me... But he never talked. Then one night I had a horrible nightmare. I was in a fast and freezing river, with water and debris tumbling all around me. I couldn't breathe. In my dream, I saw myself standing on the bank, and I cried out, but no help came. When I woke up, Cheron was sitting next to me. His eyes were so cold. And that's when I knew...” the black female gulped. “He blames me.” The stench of wet wolf was even stronger now, as if Cheron was listening in on his sister's story. “I'm afraid to go in the water.” Voron admitted, casting her eyes down in shame. “I have been all my life, which I why I couldn't save him. For a long time I've fought my fear, and it had almost gone away by the time I reached Dahlia de Mai. But now I'm terrified of the water again. I think Cheron is punishing me for letting him die.”

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- Axelle Napier - 08-14-2011


Sorry for the long wait ! My muse was murdered, but I think it's slowly coming back from the dead xD

The air became chilled around them, and Axelle listened silently to Voron’s story. It was evident that his spirit was slightly angry, or else it wouldn’t be so chilly in this one area. He was angry for some unknown reason, but Voron believed it was because of her. Axelle had little experience with ghosts, as this seeing and hearing them had only started recently.

The chills continued touching and bristling through her fur. If she could get goosebumps, she definitely would have them. There were faint whispers ringing in her ears. They weren’t clear enough to make out what exactly they were saying. The whispers were almost just like a breath. Making noise, but not making sense. The voice was definitely a male voice, and he seemed like he wanted to make his presence known. He definitely knew how, remembering how Voron was talking to nothing in the cemetery, but how come he wasn’t making an appearance to Axelle?

Axelle rubbed her arms trying to get rid of the chills that tickled them. She furrowed her eyebrows, kind of stumped as to what Cheron wanted, but wasn’t speaking up. Axelle really couldn’t defer the blame from Voron’s mind because from what she was feeling right now, which was an angry ghost, was telling her that he blamed her too. She would try to make her feel better anyway, ”Ah, don’t say that. Maybe he’s angry for other reasons. Has he ever spoken to you?” She didn’t think she ever spoke to one either. She’d seen plenty, some in her dreams while others in her head, but they never spoke to her. Axelle wondered if she even had the ability, or could she just see them?

She needed something to take her mind off of Cheron touching her, so she gathered the empty jars from feeding Voron and put them back into her bag. She took the empty bowl, and carefully put that in too. She put all of her dishes away, but that still wasn’t enough to shake the chills she had.

Word Count: 342

Points: 3

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- Voron Radav - 08-31-2011


OOC: Sorry for the late reply.
Word Count:

"He used to talk to me," Voron said as Axelle cleaned up the impromptu meal. "I would hear his voice at night sometimes, and it drove me crazy. But he hasn't spoken for a while now. I think... I think he's getting worse. I don't know where the dead go, but I get the feeling that he's trapped here somehow. Trapped by me. He can't go away, like most dead people do."
Voron sighed, looking around with a forlorn sadness. She expected to see her brother at any moment, and wondered whether Axelle would be able to see him too. Voron wished with all her heart that she could go back to that day and save him. There was no way to make it up to him - Cheron had lost his life to her fear, and now he was wrecking her own life.

The black furred female looked guiltily at her friend. "If you want to go, it's ok. I think he'll let you be once you get away from me." In truth, she didn't know what would happen. Cheron had never appeared to anyone other than her. But he seemed especially agitated today. Voron could sense her brother's spirit hovering on the edge of her awareness. Whispers came to her on an ice cold breeze, and his scent made the cemetary seem to become a place of living death. Axelle's presence eased her fears a bit, but made her sharply aware of the fact that she was putting her friend in danger.

Voron knew that her memories of Cheron were seen through rose coloured glasses. As often happens after someone dies, she remembered the good about him and forgot the bad. But no matter how tainted her memories of him were, she knew that in life he had not been cruel. He had been competitive, proud, playful. But he had never purposely hurt her. So now that his ghost haunted her with a dogged cruelty, she felt betrayed by him. That hurt added to the fear and shame and countless other turbulent emotions roiling inside her.

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- Axelle Napier - 09-05-2011


You can PP with Cheron doing something to Axelle if you want Big Grin I give you permission... Or maybe make him appear or something? Talk? Anything, really.

”Maybe there’s a way we can help him move on…” Axelle sat in the grass, giving up on trying to get rid of the chills that plagued her. Cheron was there whether either of them liked it or not, and he would stay there until he decided it was time to leave. She still felt his ghostly fingers bristling her fur and still heard his ghostly whispers in her ears, but there was no way to stop it. He was not of this world, even if he thought he was. There was no way he could really injure her.

”No Voron, I won’t leave until we figure out why he’s making himself known to both of us.” Maybe he wanted something from Axelle. It was strange how all of a sudden she began to see ghosts out of nowhere. Maybe it was because she had committed a wrong act. The most wrong act of all time: burning her pups alive. That could’ve triggered something weird.

So, by committing a really wrong act, it has made her capable of seeing ghosts. Hence, being in the situation she’s in now, hearing Cheron’s ghost. She wished he would tell her what he wanted or what he needed. She wished she could help Voron more than just sitting here with her while her brother haunts her. Rather, haunts them. ”How did he fall into the river?” Voron might’ve already told her this, but she missed it. And maybe it would trigger a reaction in the ghost.

Word Count: 252

Points: 0

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