'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Is it too much to ask - Printable Version

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- Evelyn Wood - 07-27-2011


WC → 508 :: CdA thread prompt, for Sky. :B So sorry for the wait, my dear, predate it to the 28th please, and say that Sky and Eve planned to meet? Also, grumpy Eve is grumpy.

Earlier that day, Evelyn found some comfort at the fact that today was somewhat cooler than the one before as she awoke on the moth-eaten couch; she became too restlessly and unnerved to sleep in her bed, mostly because of her gauze-wrapped arm that made her feel like she was confined. But she could not unravel the scratchy clothing from her limb; for one, there would have been no way to put it back on by her, and secondly, it would be even more painful that it already was without the protection. Later, she thought she had only herself to blame for her broken arm and rib. She decided that it was foolish of her to go into the unclaimed lands to hunt and not expect something bad to happen. Evelyn was still having dreams, or more like nightmares, of the accident that happened to cause her to have more soured moods than usual.

I hate this, she thought with spite as she stared at the cup she was drinking from, her eyes filled with malice as she went over her morning and what she had thought previously in the day. She hated just sitting there at the table, not being able to do anything useful, for herself or the pack. Most of all, she hated that she had to stop crafting, not even being able to lift a tool with her injured arm. That trade was what made the girl, but now it seemed that someone had stolen it away from her, and decided to also shove her face into the ground just to make her upset. Evelyn had thought about what she was going to do, now that she was hindered of doing her job; for a mere moment, she had thought about simply leaving Cercatori, as to not burden them any longer. But, she remembered Ouija, how he left, and quickly stopped considering that idea, for the sake of not doing what he did.

With a huff, she glanced out the window, and decided that Sky would be up by now, and perhaps still in her house; the sun was near its peak, and it was still a bit cool outside, though it would not last long. Evelyn threw on a tattered, gray shirt, having a bit of difficulty putting her right arm through the sleeve without it hurting too much, and walked out of the door, slamming it just for the heck of it. She had visited the healer’s house once before, to check up on the injuries as well as explained what happened, and both had decided to meet again on this date. Not living too far from Sky, she arrived at the singer’s adobe, not at all affected by the skulls, unlike the first time she saw them; Evelyn was pretty squeamish when she first walked up to the building, feeling as if the eyeless skulls were staring at her. Now, she just briskly pasted by them, and knocked on the door, and awaited to see if the healer was even home.

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- Sky Rhiannon - 07-27-2011


WC:000+ - I need to draw those skulls. ._.

She was home and she'd been up for hours already, working away at nothing important as usual. It wasn't until the sun was losing it's orange bleed in the sky that the young medic had turned from useless tasks to chores, such as working on that pen for Casper, her pet goat. By the time the injured Evelyn had even arrived, she'd been out back, behind her house and hard at work with screws and lumber, trying her best to finish the large frame of the pen before ever asking Tal for help.

She heard the knocking just barely over her own cursing and cussing, the usual work talk of course. She cursed one last time as the wood slipped onto her foot (though luckily protected by a thick layer of leather, thanks to her mute project boy) and then tossed the work aside to answer the door. She walked around to the side yard (seperated by a crude fence) and shooed Casper when the goat came to greet her. She leaned on the outer fence (much nicer than the one dividing the yard and recently painted black) and smirked wickedly when she saw Evelyn standing there.

I hope my boys didn't scare you, Ev. She mused, referring to the skulls affectionately. Come on over. There's a gate to get out back. You can relax for a bit before I work on that arm of yours, m'kay love? She waved her hand casually, indicating to the well hidden gate beside her. Watch out for Casper though. He loves to bully my visitors.

She glanced down at the dual-toned goat who only looked up at her with a blank expression of innocence, one she knew was fake. ...I need to finish that pen, so he won't be trouble for anyone visiting me... She frowned, pinching her eyebrows together and chewing thoughtfully on her snake bites. Little Devil. She scolded the goat and then turned to reenter the main yard out back, pausing only to make sure the gate was locked (once Evelyn was in) and then she easily leaped the divider back into the main yard.

Make yourself comfortable. I just gotta clean up a bit first. She waved to a nearby table set, one she'd traded some silver for. It was nicely made for something put together from a few planks of wood and some stumps. The chairs were carved out for luperci to sit without pinching their tails and the table was nice and smooth, even along the legs and underside. They were new additions to her back yard but judging by the already dried paint and dye stains in the table's face, she'd made good use of it already.

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- Evelyn Wood - 07-31-2011


WC → 416 :: Eve shall ask about DdM in my next post, sorry for this rather slow post. xD

Evelyn blinked confusedly at the door as she heard Sky’s voice from where she did not expect, and with her eyes following where her ears indicated, found the medic near her backyard. She felt chagrin, fussing at herself inwardly as she imagined herself standing stupidly at the door when the woman was obviously outside, and she stared at the ground to hide her embarrassment. “No, you can say that I gotten used to them,” she said, glancing at the bones that littered the porch while she made a dismissive wave towards them, her heart giving a little twitch of uncomfort at their empty sockets, and followed Sky’s gesture, stiffly making her way towards the gate. The broken rib somewhat made the movements of walking give little pokes of pain on her side, though it was easily bearable. It was long distances-walking that would bother the injured bone, but Sky’s yard was only a few yards, and the small stroll to get to her house was not something to fester the rib.

She looked over to the goat, not seeing why the medic would need to warn her about him; Casper looked peaceful enough. But, the elder woman probably knew her own creature better than her, so she lumbered over to the table set that she gestured towards with a little speed in her step. Evelyn paused for a moment, as she looked over chairs. They were fine, she decided, as she ran her eyes over the smooth wood of the table, its underside also supporting its sleek look. A ping went through her heart as she reminded herself that she won’t be crafting things like tables and chairs anytime soon, and that sadness turned into annoyance as she sat down in one of the chairs.

She was quiet for a moment, and then she asked Sky, not too particularly demanding an answer, more like just a conversation starter, as the woman cleaned up, “Do you have anything for headaches?” Evelyn found the question to be stupid, but she wanted to relieve the pain in her head was worse than usual because of her new injuries. She was sure that the medic would have something; she was surprised how knowledgeable she was about medicine, and how much she had of it, but then again it was part of her duty to her pack and it was to be expected. If she only had something to cure my stupidity, Evelyn thought with distaste, her face mirroring her thoughts.

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