'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
I will never see the [Sky] the same way - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I will never see the [Sky] the same way (/showthread.php?tid=19557)

- Taliesin Dir Rhiannon - 07-28-2011

((WC: 354))((Hope you don't mind, but with all that's happening, Tal wants to see Sky. LOL))

He'd brought his hammer and a few books to the house Sky frequented. In his pocket, in a small box, was the necklace he'd found days before he'd met Sky. A small amethyst star was attached to a silver chain. The chain was long enough it wouldn't choke the female, but short enough it wouldn't fall off of her. He walked up the stairs, his eyes darting to the skulls on the porch. An eerie feeling crossed his spine, but he shrugged it off. If she kept them there, there must be good reason.

He licked his lips, feeling nervous. As he'd said before, he was good with the written word, but not so good with the spoken word. He'd spent too much time with only his mother growing up. There was good reason for that. Noah had always been Daddy's boy... though he doubted the black soul had raped Noah. No, instead he'd beat Noah to the point where he would never talk normally again. At least Deuce had only been fond of the drink, and of... other physical pursuits. Two things that hardly ever interested the white furred scholar, if ever. He could count the times on one hand he'd had a physically intimate relationship. With Sky it was different. It was an emotional attachment he had to her, not the collar of slavery, not a one night stand from lust. He honestly believed he was falling in love with her.

He knocked on the door, wishing he had more than a small black box to hold. The books were in his pack, the hammer hung from a loop in his jeans. He licked his lips again, suddenly feeling foolish, and very weak in the knees. His heart was racing as he waited for the woman to answer. His mind was churning with enough 'what if's that he almost turned and fled. What if she wasn't home? What if she was? What if she laughed? What if she cried? What if... and this one hurt him more than any thing else... what if she and Shawchert were going to work things out?

- Sky Rhiannon - 08-03-2011


WC:000+ - ♪ And I'm so happy to see you~ ♫

Knocking. Why always the knocking? The skulls needed some more decorations to keep away unwanted visitors or something because every time Sky turned around to do some house work or to work on the pen for Casper, there'd always be someone knocking. Either for medicine, a thorn in the paw or even something as silly as some company. When would they learn that Sky was not the type of girl for that sort of thing?

Regardless, though cussing under her breath, the girl trodded to the front door to peek out the window. Seeing the white blue, she hesitated before yelling. Tal? Oh hey, it was Taliesin! The scowl she'd been wearing previously vanished. A happily surprised grin replaced it as she opened the door, tail flicking unevenly behind her. Tal! Nice to see you. What brings you by? Came her well-practiced greeting for anyone she was friends with, though the tone in her voice was almost excited, like being talked to by the cute crush in highschool... except with added flare from Sky's unique accent and voice.

I hope you're not here to help out with Casper's pen. The lumber got damp from last night's showers. I've gotta wait until it dries before I can start building again. Blabbering on stupidly. Yup, Sky was most assuredly crushing on the white wolf; she rarely got talking like this, her words coming out a mile a minute in a surprisingly easy to understand pile.

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- Taliesin Dir Rhiannon - 08-05-2011

((WC: 3+))

When she answered the door, he felt his mouth go dry. His tail wagged slowly, the words he'd carefully rehearsed erased from his mind. If she was crushing, he was crushing harder, like a geeky schoolboy falling for the head cheerleader. "Well, yes... but that was only part of it." He held up the black velvet box with a crooked and shy smile. "I brought you a gift, really. I... I was hoping we could talk about something."

He shuffled his feet, his heart racing so hard he wondered if it would explode. His bi-colored eyes dropped down, his ears folding back slightly with embarrassment. If one could see the skin under the fur, his cheeks would be red. He lifted his eyes again, looking at her face, searching for the courage to speak his mind. He swallowed, shuffling his feet again. "Well, that is... Sky... I really like you. I mean, really. I've never felt so strongly before. And I know Shawchert is back... but... Well, that is... " He sucked in a breath, his words coming out in a quick breathless rush before he could stop them. "I was hoping that maybe you'd consider calling me your beloved. We don't have to be mates if you don't want but I care for you a lot, I'd even go as far as to say I love you if you would love me and accept my heart."

He swallowed, his heart in his throat, constricting his breath. He lifted his mis-matched eyes to her anxiously, nervously shifting his weight. Had he pushed too quickly? Or even worse, had he misread her totally? Had she taken Shawchert back? Or was she just not interested in him like that, all the playful banter aside? He swallowed and continued quickly, speaking his heart now, before she had the chance to shoot him down totally. "I know you've been through a lot, Sky, but I am willing to be there for you emotionally no matter what. Even if you don't love me like I do you, I'm willing to be your best friend no matter what."

"So... what do you think?"

- Sky Rhiannon - 08-06-2011


WC:000+ - Kissu ♥

Sky couldn't hide the amused smile when Tal started to mess up his words a bit, both amused and flattered. When he held out the gift, she looked down at the box and blinked. On one hand, she hated getting gifts these days. She was running out of room on her shelves for any more trinkets like what Shawchert kept sending her (kept purely out of greed, honest.) and somehow she wasn't expecting a little box... with a necklace inside it.

It was beautiful. She felt her ears go lax as she looked at the pretty little jem and chain. Tal sure knew how to charm a girl, that much was clear, at least to Sky. She was just starting to smile again when he started talking and her face cleared into attentive interest, blue eyes back to his bi-colored ones. Her mind took a second to catch up to what he was saying, but she finally clued in after he paused; he was asking her to be his lover, or something corny like that.

Go for it. Tal's far more sane that Shawchert will ever be. He's not asking you to be his mate or anything... think of it like being is girlfriend, instead. His courted. The voices chimed in together, apparently making her decision for her without her consent. Admittedly, she was terrified; another relationship could well end in tears all over again. On the other hand, she really did like Tal... quite a lot. Maybe not love, but he was worth a shot, right?

Her answer? She slipped the necklace back into the box for safe keeping and tucked the box into her pocket, keeping subtle, quiet and neutral as she did. Then she took a step forward... then a quick 'kiss' was given, nose to nose, an affectionate gesture that meant agreement. If that's what you want, than I'll gladly be your courted. She all but purred, that smile returning. It won't be an easy task, though, Tal. Shawchert's been sending me gifts and flowers every day. Her tone of voice suggested annoyance to this fact, again, not liking the gifts she kept getting. At that point, she was more than happy to try and forget about what she'd had with Shawchert. She refused to admit that maybe, just maybe, she still felt for the once estranged male. Tal was more than enough for her, at least she hoped so.

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- Taliesin Dir Rhiannon - 08-08-2011

((Baaaw. Cute! ^^; BTW: [html]this[/html] is the song he's singing for her. LOL WC:3+))

She put the box with its necklace in her pocket. In a move that surprised the male, she touched her nose to his, a sweet and simple kiss. His face warmed again. Her words startled him, made him suddenly wonder if there was more to it. "If that's what you want, than I'll gladly be your courted. It won't be an easy task, though, Tal. Shawchert's been sending me gifts and flowers every day." Her voice was a soft purr. Part of him, a cynical and largely unused part of his mind, wondered if she was trying to play the two off of each other.

Instead, he spoke without thought. "Sky, I don't presume to know everything about you...but the kind of woman you are, you would much rather have them planted in your yard and around your house, than to have to put them in a vase and watch them wither and die." He smiled down at her, taking her hand shyly. "But if flowers are what you want, then I would gladly plant them for you to admire everyday. As for gifts... I'm no craftsman... but I would give you the moon if that is what you wanted."

He lifted his hand to her cheek, stroking it lightly with a thumb if she didn't pull away from him. He bit his lip for a moment, then sang a song his mother had often sung, back before her dark days. His voice was soft, but earnest, with distant tones of the Irish lilt his mother had in her voice. "Come over the hills my bonny Irish lass... Come over the hills to your darling. You choose the road love and I'll make a vow... That I'll be your true love forever...
Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows.. Fair is the lily of the valley.. Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne... But my love is fairer than any..."
He let his voice trail off, his thumb still lightly stroking her cheek.

- Sky Rhiannon - 08-08-2011


WC:000+ - Pretty song~ Big Grin

Finally, a man who knew his herbology. Sky couldn't help but appreciate his attention to detail and his longing to make her happy. She kept quiet as he spoke, smiling and humming softly to herself in approval, her tail flicking unevenly behind her and those cool blue eyes calm and steady, happy even. When he took her hand, she glanced down, happy with how easy it felt to relax into the touch. He was shy and for once, Sky felt that to be a good quality; it meant he had a moral code and a good head on his shoulders.

Then he brought her attention back to his eyes and she smiled, leaning into the hand on her cheek and closing her eyes, surprised to hear music dancing in the air as her new court started to sing. Only in D'Arte could one enjoy something as simple as a song in public. When he faded into silence, she opened her eyes curiously.

You have a good voice, Tal. A compliment, coming from the little songbird. Don't get me gifts to impress me. It won't work. She murmured, taking a step back but pulling his hand with her. I much prefer a more personal approach... spend time with me. Sing to me. Show me that you're attentive and in this for more than just a one night stand. If he came with her when she pulled, she'd smile, an expression that shone in her eyes naturally. Come inside and have something to eat, some tea. Make yourself at home.

Oh wow, for the first time since the snow storm Sky was letting someone make themself comfortable in her house. Tal was certainly someone special.

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- Taliesin Dir Rhiannon - 08-10-2011

She pulled on his hand, and he followed willingly, melting as a smile crossed her face, filling her eyes. His eyes were only for her even as he followed her into the house. He gave her a sweet smile, his heart in his eyes. He hadn't intended to sing that song, that one that his own mother had sang so often when thinking of Soran, but he was glad he'd impressed her. He'd learned many of his mothers songs...if songs were the way to her heart, then that was what he would do. He would plant flowers, and he would sing songs for her. He would still find her beautiful things, but those would be fewer in quantity. As she'd said, gifts were not the way to her heart.

He wanted to be in her heart, to be with her. He wanted her to want to be with him as well. He paused, attempting to pull her into a gentle hug. If she resisted, he would let her go. If she came willingly, he would hold her close and whisper gentle words into her ear. Sex was not what he was after. He would never say no to sex, what straight male would? But what he wanted was to deepen the emotional connection he felt with Sky.