'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
They All Fall Down - Printable Version

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- Apaqt Saqaliet - 08-07-2011


OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny

The male moved upon silent paws through the wooded area. He carried with him only a single weapon, though right now he was using the weapon more in the way of a walking stick instead of using it for its purpose. But then again he wasn't avidly hunting at the moment. Or at the very least he wasn't on the verge of a kill. No, he was still just following the tracks that had been left behind instead. It didn't seem what he was after was in the immediate area if he had to judge by how old the tracks were but he felt he was getting closer at least. From what he could tell he had found a migratory path. Then again mating season was soon so no doubt they were set on congregating for that.

The got up from where he had knelt down in order to inspect the tracks and made to silently continue on in the direction that he had been heading, following the path that the tracks had taken. His attention became only momentarily distracted once he noticed the rays of further day break coming down through the limbs of the tree. The sun was nearly fully over the horizon and that meant what he was hunting would be quite active soon. He had been hoping to make up some ground during the dawn hours in order to be able to come upon the creature before any more travel was completed by it. The sight of the light had him quickening his pace to a silent jog along the trail that had already been laid out before him.

It was only when he got to a fresher scent upon the trail did he finally diverge from it. He made to slip off the path and further into the trees instead. Once he was certain that he was hidden did he lean his spear against his shoulder so that he could cup his hands together against his muzzle in order to send up a call. It wasn't the howl of a wolf but rather the wailing call of a cow moose since he was hoping to attract a bull moose to the area. Sure, he had his moose call about his neck but he had first learned to do this with his hands as opposed to using the device, that was saved for if they didn't respond to the sound he made with his hands. He repeated the call one more time before he dropped his hands away from his mouth in order to be able to ready his spear in case he was answered. He wasn't certain just how far away the creature he was hunting or if it was even awake at this time. He could do nothing but simply wait to see if it would show and if not then he would have to continue with his tracking and just hope to get lucky enough to be able to sneak up on it for an easier kill.

Table by the Mentors!

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- Saxif Goldenfeather - 08-08-2011


Couldn't resist! Had to meet this epic dude. ^_^ WC: 300+

She had taken notice to him through his tracks. They were light almost elegant in nature, a true hunter’s walk. He was tracking what she had noticed a few yards back before she realized someone else was on the trail. She had inhaled the scent allowing her mind to click into recognition. He was of her pack; even though he was one of them it was obvious he was most likely skilled. She quickly followed behind pausing momentarily to the loud call of a female in heat. It was strange… almost off so she headed toward it. Then his scent became stronger his figure became apparent in the distance. It was obvious that he knew she was there, it was just another peg to the amount of experience and skill this male had. She nodded a greeting as she sided next to him.

She knew not to speak, not to move heavy, she had been well trained in her own right though her experience was limited. She glanced over him and awed at his markings, his spear and his general posture. She noticed the strange looking object around his neck… it tickled the back of her memory but for that moment she was not sure as to what it was. As she unsheathed her bow the huntress nodded toward the call whistle in the common hunter gestures that she was accustomed to when paired. She knew he would understand, from the moment she saw his tracks she knew she was dealing with someone who actually knew the ways. Her voice would most likely not leave her throat until the hunt was done. She just hoped that she got to be a part of it… but watching was also a great learning experience. It was through watching that she learned much of her skill. It was her natural talent that made her able to follow through.

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- Apaqt Saqaliet - 08-09-2011


OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny; Awwe, I didn't realize he was epic. He is still not fully fleshed out for me but Sie drew him and made him look amazing. Basing him around this culture. So yeah, I'm still doing a bit of research about certain traditions and stories to remember see just how much they differ from the Cherokee basis of AniWaya cause I've done Cherokee research so yeah, I have to keep going back to remember what goes with what culture. I'm lucky that they seem to share some of the most basic beliefs

The male gave a nod to the female that sidled up next to him. Personally he found he strange for a woman to be out hunting. In his culture the men were the protectors and providers. It was his job as a man to care for the women of the tribe. To make certain there there was meat to be cooked and no danger allowed to come to them. Women were respected and sacred. So it was odd for him to see one placed in possible harm's way. But of course his teachings also said to respect a woman's wishes. It was the woman to decide upon relationships. And well she hadn't spoken and named him a friend so it wasn't like he could speak out against her decision. Not that he would have gone against her anyways. No, he would just have to keep alert of where she was out to make sure nothing happened to her.

Besides, since they were out on a hunt, it wasn't as if they could speak anyways. After all they didn't want to give away their position and spook what they were trying to hunt. So all he managed was a silent nod of his head as she opened the lines of silent communication. He watched as she drew her bow. That was a relief to him. He had no idea how to use a bow himself but he knew it could be used from a distance. That meant she could stay safe and hidden while being allowed to take part as well. she wouldn't have to get close and so that took a portion of the worry off his mind.

He gave her another nod of his head, indicating that she should stay where she was, before he nodded to a spot further along the way, showing where he was going to be heading. He quietly left her alone to remain hidden off the path and among the trees. He figured she should have a clean shot with her bow if the moose came back down the path. He moved himself to a place where he would be able to easily leap out to get close to use his spear. He took up his spot, looking back towards where he knew the female was to keep her in his sights, and then brought his hands back to his maw to send up the call again. He readied himself to strike as he waited once again.

The bull answered with a call of its own as it came down the path. Apaqt tightened his hold on his spear as he remained tense and alert. He figured that the female would know just what to do and so he waited for the moment for him to strike and finish off the moose. He had already sent up a prayer before he had went out on his hunt and was preparing to give another one to thank the moose for giving its life so that the tribe might be fed.

Table by the Mentors!

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- Saxif Goldenfeather - 08-10-2011

Cool. I based Saxif beliefs of my own personal traditional beliefs. Basically things I learn from elders or fellow ojibwe peoples. I am still sort of new to my traditional heritage. Her home pack is kind of based off my reserve's past, how some traditions stay alive but slowly they are becoming lost to a new type of religion. Saxif obviously follows the old ways.

Saxif could see from his expression that his traditions very much came close to that of her tribe. He looked as her father and uncles had on what was meant to be the huntress’s first and only hunt. It was true she would most likely have been the only female of her tribe to become a hunter. In fact she had made sure of it with escape. She didn’t mind his look she was use to it. Though if given the opportunity she would prove her heart was that of his own. That her spirit was that of a true hunter, her grandmother had seen it since the day she was born.

When the moose entered the slight clearing she pulled two arrows from her quiver. She held one in her teeth as she notched the first. Her aim was true striking through the ribs with impressive force quickly followed by another to his front flank to slow his impending escape. The elder hunter seemed perfectly positioned for the charge. She knew she missed the heart for the beast would have collapsed before coming upon the beast but maybe she collapsed a lung so even if he didn’t succeed they might get to trail him easily. She had said the hunter’s prayer as she always had when striking down an animal. Her silent prayer sent through her heart to the spirit of the moose.

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- Apaqt Saqaliet - 08-17-2011


OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny; What heritage is that? And yes, I know. The old ways are dieing out with the elders. The Cherokee are losing their language because it is the elders that namely have the knowledge and the younger generations no longer speak it. To me it is really sad that they are losing their culture.

It wasn't that he doubted her ability but worried for her safety instead. He had never known a woman to hunt before. Still, it wasn't his place to deny her this. Things were different here then they were back in his own tribe. To him this was just another difference that he would have to get used to. Even so he was still determined to do his best to keep her safe on this hunt. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't.

He watched the arrows fly and strike against the animal. The moose was able to continue on even though it stumbled. The male took that opportunity to release his spear and let ti fly as well. He quickly followed the weapon seeing it was the only thing that he had. The weapon had pierced the throat of the beast as it had stumbled and caused it to bleed out.

Showing that this clearly wasn't his first hunt of these large animals he made certain he would be in the way of flailing limbs and antlers as he quickly retrieved his spear. The weapon was pulled from the soft flesh and stabbed into the side of the fallen animal's chest in order to pierce the heart. He kept his distance during the death throes and bowed his head to whisper a silent prayer for the animal. The prayer was to thank the moose for giving its life so that the tribe might be fed.

When the animal had stilled the male once more retrieved his spear. He glanced into the direction where he had left the female to hide and nodded his head to indicate that it was safe now. Of course the hunt was over just yet. The carcass still needed to be transported back to village to that everyone might be able to feast. Sadly he didn't know anyone who would be able to help transport the large animal and so he figure it would be a slow process of dragging it with breaks interrupting any progress made.

Table by the Mentors!

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