'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Winds of Time - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Winds of Time (/showthread.php?tid=20383)

- León Austral - 08-25-2011

OOC: Backdated to the beginning of July. Leon left AniWaya on the 6th of june, upon him leaving Souls his spirit guide has been following him and observing him, unbeknown to him to make sure he was worthy enough and needful enough of her guidance. This thread takes place several days before Leon's return at the other side of the Halycon mountains, his spirit guide assists him through the mountains, still keeping herself hidden before disappearing once he had crossed them, she will reappear at a time when Leon needs her, aka several months in the future when Maska takes over the tribe XD okay Big Grin history done, now onto the post Tongue

WC: 1109

Dismay filled up his body at he stared at the seemingly impassible wall of pure rock that stood before him, in all his planning and effort how could he have forgotten the Halycon mountains? A groan of frustration left his body and Faith plodded up to his side, nudging him with her head and nickering softly. He stroked her velvety muzzle soothingly and silently observed the unchanging landscape. Footsteps behind him made his ears swivel and he turned slowly as Archediel walked up to him, rubbing a dark hand across his face,

"Aye, you'll be having some trouble getting over that ole heap o' rock, thas fer sure. Ya sure you don't wanna stay a few nights? Thar missus and I have plenty o' room if yer needs it." Archediel was a black coyote, a strange occurrence in this world, his tall, dexterous ears were always searching and moving, his dark eyes speaking silence of his tricks and jibes. He was two foot shorter than Leon, and when they stood side by side they appeared quite a comical pair.

"Nien, I have no time to wait, I have not seen mi hija or mi amigos in long and lonely times. Gracias, the offer is most kind however." He had met Arch on a travelers trail and made the decision to walk together and trade together in the markets and whatever else they could find. The coyote and spanish wolf made a good team and many a stall owner was regretting his decision to haggle with the pair. The fruits of their labour were tied and trussed up behind them in a large convoy of animals and other assorted goods. Himself had managed to barter, three horses, a bull and several sheep. Arch had even more than that.

The two went about re-tieing up the animals now that they were separating ways. The ewes and rams were loaded up into a cart which was tied to the two working horses, Katelyn and Luiz, Jerome was attached to the back of the cart where he was content to plob along. JagerMeister, the spunky golden stallion who was meant for a spunky golden female was tied at the rear, snorting and tossing his head as though annoyed with being at the rear. When all was done and said, the two males wished each other goodbye and he started on his journey to travel over the mountains.

The going was tough as the side rose steeply and much of it was barely attached, angular shards of rock often flew out from beneath the horses. The horses in question struggled as the incline seemed to go on and on, eventually he lashed Faith to the wagon as well and helped spread the load. They were coping only just as the mountains began to unravel out before them until they came to a fork in the road. Several forks in fact and try as he might he just could not remember which way was the right way. The animals were exhausted and irritable, the two female horses he had bought began to bicker and snap at each other with increasing volume until Faith eventually got as tired of it as he did and neighed loudly at them. It was at that point that Leon decided that a rest was what was needed.

He untied all the horses and picketed them up with enough rope that they could feed and wander about as they desired. The sheep he left in the cart, they had enough room inside of it for the night. JagerMeister was tied away from the females so that he didn't interrupt them. The night was windy and cold, he didn't sleep much and in the morning was still no clearer which way he was to go. He left the animals tied as they were and jogged a short ways down one path. The sense of foreboding that emanated from it was enough to stop him mid-jog, it felt as though the emotion was coming from inside of him but he had no reason to fear the mountains, yes he held a wary respect for them and a healthy dose of caution but not fear. So why the itchy feeling that something was wrong?

He returned to the fork and chose a different path, and again got the same sense of danger but this time it was accompanied by words that also appeared to come from within his mind, Not this way... not this way... Utterly perplexed and somewhat concerned he tried each of the paths until he found one that did not flare up his strange new mind problem. As far as he could tell it was no different from any of the others. He geared up the horses again and reattached the cart, Jerome mooed softly at him as he walked by and he patted the surprisingly docile Bull's head.

They set off down the path that didn't feel wrong and continued on their way. From then on, every time they came to a fork or a crossroads or the path was swallowed up and disappeared all together the voice guided him, soft female tones that seemed to speak from inside of himself, the animals gave no indication they could hear it and Leon hoped that he wasn't going insane. Finally he got annoyed enough to ask out loud,

"Who are you? Why do you speak to me?" He felt like an utter fool talking to no one but was surprised when the voice answered sounding amused, inside his head of course,

I am Mayanne, your Spirit Guide. Spirit Guide? He looked around himself but could see nothing to indicate she was nearby, obviously she was out of phase with this word or was simply finding amusement in hiding from him. He was about to speak when she spoke again,

[i]I will guide you through these mountains but then I must go for a while/"[/color] She offered no details as to where or why so he nodded, pretty sure that she could see him from wherever she was. So the voice with no body to go to it guided him and his animals up and over the mountains, providing direction and sending warnings of dangers ahead and it was only with her help that he made it across the mountains at all, when his feet finally touched level ground on the other side, four days had passed. She did not announce her leaving but he could feel it, inside of himself, a place that had become warmed lost it warmth and became cold once more. Feeling sorrowful of her departure he began the long trek across Souls towards AniWaya.