'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
I want my life - Printable Version

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- Cypress - 09-08-2011


Back dated to Aug. 19th, late morning/early afternoon

By the time Cypress had left the borders of Inferni he had long been ready to return home. Still there had been a goal, a mission, to his departure and so he had made the most that he could from the time he had been allowed upon their lands. He had failed to gather any help for his mother, at least directly. Having no knowledge of the small raid the Infernians would plan against the AniWaya tribe after Cypress had brought them news of the war blossoming in the south. His original goal though, the one for which he had planned before the AniWayans had come and stolen away his Mother and Savina's niece, had not ended in complete failure. The relationship he had hoped might be forge with his father had been a folly. A naive dream of youth and inexperience, but at least he knew the man that was his sire better, even if just a little.

The length of the trip seemed far less on the journey home. It helped that he knew the path this time, which only became all the more familiar as he neared home. He had also pushed himself at a faster pace, rarely slowing from a lope and kept his stops to rest fewer and farther inbetween. He missed his home and his mother. Oh how he wished that she would be there upon his return as if she had never been gone and that the whole matter with the AniWayans had already been settled. He did not dare to think of what he would do if Anu was still gone.

His mother was at the forefront of his mind, but she was not the only soul that he longed to see. Artemis too, had frequented his thoughts while he had been gone. Wondering how the Dreaming princess was doing, yet he doubted she would even notice he had been gone. In all reality, Cypress doubted many had noticed his absence and he would be surprised if anyone but Oak had really noticed. Having always been one to stand on the sidelines, he had no role that was critical enough for the pack to have missed him. Or so he assumed.

The familiar scent of home wafted up his nose and the boy slowed to a trot, not even pausing as he crossed the borders. The dark plume of his tail waving behind him. He was home. And for the first time there was no doubt in his mind that this was where he belonged.

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- Alder - 09-10-2011


Even with the words Kansas had given him Alder did not feel his anger leave him completely. He had rested, eased his fear and had not gone to the borders of AniWaya and protest for the return of his mother. He thought about what her words would be. He knew that she would preach patience, faith in those that they had always believed in, faith in the pack. He knew Savina would right this wrong, he knew that the pack his mother had dedicated her life to would make this right. And bring her home. But he did not leave. After visiting the Manor he and 'Thorn had bedded beside the lake, for the stallion needed water and he needed grass. It was then that Alder had apologized again and again to the horse. He had even mourned, hoping that his friend would forgive him for pushing him so harshly during their ride from the Cours pack lands back to where he had been born.. The black horse had only accepted his cries and apologies and easily gave him forgiveness.

With the morning's light they had risen and with new found energy. The male took to the back of the horse and began to roam the Dreamer's landscape. There were two that he needed to see. He had look for his brothers in the large house they all shared, but he could find neither. Searching through the familiar grounds was easy, but Alder couldn't pick up a fresh sent. He headed towards the borders, mindset growing darker once again. The massive steed sensed his concern and as he had the night before grew just as agitated as his rider.

On the wind the scent of his fellow arbor named brother came to him, and he turned Hawthorn into the breeze and followed it. There was something there, like the Crimson Dreams pack scent had been worn away from his body, and the stench of something else remained. He knew this, for it had happened to his own fragrance when he had left. Alder kicked the sides of his horse, and pushed him to move more quickly.

The figure of the dark tawny male made the naturally timid male to call out, Cypress! Deep voice bellowing in one of Alder's rare outspoken moments.


- Cypress - 09-22-2011


Never before had it felt so good to be home. Cypress took a deep breath as he made his way through the timber. The scents of home filled his nose and swelled in his chest. They brought him a feeling of contentment he had never known. The comfort that only home could bring. Only now did he realize how much he had truly missed the lands of his birth and not just his mother, though it was Anu at the forefront of his mine. It had only been a few days since his departure, but it was the longest absence that Cypress had ever taken from his homeland. It had even been first time he had even spent a night away from their borders.

Cyp had not made it far into the lands when he head something unfamiliar. He knew the sounds that deer and elk made, as well as the hoof falls of the various horses the Dreamers had acquired. Their numbers had grown since he had been a pup and they had so few then. This sound was too deep and heavy. Cypress stopped and scented the wind, though it was not in his favor and told him nothing of the approaching noise. As it grew closer the boy swore he could feel the vibrations of it through his footpads and the sensation was unnerving. A flash of moving darkness was all he could make out through the trees and undergrowth. The night of the raid flashed into his mind and the concern he'd kept buried began to bubble past his hopeful thoughts.

Alder was almost unrecognizable as he finally appeared clearly, calling out to him as Cypress stared at him stupidly in surprise. Though the black across his eyes was a dead give away. "Alder? What are you doing here?" He knew his eldest brother came to visit on occasion, but Cypress always seemed to miss him on such visits. His mind not ready to jump to obvious conclusion as he still clung to the hope that Anu would be home, waiting for him in her room. Where she should be.

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- Alder - 09-26-2011


His fur bristled as he looked at his brother. The scent on him was so foreign and the stench of coyotes covered him too. As his anger began to roll into a boil Alder looked at him with skepticism. The smaller wolf's question seemed ridiculous, and the answer was obvious. The Optime figure dismounted Hawthorn and he stepped close to his brother as he bellowed his answer. Mother, she's gone! He spoke as if his brother didn't know, perhaps he didn't. Alder wasn't sure what he would be happier with. That Cypress had been gone and had not known that she was a captive of the tribe or that he knew and left anyways. Both were desertion in his eyes. Where were you?! He questioned, looking at the same blue eyes he held.

Alder didn't know what the scent was that lingered over his brother, Crimson Dreams was still there but it was a mere hint among the coyote smell. Had he moved to another pack? Alder grew even more angry, with his brother as well as himself. They had left her defenseless? But he had trusted his brothers, trusted that they would protect and care for her while he lived in the Court. She had sent him away and he left knowing that two pillars, one red and one molted black and brown, stood beside her. Alder growled, the feeling of rage that filled him the night before returning. If he was another wolf, or perhaps in his four legged form he would have turned the wayward brother onto his back. Forced him to expose his belly and show his shame for disappearing in the pack's time of need. But Alder steeled himself, the black Shire behind him scraping a hoof across the ground and naying in agitation.


- Cypress - 09-30-2011


The optime atop the horse was not the timid and mild mannered wolf that Cypress knew Alder to be. Never had he seen his masked brother like this. Full of anger and his hackles bristling as he slid from the back of the massive horse. It took not even a second for the words his brother bellowed to strip away every shred of hope that Cypress had managed to gather and cling to as Alder’s words hit him like a tidal wave. The feelings of contentment and happiness at being home fled his chest and left him empty and hollow as dark ears pressed back. It was fear and grief for their mother that he felt first. ”I know.” He said rather calmly when compared to Alder’s own tone. The sorrow showed plan on his face, but lacked the shock of unknowing. He had hoped for the best and put his faith behind that. As much as he didn’t want to admit it he had known she might be home, but he would not give up hope that she would still return to them and he refused to consider the possibility that their mother could perish at the hands of the AniWayans.

”Me? You have some nerve brother. I went to visit Father. I thought maybe he could help..why? What’s it to you?” Cypress was not immune to his brother’s anger and it ignited his own. It was the way Alder voiced the question, the way he looked at him, Cypress felt as if his brother was blaming him for this. As if he had just allowed to happened and cared nothing for Anu and what might happen to her. ”What about you, huh?” he growled, lips pulled back to reveal the ivory beneath. “Where were you the night of the raid? When they took her from us. Huh? Where were you then? Sleeping safe and sound in your bed I’d imagine as I watched her big dragged a way by some brute!” He had tried. He had tried to get to her, to help her, but it had been chaos and he had not been able to reach her. Just talking of that night brought visions of it before his eyes and grief once again overshadowed his anger. He had failed her, but Alder was no better for it.

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- Alder - 09-30-2011


Blue eyes bore into the black and brown wolf before him, watching as his body morphed into a mirror of his own aggression. The fur at the nap of his neck and along his spine rose. He spoke, and Alder took in the words with eager and vigor. They were not what he wanted to hear. But he could not speak, he could not even begin to form the words that wanted to rip through his throat, roar past his teeth and towards his brother. Waiting, and allowing Cypress to speak further was detrimental to them both. For Alder watch and listened as he became more visibly angered. A fire that Alder's own only reared to meet with a greater intensity. Instead of taking a step back from the shining teeth Alder stepped forward. His eyes widened, the idea that Cypress had gone to Inferni, leaving those that he was supposed to take care of..

The massive werewolf met the growl, rumbling from his stomach bubbling and ripping at his throat and causing his shoulders to shake and vibrate. Black masked eyes narrowed as he yelled, deep voice bellowing through the trees around him. You went to HIM! What has he ever done for us? Anu had told them not to go there, Alder always obeyed while Cypress broke her rule. I did as she asked! I always do what she asks! Alder had only gone because she wished him to. It was only reason he hadn't been here. The only one.

Alder had thought he had let the puphood confrontations between him and Cypress go, he thought he hadn't ever truly been touched by them. His brother was stronger, and those that were stronger were simply higher on the pyramid. The boy had been happy to let others lead, and allowed them to assert their dominance over him. But he didn't feel weak now, the anger that the vision of his weak hurt mother brought him making him feel more powerful then ever before. And his brother was wrong. Dead, fucking, wrong. Another step, closing in on the four legged wolf. You saw it. And you let it happen? His claws dug into his palm, while the other hand held out a blaming pointed finger. Then you ran away!

- Cypress - 09-30-2011


His growl was met Alder’s own deeper, rumbling tones. His masked brother continued to bellow, to look down upon him and it made Cypress’ blood boil with seething heat. ”Savina TOLD US to find help. I did not know where else to go!” Not that it had done their mother any good, but he had tried.

Cypress did not know Alder’s reasons for leaving. He had never asked for he felt he knew well enough. Though he had witness the ill effects of his absence when Mother fell ill shortly after his departure. Cypress had blamed Alder, as well as himself, but it was an anger that had died with the return of her health. It would come as a shock to Cypress that Anu had asked her eldest son to leave, but now there was no time for the new information to be absorbed and processed.

and you let it happen? The insult was too much and Cypress bared his fangs at his own flesh and blood. He had always known anger, but never, never had he been so angry, so outraged. ”I TRIED!” He bellowed back, his voice rising louder and filled with rage. His hackled had fully lifted by now and his ears were pressed forward, falling only at the deep boom of Alder’s voice. How many times must he be reminded of that failure. Father too, had shown his disappointment in the black and brown son that was too much like his mother to have any worth as warrior. ”Don’t you dare fucking pretend to know what it was like! You weren’t there!” Then you ran away! The words sent Cypress’ anger filled him and began to bubble over. He felt nothing but rage. There was no thinking, only action as he charged his brother. Leaping up, he aimed for the other’s chest. He aimed only to ground and dominate his brother. To put him in his proper place. He had no right to judge, he had not been there and therefore he was more at fault than Cypress surely...

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- Alder - 09-30-2011


Cypress was full of excuses. Filled to the brim as he had always been filled with that arrogance. It had smothered Alders passive personality when they were growing up but it did not shadow the brilliance of the fire that coursed through his veins and blazed in his chest. Alder was angry with himself, that he wouldn't deny. The male was not one to cover his mistakes, for their mother had taught him never to do so. But his brother, he had claim to these lands and she had kept him close to her while pushing Alder away. And Cypress had sought out their absent father for comfort, instead of him or staying to protect their home. Anu had told them that there was nothing in Inferni for them, and though their father was kind to her he was to have no true presence in their lives and he owed them nothing. Anu had chosen Cypress and Oak, to whom Alder would have said the same words, and they had failed her. He cared not to know what his failing alphess had asked of them, for their mothers words reined over all. He has never had anything for us! He could hardly believe that Cypress' intent was to seek help.

Instead of countering with words all he saw was the release of tension in the other wolf's form. Alder was no fighter, but this was not the practice of an art foreign to their kind. It was not the use of knife or sword. It was nature, the language of the body warning him and preparing him for the movement that came at his center. Tree trunk limbs that grounded him now propelled him forward, a lion's roar expelled from his chest as he met the weight of his smallest brother. The teeth may have touched his chest's flesh but he only cared for the damage that would submit the other beast. The urge to show Cypress his shame was no longer hidden in the background like a feline ready to pounce , but it shot forward and filled his mind until all was clouded by the idea. Arms encircled the lupus form and claws sought flesh. Their missions were the same, bring the other down and not be the one with their stomach showing.

- Cypress - 09-30-2011


The air was filled with growls and snarls as the two bodies collided. Tooth and nail raking against flesh, but there was no intent in drawing blood and Cypress’ natural weaponry stopped short of piercing the flesh of his brother. Dominance. Dominance was all he wanted. Alder was no longer a member here, this was not his home. By right, dominance should be his as Crimson Dreams was his home, his pack. Alder was nothing but an outsider now even if his blood still tied him here. Yet, something was not right. His momentum should have still been driving him forward as his form fell into the two-legged body of his brother, yet he felt himself falling backwards from where he had come. The large limbs of his brother wrapped around him, imprisoning him tightly against the other’s chest and abdomen. Cypress squirmed in the strong grip of Alder’s, hind legs kicked frantically to push himself away from the body of the other so that he might pry himself free. He kept his head tucked, and parted jaws guarded his neck instinctively and occasionally snapped at the face and neck of his masked brother.

The fact that Alder had him so quickly on the defensive only angered him further. Adding all the more injury adolescences failing and false sense of pride.

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- Alder - 09-30-2011

pre-plotted pp!

Alder had no desire to hurt his brother, but their points were meaningless with out winning the battle for dominance. His body was simply heavier, and when the balance was tipped it was in his favor. But he believed it was what was right and honest. This was not his home, nor his land but his point was what was right. When the time came Alder had been here to fight and fight he did. Cypress took to his paws in flight. As he hadn't cared the night before, Alder didn't care if the pack came to his rescue for this would be his single win against the harder minded wolf. A single tip of the scale in his mother's name.

The ground came quickly, and Alder pinned the smaller beast against it. Eyes were narrow slits, defending against the snapping jaws as well as angry and hate filled. He growled as he glanced at the wolfs face and then quickly brought his teeth towards his face. Paws held limbs and body mass and a knee applied pressure to keep his brother down and another foot-paw clung to the grass to keep himself steady. He waited, teeth clenched and lips showing their white, for his brother's form to go limp. He wouldn't be able to run from this, not now.

- Cypress - 09-30-2011


In his struggle to be free from Alder’s grip Cypress was unaware of the ground as it rushed up to greet them and he landed heavily on his back. His breath was forced from his lungs and he gasped and gaped as he tried to reclaim it. Still Alder held him, pinning him to the ground he felt the weight of his brother on top of him. Holding him down and keeping him immobile despite his struggles. He gave one last great attempt to free himself, muscles straining to free limbs from the hold of his brother’s large paws but he was overpowered.

There was surprise in the depths of his blue eyes as he looked up at his brother with wide eyes. He had been defeated and overpowered. Alder was the victor and it was crushing blow to what remained of his ego that had seemed to grow far more fragile as, little by little, he was slowly being striped of his childhood arrogance. He turned his gaze away from his brother and with a huff of exhaled air, Cypress admitted his defeat. Stopping his struggles he went limp, tail curling along the lighter hues of his exposed belly.

He was nothing but a failure.

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- Alder - 10-03-2011


Alder's chest heaved up and down, his heart pounding in his ears as he looked down at his brother. The change in the smaller wolf's body caused Alder to change as well. Eyes caught a glimpse of the bright stomach, and in an instant the fight that had erupted was defused. The male rose quickly, standing at his full height and backing away a few long strided steps. His hands were held open, palms wept lightly the blood his claws had drawn moments before with clenching fists. He hardly knew what to think at a moment like this, his first ever event that included anger and violence. Most felt this when they were pups, practicing how to fight with their siblings. But Alder never had. He could not let his anger go, even if the fight had been settled. Winning was as foreign for him just like the rage, and Alder wanted to get as far away from all of it as he could.

There was a long pause, masked eyes looked through the Dreaming landscape to see that Hawthorn had escaped the scene before he could. The wolf needed his friends comfort more then ever now. Alder cleared his throat before speaking. I'm staying here, until she returns. The last push and force he could portray, he would be here to remind Crypress of this defeat and his cowardliness. Even though Alder wanted to run away just as much as his brother likely did. Alder turned, the scent of 'Torn heavy in the air and trailed the dark horse.


- Cypress - 10-12-2011


you can close this once you’ve read <33

Defeat was bitter indeed. Cypress was unable to look at his brother, his eyes averted to the side looking past whatever portion of his brother that might fill his vision and into the trees beyond. Perhaps it was simply instinct and the nature of things that made the mottled youth avert his eyes from the victory. Whatever it was, Cypress did not want to see Alder right now, at all. He just wanted him to go away, back to the Court where he belonged now. He would not admit he was wrong and just because he stronger and larger brother had beaten him didn’t prove it. If he was so high and mighty then why hadn’t he already gone to fetch mother?

Cypress rolled to his feet as Alder let go of him and got to his own feet. He did not look at him nor did he say a word as his brother said he would be staying. He did nothing but grit his teeth. The last thing he wanted right now was to see that masked face everyday.

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