'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Under your skin - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Under your skin (/showthread.php?tid=21275)

- Sylvia - 10-02-2011

It felt good to finally rest. With the sound of the creek playing in her ears, Sylvia closed her eyes as she rested in the shade of a tree. She knew that it hadn’t been a good idea to travel in this heat but she was too restless to stay in one place for very long. She would rather risk the heatstroke than suffer the anxiety that came from not moving. She didn’t know where she was going and had lost track of the days since she had left her home. Not that it really mattered, after all that had happened she didn’t have a home to go back too. The wound on her neck, still not completely healed, was a constant reminder of that.

She was quickly cooling down underneath the branches of the wide leafed tree, silently thanking her mother earth that her coat was made of lighter colors. She did not envy those whose black fur made the heat almost unbearable. She opened her eyes as she heard the crack of a stick behind her, whipping her head around and almost expecting to find the Luperci who had murdered her pack. Her heart raced as her eyes found nothing in the trees around her but eventually she shook it off. It was just a squirrel or something. Nothing to worry about. After she reassured herself she turned back toward the creek, looking down at her reflection.

There was the scab, covering the majority of her neck and lower chin, looking even worse than the last time she had seen it. She grimaced as her eyes fell on it and quickly looked away from her neck. She was in the form that she knew best, her true form, the only thing she had known until recently. Her mind wandered back to the first time that she had changed. It hadn't been all too long ago. Lost in thought, Sylvia continued to gaze into the water at her own reflection.