'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[M] Cower at my feet! - Printable Version

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- Saxif Goldenfeather - 10-08-2011


Word Count :: 303 :: In the damp woods not far from the pack

Saxif felt slightly more at ease since her time with Leon. He convinced her to stay within Souls’. She was currently headed to the pack he had been hoping to see him or at the very least her friend she had not seen in ages. She had set a temporary camp in the forests near by but it was basically empty. All that there was there was her horse, her bow skillfully hidden and a patch of crunched leaves where she rest. She did not know just what would happen from that point on but at least she was here and not on her back to the royal shackles of her North-Western home.

She had a rabbit in her hand and her chest was bound with dressings but the wound already felt like nothing but a scratch. Suddenly she halted as though she had seen a ghost. She dropped the rabbit and darted quickly to the East. A scent had caught her attention, it was fresh and it was well known. She could already feel the growls in her chest just knowing he was near.

She leapt at a tree gripping the bark with her claws. She jumped from branch to branch once she had scaled the first tree. She moved quick and silently searching until she laid her eyes upon him. Her pupils dilated as her fury rose and a menacing grin spread across her face. Justice would finally be served, revenge satisfied and an oath fulfilled. She slowly made her way closer to him using all her muscles to remain silent. Finally she was close enough to leap and as she did she growled. Time to die Rain Marks! Her body burst forth from the leaves above and landed with claws extended ready to destroy the male who ruined her life.

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- Rain Marks - 10-09-2011

He had been patrolling the boarder when he thought to stray from them to look into the forrest. It was a bright sunny, happy day and he found the forrest to be comforting. He had his sketch book on him and he had found a bird he wanted to sketch when he smelled her. The woman of his nightmares. She hadn't stayed down wind of him and he put his things down before grabbing his dagger in defence. He walked some way and knew that she was going to attack him. He turned at the last moment knowing she was the fast stronger hunter. He was exspecting her behind him but the attack from above gave him just enough time to throw her off him and to the ground, his own growl escaping from him.

He would not fight her and for the longest he had been looked over his shoulder waiting for her to find him. "Hello Saxif Goldenfeather. We meet again. How are you? Better yet how is Shiloh?" he asked as she kicked him off him. He looked at her and noticed bandages and the smell of hurt on her fur. Had Shiloh died? What had happened to Shiloh to have Saxif come all the way to Anathema to attack him and possibly kill him. If Shiloh was dead he would let her kill him out right because it was his fault that she had died. If she was alive.... He would try to talk Saxif into reason. He didn't want to hurt the mate of the woman he had broken. He would only fight if Shiloh lived and hoped and prayed Saxif saw reason.

- Saxif Goldenfeather - 10-09-2011

OOC: *gasp* a short post... lol wasn't really sure what else to say

The enraged huntress regained her stance as the male spoke. How dare he address me in such a manner. It just fueled her rage even further. She lunged at him with a fierce growl but quickly pulled back not seeing an opening in that moment. Come on coward. What? Can’t fight in a fair fight at all? She grinned her eyes wild with anger and a thirst for his blood. His actions to her mate drove her mad and at the very least she wanted to do the same to him. She opened her hands at her sides claws extended like razors ready to tear into him. If he hadn’t been so lucky he would have been under her torture.

What you did to her will only be minimal compared to what I am going to do to you, you sick son of a bitch. She felt she saw a moment and lunged at the male hoping to knock the weapon from his grasp.

- Rain Marks - 10-10-2011

"I will not fight you Saxif. Your right I deserve to die for what I did to Shiloh. I have been plagued with nightmares, her screams of pain and your almost killing me. I will not fight you Saxif. Do as you please. The Great spirits know I deserve what you want to do to me but before you kill me please let me tell you I am sorry. Shiloh did not deserve what I did to her. I was in the wrong and you should have killed me that night. Do your worse," he said throwing down his dagger and waiting for Saxif to attack and kill him.

He thought of his nightmares and Shiloh screams of pain before she passed out. He stood with his arms open, ready for Saxif to take his life. Would she? Only time and her attack could tell him how bad she wanted him dead. [color=green]"At least tell me if she is alive. I have to know if Shiloh is alive,"[color] he whispered as Saxif clawed at him. He didn't move as she slashed at his chest, leaving deep grooves on his chest. He didn't flinch as Saxif continued to to hurt him. He would take it if she could for give him and what he did to her mate.

- Saxif Goldenfeather - 10-11-2011

OOC: Sorry I just don't know how to write for this one so I just ended it.

She grasped his throat with a growl as he spoke just allowing enough loose grip for him to continue. The least she could do was let him have his last say. As she listened and watched the male under her grip it just felt wrong. She gripped her claws into his chest and ripped slowly into his flesh. Nothing, he was in complete submission. Was this his ploy to keep himself alive? She had wondered as the smell of his blood filled the air. She could feel herself grin craving to see more drip from his body until he was drained dry. She would shatter his bones just to make him feel the pain her mate had felt.

Then a flock of birds flew over squawking pulling Saxif back into reality. She needed to return to where Leon had asked her to wait. The war in AniWaya had come to a boiling point and Saxif needed to be there. She threw Rain to the ground with a brief growl. This isn’t worth my time you worthless creature. Then she ran off into the distance knowing that she gave him nothing letting him rot in his guilt. He didn’t deserve to know about Shiloh. He didn’t deserve to know that he had ruined her life and shattered her mate.