'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Ocean View - Printable Version

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- Terra - 11-01-2011

Terra relaxed at his words. It made sense for him not to believe if he didn't have stories of his own. Playfully she pounced, leaping into the water. Really, there's nothing to fear here. It's shallow. Even if the stories aren't true, it's safe. She would have pulled him in, but he was higher rank. Escaping his wrath was not a fate Terra was prepared to face. Instead she splashed the water on him, soaking his clothes.

You have lots of cloth. You can get more, no? A wave hit her from behind, knocking Terra head over heels. For a moment everything was in a rush, then she laid gasping on the beach, surprised. Terra let out a clear yap of joy, enjoying the surprise. With a twist she leaped back in, fearless. She wasn't a coyote if she turned away from things like this. She lived for danger and the fun it promised.

- Strelein von Rosnete - 11-02-2011



Terra reprimanded him, much as a mother would to a child afraid of his own shadow. She leaped into the water, but Strel did not make to move. Yet she had the audacity to try to get him wet. The man growled, jumping up as soon as the woman splashed some water onto him, which he dabbed at with his hands, hoping that it wouldn't leave stains on the precious material. His ears were flattened as he looked at the woman, a pout poking at the corners of his lips.

Cloth wasn't easy to come by, and the fact that the redhead had so much of it was because he went looking for it and took the time to get it. It had been hard, but it had been worthwhile. "Sure but -" Strel was cut off, as the incoming wave slammed into the woman, who had dared to go in deeper. He almost made to move after her, if she had not washed up on the sand before him. He sighed at her. Terra's antics were rather childish, and they reminded him of his nephews, who had such a rambunctious air about them. This one hardly seemed afraid of anything, for all her submission when they met. "You act like a six month old fresh on her new feet, " he commented, giving a slight laugh.

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- Terra - 11-02-2011

Terra shrugged at his words. That is when I left my pack. Her interactions with others were based on old memories, of what her pack had done and what she'd done. Her pack had been extremely playful though. Tearing apart things for pure joy or killing sheep had been just a part of life. The sheep were rarely eaten, as they were so destroyed.

So if I'm a child, humor a small pup? Terra bowed down, tail wagging lazily. Strel wasn't very wolf like, despite his nature. If anything, he acted like the humans she'd been told about. Stretching she morphed back into her optime form, to nuzzle at Strel. Play with me, anything you wish. Her voice dipped into the croon her old pack had been known for, mournful and playful at the same time.

- Strelein von Rosnete - 11-05-2011



That was rather young to be leaving home, wasn't it? The redhead had stayed at home until he had been a year, so he did not know how young was too young and when one was old enough to leave family and friends to travel the wide world. Had she known how to hunt at that age? He could scarcely remember his own self at that age. Strel shook his head at the thought, knowing that the past was gone and he had no reason to dwell on those thoughts, however often he still did it. He missed his family, but he was content here; he did not need to search for his siblings to be happy with his lot in life.

The woman wagged her tail at him, seeming entertained. The redhead looked after her, wondering what she was thinking. She changed back and nuzzled him, which made the redheaded man stiffen and grimace. He did not like that sort of thing, not from a stranger, and rarely from any friends that were not close. It felt like a violation of his privacy. He nudged the woman away form him, frowning. "I really would prefer it if you didn't do that," said the redhead, trying to relax himself.

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- Terra - 11-05-2011

Bounding back Terra looked up at her dauphne. Sorry. But you did say I'm like a child. She wouldn't admit it, but in a lot of ways she was like one. Having left her family so young her behavior was warped, guided only by instinct. Still, she was doing pretty well considering the circumstances. Terra hadn't been scolded, and he was still around. Terra wasn't in danger of being chased out anytime soon.

I'll make it up to you. Swim with me? Helping the beta get over his fear was a way of repayment, and a worthwhile one at that. Weaknesses like that were dangerous, and removing it would be fairly simple. It was definitely a valuable way to make it up to him. As long as he accepted, of course. If not, she'd find another way to apologize, like finding him something pretty. Strel really seemed to like that kind of thing.