'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Games and Tails - Printable Version

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- Terra - 11-01-2011

Terra was bored. Without others near her age that she knew she had resorted to pacing up and down the borders, watching the animals. Maybe she'd go hunting later on, but all she really wanted currently was someone to be with. Mournfully Terra let out a coyote's song, echoing through the air. It wasn't as melodic as a wolf's howl, or even as complex as many coyote songs, but it told of her loneliness, and that was all she wanted.

Sighing Terra put her head between her paws. If she couldn't think of a trick or something to do, she wasn't really a good coyote. Then again, Terra wasn't a pure coyote. Maybe it was time to stop thinking of herself like that. It would be hard to break a lifetime's ingrainment though. She was raised by coyotes, thought like a coyote, and often acted like one. How could she be otherwise?

- Amaranth Catori - 11-02-2011


Word Count » 000

Amaranth was sore she was healing and she barely ever left her sea side home. Her son had chosen to leave the court and Niro was so badly hurt that she had to care for him. She hurt so bad her eye was still covered and when she removed the cover she could barely see so she kept it on. Her arm still splinted and sore, the bandages fresh on her arm. She sighed missing the liberty of moving her arm.

She looked around as she heard a strange call. Who was that/ She'd never heard the call before. She shrugged lightly sending pain through her shoulder. Amaranth walked as she looked ahead, walking had been a hard but it was getting better. She smiled "Umm hello" Amaranth said as she looked at the stranger. She held her bo staff in right hand her left pined to her keeping broken bones stable. "Can I help you?"

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- Terra - 11-02-2011

Hearing a stranger's voice Terra spun around. The woman limping towards her was badly hurt, yet seemed determined to make the most of it. Terra grinned happily. I'm just looking for something to do. That looks painful. Want to sit down? Thumping her tail she cleared away debris from a small section so the female would be comfortable. She smelled slightly like Liam under the pack's scent. Are you related to Liam? She had had a lot of fun with him, hoping that she could meet others like him. If they were family, would the female be as playful?

Terra knew it was a foolish thought. After all, she was different from her mother and older siblings, and they were different from each other. The female was probably serious, considering how her first question had been if she needed help. Things of that nature were strange to Terra. Helping people was something done for entertainment, or because they were friends. She didn't help people because they needed it.

- Amaranth Catori - 11-03-2011


Word Count » 000

Amaranth looked at the girl to her she prolly looked like a disaster. But The red vixen had to admit she only felt pain she still was happy with who she was she had killed an Aniwayian she had come back alive and she would get to stend that time with her family. Her looks didn't really matter right now.

"Pain, the only thing that hurts is my arm, I could care less about the rest." Really there was nothing more to say getting onto the ground and back up would be a pain. Her tail slowly swayed as she looked around then moved closer to the girl. At least she wasn't at home bored. "Mmm Liam yes he's my younger brother." She said looking at her. Poor girl met Liam first he was so sweet and kind. deep down Amaranth could be quite mean.

Amaranth crossed her legs and sat down allowing her tail to cross her lap. The girl never answered her question but that was most likely due to her not needing help or not knowning quite what Amranth meant.

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- Terra - 11-03-2011

Terra wagged her tail, careful not to bump the female. Out of respect to her higher rank she shifted into optime form, careful to leave lots of space. She still wasn't used to the change, and couldn't tell how much space she would need. Terra still remembered her first time shifting, right under a low hanging tree. She'd gotten quite the bump on her head from that.

Will you share tales with me? Terra remembered that one of her favorite things as a pup had been hearing tales from her elders. They taught a lot of the history that way, and it was a good way to pass the time when they couldn't do anything else. If the girl had stayed in the pack for a while, she probably knew the history of that. Hopefully Terra could learn it, help her fit in better. It would also be useful for finding loop holes.

- Amaranth Catori - 11-03-2011


Out of Character goes here

Amaranth watched as the girl changed forms. She figured that the girl must have found it better to be in the same form as her. Though shifting forms was out of the question for the red vixen with broken bones shifting would be dumb. She waited until the girl was re-situated and allowed her to speak.

Amaranth looked at her. "Tales?" She questioned. The girl wanted her to what. "you want to hear a what? What kind of tale? Did she think she was a baby sister. The two year old woman was not even close to one. She just wasn't sure if the young girl wanted to know about her arm or something else. Plus she didn't think she would be a very good story teller.

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- Terra - 11-03-2011

Terra shrugged her shoulders. It's a way to pass the time. If you don't want to tell one, I have one for you. Waiting until the woman focused on her Terra began her tale.

Coyote was traveling to a land of great wealth. She planned on stealing their animals and leading them to where the pack was. However, there was a guard that stood at the pathway. On alternate days, he always told the truth or always told lies. Coyote didn't know which day it was, but was desperate to get to the land of wealth, even if she had to kill the man. However, Coyote isn't a murderer, so she decided to trick the man instead. "How are you good sir?" she inquired. The man looked at her. "If you wish to enter, I will tell you the path to the kingdom." Coyote frowned. His words were no good, they could be lies or truth. Smiling Coyote thought of a solution. She asked a question, and the man answered. Happily Coyote entered the land and stole the animals for the pack, and not one drop of blood was shed.

Terra paused for a moment, then grinning looked up at the girl. What question did Coyote ask?