'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[M] moonlit ride. - Printable Version

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-05-2011

Sexual content and language. 8D

I was thinking this could be in 'the waste', between the packs. M can be added later if Helotes is big on racy flirting/cursing. Dated for the 8th. +3

Dixie could not sleep for anything. She’d eaten a snack, snuggled with Wayne, tried to relax…but there was so much to do for the budding pack and she simply was not tired! After slipping out from under her companion’s heavy arm, she gathered her cloak, knives, a few ropes and a canteen filled with water from the river. Sneaking out of the courthouse was fairly easy, as she could be quiet when needed, and everyone was so spaced out at this point. By the time she’d gotten outside, the two knives were strapped to her thighs, the cloak was wrapped around her body, and the canteen around her neck.

Standing on the front steps, she let out a soft yip and listened as the hoof beats came near. Fern got there first, and Duke came trailing behind with a sleepy looking Bark following. The tiny white furred girl had to stretch herself upwards in order to reach the mare’s head, scratching her gently before leading her over to a pile of rubble. Climbing up onto some of the throw out, she gained about a foot and a half in height and was able to pull herself up onto the large horse’s back. Fern snorted and shifted around a bit but showed no protest to the light weight resting across her withers.

Holding a handful of the mare’s mane in one hand, she used her foot to signal a turn and then the beginning of a walk. They headed towards the large gates at the front of the fort; Fern leaning against one side and pushing it open slowly. There wasn’t much noise, if not some soft creaking. After exiting the area, they pushed the gate closed and then Dixie let the mare head off at her own pace, just balancing her small bodily easily as Fern loped along.

After a while of gently riding, Dixie slowed the mare down and scanned the area, looking for signs of wildlife in the rather open spaces. There were some sparse pockets of forested areas sprinkled around, but so close to the coast was pretty much fields which made it easier for herd animals to get around and find food. There was evidence in some places, though it was hard to tell in just the moonlight, of some kind of hoofed animal coming through and eating. Possibly sheep or goats, as the tracks were too big for deer and too small for cows or horses. Well, goats and sheep would definitely benefit the pack, as they might need a steady food source throughout the coming winter.

Satisfied with her find, Dixie let out a whoop and leaned forward, digging her heals into Fern’s sides. The mare whinnied and leapt forward, her hooves beating into the ground with a steady rhythm.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-10-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 312 :: Sorry this took so long.

It was about time he’d be heading back Helotes decided. He had been riding for most of the evening, outside of Inferni lands, bareback on the mare that Zana had found and followed by the mares frolicking filly. But now his ass hurt like nothing he had ever felt and sweat beaded up on his mare’s withers; even the foal was walking sleepily at its mother’s side. He had to admit though, the green horse was much better to deal with tired out of its mind then not and he was grateful for the small rest he was receiving now.

The dark Lykoi found himself in an open field and with a yawn he clicked his tongue and tugged the reigns of the mare to turn her around; she mutter but obliged and the three of them began their journey home towards Inferni, he was sure they would all sleep well tonight.

Ezekiel had made it clear that Helotes should learn how to ride well, so that he may learn horseback combat. But for now, before he could get a weapon in his hand, was the tediousness of breaking this mare and breaking his backside learning how to ride.

Suddenly, and without warning, there was a loud whoop to Helotes side. Him, the mare and her foal jerked at the sudden sound and she whinnied in fear and jerked on the reigns. He held her as best he could as his umber eyes searched frantically for the cause of the sound. He found it, in the distance a luperci riding through the starlit field on her own horse. The mare calmed, too tired to make much of a fuss about it. Helotes frowned and watched with keen eyes the light colored wolfess riding about a quarter mile to his left. He wondered if she would notice him, and somewhat hoped she wouldn’t.

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-10-2011

LOL so hyyyper. xD +3

Fern was moving really good. Her body was stretching fluidly, long and thickly muscled legs bunching and flexing with each huge stride. The big mare ate up ground like nothing else and Dixie doubted that any other horse in the pack, besides maybe Rem, could keep up with her. After she had dropped the little twerp named Bark, she had been able to really run again, after such a long time of carrying all of that extra weight around her belly. The mare was happy, her gallop turning into almost a prancing canter, if it was possible. Her huge hooves rose up nearly to her chest before thudding back down to the ground, creating imprints in the grass and dirt with each step.

The sound of another horse nearly had both of the females turning their heads to look around. Fern spotted the trio first and turned in their direction without any prompting from her rider. While anyone else might have thought twice about approaching a total stranger in the darkness of the night, Dixie didn’t think at all. She raised one tiny hand up in the air as a greeting as Fern cantered closer, her ears pricked forward with interest. The other mare that was with the male had a foal, a little filly from the looks of it. They were all three obviously exhausted. The mare was basically dragging her hooves and the filly was walking was short, choppy strides. The man riding though, he was slumped over slightly, his shoulders curled forward and his face void of emotion.

Dixie tugged on Fern’s mane gently, signaling the mare to slow down and stop while they were still about ten feet away. The little female smiled widely and waved again with a lot of enthusiasm. Well hi there! Didn’t expect to see anyone else out here on this fine evenin’. My name is Dixie-may, and this here is Fern…you are lookin’ mighty tired there, Mister…

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-10-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count →253 :: OOC

Looks like luck was not on his side tonight as the woman’s horse turned to head straight for him. He watched curiously, wondering if she was bringing a fight to him, but as she neared she raised her hand in greeting and he could just make out the ridiculous smile on her face. He groaned and rolled his eyes Tienes que estar bromeando. No quiero lidiar con esto esta noche. He said under his breath, the nameless mare turned its ears towards the sound and muttered. He pulled her to a stopped and waited for his unwanted guest.

She was there quickly and Helotes could not help but notice the juxtaposition of their completely opposite forms; his dark and tired and hers bright and cheerful. She greeted him in such a mentally draining way that Helotes nearly fell over into a deep sleep right then and there. He looked at her with half lidded eyes, completely against this whole encounter. But then a terrible wicked idea came to his mind. He grinned, perked up and looked at her with full sincerity, ¡Buenas tardes! Te ves muy hinchados en la luz de la luna, que es un milagro que su caballo no cae bajo el peso. He said this in a very sultry manner, making it seem as if he might be flirting with the girl. Spanish was a romantic language and he wondered how she would react. If by chance she did know Spanish, he would have to make a run for it!

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-10-2011

such a meany! heheh +3

The man did not look very happy that she was talking to him. Of course, that could have just been his sleepy face talking. Dixie was used to the lack of enthusiasm from Wayne. Her male companion knew how to deal with her in a great way, allowing her to have her fun and keep his cool without totally ruining her good mood. The little girl sighed and rubbed her hands against Fern’s neck, smiling as the mare snorted and bobbed her head in appreciation. Her head snapped up to look at him when the beautiful sounds of Spanish started to pour from his throat. She knew a few of the words and could tell that there was some kind of sarcasm in whatever he said. However, she wasn’t adept enough in the language to understand fully.

Tilting her head to the side, she took a few minutes to think and dig up whatever Spanish she could remember her mother and father teaching her and the other kids. Wayne’s parents were the ones who were really good at Spanish, and his mom even knew some French. Wayne and Dixie had only stuck around long enough to catch phrases and understand the very basics. Rubbing her hands together, she took a deep breath and decided to dive in and try to communicate. Hopefully he knew English and was just making fun of her for some reason. ¡Ah! Um ... hola señor. ¿Cómo estás…um… esta noche? Eh ... um. Te v-ves cans-sado?

Her hands lifted and she rubbed at her face, knowing that the spanish was choppy and probably not understandable. Dixie absolutely hated that she didn’t know how to properly communicate with the man. She growled softly to herself and swung her lego ver Fern’s back and hopped to the ground, bending her knees to absorb the shock from such a long fall. Fern dropped her head and began grazing, her lips pulling up the long blades of grass. Dixie knelt and made some smoochy noises at the filly, reaching out and letting her Little hand float in the air, waiting for the baby to get curious.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-10-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 252 :: OOC

He loved the look on her face, and when she slapped her hands together he wondered what she was planning on doing. Obviously she had not understood him completely, otherwise she would have surely smacked at him or something. But what she did next just killed him; very sloppily she tried to speak Spanish back to him and his grin grew until it broke and out of him poured laughter. What a complete idiot!

He continued to laugh as she dismounted and went to coax at the filly who merely skittered away to hide behind her mother for a bit before getting curious and coming to sniff the strange white woman. Helotes calmed and watched as they interacted; it was somewhat endearing, he himself had not messed with the foal yet, feeling like it would be a dangerous game to play with the mother around. But the mare seemed non complacent and bent down to start nibbling the grass.

Helotes sighed and dismounted, taking a moment to stretch his arms above his head and look out into the stars. It wasn’t too late in the night, they would still be able to make it home to Inferni in time for a good sleep. He yawned again, scratching at one of the scabs on his arms and turned to look at the white wolfess. Hey, I’m Helotes. He placed his large clawed hands on his back and bent backwards, letting out a myriad of cracks and pops as he did so, Ah… Dios mío…

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-10-2011

stupid word is being stupid. mistakes might be littered all lover this post. +3

Dixie decided to ignore the jovial laughter at her expense. He was definitely having a Wayne moment. Getting all grouchy and moody and just unwilling to be nice to anyone, including her, at least for a little while, because of his tired body and mind. Rolling her eyes, she stayed crouched on the ground, smiling and cooing softly as the baby got closer and sniffed at her hand. Turning her hand over, she opened it and let the filly smell and nibble at her palm, giggling softly at the tickling feeling. The little girl sure was a cutie, and the mother was very complacent…but that was probably just the obvious exhaustion from traveling with the big man on her back.

Easing herself down further, Dixie settled on her bottom, curly white tail curved up towards her lower back. The filly took a few steps closer now that the canine woman was on a lower level, snuffling and nickering and making other noises as she inspected the white girl. Fern was also taking a few steps closer, wanting to socialize with the other horse and look at the baby as well. The huge mare stopped closet o the man and stretched her neck out until her nose was a few centimeters away from his chest. Her nostrils flared widely as she took in a deep breath and then exhaled, hot air blowing against his fur. She snorted and pulled her head back, confused because of his unknown scent.

The girl tilted her head back and looked up at the man with her big green eyes, lips pulling back in a friendly smile. Well hello there, Helotes… Her head tilted to the side and she closed her eyes for a moment, thinking. Where had she heard that name before? Oh! Helotes is the name of a small town in Texas…means corn or somethin’ in Spanish, right? Her head nodded slowly and she stroked her fingers over the filly’s nose before standing and reaching out with a hand, wondering if he would recognize the gesture to shake. Nice ta meet ya, Mr. Helotes.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-10-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 323 :: If you're interested in helping me earn some points for my Inferni game, she could divulge some information to him about CdC after he asks her. Up to you though.

Suddenly his staring at the sky was broken by the sound of a large animal moving towards him. Thinking it was his mount, he turned but instead greeted by the horse of the newcomer. He froze for a moment, unsure of what to do as the large animal sniffed at his chest. He hadn’t quite gotten used to horses yet and their nature, most that he had dealt with in the past had not been so friendly.

Soon it turned away from him and he gave it a half-hearted pat on the rump before watching the wolfess again, the filly now very curious and sniffing her like a pup. Helotes couldn’t help but let a small smile creep into the corner of his mouth; the filly was a cute little thing, its coat only adding to its charms; while it’s rump was spotted like its mother’s its front half was brown with black stockings. It was a mismatch, a mutt, somewhat like himself.

Dixie-May was speaking again and he looked over at her as she spoke of a town in Texas that shared his name. He wasn’t sure what Texas was but he guessed it must have been a territory of some kind. He reached up and scratched his crimson dyed mane, Yes it means corn. My mother was of Spanish descent, though she never told me of a place that shared my name, nor of any Texas. It was true that his mother had lived the majority of her life in the northern regions of Canada, but he could somewhat recall her telling he and his siblings that her family came from a long heritage of shepherd dogs that hailed from the south, he wondered if that was where the white wolfess spoke of. Helotes brushed it off, it was of no importance, all those dogs were dead and buried by now, their heritage being absorbed into that of the Lykoi clan.

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-10-2011

raaaawr +3

Dixie slowly stood up and tilted her head back slightly so she could look up at the man, grinning at him and hopping from one foot to the other. She was way too hyper and excited for the time of day, but didn’t seem to notice that the sky was getting even darker with each passing second. She looked away from Helotes and watched the horses, who had all merged together a few yards away, graze and nibble on the long, succulent grass. The girl sighed, sad that she hadn’t let Bark tag along. He’d have had a great time playing tag with the little filly and the mothers would be able to rest and socialize without the babes bothering them.

Well, Texas is down south…waaay on down there where it’s hot all the time. Lots of Spanish speakers and livestock. Nothin’ like this ridiculously cold place. The girl shook her head disapprovingly, obviously not one for the chilly weather. She was not ready for the temperature to drop more than it already had, and was absolutely dreading snow fall. There was nothing appealing about the fluffy white nastiness that froze her tender little paws and made everything wet and slushy. Simply put, Dixie hated winter with a deep set passion.

Pulling the animal skin cloak tighter around her little body, she sighed and shook her head. What’s got you out here this time of night? I couldn’t sleep and came to scout for game trails… She got a little closer and leaned in, taking a deep breath of his scent. He smelled of a pack that she and Wayne had passed when they were first coming through the Nova Scotia territory, a pack that she believed was near but not too close. Ah, so you are from a nearby pack. Her head bobbed up and down slowly as she reassessed the situation, wondering what he was looking for. You know that a new pack has just been formed…right?

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-11-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 289 :: OOC

It was interesting to him how horses seemed to get along so well even upon meeting new individuals they had never seen before. The two mares nibbled the grass, heads right next to each other as the fill mimicked them before lying down in the grass next to the mother and readily passing out. Helotes grinned and looked over to Dixie as she spoke.

She mentioned Texas being south, which made sense to him, that’s where his mother’s side of the family hailed from. She also mentioned there were a lot of Spanish speaking canines there, which also made sense; perhaps this monochrome wolfess wasn’t as dull as she had first appeared. Helotes straightened up and crossed his arms and turned to look at her full on, giving her his undivided attention. She asked why he was out here so long and where he came from, Just getting this mare used to my weight, she’s somewhat green. And I come from one of the northern packs, forgive me if I don’t give its name. He recalled the conversation he had shared with Ezekiel and Zana, how they had spoken about the relationships with the other packs and how they knew little of those packs to south and therefore to be wary of them. Helotes guessed Dixie must be part of a southern pack, due to their current location.

The ivory femme then outwardly mentioned the formation of a new pack and Helotes ears perked. A new pack? He wondered if Ezekiel had heard of this, Oh? No I did not know, where is it located? What is the nature of this pack? He wondered if she was just making light conversation or if she was trying to recruit him.

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-11-2011

she is a PYT. kudos if you get that. >.> +3

The girl turned to look at the horses, smiling as the filly flopped over with a heavy sigh and promptly passed out. She sure was a cute little thing and reminded the white woman about Queen, the mare spotted mare that she and Wayne had given to a pretty young woman named Sky. Sighing softly, she tilted her head up and watched Helotes as he explained about living in a nearby pack, just as she had suspected. A few canines on their travels had mentioned the packs, as well as the leaders speaking briefly of those surrounding the Casa di Cavalieri lands. Her jaws parted slightly in a little grin when he avoided telling her the name of his homeland. Her mind snapped to the conclusion that it was most likely Salsola or Inferni, one of the more secretive and private groups.

Still smiling, she slowly lowered herself to the ground and leaned back on her arms, patting the ground at her side in an invitation for him to sit as well. The animal skin cloak fell open to show the front of her body as she leaned back, the snowy white fur covering every inch looked soft and pretty. Her young frame was starting to fill in and the curves were showing a lot more than the previous months. Wide, innocent green eyes watched the dark man closely, scanning his frame with barely contained interest. Casa di Cavalieri is the name, located ‘bout five miles back. Just a bunch few of us at the moment, though we are relatively welcoming to newcomers… Chuckling softly, she leaned backwards more until her body was laid out flat on the ground, the cloak opened all the way and lying off to the sides.

Yawning widely, she showed off her white teeth and long pink tongue, back arching slightly as a deep breath was taken in. His scent rolled through her senses once more and made her think about the packs again. He smelled of the one that was closer to Casa di Cavalieri…Inferni she thought. Flicking her eyes back over to the horses, she thought of more to say, the silence getting annoying rather quickly. Where did you get the mare? I’m always lookin’ fer more livestock…

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-11-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 260 :: OOC

Suddenly the whole mood of the situation changed as Dixie lowered herself to the ground, the animal skin pelt falling from her shoulders revealing her young developing body. Helotes stared, eyes wide and mouth nearly agape as she spoke of Casa de Cavalier. He barely noticed her words as his eyes ran along her bare shoulders, the slight curve of her waste, her small perky breasts. He felt himself heating up, getting excited. It had been a while since he had been with a woman, in fact, almost a month, and he was over-due for a little T and A.

Without hesitation, now invigorated, Helotes joined Dixie on the ground. He smelled her now, she smelled like hay and horses but also like had that sweet smell that only female’s had, the smell that made him crazy. She asked him about the mare and his mind briefly flitted to Zana. Oh if his little cousin could only see him now she would surely shoot a dart into his butt. But she wasn’t here, in fact, it was just the two of them, in the middle of the field at night time.

Helotes grinned handsomely, his full charm now coming to the surface, his ran two clawed fingers over one of Dixie’s blonde curls, The mare was a gift from my cousin, he stated simply, continuing the journey of his hand down from her hair onto her shoulder. Her fur was soft and he moved forward and planted a wet kiss there, his excitement growing the closer he got to her.

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-12-2011

lol so awkward +3

Dixie smiled at him as he got down onto the floor as well, watching his odd expression, wondering why he was looking at her like that. He looked a bit hungry, almost as if he was going to reach out and grab her, string her up over a fire and then consume her entire being. Very odd and a bit uncomfortable, but nothing for her to be afraid of, right? Leaning closer, she tilted her head to the side and grinned at him. Your cousin is a very nice person. The mare is a beauty and the baby there is absolutely adorable. Take good care of them…else I might come snatch ‘em up. Her attempt at making a silly joke fell flat as the seemingly entranced man leaned in and trailed his fingers over her blond, almost white hair. The mane that fell over her shoulders and back wasn’t very long, but long enough to form ringlet’s and soft curls.

Her head tilted to the side, away from him and exposing her throat and shoulder more. The hand running over her fur…and then the mouth there felt really good. A little trill of excitement bubbled up deep in her tummy and her little fluffy tail began wagging happily, thumping against the ground every now and then. She turned her body closer to him and raised one tiny white furred hand to rest against his chest, pushing him back a little bit. What are you doin’? Her eyes were full of curiosity, and it was so bloody obvious that she honestly didn’t understand that he was making a move on her. Despite her young naivety and ignorance, she liked how the touches had made her feel and instead of pushing, started to rub his chest gently with her hand. …I…um, well I kind of liked it…

Suddenly she felt a little shy and ducked her head, peeking up at him through blonde eyelashes, her nose wrinkling slightly in embarrassment. This was a totally new feeling and she was experiencing it with this stranger…weird, but interesting and tempting.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-13-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 313 :: OOC

She reacted perfectly, opening up her neck to him, a very vulnerable move on her part and he took full advantage of it, nuzzling his snout into that soft part and licking there too. She let him do this with absolutely no protest and this surprised Helotes, he had not taken Dixie for that type of girl. But she then put her hand on his chest and pushed him a little bit away, and he looked at her somewhat disappointed as she asked what he was doing and he then realized it wasn’t because she wanted this but it was in fact that she had no idea what was going on.

Helotes smiled, inside he could have been laughing and rubbing his hands together; so Dixie was a little virgin with no clue as to what he was doing? Perfect, he loved virgins. Just as he though he might need to go gentle on her, the hand on his chest became sensual, rubbing instead of pushing. Helotes was starting to get confused by her actions, but welcomed them just the same. She looked up at him cutely, innocent, and he nearly lost it then and there. This was the side of women he really loved, the innocent side, the side he could completely ruin!

I like it too… He said softly, trying to hide the excitement in his voice as well as the one building in his crotch. He gently pushed her down into a laying position on the ground, planting wet kisses on her shoulders, the nape of her neck, and her muzzle. Gently he brought a large paw up to cup her tiny breast; not much to it, but firm and youthful. Helotes tail began wagging and his kisses became more fervent; he wanted to mount this girl badly, but was trying to wait until he knew the time was right.

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-13-2011

this is weird

The girl watched him closely, trying to gauge his reactions to the things she said and did. He looked like he was enjoying their time together, but she knew that the time was coming to an end. Soon she’d have to leave to get back to Wayne before he woke and tore the fort apart in his frantic and totally irrational searching. It wasn’t like she was a little pup that needed constant supervision! She was no naïve little girl that would go walking into silly traps that devious men liked to set. That line of thought made her just want to play with this Helotes guy even more. He seemed like fun, someone who would probably like to tell Wayne to have a little bit of fun. Huffing softly, she shook her head to make her mind shut up and went back to paying attention to the dark man. He had pushed her down onto her back and was leaning in close, using his tongue and muzzle to lick at her neck, shoulder and face.

Something felt a little bit wrong, a nagging thought telling her that she most likely shouldn’t be doing this with a stranger… There was someone back at home who would do this with her, and be loving about it, if she’d just open her eyes and see. However, at the moment she wasn’t really seeing anything, and just wanted to let this man make her feel good. Her arms lifted and small white furred fingers intertwined in his dark mane, tugging gently to make him get closer, turning her head to nibble and nuzzle against his shoulder and neck as well.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-14-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 228 :: Very sexual here, I'm trying to keep it as low key as possible XD

He was very happy with this turn of events, who would have thought that this little wolfess would allow him to get so close so quickly and especially when he believed she only wanted to chat. Now he could see sexual satisfaction in his near future and he was very glad in this. She tasted very good, she obviously kept herself clean, but he could smell a distinct smell of another male on her and wondered if she had a mate? If so, her actions were very much against what he had guessed her to be.

Helotes felt her small fingers tangle into his mane and this gave him the go ahead. Swiftly he got on top of her, straddling her ivory body underneath his dusty one and began to lick with his flat smooth tongue down her chest and over her breasts. She wasn’t in heat, so his lust wasn’t as great as it could have been and that is why he was taking his leisure with her rather than just getting the deed done.

He pressed himself down against her now, feeling her slight curves against his chest, his fur getting wet where he had licked her. He brought his mouth to her ear and very softly whispered, You ready…? He wanted to get on with it, he was already peeking from in between his legs.

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 11-14-2011

loool cockblocked!

Dixie was feeling great, adrenaline pumping through her veins as Helotes pressed close and used his mouth and hands on her body. Still though, her brain wasn’t willing to shut up and let her have a good time. She had a weird need to tell him to get away from her, if only for a few moments so she could think clearly.

It was too late to make him move… Her tugging on his hair seemed to trigger a positive response and suddenly she was pinned beneath the large male’s weight, pressed flat into the hard ground. Looking up at him with nervous eyes, she smiled a little and laid out flat without struggling, keeping quiet and submissive to his actions. Her demeanor was not usually like this, being silent wasn’t a character trait she possessed. If anyone she knew were there…if Wayne was there, well first of all Helotes would be ripped away and beaten, but they would know something was wrong.

When he positioned himself flat against her smaller body, keeping her held firmly to the ground and asked if she was ready, the girl’s head tilted to the side and she blinked a few times. Ready? Um…ready for what? Her nose wrinkled slightly, small hands pushing at his shoulders to try and make him move away. Ever the fickle woman, those fleeting moments of desire and pleasure were gone, her body back to normal and not feeling special in any way. Can ya…get up? You’re kinda heavy.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-14-2011

Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 248 :: This is my last post but please post again! I want to see Dixie’s reaction.

Her response was not at all what he was expecting this time, as she asked him what it was she was supposed to be ready for before asking him to get up. Helotes drew back, a shocked facial expression turning to one of confusion and then annoyance. All the sexual tension was reverted to anger as he looked down upon this stupid girl, What the fuck kind of game are you playing here? He had never been so thrown off by a female before. The Lykoi quickly stood and like a child stamped over to his horse. The mare reared her head slightly in surprise as he quickly grabbed her reigns.

He turned back to Dixie, still scowling, You need to learn some manners. If you’re going to be all flirty and get a man riled up you better be willing to deliver! He quickly mounted his horse, drawing her in a circle a couple times before trotting over beside Dixie, he glared down at her. Too bad she was too stupid and naïve to let him fuck her, he was sure she would have been a good lay, Next time, if there is a next time, don’t you dare lead me on again. If you’re going to fuck me, then fuck me, don’t pretend to be all innocent and hard to get. And with that he turned his horse, and with a loud “YA” sped off, the filly barely managing to scramble from the ground and follow.

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