'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
down and dirty - Printable Version

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- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 11-05-2011

The tiny scout was in a foul mood. She had taken herself to the borders to find dozens of the pikes and skulls scattered about the land. Zana was not pleased, though she could tell by further examination that it seemed a battle of sorts had been fought here and their own horses or someone's horses had trampled the pikes. She was glad to see that none of the skulls had been shattered but she sat in the dirt trying to figure out how in the world she was going to tend to the borders now.

She grumbled to herself as she began to redig a hole for one of the solid pikes to be planted it. The work was quickly done and the tiny woman began to drag one of the lengthy pikes towards the hole, wondering just what in the world she was thinking. She tried to right the pole in the hole, barely able to stand it up as she gripped the wood with her whole frame, using one foot to try and shovel dirt back into the hole and stamp it down with her slight weight.

She slowly backed away from the pike, watching as it swayed slightly and yet still stood. She let out the breath she had been holding and began to pack more earth about the base. Realizing that stones as well would help to keep the pikes up she began to scrounge around the border for rocks and stones, hoping that this would be enough to keep the borders firm, but also knowing anyone else would have had an easier time with the work she currently was attempting.

- Helotes Lykoi - 11-05-2011

I am sorry, I could not resist replying to this thread! / +314

Helotes was forcing himself to keep active, and this activity made him feel stronger and stronger. He felt almost a hundred percent again, expect for his tail which he still continued to keep under wraps. Today, he felt like scouting, something he hadn’t done for weeks now, and last time he had done it he had ended up in a fight. He wondered what had ended up happening to that coywolf he had fought those weeks ago. It was amazing all that had happened to him here in Inferni in less than a moon’s turn.

As he skirted the borders, a familiar scent came to nose and he perked up. Zana! How was it that he kept running into that little creature? Eagerly, he sniffed the air, trying to catch her location, but instead of her scent he caught the flash ruddy orange in the distance. Quickly, he trotted towards her, then hesitated, and fell to his stomach into the long grass. He grinned to himself, slowly creeping on his belly towards her like a cat stalking his prey. He would give her a good scare, she seemed to be pretty intent on messing with the border decoration to notice him.

He hesitated once more when he was several yards away from her, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. He hadn’t played this game for a long time, and he had to restrain himself from giggling like a little puppy. He was reminded of the games he played with his brothers and sisters when they were pups, and now that he lived in Inferni Zana had become like an adoptive sister to him. He wondered if he should let her know this, let her know how much he appreciated her, but he had a lot of pride. For now, he would show his affection by scaring the living crap out of her.

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- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 11-05-2011

ooc: I love these two, they are so horribly wrong to see together but make the best of friends.

She growled and grumbled as she firmly planted the stones she had found around the base of the pike, then stood stupidly, holding the wolf skull as she realized she had no way of replacing the skull atop the pike now that it was at it's full height. The small woman dropped the skull to the ground and stomped her little feet before kicking out at the skull and glaring like it was all it's fault some stupid trespasser had decided to play games on their borders. She spat at the base of the pike and ignored the problem of replacing the skulls as she began to dig another hole to replace another fallen spike. She was not amused in the slightest, but she would fix the warning beacons at their borders so the next would be a little wiser to the caution signs.. or not, she wouldn't mind maiming a wolf or two for showing such disrespect.

The woman had almost finished the deep hole when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She slowly back out of the hole and raised up onto her toes like a prairedog of sorts, sniffing the air and scanning the space about her before dropping down on all fours again. She flicked her oversized ears back and forth, still gathering that something wasn't quite right as she growled softly. The only scents she could catch were those of clan members, the scents of intruders stale and fading fast. No scent that she caught seemed suspicious so she returned to the mundane task of hauling another pike towards the large hole and trying to position it into the correct location without herself falling into the dark pit as well. She would not be pleased at being squished in a hole with one of the pikes at all.[/html]

- Helotes Lykoi - 11-05-2011

Awww Helotes loooovvvesss her! XD / +220

He watched with keen eyes as Zana stood erect and looked about. He knew she could sense him, but he was downwind and completely hidden by the tall grasses. His grin only widened as she went back to her task. "Oh ho, bad move little cousin!" Now was the time! Like an explosion Helotes jumped out, bounding towards her quickly on all fours despite his form, and jumped about five feet into the air above her head, seemingly floating above her for a moment with the craziest look on his face. HELLLOOOOOOO! he yipped out, and then then came down upon her, scooping her tiny form into his arms so she would not come to harm and the two of them rolled for several feet before stopping in a furry Lykoi heap.

Helotes started laughing, a laugh filled with joy rather than malice, it was a strange sound coming from the usually dark toned male, it hinted at his lighter side, one that many would never see. He had ended up on his back with Zana’s little form on his stomach and chest and he looked down at her with a smile for a moment. Had they not been related, had she not been so much smaller than him, he thought he might have kissed her right then and there.

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- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 11-05-2011

ooc: omg.. too cute.. to horribly cute.

[html]Hell rained down upon the tiny fury of a woman, but it was like nothing she'd ever imagined. She had been so intent on her task that she had failed to imagine that one of her own clan members would launch an attack upon her tiny form. The sudden thunder of paws on the hard packed earth and the strangest war cry ever greeted her ears as a large mammoth of a shadow engulfed the sky above her for the briefest second, blocking out the sun like an eclipse. Had she been a puppy she probably would have left a puddle where she had stood, instead she had dropped the pike she'd been trying to drag just as she'd been scooped up and cushioned against a soft fuzzy belly as her own high shrill of a yip cut through the air.

Her lilac eyes were the size of saucers as her world finally came to a rolling rocking halt. Her little Lykoi heart beat a million miles a minute until her eyes came uncrossed as she finally was able to focus on her assailant. She couldn't even speak she was so shocked out of her own pelt, until she realized her overgrown cousin was laughing at how well his plan had worked. It was quiet for a bare moment before she caught her breath.

She realized that it had to have been a plan as her little ears flattened against her skull and she growled softly,"Helotes!" It only took a moment for her to give up being angry as she laughed. Tiny fingers and hands began to try and find some spot on the larger man's frame where he was ticklish. He had to be ticklish, she had to be able to regain some sort of dignity in this whole fiasco.[/html]

- Helotes Lykoi - 11-05-2011

I know, I'm glad we decided to buddy them up, Helotes needs her I think Smile / +300

The look on her face was priceless as she cried out his name and before he could even think to stop her, her tiny fingers found just the right spot on his rib cage that sent him reeling into a fit of giggles. He was glad it was only her now, only Zana seeing him in this state, had it been anyone else the reputation he had been trying to build here at Inferni would have been completely destroyed. But with her, he didn’t care about such things, with her he could be care free and know she would not tell a soul. The two of them were kindred spirits, both putting on masks of stoic warriors to hide their soft underbellies from the world.

Helotes managed to grab her by the wrists to stop her from continuing to tickle him so and he rolled gently over, setting her next to him the ground. His breathing started to calm from his bout of laughter, Sorry, I could not resist. He looked over at the large pike on the ground that she had been struggling with and grabbed it in his claws but did nothing with it yet, just felt the smooth wood texture in his grasp. His eyes found the skull on the ground and his smile faded, realizing now what she had been doing before he had trounced on her.

He looked back at Zana, Did something happen here? He now regained his usual demeanor, umber eyes quickly searching the forest line around them, wondering if perhaps she had come across any outsiders upon their lands. If this was the case, he was glad to see she was alright; he knew she could take care of herself, but still… suddenly the idea of Zana being hurt caused him great discomfort.

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- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 11-06-2011

Zana would never tell him but she viewed Helotes as if he was another sibling. Her half brother DaVinci was the only sibling that she had she had ever got along with, and in all honesty he was more of a father than a brother. She had been the one to leave Phoenix Valley for Inferni in attempt to find her real father but she had failed at this and in the end she had left the lands to follow her brother across the ocean to a whole new world. The idea didn't cross her mind now but when she was nested alone in her den she would find herself wondering if she would have the same faith in her silly friend Helotes if he asked it of her.

She had been delighted when She had almost instantly found the spot that made her cousin squeal like a girl, giggling uncontrolably as she terrorized Helotes to no end. She was slightly disappointed when Helotes finally gained control over the situation and held her hands firmly while he gained his own composure and apologized. She had already forgiven him though when she had realized who had pounced upon her, and of course he had brightened her mood considerably. "I should have known.." She grinned and she shifted her weight and sat beside him as he began to study what she had been up to.

The small woman began to brush dirt from her fur as Helotes began his old self once more. She almost hadn't caught the question until she realized what he was holding. She shrugged as she looked up at the one pike that she was able to replace as she spoke. "Someone probably thought it'd be fun to steal one of the skulls. I had to chase off some youth a while back admiring them.." She didn't think it had been the young boy, this seemed more serious, but she hadn't heard of anyone being injured from Inferni nor anyone boasting yet of killing a wolf so it seemed the prey may have escaped once more.

She reached out and touched the grain of the pike carefully as she added. I was trying to fix them.. but it's not easy..when.." she didn't finish her words. Helotes didn't need her to when her size always spoke for itself as her weakness. She scratched at her foreleg absently as she sighed softly. [/html]

- Helotes Lykoi - 11-06-2011

OOC / +307

She seemed relaxed, even in the face of his anxiety, so even before she spoke he knew all was well, that there were no trespassers to maul today. How unfortunate. She touched the pike he held gently, and he looked down at her smoky colored hand as she spoke of how she had been trying to fix it. He looked at her, but without pity. She was strong, spunky, and crafty; all these things made up for her size tenfold. Besides, he wasn’t the tallest man himself, pretty average he had to admit, but not that caused him to be able to understand completely what it was like to live in her body.

Brushing off her slight self-loathing, he took the pike and drove it deep into the ground where she had begun to dig a hole. This was an easy task for him, for the majority of Helotes’ strength resided in his muscular forearms. He then retrieved the skull that she had managed to kick, and places it upon the pike. For a moment his hand lingered there, caressing the smooth, bleached surface of the bone. He then turned to Zana again, his grin returning, You being the maid of Inferni lands today? Cleaning up other people’s messes? He laughed before calming, I’ll help you out. I’m fucking bored anyway.

The dark Lykoi then stepped over to another pike and skull, lying in the dust and retrieved them in his strong arms, palming the half broken wolf skull and holding it up to his face, Heh, I wonder if all these wolves died by Inferni hands, or if some screwed up yote just went bone hunting one day. Somehow, he doubted these were all battle caused remains, but perhaps one day he would be able to add the cranium of someone he killed to the borders.

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- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 11-09-2011

Zana had grown to believe that all the world viewed her as strongly as she viewed herself. She had to prove to the world that she was something more than her size. Small lilac eyes watched as Helotes pulled the pike away and firmly drove it deep into the ground. She smiled slightly but didn't say anything, knowing that it wouldn't have been so easy for her but grateful that her friend was here to help her right the wrong done to their borders.

She gave him a half smile as he asked if she was the new maid of the lands, a slight shrug followed as she explained. "It seems the wolves about here just have no respect for our borders anymore..." She had chased a young male off not long ago and it seemed every stranger she'd met near the borders had been studying their markers when she'd found them. "Besides.. it's my duty." She didn't mind the work, it did give her something to do too.

She watched as the work that had taken her so long took him mere minutes as she smiled. When he lifted the halves of the skull to his face she frowned slightly, she had never wondered where the skulls had come from but now she did. Moving over to join him she examined a few scattered bones as she asked absently. "I wonder if I'm related to any of them..." It was no secret that she was of mixed blood, and even some knew her family that wasn't attached to the clan. She found it interesting to seek them out but non had convinced her their packs were any better than the clan and her loyalty was to Ezekiel, Helotes and those who didn't treat her like she was a weakness in the lands.[/html]

- Helotes Lykoi - 11-10-2011

Helotes is such a perv master / +284

He nodded as she spoke of the foolishness of wolves and how it was good for the clan that they be out here maintaining their borders. He watched as her small form joined his and she looked contemplatively down at the bones littering the ground. Helotes really enjoyed the company of his little cousin, even more so than he had with his siblings. A part of him wished he could do something to add some height to the little female, but knew it was of no use. Besides, her stature would surely come in handy in battle; a tiny mercenary swinging through the trees, raining darts down upon the unsuspecting. Badass.

Helotes cocked an ear when she mused about her possible relation to the owners of the bones and the dark Lykoi squatted down to his cousin's height. He looked at her quizzically, suddenly becoming very curious about her heritage. He remembered her mentioning her birth right the other day, about the horses, and he now recalled that he meant to ask her about that, Tell me Zana, what is your heritage? How are you related to me and the other Lykois? What is your birth right that you spoke of before?

Helotes wondered if these questions were delving too deep into matters she’d rather not discuss, but he felt he had earned her trust and her friendship and felt a great need to know more about her. Besides, if the two of them were not as closely related as he had been assuming, perhaps their relationship might turn in a different direction. His ear flicked nervously at this thought as he desperately tried to fight off any images this idea might conjure up.

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- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 11-10-2011


Zana was of an age where she should be attracted to males, and in a way she was, to quite a few, but they were all the wrong ones. She had a deep setted fear of getting with pups and mateship was far out of her mind too. The thoughts of the dead wolves perhaps being family had made her think further on families and what it would be like to have one of her own. She never spoke of it, but she had always felt a stab of jealousy when she saw a mother with her pups, but her fear was even deeper seated than her need for a family of her own. Besides, logic told her she needed to find someone who was even interested in her pathetic little self before life even started down that trail.

Lilac eyes for once didn't turn to meet his as Helotes words struck home. Zana didn't mind speaking of her past, not now, the family she had belonged to seemed to have faded away like ghosts anyhow, all she had left were those of the Lykoi clan, and she wasn't even for certain if the blood that flowed through her veins was the same as Ezekiel's, Helote's, and everyone else who had accepted her for who she was. She was silent a moment longer before finally she gave in and gave up the ghosts.

"I was born into the Phoenix Valley pack. My mother was their leader, a wolf. She did this to me..." She said, as she pulled off her silly cloak and quickly unraveled the ribbons that curled along the base of her tail all the way to the powderpuff that clung to the tip. There was nothing beneath the fur but puckered bare skin, scars long healed but hairless as a possum's tail. She sighed slightly and stared at the scars for a moment before she picked the ribbons up once more, fully intent on retying them in place, but she knew Helotes deserved the whole story, not the shortened version.

Dropping the ribbons she turned small lost eyes towards his face as she admitted. "My mother did not leave me with her name. I am not a Sadira, nor was my half bred brother. All her perfect children with pure blood carry on the Sadira line.. but she called me Zana Avaya Lykoi." She flicked a small pebble away before she continued. "Gabriel, Ezekiel's father accepted me into the clan when I ran away from my pack. I just wanted to find my father..I never did. I've never had proof that my blood is the same as yours..but Gabriel and Ezekiel accepted me for who I was.." And now Gabriel was gone and she wondered if she was even the offspring of one of the males of the Lykoi line. There was no one to prove her one way or another, though it was obvious that some sort of man with coyote blood had to be her father. "it doesn't matter anymore to me.. I belong here because I'm wanted here." She said firmly as her determined eyes meet Helotes, almost daring him to challenge that.[/html]

- Helotes Lykoi - 11-11-2011

D'awwwww / +336

Zana only hesitated slightly before answering, hinting at her fearless nature. Not even the pain of the past would slow her down and Helotes respected her even more so for that. She spoke of her birthplace, Phoenix Valley, a pack which Helotes understood was disbanded. She also spoke of her search for her true father, her difficult relationship with her mother, and her eventual acceptance into Inferni. Helotes felt empathy for her, though his parents might not have been the greatest, he had known the and they had always been there.

When she revealed what was underneath her ribbon to him, it was as if she was unravel her soul. He never thought she would be comfortable enough to show him this, and as her puckered, scarred flesh was revealed he look at it with unwavering eyes. His tail, though still injured, was nothing in comparison to that. In time, his fur would grow back, only leaving a slight indentation where the Salsola female’s teeth had sunk. But Zana’s injury was far greater, and it was a shame, for her tail would have been beautiful had it been left intact.

Helotes now realized that they were not as related as he had once believed; there was a chance that Kaena was grandmother to both of them, or perhaps not, for it was a possibility that she was a Lykoi by name only and that the blood heritage had been lost. He wondered if there was anyone around who would know who her father was.

Softly, gently, Helotes grabbed the silk ribbon from her little paw and began to re-wrap her tail; no need for her to show it to him still, he had seen it and would always know it. Helotes held great affection for Zana and wished to ease her pain to some degree. What you said is true. Lykoi or not, you are a part of Inferni, and a part of me. He smiled at her, unaware that his demeanor had shifted once more.

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- Zana Avaya Lykoi - 11-14-2011

ooc: They make me do d'awwwwwrrr.

ic: Zana had sat quietly, her mind rolling over the past as she seemed to almost forget that Helotes was even there. Her past wasn't something that bothered her so much anymore. The nightmares had disappeared moons ago, now it was just merely another dark smudge in her history on Earth. The memories didn't last long as her focus had returned to the male before her as she gave up the ghost of her past. She was far more now than she had ever been then and she would do great things, because no one had more to prove than the tiniest soul in Inferni.

Her eyes wavered slightly as Helotes didn't speak, but picked up the ribbons she had unraveled and began to gently rewrap the scars she hid from the world. When words finally were spoken she turned her eyes away, afraid he would see the tears that were building, a slight blush rising to her checks as well. She didn't know what to say to her dear friend as the bow was snugly placed back at the edge of her powderpuff of a tail.

All she could do was shyly catch hold of one of his claws with a tiny hand before spreading her small paw open again his larger hand. A perfect miniature she was, right down to the nails that tipped her fingers as she just gazed at their paws before she gained control over the misting that had gathered in her eyes. Turning her lilac orbs to look at Helotes she whispered. "Always..." A churning of emotions lost in her eyes as she wondered what she had done to deserve the gifts she'd been given in finding her place to belong now.