'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Coyotes Rule - Printable Version

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- Terra - 11-15-2011

OOC Anyone else from Inferni can jump in

To say she was disappointed was an understatement. She'd gone looking to see the results of her decorating the skulls, only to find it fixed up as if nothing had happened. It's like they hadn't learned anything at all. The worst part was she didn't have the spirit to repeat the trick. Knowing that coyotes were behind it had crushed her spirit. Terra had never thought of coyotes as cruel before, yet here they were acting worse than even the cougar she fought. It was the first time she felt shame for her bloodline. Not even being part wolf when surrounded by coyotes had done this to her. Being part wolf had been an advantage, boosting her size. Looking at the coyotes here she couldn't even claim to have any advantage to her lineage.

Sighing deeply Terra sank into the ground. She was resting in the woods she'd used as an escape route last time. Terra had even taken the time to find the various traps in the area, and disabled them or set them as it worked to her advantage. Terra's escape routes were clear of traps, while areas that bigger canines would go through had the traps reset. The locals probably knew about the traps, but it amused the small part of her that was still willing to laugh to picture them falling prey to their own traps. Burying her muzzle deeper into the snow Terra shivered slightly. Her tracks were all across the snow now, crossing patches of mud. Anyone who wanted to could find her easily. She just hoped it wasn't a coyote.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-15-2011

Just FYI, I go off real time weather for Nova Scotia http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/71395.html so... Helotes is not going to be seeing snow there XD / +262

Helotes had decided to go back to where he and Zana had fixed up the skulls and pikes the previous week thinking that perhaps he might find some clues as to what had happened there, but upon arriving he found that it was left exactly as it has been, save for the once dusty ground was now soggy from the previous rains. With a sigh Helotes looked up at the overcast sky, thankful at least that it was very cold today, but knowing that soon this would change.

Helotes was in his Secui form today, a form that he rarely used, however today it suited him since he had decided to sprint to this location all the way from D’Neville. He had been pushing himself harder the last week, strength and endurance training, and riding Yegua as often as he could. But today he had decided to give his mare a rest, and since it had stopped raining he had let her and her foal run off into the clear area around the mansion to graze to their hearts content.

Helotes wandered past the Inferni borders and deeper into the Damp Woods, not really planning on straying too far but seeing if he could perhaps scrounge up a little snack for himself, perhaps a squirrel, though he detested those little varmints. Had he not been upwind from her Helotes wouldn’t have nearly tripped over the cinnamon female lying down in the brush. When he paw grazed her ruff he jumped back in surprise, his hackles raised and he growled despite himself, Whoa!

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- Terra - 11-15-2011


Terra tensed when someone brushed against her. She'd been so deep in thought Terra hadn't even noticed him arrive! Shaking herself Terra looked at the towering hybrid.Oh look, another coyote.Sarcasm dripped off her tongue. Everything was so different from her home, and discovering that not even other coyotes were like her was a blow that had shaken her to the core. Terra backed up, glaring at him. The scent of Inferni was strong, but that didn't deter her. In her bad mood running into one of the people she was mad at just fueled her temper. I suppose you're here to put my head on a spike? Terra felt close to tears at the moment. She'd traveled so far and survived so much only to find herself just as alone as she would have been in her old pack. At least there she knew what was expected. Here Terra could never tell what was going to happen.

Feeling her point made Terra shifted into secui form. She didn't actually know how to fight, but he didn't know that. As far as he knew she was a lean mean killing machine. The extra muscle covered how thin she was as well, giving Terra the appearance of a fighter instead of a half starved runt. Do your best. I've outsmarted you before and I'll do it again. Terra's feral mind pumped with the need to survive, driving out the last of her sorrow.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-15-2011

OOC / +302

The coywolf female, for that was what she was as far as he could tell, gave him some sarcastic remark. Helotes' low growl continued, though his hackles lowered somewhat. He was outside of Inferni borders and had no real right to fight this girl off, unless she gave him a reason to. He said nothing and watched her closely, his muscles tensed just in case she decided to do something stupid. She then asked something about putting her head on a spike, and a malicious grin game to Helotes' maw. Perhaps… He said coolly.

The young female then had the audacity to shift into Secui in front of him, something that he wasn’t used to; usually shifting was a private affair. Though the transformation added some girth to the girl, she was by no means close to him in size or strength so when she goaded him on, making a comment about how she had outsmarted him before, Helotes could not help himself and began to laugh hysterically, his voice booming. What a complete imbecile, where all the wolves outside Inferni mentally handicapped?

Helotes moved to make a semi-circle around the girl, still chuckling, it was quite a front she was putting up, pretending like she would even stand a chance against him if he decided to fight her. It reminded him of another coyote hybrid with spunk. His umber eyes darkened, You’ve got some nerve girl, goading on a warrior of Inferni just outside its borders. He stopped and looked at her quizzically. She was a cute little thing, much like Vesper, and young like Dixie. Helotes wondered if she would cool her heals with a little bit of sweet talking, Come now, don’t be so hasty to fight. We haven’t even been introduced yet. He gave her a handsome grin.

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- Terra - 11-15-2011


Terra snorted. The stupid hybrid threatened her and then tried to make nice? Granted she was the one who had acted all sour, but she still didn't appreciate it. Terra turned with him, keeping him in front. If the worst happened she'd just lead him into one of the traps she'd found. An Inferni warrior? So frightening!They really weren't scary to her, though that was more because she flirted with death for fun than because she believed she'd survive the fight. Still, he had made an effort to be polite, and she owed at least that much to a member of the species she had admired. If we don't need to fight, why don't you sit down? I'll even make up a seat for you. With a flourish Terra swept her tail over a rock, clearing it of debris. Terra was still a little bitter, but it was beginning to fade in the excitement of challenging someone.

She backed up and laid down near a path she'd picked out. It was small, one that was made for a coyote's small size. Examining him it was hard to believe he had coyote blood, even though her nose told her it was true. He was too large, and seemed more wolf like in his stance. Then again, her image of coyotes involved tricksters and thieves, not hardened warriors. Before arriving here she'd never even had any reason to fight. Her tricks had been enough, letting her get food and survive encounters that would have killed those slower than her. What brings you out here? Are you patrolling? Asking this question opened her up for being questioned as well, but her mind was already forming lies in case she needed them.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-15-2011

OOC / +326

More spit fire from her mouth, but Helotes brushed it off. Big words for such a little girl, she must have been well protected as a pup to afford herself such pride. However, though sarcastic and spiteful, she made to brush off a nearby rock and asked him to sit. Helotes then completely relaxed, knowing there would be no fight here today and moved to the rock but did not sit upon it but instead in front of it for his own comfort. The sly smile did not leave his features as she asked him what he had been doing before. He also noted the small path to her side, most likely she had positioned herself for an escape if she needed one. She was clever, if not fool hardy.

Helotes took his relaxation a step further and went to lie down on the ground, for here under the canopy of nearly leafless trees it was somewhat dry, Indeed I was, though I past the boundaries in search of food and instead found you. He stretched his forelegs in front of him, spreading his toes and claws. It felt good to stretch in this muscled form, and he somewhat regretted being in it now, having rather preferred the smaller of his four-legged forms, but no matter, he could change later.

Helotes looked upon the girl once more, her coloration reminded him somewhat of Valkyrie and he absent mindedly wagged a tail in memory of her; their last encounter had been quite pleasant. So, what brings you so near Inferni today? Exploring? Looking for danger? You sure seem to be. He gave her another smirk, though his tone of voice was playful. Her actions reminded him of Ilusion, his sister, whom he missed dearly. She would always get herself into trouble, thinking herself larger or more powerful then she truly was. Luckily she had had three brothers to always come to her rescue, much to her dismay.

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- Terra - 11-15-2011


Terra relaxed as he stretched out below the rock. Though she wasn't going to fight him her mind automatically scanned for openings, just as if she was getting ready to fight a bear. If she was going to strike a blow the only good spot she could see was if she tore out the back of one of his feet. Shaking her head at the stray thoughts Terra looked at him. Trying to find out why I loved being a coyote. I came here before, and your welcoming was surprising, to say the least. She didn't mean him specifically, but the pack he belonged to. Meeting coyotes that were so ferocious was completely different from her pack growing up. There had been skirmishes with wolves, but their easy going ways had allowed strangers to drift through without a problem. She herself was a result of a stranger mingling in the pack.

The hybrid seemed rather friendly, making her rethink her opinion of Inferni. They might be worthless as coyotes, but that didn't mean they had no value. It just meant they were more like wolves than coyotes with their mischievous nature. If you're looking for food, I found a dead deer in one of the traps around here. Terra had burst into peals of laughter seeing that. The defensive traps seemed almost useless for catching canines, and the fate of the deer just pressed that in. Luring in a canine took much more finesse. She should know, considering Terra had lured a couple canines into a trap herself.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-16-2011

OOC / +340

He watched her carefully, watched her stance, watched the way she watched him. She was playing a dangerous game with her eyes, but made a statement that made him raise an eyebrow. So she had come to the borders before and had a “welcoming”? Interesting. He wondered if she might have anything to do with what had happened with the skulls and pikes that he and Zana had fixed. Even she wasn’t, why would she return here again if she had received a classic Inferni welcome anyway? This girl must be incredibly stupid or incredibly bold, perhaps a thrill seeker?

Helotes was intrigued however by her saying she was trying to find why she liked being a coyote so much; interesting that she would put an emphasis on her species like this, instead of her personality. Being a coyote must not be that different from being a wolf; our enjoyment comes from who we surround ourselves with and what we choose to do. It was strange hearing such words come from his mouth, it was as if he was channeling Kaena, who spoke wisely like this on occasion.

The coy girl mentioned a deer carcass in a trap if he wanted some food and Helotes snorted softly; quite haughty of this girl to offer him food that he doubted she herself caught, he wondered if she had partaken of any of the meat, No thanks. I don’t have a need to steal what is not mine. Helotes had more respect than that, a kill, especially something as large as a deer, was quite an accomplishment and he had no right to muscle in and take what was not his.

Pushing himself into a sitting position he eyed her again, becoming increasingly suspicious of her, What is your name. You don’t smell like a loner. What pack do you belong to? He wondered if perhaps she was a spy, especially if this was not her first time coming around the borders. A glare swept over his features but he remained calm.

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- Terra - 11-16-2011

OOC Thought the idea was to make her less freaked out by Inferni.

The stranger's wisdom surprised her. The difference between coyotes and wolves had been big where she came from, though that probably had more to do with their feral natures than an actual difference between them. When wolves were more powerful it was natural for the coyotes to learn tricks to help them survive. Do you honestly believe that?Considering how she was talking to someone from a pack with a clear preference from coyotes hearing that was a shock. Terra wouldn't prejudice herself against different species, but that didn't mean she didn't appreciate the difference between them. Coyotes were built for stealth, yet from what she'd seen they'd thrown it away.

As for his reaction to her offer, it didn't matter to her. The deer was too heavy for her to drag back to her pack, and she wasn't hungry. Things must be going well for him though if he was willing to turn down food. Pride or no pride Terra wanted to survive, and if scavenging let her do that she would. Fresh prey was preferred, but that was more a matter of taste than anything else. Then again, Terra didn't have any hunting skills to speak of, so scavenging and stealing food was how she'd spent half of her life doing.

Terra couldn't ignore the stranger's request, but his suspicions were easy to read. The instant he grew tense her defense snapped up. Asking about her pack just made things worse. Would this pack of idiots attack her new home? My name's Fleta. I'm a loner, though I stayed in Cour des Miracles for a short time. I stole something, so they kicked me out. Her lie was smooth, coming as easily to her tongue as the truth.

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- Helotes Lykoi - 11-16-2011

Yes, but I have to go with the flow here, just doing what Helotes would do, it's all good Big Grin / +266

She replied quickly, a little too quickly, but Helotes relaxed a little more. She seemed like the type to steal from her own pack, so this did not surprise him. However, the scent of other wolves was strong on her, and he wondered if what she said had just happened recently, in which case, was she so near to Inferni because she was planning on joining? Somehow he doubted Ezekiel would take in a whelp that stole from her last pack.

Mmm… Helotes pondered, getting into a more relaxed sitting position, I would be careful around here Fleta, Inferni does not think highly of those who choose to snoop around, and thinks even less of thieves. It was a soft warning but he hoped he’d get the point across. She was young and naïve and full of energy and spunk, perhaps in the future after some maturation she would fit well into the Inferni fold, but as of now, she was too much like lightning in a bottle and would be more of a hindrance than an asset.

I don’t portend to have any say over what you do, but if you knew what was best for you, you would return to the Court and apologize. They are more forgiving then some from what I hear, and winter is coming. You need the protection of a group. He stood and stretched, growing tired of this conversation as it was slowly turning into a lecture. Something still irked him about this whole situation, and he made a mental note to report to Ezekiel about this whole meeting.

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- Terra - 11-16-2011

OOC Wrap up!

The hybrid accepted her explanation, and stood to leave. The brief meeting had refueled Terra's curiosity, making her wish to know more about the pack. What were these creatures, who cared so little for thieves despite being descendants of them? Back in high spirits Terra stretched, ready to head back to her pack. Winter is cruel. Terra wagged her tail at the hybrid before turning and ducking down the path she'd been sitting by. By the way, thanks for the advice! She shouted it over her shoulder. Really, the canines here were strange. Did anyone act normal?

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