'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Things are Changing - Printable Version

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- Rain Marks - 12-09-2011

It was time to hunt for his mate. Last time she had went out she had been attacked and hurt and Rain was not letting her leave the caves till she healed, even though she claimed she was fine. Rain wished he had a horse and that morning had decided to go where his feet took him. He had his daggers and bow and arrows. He had also brought some rope in case he needed it.

After walking some way he found himself in a field, spotted with snow. There were horses, wild horses in the field but one in particular caught his eyes. There on the far edge of the herd was a beautiful seal brown stallion. The male was huge but because of the red thing on his face he was shunned by the others. It was that male that noticed Rain as he stepped out from the tree over. All the other horses ran from him except the stallion, who walked over to him . He was so stunned by the horses unfearful attitude that he almost fell when it nudged him. He patted the males face and looked at the red thing on its face. It was a harness of some sort, something the humans had made. It looked like it was digging into the horses face and ran took out a dagger to cut it off. The horse flinched and Rain shushed it as he cut off the harness. As it fell away he saw something glint on it and picked it up from the ground. Keno. Was that the horses name? He tried it and the horse nickered softly. So that was its name. Rain patted the horses neck and smiled.

"Would you help me hunt? My wife and kids need food. You are a beautiful horse," he said. He would need someone's help carrying back all the meat and a horse could prove useful. He howled for someone to come hunt with him and waited, tending to Keno's facial wounds while he waited.