'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A Good Man Goes To War - Printable Version

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- Frodo Silvertongue - 12-10-2011


Word Count :: 668 for odessa :> Forward dated to december 12th

Frodo had actually been here before, not long ago. Regardless, he still didn't know his way around very well. The gypsy boy had taken to stopping and having a chat with everyone and anyone he came across. Not only had it always been a habit of his, it was becoming more and more prominent how much Frodo loved to be around people. It was like he created a sort of family in his mind. Meeting strangers filled the aching hole Frodo had in his heart, for the parents that he'd left on their terms. At least his family was still alive, unlike quite a few people he'd met on his travels. But it wasn't the same when they shunned you. Frodo planned to go back there, someday. He planned to show his family that he wasn't useless after all. And he wasn't a liar. Anything but a liar.

Frodo had a skinny build. While most brutes were tensed with muscle, he had the slender form and graceful poise of a doe. The boy was almost fully grown, and quite short, about the same height of an average female. This didn't bother him. While he was narrow and tiny on the outside, Frodo was big in the inside. And his inside was always fighting to get out; this was shown clearly in his confident and carefree nature. Mr Silvertongue wasn't cocky, nor arrogant, and had never boasted in his life. He had never had a too-big-for-your-boots moment, and was humble and modest. A real nice guy, with infectious laughter and a strange voice that intrigued most of it's listeners.

The wolf was in his most comfortable form; optime, and by the gentle sways of his hips he was on horseback, as usual. Together with his trusty steed, Frodo felt he could beat the impossible. The mostly black male twiddled his auburn hair with one hand and drummed slender fingers on his horse's neck with the other. The stallion Strider didn't mind, he liked the gentle tap-tapping, it was reassuring and the horse craved even the most slightest of attentions from his master. The wolf rode bareback, wearing with him a hoodless cloak fixed at the neck, a green bandana also fastened around his neck, a dark shirt, and red bow on one shoulder. That was all. And of course, the small rat that had found it's way inside Frodo's cloak inner-pocket. Pantalaimon, or Pan as the rat was more commonly known, had been a stowaway on a pirate ship, and when he'd come to meet Frodo - who of course, kind as he was, had offered cheese and bread and other luxouries - had never wanted to part with the wolf. The rat had left his home on the ship to become another of Frodo's companions. Now, Pan was safely hidden in the cloak, because the rat knew that not all luperci had a liking for furry rodents...

Frodo carried on at a steady pace, gently squeezing the horse onwards now and again, making encouraging, hushed sounds. They were on their way to Inferni. Simply because Frodo had a friend there - or at least used to - and because he'd had a long absence from 'Souls, he knew it was time to pay a visit to the brute that had been a pup last time they'd met. With his eyes directed forwards, just between Strider's ears, Frodo relaxed, and felt at ease, a feeling he'd had yet to feel for a long time. A familiar song drifted through his head, and Frodo sang it for the first time in ages. When he sang, his accent seemed less dominant, and a smoother tone took over. Still, the curious notes were still there, and although not obvious, still intruiging as he sang. Home is behind,
The world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread.
Through shadow,
To the edge of night.
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and shadow.
Cloud and shade.
All shall fade.
All shall...fade

Image courtesy of Scott Hudson **; Table by the Mentors!

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- Odessa D'Angelo - 12-12-2011


Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Odessa was lost. She had been for some while now. It was just that she had refused to admit it prior to now. She crossed her arms in a huff, turning to look back on herself. Nothing just the same wilderness she had passed through merely five minutes ago. Keshi didn't seem to mind. But, then again, he wouldn't would he? To him this was just a game, just a little excursion. The medic was far from pleased. What if she couldn't get home that night? She'd be left to the elements, all alone with no blankets or fire. Besides she hadn't even eaten yet. Kicking the pied gelding along further, she was determined to find Halifax and therefore find the way back to Salsola.

Keshi brayed from below her. Odessa hadn't quite been playing attention and as she looked up she noticed another being. A male this time. Freezing momentarily she ponder what to do almost frantically. Only a few weeks ago herself and Eris had been discussing all the danger that threatened them as women. Though, considering that she'd have to face the Canadian wilderness. Asking a man for directions seemed the lesser of two evils. Letting Keshi trot up hesitantly, she spoke, 'Excuse me' she began shyly, 'Do you know where Halifax is from here?'

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- Frodo Silvertongue - 12-12-2011


Word Count :: 413

The boy was small for his breed and gender, only about 5’7 when standing in his optime form. The youth carried on riding, his heart skipping beats and him constantly drumming his fingers on his horse’s neck. Strider appreciated the quirky movements rather than be annoyed by them; it told him Frodo was still there, and well. Still they rode together, bareback and seemingly weightless. They were at a very slow, loping trot which gradually slowed to a walk around the muddy areas. Nothing too fast. They were in no hurry. Both much healthier than the last time they’d been on the road together. They’d been riding quite a while, nearing the end of the ethereal eclipse, and Frodo was just starting to think they’d not be meeting anybody for the moment when he heard the steady hoof beat of a horse and it’s rider. The texture of the sound told him it was a ridden horse rather than a wild one, or another hooves creature. Indeed his ears were sensitive, like most wolves. He turned his horse round to face whoever rode their way, and wooed his horse to a halt. Stilla. Stilla. the man ushered in elven tongue, for he knew how boisterous Strider was around other horses. The proud, majestic beast flared his nostrils, but was still.

He was surprised at who came to arrive near him. She was slender and young, a good few months younger than him no doubt but willowy all the same, and meek and mild as she addressed him. Not saying hello or anything, simply asking for directions. He’d hoped she’d at least introduce herself… he was intrigued by her appearance. The dark, flowing mane especially. That I do, miss. he grinned wolfishly, flashing a set of pearly whites beyond compare. He faced her one his horse, intense green eyes scrutinizing and searching her. But they were kind, and he was humble. In fact, ‘tis on my way. ‘Could save me explainin’ and travel wit’ me, could you not? he gave her a steel wink, and moved his horse just a tad closer, so they were side by side. He was small, but apparently she was tiny by his standards. It was odd to be looking down at someone for once. From afar he’d mistaken her for smaller. Obviously her dainty frame was able to change the way he saw things. Frodo. Frodo Silvertongue. At your service, buser-bal-oon.

Image courtesy of Scott Hudson **; Table by the Mentors!

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- Odessa D'Angelo - 12-19-2011


Word Count » 000 OOC

angels watching over me with smiles upon their face

As a positive response followed, she smiled shyly. 'Oh, that's good' she mused her hands fiddling with Keshi's mane. When she was invited to join him she hesitated for a moment. 'Ummm...' Eris had told her to beware men and strangers, but this one seemed harmless. Her knife was safe in her bag, which in turn sat at her lap, she would be fine, wouldn't she? Keshi lowered his head to inspect the foreign creature. While in Salsola he happily bowed his head the the stronger horse's outside he could act as tough as he wished with no backfiring. He brayed fiercely, giving a strong warning that he wasn't a pushover. But nothing more. As Odessa petted his neck, he calmed down. Though granted the girl was grateful for the protection.

As Frodo kicked his horse closer and winked she blushed, smiling at him shyly before giving him her name, 'Odessa' she uttered softly,letting her hand drift up to brush her fringe away. 'Is it far away?' she asked gazing into the tree's, after all she had no idea where on earth she was. It was fortunate that Frodo was here also otherwise she would have been stuck in the mirror maze of trees that surrounded her.

'cause I have made it through this far in an unforgiving place
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- Frodo Silvertongue - 01-05-2012


Word Count :: 000 Sorry about wait!

It seemed this girl was slightly, if a lot, shy. But no matter. Frodo was an eager talker and would keep up their conversation for the moment, not really caring if she replied much, just hoping she’d pay a little acknowledgment to his existence. He nodded slightly at her hesitant manner and awkward mumble, his tail flicking to the side in a brief but sure wag as she did so. She hadn’t exactly said yes, so Frodo just sort of assumed she would come along with him anyway. Strider got quite angry indeed when the other horse brayed at him - he didn’t like that one bit! The hostile side got the better of him and he snorted, scraping a hoof on the ground a little angrily, his ears flat against his head as he let loose a whinny. Tampa tanya! En!Frodo said to his stallion sternly. Strider snorted once more but then calmed himself for the sake of his rider’s well being.

The way the female blushed and smiled made him grin from ear to ear, showing teeth that were white beyond compare. Both auds then fell floppy and relaxed as he answered the woman with a soft and gentle voice. Quite far, miss. Not nuthin' we can't manage, though, jeeves! he grinned, and then spurred his horse on a way, squeezing the pristine white flanks ever so slightly. He walked on a bit and then looked behind him. Well then, arn't you comin'? We ent got all day, yer know. and with that he was off again, walking through the forest at a steady pace.

Image courtesy of Scott Hudson **; Table by the Mentors!

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- Odessa D'Angelo - 01-07-2012

OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

'Good' Odessa said with a smile. She didn't much fancy hanging around in a large, seemingly endless, forest. After all there were all sorts of nasty things in the forests. Eris had said there were nasty things and people in Freetown and on the way to there, and Odessa was sure that this extended to nearly everywhere. If she was even more paranoid she may have stayed perpetually in Salsolian territory. But, whatever Eris said, she only took it lightly. Naive perhaps. But Odessa prefered to look on the brighter side of life. Plus she had a knife, which would come in handy if anything happened. She didn't suppose anything would happen now though. This guy seemed pleasant, if not a little bit weird.

She realised she had paused to think and that Frodo and his horse were some ways in front of herself and Keshi. The medic kicked the gelding onwards, the pied creature moved into a brisk trot and Odessa raised herself repeatedly with his movements, careful not to injure him. 'Sorry. I was just thinking about something'. Keshi arrived alongside Strider, not bothered by his hostility and readily welcoming any hostility. He could take it, right? Odessa pulled him away slight, just in case.

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