'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Bullets catch in her teeth - Printable Version

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- Sophie Hughes - 12-15-2011


Sophie Hughes
Ooc stuffs.
Word Count → 326

Sophie came to very slowly, her sleep-addled mind becoming slowly aware of two things. The first was that she was very warm; too warm for only Boothe to be there cuddling with her. The second was that she wasn't afraid, but actually feeling very safe; an odd feeling, for her, and one that for a long moment she tried to make go away. Once she figured out why she felt safe, though, she stopped; there was no need to be afraid anymore. With a sleepy little smile, she turned and huddled into a smaller ball, blinking as she came face-to-face with Boothe. He was snoring softly, and just beyond him was Trigger, passing warmth through the smaller boy and making the whole den feel cozy. Sophie whined happily, and dug her nose into Boothe's neck, her tail thumping him on the thigh happily as the two puppies huddled together.

She lay there for a long moment trying to get back to sleep, but after a moment it became apparent she wouldn't, no matter how comfortable she was. So she stood and stretched, taking a moment to extract herself from Boothe as he grumbled and attempted to pull her back. She managed to get away, though, and moved to leave the den, only to pause and stare at her oldest brother, Leon. He was asleep, but it looked like he wasn't sleeping well; whimpering slightly, she moved back down and to his side, leaning up on him for a moment and blinking at him sadly before an idea occurred to her.

Sophie slipped back over to Boothe, grabbing her sanddoll, and dragged the heavy thing over to Leon, tucking it as best she could under his arm and into his hand. Satisfied with her day's work--Bug always helped her sleep better, so she thought hopefully that it would work with Leon--she trotted out of the den and into the fresh morning air.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


- Leon Hughes - 12-15-2011

<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style>
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... ontab1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
This was probably the best the two older Hughes had ever slept, aside from Leon's growing pain during the night as he rested, tossing and turning until he moved away from the three younger pups in his unrest, while he was unconscious. He was only about a foot away from the three; Trigger was curled around the two babies and the two littermates were huddled together, huddled next to that stupid doll. He groaned and moaned quietly as he lay there, his expression growing contorted as the pain in his side intensified. He didn't wake, though, and continued to sleep through it for the next hour or so. It was about ten minutes after Sophie had awoken and adventured out of the den that he started to come to. While he was asleep and only a few moments after she had tucked Bug into his grasp, he had pulled the doll onto his chest. When he woke up, the dark, beady eyes and stitched mouth were staring him straight in the face. Needless to say, he woke up so startled he nearly piddled a little.

"FFffff, aghfhdfhs!!" He sat up sharply, tossing the sand-filled doll across the den before he let out a grunt, his eyes slammed shut, his lips pulled back into a grimace and he leaned forward, wrapping an arm around his stomach and placing his hand on the stab wound at his side. Oh, dear sweet lord, that hurt. He felt a growing warmth in the spot he held his hand over, and then a wetness. He moved his hand away to see he'd opened up his wound. He bit his lip and closed his eyes again, attempting to will away the soreness and pain from his wounds, as well as the reappearance of the deep, intensely uncomfortable pain of the wound in his side, which he severely aggravated by sitting up so quickly.

After a few minutes of that, he finally opened his eyes again and looked toward Trigger and Boothe, who managed to sleep through his startled awakening. He hadn't been that loud to begin with, so he was relieved to see they were still sound asleep, though bothered to not find little Sophie in the den. He cautiously and carefully moved over to one of his bags and pulled out a jacket and his scarf and put those on, still very careful of his side, and crawled out of the den. It took him a moment to stand straight, as his body wanted to stay hunched over for fear of causing himself more pain, but he managed. He easily spotted the brown, black and cream youth and gently woofed to her before approaching, clenching his side but not allowing his discomfort to show on his face. "What're you doin' up so early, hon? Are y'okay?" He grunted concernedly, tilting his head at her.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


- Sophie Hughes - 12-15-2011


Sophie Hughes
Ooc stuffs.
Word Count → 207

Sophie didn't hear the startled sounds of Leon awakening behind her as she moved out into the world, her ears swiveling atop her head and her eyes peering cautiously out at the bushes and trees around her. She was looking for Daire, though she wouldn't admit it; the man scared her beyond belief, and it would take her a while before this morning ritual would stop. She'd barely made a sweep of the treeline before Leon appeared, however, barking softly to get her attention.

Turning and blinking at him, she gave a soft "whuff!" of her own, her tail wagging happily. He asked her what she was doing, and if she was okay, and she tilted her head at him, blinking owlishly but saying nothing. Of course she was okay! He was here, wasn't he? And Boothe and Trigger were fast asleep; if they could do that, there was no reason for her not to be okay. So she just smiled and tilted her head a little, flattening one ear to the side and blinking at him.

Broofer sleep well? She asked finally, circling around to lean up on his leg and cocking her head again worriedly. He looked hurt; she hoped he would feel better soon.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


- Leon Hughes - 12-21-2011

<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style>
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... ontab1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Sophie moved over to him and leaned on his leg and just looked so adorable, he felt himself developing diabetes. He, very, very carefully kneeled down and swept her up off the ground, bringing her gently to his chest and keeping her tucked in his strong arms safely. He nuzzled and licked her brown cheek, sniffing at her forehead to blow in her face to try and amuse her. "Yeah. Did you?" he asked smiling at her. Leon loved his baby siblings so much, and they hadn't even been around a full 24 hours yet. Already he'd do anything for them. Sophie was precious to him. He loved Boothe just as much, but ever since he was little he'd wanted a baby sister to spoil rotten. If he did this with his sister, one could imagine how much he'd spoil and bend over backwards for a daughter.

For now, though, the oldest Hughes boy was more than happy with his two brothers and sister. He had a real family now and he easily and eagerly took up a fatherly role for the young ones. They didn't need Daire or Halyn. They had each other and that's all they needed. He nuzzled Sophie again and again, spoiling her with kisses and love. He would've been more than content to sit there just loving on her and not talking. He was concentrating enough on Sophie that it dulled the intense pain in his side and he was okay with that. He didn't try to stand, knowing it would be too hard and painful, so he stayed kneeling down and coddling Sophie.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


- Sophie Hughes - 12-21-2011


Sophie Hughes
Ooc stuffs.
Word Count → 205

Leon knelt down, and very suddenly she was in the air, and then in his arms, being nuzzled and licked in such a way that she was left confused but very, very pleased. She giggled happily when he blew in her face, stretching her paw out to bat at his nose and unconsciously licking her chops. His breath smelled funny, like old dried leather. She wanted to taste it, too, and leaned up, lapping at the air whenever he breathed out to try and get some of the funny old smell into her mouth. Her face scrunched up in concentration, and when he asked if she'd slept well, she barked in answer, and squirmed a little in a happy-dance that didn't really make any sense, even to her.

"Sophie sleep! Sleep good!" She proclaimed happily, and then squealed as Leon nuzzled her again, kicking happily and laughing. She'd never played games like this before, if it was a game; usually it was only run-and-hide with Daire, and he didn't seem happy when he found you. Or I'm Better with Boothe, and he always won that one, being so much bigger and stronger than little Sophie. She found she liked this game better.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


- Leon Hughes - 12-21-2011

<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style>
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... ontab1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Dear sweet lord, Sophie was so adorable. He found himself laughing and chuckling at her cute puppy antics, the way she giggled and squirmed happily in his arms. His curled tail wagged hard behind him as he finally sat on his legs, cuddling her and trying to get her to laugh some more. He gently kissed her nose before licking her chin and nibbling playfully at her neck and chest, then he tickled her belly with one hand while holding her securely with his other arm to make sure she didn't wiggle out of his grip. Although she wouldn't hurt herself if she slipped, she'd just fall into his lap. After he was done tickling her belly with his hand, he lowered his nose to her tummy and blew into it and made cute sounds as he did so.

"That's good," he finally said into her stomach. He then attacked her face gently again, nibbling at her cheek and then playing with her little curly tail and tiny little feet. She was rather small for her age, even at two months-- Boothe was already bigger than her. Leon could tell she'd probably always remain small, but he wasn't assuming that. He would hunt plenty for the three kids and make sure they got plenty to eat so they could grow. Maybe once she had a steady, healthy diet she'd begin growing very fast. He chuckled at her, quietly and deeply into her ear to tickle it before he licked the floppy ear, grinning now.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


- Sophie Hughes - 12-21-2011


Sophie Hughes
Ooc stuffs.
Word Count → 222

Her squeals only grew in volume while Leon played with her, and she struggled wildly in his arms, her grin almost manic. She loved this game, truly; it tickled her outsides and her insides, made her feel warm and safe and loved, and she never wanted to stop playing. Whenever his face came close enough she snapped and licked, attempting to catch one of his ears or maybe the end of his nose, but she missed every time, not really trying her best. He held her firmly, but securely, and not at all like Daire used to; she felt safe in her arms, and it didn't hurt at all, something which was new and exciting to the small girl. She thought she could like being held, if it never hurt.

She twisted her head around to watch him play with her tail, wagging it happily and barking at him, but when he touched her feet something strange happened; she kicked. Feeling somewhat bewildered, she squirmed some more, and then lifted her head as he touched her feet again--and once again, almost as if she couldn't help it, her legs kicked out again. She wiggled her toes, spreading them wide, and then looked up at Leon, her face a picture of surprise. Again! She demanded, and stretched her legs out, squirming happily.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


- Leon Hughes - 12-28-2011

<style type="text/css">.Leon01 b {color:#FFFFFF;} .Leon01 i {color:#5f5fab;} .Leon01 i2 {color:#9da1ff;}</style>
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... ontab1.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
By the time Leon got settled on the ground and began playing with her more and she squeaked "again!", he was grinning like a happy fool, tickled pink by how cute his baby sister was. Good lord, she was so beyond adorable. He had diabetes for sure, he had to. She was just too sweet. He nibbled her belly again before he tickled her tiny little foot between her cute pink and black spotted paw pats, chuckling deeply when her little toes spread apart and she wiggled again. He'd done this to Trigger when he was younger and ended up getting kicked in the face and getting a split lip; Trig had been a little more ticklish, so he had to stop before both of them got injured during play.

"I love you, baby girl," he whisper gruffly into her floppy ear before licking it generously and then kissing her cheek and forehead. He gently held her little back foot in his large hand, using his thumb to gently rub the top of her tiny little toes. They'd only been playing for a few minutes now and he already felt that much closer to her, and forgot, if only momentarily, about the serious pain plaguing him in all his major cut wounds. "I'm always gonna be here for you, aight? I'll be here to keep you safe and happy, forever." As long as he had any say in it at least-- you probably couldn't drag him from his siblings, even if you were stabbing something into his spine to force him. Once they were old enough to take care of themselves, he wouldn't have to stress so severely about always being there. He knew they'd be adults soon enough and would have their own rights and want their own freedom... but even then, if he could help it, he'd want the family to stay together. He wanted to be their protector after then, even if he wasn't their caretaker. He would always be their older brother and he wouldn't be able to ever drop that protectiveness from his personality.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


- Sophie Hughes - 12-29-2011


Word Count → 226 :: Out of Character text.

Sophie had never heard the words "I love you" before; not from her mother, definitely not from her father, and not from Boothe, simply because he'd never heard them, either. They didn't know such words existed, and so she was somewhat confused as Leon spoke them to her, but as he continued she thought she could wrap her head around the concept. "Love you! Love broofer!" She yipped happily, and wiggled until she was curled up tight against Leon's chest, capturing her own tail between her front paws and pulling the usually curled limb so that it lay across her stomach and she could suck the tip into her mouth, gazing up at him with wide eyes.

Love was a funny concept, she thought. It meant "safe" and "happy" and "forever", and it probably meant all sorts of other things, too. When she said she loved her brother, she meant exactly what he'd told her; she'd be there to keep him happy, and--when she was old enough to follow through on her promise--safe, too. And she meant she'd do it forever, until sky fell and the sun stopped rising and setting; until she was as old as Faffer--though she hoped not nearly as mean.

When she said she loved him, she was making a promise. And insofar, Sophie had never broken a promise.

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- Leon Hughes - 01-26-2012

http://i52.tinypic.com/k20j60.png);background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

I dont want to see you walk away from me
Leon had such love in his eyes for this little girl. Even he didn't realize how much he'd wanted a baby sister until he actually had one right there. Not to say he didn't love Trigger or Boothe just as much, but Sophie was just so precious to him. She was his baby sister, but in a way, he already saw her as his little girl, his little princess. And he'd spoil her accordingly. Just as he'd spoiled Trigger, he'd do the same for his precious baby kin. They were so small-- Sophie especially-- and they were his to care for and protect. He wouldn't let them down. He'd spoil them with lots of love and make sure they were well-fed and comfortable, especially warm since winter was already hitting hard. He was sure they'd begin to sprout up quickly once they got on a better, healthier diet. Sophie was even smaller than Boothe. She seemed so fragile, so tiny and sweet. He already felt extremely protective of her and wouldn't hesitate for a second if anyone threatened his growing family.

He watched as she managed to grab a hold of her little curled tail, straightening it so she could suckle on the tip of it. Another smile pulled hard at the corners of his mouth, pulling his lips into a sweet, incredibly endearing smile. His normally sharp, aggressive eyes were softened to such an extent that he didn't even look like himself. Everything about him softened with that little girl in his arms. He held nothing but absolute love for Sophie and Boothe, just as he did for Trigger. His family. He had a real family now. His parents could go fuck off for all he cared.

Through his numbed pain, he spent a good couple hours outside the den with Sophie; Trigger and Boothe eventually wandered out to join the family meeting where they could begin to bond with each other as a real family. Trig wrapped himself around Boothe and Sophie when she was set down and Leon sat in front of them, asking them simple questions and allowing them to do the same. One thing he made clear was how safe and happy they'd be now with them, and that they could all trust each other, especially him, to keep them content and safe. He was careful not to move too much, and thankfully their cache of food was filled up full so he didn't have to go hunting. The day was spent bonding, and Leon was beginning to feel some true happiness. He had a bigger purpose now, as well.

I got everything that you could ever need

Leon speaks

Trigger Speaks
