'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Hidden Shadows - Printable Version

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- Amy Sunders - 12-17-2011

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Dec 27

Again Amy made the trek south. Her wagon was loaded full of goods. She was very pleased with her work, even if Hadley was not. Well, he was never pleased, but that was because he was her punching bag. If she wanted to hurt something, she used Hadley. If she was mad, she used Hadley. If Amy was bored, Hadley came in again. He was becoming quite the useful all purpose slave. His manners had greatly improved as well. That meant she spent a lot more time crooning to him than beating him up, and rewarding him than punishing.

Amy whistled, her tail wagging behind her. Some packs she had to avoid for now, in the hopes that news of the injuries she'd caused and her scent would fade before she came again. Amy didn't want relations to be badly stirred up, so she tried to avoid causing too much trouble too often. Relaxed Amy stopped at a stream, dipping down to take a drink.

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- Liam - 12-22-2011

He was feeling better, less in pain. The gouges in his flesh had knitted over, leaving long deep scabs. Some would certainly scar over. It didn't matter. The male was plagued with nightmares where Tameri's face was intermingled with that of the shadow wolf he'd destroyed. Now that he was healing, he had made his way to someplace where he could find new clothes. A new pair of black jeans and his standard black tank top now adorned his body, as well as a backpack with spare clothes inside.

A whistle caught his attention as he was following the river. He sped up, curious to find out who it was. A cream colored wolf was drinking from the river. Liam shifted his pack, wondering if he should greet her or
Move on. After a moment, he shrugged. Hello there. I'm Liam. How are you? . His trademark crooked grin was on his face, his body posture at ease. With his wounds hidden by the tank top, only the gash on his face showed, serving to give him a rougish appearance.

- Amy Sunders - 12-22-2011

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

The water was cold and refreshing, almost bitingly so with winter around. Looking up she met the eyes of a young wolf. A fresh scar ran across the male's face, from another wolf no less. This male had been in a fight recently, and one that Amy guessed went rather poorly on his end. Amy smiled lightly, keeping the demon hidden inside. When the time came Amy would let that other side of herself be revealed. Until then, she would be polite.

Graciously she bowed her head a little, acknowledgement of the other's greeting. Her stance was dominant, though Amy had not moved to make it that way. It was simply her natural way of being. I'm quite well, thank you. My name is Amy Sunders. What brings such a young wolf out here? And under such poor circumstances, as well.

Her voice wasn't particularly sympathetic, simply stating a fact. Amy had no feelings one way or another about the fight, but the extent of the injuries made Amy want to test her own blade out on the boy's body, to see if she could discover the secret that had lead others to fight against him.

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- Liam - 12-23-2011

His face warmed under the fur. He wasn't as young as she made it sound, he was a year old now. He chuckled softly. Not too young, miss Sunders. I'm a year old now, and I'm really just... Wandering. I'm kind of a drifter i guess. He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. what brings a pretty thing like you out here?

Ok, yeah, he was flirting. He'd only flirted with a few females. It was interesting to watch their reactions when he grinned charmingly, when he used soft sweet words. He definately had a soft spot for the opposite gender. And this one was pretty, as pretty as Ayasha, though his future mate had the glow of fresh innocence around her even while she was versed in the art of war.

He himself was a fighter rather than a lover. He'd proved as much that day with Gemma. Oh, that was a fun day. Blood had flown from both wolves. Sex and blood had filled the air, filled their noses. He wouldn't mbd tracking her down again o enjoy her body again.

- Amy Sunders - 12-23-2011

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

So he was a wanderer. Probably kicked out of his pack, from the looks of things. Amy wanted to press the why of being kicked out, but stopped as the young wolf decided to flirt with her. A cold smile drew her lips back, tail wagging slightly. So the male wanted to play. Amy had no problems with that, as long as he didn't mind it being rough. Her games tended to be quite...violent. Not on her end, of course. Only a couple of her scars came from her playing around. The more serious ones, like the scar her fur never quite covered on her back, was from being an assassin. People tended to not take kindly to being killed.

A thing, am I? I thought I was something else. A female, perhaps? Her teasing was a cold caress, rebuking and pulling him in at the same time. She slipped her hand down to tug at her pants. It looked like she was simply adjusting the blade that sat there, and her pants oh so accidentally slid down a little, but it was a perfect job for her. I came out to play, that's all. Keep me company?

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- Liam - 12-27-2011

He watched her through shadowed golden eyes, a smile on his lips. Her teasing made him chuckle. "A very attractive female at that, too." He gave her a roguish wink, his tail wagging slowly. As she adjusted the pants, he couldn't help but to follow the movement. His gaze traveled back up her body, a warmth in his approving and amused gaze. In some ways he was very new to this game. And in some ways he was very skilled. Mostly, the male was new to this side of adolescence and therefore, sexuality.

And yet her words about playing warmed his insides, and he chuckled again. She came out to play? That was an obvious come-on. His molten amber eyes glittered with heat for a moment as he responded, "Got any games you enjoy in particular?" Oh, he knew what he wanted to hear from her about it. Again, thoughts of Ayasha, his sweet angel, drifted away on the heat that grew inside of him.

Guess the boy took after his mother even more than his father knew. Kira had been a big one for intimacy and pain being deeply mingled, the two indistinguishable to her. In his way, Liam knew that the more someone hurt you physically, the more they cared. And yet, his heart honestly only belonged to Ayasha. He'd share his body with anyone who knew the way to ask, but his love, his heart, was fully Ayasha's.

- Amy Sunders - 12-29-2011

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Amy smiled, allowing the mask of civility to drop. Underneath the monster roared, loud and clear. Yes I do. Amy slid her dagger out, letting the cold sheath of metal catch the light as she strode forward. Her heart pounded in excitement, the beast roaring for this petty game of two step to end and the real fun to begin.

People can talk of purity all they want, but Amy never had been pure, not since her brother murdered her sister. Steps had been taken after that, steps that ensured the monster within would grow, large and healthy. Even as she reached out to tousle his hair, Amy drove the dagger forward, aiming to plunge it through his stomach. It wouldn't kill him. Amy wouldn't allow that. That would make the game much too short.

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- Liam - 01-01-2012

((Sorry for the wait. >.< WC: 369))

She admitted to liking games. Her movements were too smooth, too well practiced for him to realize what all was happening. Even as her hand tousled his hair, a sharp pain in his gut had him stepping back from her. A stunned and heated gaze snapped to her face, a snarl on his lips. "What the fuck?!" His voice was strained, incredulous, and full of red hot fury.

The smell of his blood was hot in the air. It was a deep wound, mostly in his hip rather than his stomach, and it burned. His hand had flown to the wound instinctively, and he looked at his hand as if he didn't understand what had happened. But he knew and comprehended, and his accusatory gaze flew to her. "You are one crazy bitch." His voice was strangely calm now. The butterflies were whispering to him, warning him about the woman, warning him that she only looked pure, that a shadow lurked inside of her.

There, behind her. A pitch black shadow with glowing embers for eyes. A shadow wolf in the disguise of the beautiful female. The beautiful female who had stabbed him. Without thinking he fell into a defensive stance. The dry whispers of the butterflies goaded him on. Deep amber pools glittered with malice as he stared at her, his pearl white fangs exposed to the air, a visible threat to Amy.

"Let's do this then. You wanna fight, let's fight. Drop the fucking knife and do it right, bitch." He pulled the backpack off, his gaze not leaving her. If she lunged at him now, he'd use the backpack to try and trip her. Otherwise, he'd let the possessed woman make the first move. He'd already destroyed one shadow wolf, he could take on another in the guide of a beautiful female.

Overhead, the day was cloudy, threatening snow. No wind blew just now, but soon snow would begin falling. The air was thick with the threatening snow and impending violence. He imagined for a moment he could taste the blood on his lips, he could feel her blood on his hands. The imagery was so vivid, he almost looked to see if it was true.

- Amy Sunders - 01-01-2012

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Random text

Amy's beast was fully unleashed. The dark glow flickered in her eyes, the deceiving gentleness washed away as her mask fell. A chuckle fell from her lips at the youngling's surprise. It got her every time, that startled expression as they tried to figure out what had happened. She licked her lips as the hot blood seeped out of the wound. Just as planned, it wasn't a killing blow. What wasn't expected though, was how calmly he acted afterwards.

Curiously she studied him. You say I'm the crazy one, yet you seem to have a touch of it yourself. Spinning her blade she strode towards him, measuring his defensive posture. There was no need to attack right away. She could spend her time, measuring. It was all part of the game, all part of the thrill of the kill. What really mattered was the end, and the pain that would drip from his eyes at the end.

Again laughter poured from Amy's mouth. You tired of our game already, boy? But we're just getting started. She spun her knife forwards, slicing through the backpack. Her other hand reached out, clawing for his face.

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- Liam - 01-03-2012

((WC: 243))

As he swung the backpack at her, she stabbed at it. The rustic hued male snarled as he released the backpack, letting the torn fabric fall to the ground. Simultaneously, her outstretched claws were heading for his face. He brought up his arm, feeling her claws dig in as he snatched at her wrist with his free uninjured hand that was slick with his own blood from the wound in his hip.

Instead of the heated fury, he was calmly furious. He had stilled inside, where some part of him was detached and watching this with interest. Even as her claws bit into his arm, he could see the shadow moving behind her, it's fiery embers burning with hatred. This was punishment, he immediately understood. This was a punishment from the shadow wolves, this time for destroying one of their own.

He gritted his teeth, attempting to get the upper hand on Amy and her pet shadow wolf. He wanted to destroy her, to tear her limb from limb and burn what was left of her.


A flash of realization. That was what he'd done wrong in D'Arte. He hadn't burned the destroyed body, so it had simply re-spawned elsewhere. You had to burn the shadow wolves to kill them fully, to keep them from simply regenerating elsewhere.

He would destroy this evil wolfess, and burn what was left of her. He would decimate the shadow wolf that lived inside of her.

- Amy Sunders - 01-03-2012

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Amy's mark fell short, instead digging into the male's arm. Her face twisted in anger, furious that he had chosen to stand against her. How dare he do that? It fell away just as quickly though, accepting this as the next dance in the game. Even as his arm twisted up, grabbing her wrist, a smile reformed on her face. It would be fine. She'd still injured him after all, and it had caused pain. Amy twisted in his grasp, ending up nearer to him than before. It almost looked like a sick dance, the way they were braced against each other.

Smiling she looked into Liam's eyes. Madness glittered there, but he wasn't so far gone that he wouldn't hear her yet. You certainly have a way with females, don't you? Twistedly she leaned in for a kiss, even as her other hand prepared to dig into his back. It was beautiful to her, teasing and nipping at Liam. He wasn't her choice of partner, but she would definitely drag every pleasure she could out of him.

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- Liam - 01-05-2012

OOC junk goes here...

Something in him was enjoying this; it was a game to her, and he was finding himself enjoying it as well, even through the stinging pain. "You certainly have a way with females, don't you?" Yeah, he chuckled at that statement. His amber eyes glittered as he shot back, "Oh, you have no idea." When she leaned in for a kiss, he found himself reaching for it too. Sex and blood were definitely linked in his mind. The searing pain from her claws in his back drew a snarl from his lips, and he tightened his grasp on her wrist as he twisted.

If she wanted to play, he would play with her. And he didn't play well with others, since others seemed to have problems with losing. His free hand, the arm that had taken the claws, reached out and attempted to pull the wild cat even closer to him. She was teasing him, and his eyes glittered dangerously. If he was bleeding, she needed to bleed too. Each time she nipped at him, he retaliated in kind.

The snow began falling, large fluffy flakes. In other circumstances it would have been pretty. In these circumstances, the snow hit the ground and began melting right away. Soon the dirt under them would become mud, and the footing more treacherous.

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wc: 220

- Amy Sunders - 01-05-2012

Amy Sunders

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Liam's nips were not welcome, an interruption of the power game she was playing. True, it was a game of two, but Amy was by no means open to Liam playing someone other than the victim. The snow fell, and her mind noted the muddy texture. Pulling away Amy slipped out of Liam's grasp. She twisted her foot forward, getting ready to jerk Liam to the ground. Her foot slid behind his ankle and pulled forward, expecting him to slide into the mud before her.

Never one to give a simple inch Amy stood ready for retaliation, planning on tearing Liam apart until he could no longer stand. Liam's reaction to her kiss had told Amy that he couldn't control himself well, too horny for his own good. She could use that to keep him prone while she sliced him apart, piece by piece.

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