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pyramids of light - Printable Version

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- Salvia Eternity - 12-18-2011

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Time: Early afternoon

Words: 342
Salsola, Borgata Colotl

(309)Anyone is free to join, but Salvia is specifically looking for TK. Her lynx is with her.

One of her first goals upon returning to Salsola had been to check up on the status of the woman she had captured. Salvia did not think it had been unreasonable for her to leave, especially given that TaeKyung was destined to belong to her brother. She had decided that not long after the woman’s training had begun that she would one day serve Pandemic. Eventually, Salvia would find another slave, but she was a proud girl and did not think that she needed one. Of course, she was not above using the others that Salsola owned.

She had sought out Twilight early that morning, and taken her to the barn. After demonstrating how to groom the horses properly, Salvia had left her there with the promise of returning to check up on her work. This was an idle threat; after having hunted with Twilight, she knew the woman did not think about disobeying any order. It would save her some time, though Salvia had given expressive orders for the dusky woman not to touch Sirius’ horse, Black, or Nacht. While she was certain Luna wouldn’t be feisty, she wanted to ensure the mare was spotless.

Once settled, she struck out to find her own slave. Salvia was in her Optime form, hair pulled back and lean body moving at a quick walk through the cold land. The ground had frozen, and she enjoyed the feeling of it against her feet. She was almost to her home when a reddish streak cut across her path, slowed, and bounded towards her. The lynx had grown immensely while she was gone; she had not wished to take him south without cause, and feared for him. He rubbed against her leg, and she let out a low rumble of pleasure before continuing on her way with the large cat trailing behind her.

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- Yi TaeKyung - 01-04-2012

Again, super-duper sorry for the wait~! QnQ
WC: 656

As she had done every day since receiving Salvia's permission, the Taekwondo artist practiced. She practiced on a tree's thick trunk, slowly moving her body to perform a roundhouse kick. She wished today to perfect the form and posture of this basic kick. To add an element of difficulty, she used not the top of her foot but the ball of her foot. If used in a fight, the ball of the foot roundhouse kick would concentrate the power of the kick through the smaller surface of her foot, allowing for the execution of a more deadly attack. She began slowly so as to not make the mistake of breaking her toes. As her body grew more comfortable, the Salsolan slave increased her speed. Satisfied, she paused momentarily, panting lightly as she shook her fur. Then, with a loud cry, she fell into a fighting stance, facing her tree opponent. Then with speed and power, she threw the ball of the foot round house kick with power and speed, executing it such that the bark flew from the force. The tree shuddered, but it was not against the cold.

The scent of her master came to her from the wind. The wound upon her septum had healed cleanly, and the golden ring-- seemingly meaningless and yet so symbolic of her enslavement-- no longer brought discomfort. The cold winds would occasionally cause her muzzle to experience cold more intensely for the properties of metal, but to the hardened warrior, such discomfort was easily set aside, forgotten even. For a moment, the dark female did not move-- motionless, a meaningless presence. Lunar orbs seemed to explore the contours of the tree, a flicker of her old self surfacing in her fathomless gaze. A dark, strong hand lifted to rest upon the tree. Thoughts seemed to struggle form, the shattered fragments desiring to find one another, to piece together the remnants of her mind. But time flowed ever forth, and with each day those fragments grew less vehement, less willing, to struggle. Soon they would forget. Soon she would forget. And the past would remain forgotten, trapping her here within Salsola to be a simple slave.

Slowly she turned, her body moving with a strange, aggressive grace. She ruffled her mane with one hand, seeming to have already forgotten the struggle that had existed within her mind moments before. The scent upon the wind caused a new thought to arise within her mind-- her master had returned. Salvia returned. There was a strange contentedness that arose from that thought. It was not quite happiness, but it was not dislike either. The earthen hued woman was the Korean's only 'trust'. It was not quite enough for the martial artist to call her master 'friend'-- no, they were not friends. But there was that strange respect. And the Korean respected only Salvia within Salsola, and while that respect caused her to extend her submission to the other members of the pack, she did not respect nor trust the others. A soft, empty sigh was expelled from her dark lips. The Taekwondo artist was quite alone within the world. But that mind no longer remembered what friendship was, what love was. That mind knew only the fight, knew hate and respect and the kindness of her master.

It seemed as if TaeKyung would approach Salvia directly. She changed her rout deliberately, going around to approach at her flank. Dark, horn-like auricles swiveled back in submission, her gaze lowered and wandering about the lynx (which was not a meal but one of Salvia's pleasures). "Salvia-님," the alto voice greeted respectfully. "I am glad you return well." For now she spoke only the formalities that she had been taught while growing up in her homeland. And then she fell silent. Until spoken to, the black-furred female had nothing to add. She did not wish to speak out of turn, only to acknowledge her superior.

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- Salvia Eternity - 01-07-2012


(467)<3 Also I kinda mentioned TK has been given food by the pack and not allowed to hunt. I figure Salvia will eventually give that to her as a "reward". :>

The pace of the two animals was startling similar. Salvia had long studied the behavior of cats, along with many other animals, but had based her own bodily behavior after felines. They carried themselves lightly, on their toes, not gripping the earth as canines did but passing over it as to leave little trace. She splayed her toes to easier cross the snow, as she had seen done by the kitten, and the swiftness in her was not that of a doggish trot but one of a slick one-two step that carried her so smoothly it was almost gliding. The cat followed her pawprints, and she was glad for this. While domesticating him had been a tried process, it was made easier because he was smart—High Speech was not lost on him, though he rarely spoke it. Salvia could communicate with him this way, and they had developed their own secret language (a mixture of the two, along with the easier-to-pronounce German) so as to avoid prying ears.

The sight of her property was one that filled the girl with great pride. In the days since she had been gone, the care of her woman had fallen to the rest of the pack—she had spoken to the witch, Siv, briefly before leaving and was reassured that feeding of the dark shadow would go as scheduled. While not allowed to hunt without permission, Salvia had not wished her woman to starve. It seemed she had not; in fact, she looked absolutely astounding. While gaunt upon her arrival, the reintroduction of training and food had blossomed forth and made her pelt luxurious again, her muscles full and now boasting a slim coverage of fat that kept her from looking sickly. Black tipped ears twitched at the title added to her name, unsure of its true meaning but positive it was not one given lightly. After all, she had proven herself worthy of such a thing…though not without cost. A small and thin scar, barely visible, was on her muzzle. She had been lucky. The Korean was not a woman to be trifled with.

“Thank you, TaeKyung,” Salvia replied, careful of her tone. While it lacked true friendliness, it was given without cross. She had enough self-respect not to lower herself in any way before this woman, though she would not mistreat her without cause. So the exchange of greetings was itself a ceremony; she was glad that the dark woman had made the point to find her. “You are looking well,” she added, teeth gleaming as her lips pulled back in a smile. “Come, I have not been home yet.” Without waiting for her to respond, the girl continued on her way. The cat, who had been eyeing the dark woman silently, rose and followed after her.

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- Yi TaeKyung - 01-11-2012

That's cool with me! ^u^
WC: 602

Lunar orbs cast their gaze to the earth, but her strong periphery watched earthen-hued Salvia The slave seemed to watch the lynx intently, but her attention was far from the feline companion of her master. The wolf did not like the cat. She was not fond at all, yet she did nothing to harm the creature for her strange and perhaps misplaced respect for Salvia herself. A hardened gaze was perhaps all the Korean could give the feline-- no words were ever exchanged, nor were growls or any actions, whether belligerent or amiable. In all honesty, the foreign female was unsure as to how Salvia viewed her. As a slave, TaeKyung understood that she was mere property, but was she beneath the lynx as well? The black wolf was unsure, but in the end it did not matter. Although she was curious, the ranking between herself and the lynx was irrelevant. Her life's purpose now was to serve Salvia. Salvia had given to her both life and permission to train. That was enough. Always the shattered mind remembered the 'kindness' of her master. White orbs moved briefly to watch the feline, as if she offered her thoughts aloud, and then she returned her gaze to the feet of earthen hue.

Upon receiving Salvia's thanks, the Korean slave simply bowed and was silent. And when Salvia commented upon her well being, she responded with a quiet, "Thank you-- I good eat Salvia food." She referred to, of course, the meals that she had had Siv Helsi prepare. The dark fae knew that without orders from her master, she would not have eaten. It was frustrating that she was not permitted to hunt, but at least food was given. For that, she was thankful. The portions of food had not been of plenty, but the portions of food had been enough to sustain her active lifestyle. And that was enough. Then Salvia turned, commenting that she would now return to her home. TaeKyung did not miss the silent command for her to follow. Silently, the enslaved martial artist fell in line, her paws moving quietly in the snow. Her breath rose in faint clouds upon the cool air, but invisibility was not her priority.

It grew apparent to the young enslaved woman that the passing of her first year would soon come to pass. Soon, she would reach maturity; however, that shattered mind, without prompting, would not remember what passing into womanhood would entail. Indeed, she had noticed changes in her body, the filling of a slim, feminine form bound by strong sinew, but without the reminders of society, the importance of gender difference would not be significant to the slave. Was was significant to the Korean woman was the cultural ritual-- the eating of seaweed soup. The black fae did not think that such a thing would be allowed for her, and so she hesitated to ask this 'unnecessary' thing. And so she was silent as they traveled to the cabin.

As the cabin came into view, the dark fae was reminded of her hauntings. He came in the darkest hours of the night when the shadows were blackest. She could see Him only rarely, but always she felt His presence as if he clung to her neck with cold and deadly claws. Her thick, winter coat bristled slightly at the thought, but she only turned to her master. "I guard home. No danger." She wished to convey that no trouble had occurred in the absence of her master, and that she had been diligent in her services even with her superior's absence.

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- Salvia Eternity - 01-13-2012


(444)I did not know about the seaweed ritual. :O That's super cool, Salvia will totally let her do that.

If she was asked, Salvia would say all things that belonged to her were of equal worth. Currently, though, she valued the woman more—because she was intended for Pandemic, and as a gift, her worth was based only on what condition she was in. When she passed on to the hunter’s brother then what happened no longer mattered; until then she needed to see that the Korean was kept healthy and safe. Her weight had rebounded and she had seemingly settled into the role for which she had been chosen.

Siv had been taking care of TK as a bargain. Salvia gave her the hides of her kills, having little use for them herself. Now that she was back, the bargain would end; she was ready to take responsibility for the woman, and potentially give her the final right of a wild animal. If she could hunt, TK would not rely on Salvia—so the girl needed to ensure this did not happen until she was ready for such a thing. The blonde slowed as they neared the cabin, and Salvia turned her face to the dark shadow behind her.

“You have done well,” she praised, and smiled toothily at the slave. She went right up to the door and into the home.

It was a hunting lodge no doubt, especially now with who lived there. Various skulls and antlers decorated the area, and prized pelts made up the rest of the room. Pandemic and Salvia had shared a space until he left, and now Salvia alone kept it. She had made a bed for TK in the main living quarter, giving her no privacy as of yet—perhaps in time she would, but for now, their situation worked. When Salvia was home she often kept to her room, sleeping or working on teaching herself the skills that her father lacked. Sirius had been plain with his desire for the horses and Larkspur’s goal was lofty. While he saw the path, he could not write or read in order to best explain this to those who would come after. Luckily, Salvia understood her blunt father and sought to make his plans a reality.

The lynx hopped up and perched on a nearby pile of hides. Salvia headed towards the fireplace and noted it had been kept clean, as had the home. She was pleased indeed.

“Anything else?” She asked, and motioned that the slave could sit. By treating TK like a subordinate and kindness, she could keep her in line; Salvia had watched what Eris had done with Moca, and what Larkspur had done with Rowan, and she trusted this method well enough.

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- Yi TaeKyung - 01-25-2012


Word Count: 508 :: I’m always making you wait.... It seems crazy how easily threads get old when you’re a slow-poke. OnO And yes, in Korea, you’re supposed to eat seaweed soup on your birthday, hehe. OuO It’s much tastier than it sounds (unless it sounds yummy, that is).

As the two approached the cabin, the slave’s thoughts seem to hung in the air. Voiceless and silent as they were, the need to speak was apparent. However, silence was permitted to ensue. The enslaved fighter was silent, her mind almost suspended by memory of culture and the inevitable forgetfulness. It was almost a struggle, one that showed within her eyes. Her throat wished to sound her thoughts, and yet her mind was ever forgetting. The thought seemed to slip away from her grasp even as she sought it. It was unfortunate for the Korean, who so completely molded of that foreign culture. To forget it—it would be to forget Herself. And yet it could not be helped. The wounding of her mind, the result of her excessively belligerent lifestyle, had overcome her culture. The martial art was her only identity. And now, too, the golden ring at her septum would become her new identity. Already, she grew too complacent in her role. Despite the lack of battle, however, the one-track mind did not grow dull. White orbs flickered with the depth of her degeneration.

The blonde master’s words broke into her silent mind. The strong, black maw lifted slightly, acknowledging the broken silence. The enslaved one could not help but feel a certain amount of pride in her master’s approving words. The Taekwondo artist’s tenebrous plume waved once behind her in response as she bowed, accepting the positively charged words. TaeKyung followed Salvia into the cabin, following a respectful distance behind. Black auricles flickered, following the movement of the lynx but adamantly paying no more attention to it than she had before. It was clear that the black wolf did not like felines. But it was also made clear that what she liked did not matter. She was to follow her master’s orders and wishes. And her master wished to keep the lynx. Silently, the slave awaited her master’s orders.

The voice of Salvia sounded once more, her sentences always simple enough for the Korean to comprehend. There was a slight pause before the Korean responded, the conflict of her mind appearing within the far depths of her fathomless gaze. “One thing I ask,” the broken English sounded quietly. White orbs lifted momentarily to cross over the piercing, green eyes before lowering respectively. “TaeKyung birthday soon.” Another pause followed. When she spoke again, it was as if she spoke of something unfamiliar, as if some stranger told her the lines to a script—somehow unnatural. “Korean custom is eating Seaweed Soup on birthday....” Her voice trailed off, as if remembering a far distant memory. And surely, by now, with all that she had experienced, such a memory of ‘home’ would be distant. “I may have permission?” The dark crania tilted slightly in question, although her gaze remained grounded. The manner in which the Korean spoke, however, was not timid nor shy. Her voice was quiet and undemanding, but the dormant fighter lingered there beneath. She was not a frightened creature—simply a wounded, subdued predator.

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- Salvia Eternity - 01-26-2012



The inside of the cabin was situated so that the maximum use of it was available. Salvia had split the building into various rooms—this was done before she had claimed it, of course. There were three defined rooms; a kitchen, living area, and a bedroom. Between this she was able to position her things and provide space for the three canines and cat that lived within. No one was without privacy (except TK, though she often had the room to herself) and they were not without need. Her skill as a hunter kept food in their store; though this was limited to her own needs and had been cleared out before she left.

As she watched this fine-haired, dark wolf, Salvia found to her surprise that the woman would soon cycle the year. The request struck a chord; she had undergone a ritual to advance within Salsola’s rank from child to adult. A faint smile crossed her face, recalling the pride she saw within Sirius’ face when she had brought him the jar with the peculiar scribbles on it. The blonde girl regarded her slave with a look that was almost warm; she smiled thinly.

“Salsola has a ritual like that; when one comes of age they must undergo a task. I would not bar you from such a thing—you are obedient, and as long as you remain such, I can reward you.” She had done so giving back the right to fight; in time she would extend further gifts—hunting, for one thing. It was a simple system that would work; the blonde girl could be cruel, but she was certain that the methods she had seen used would invoke devotion. It had broken the mettle of the Korean after all, a task that she had not taken lightly.

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- Yi TaeKyung - 01-31-2012


Word Count: 526 :: Fail, OnO

The lunar gaze drifted from its lowered place upon the floor of the cabin to a space higher up. In her periphery, the enslaved female was able to observe the facial features of her master. At first, the dark woman did not recognized what she sensed there. It was something strange and foreign to her now, something that she received too infrequently to store within the re-stocked crevices of her mind. TaeKyung wasn’t sure whether to expect punishment or inaction from the earthen-hued Slavia. A strange tension was caught within her sinew, a feeling that arose (almost never, these days) within her when she could not decide between fight or flight—not fear but simply indecision. The change within her was almost imperceptible, but she was sure that Salvia would see it within her. TaeKyung’s request of the annual, birthday ritual of consuming the seaweed broth seemed simple, but all at once she knew it could also be profound, for it was not a ritual familiar to the culture of Salsola. Yet, to her surprise, Salvia did not bring forth punishment in the form of words or a blow.

Slavia’s response was almost—warm? The dark, horn-like auricles twitched as they attempted to assess the strange, unfamiliar emotion. A small, imperceptible frown touched her mirthless features—foreign and exotic, but cold. White, lunar orbs traced the small lines of her master’s given smile. It was a familiar shape. For a moment, the white orbs drifted to those brilliant green orbs, seeking the answer to her question there. But she averted her gaze to a place behind the earthen-hued body. The last words resonated with the enslaved one. …reward you. The Korean Jindo-wolf bowed respectfully. “Thank you,” the alto voice sounded, thick with her Eastern tongue. “I receive reward.” The broken English was somehow pleasant, crisp and clean despite the darkness that lurked within her tarnished soul. For now there was silence as she received the gift with which Salvia had chosen to reward her. The tension of her indecision fell away and she became relaxed once more in the presence of her master.

The dark plume flickered behind her form, thoughtfully. The young woman wondered what her master’s first task would be, now that she had returned home. “Salvia have task for TaeKyung?” While TaeKyung lived primarily to fight and die, she could not refuse any task that Salvia would assign her. Indeed, that was the cost of receiving permission to practice her precious Taewondo. And so, even grudgingly, she would perform menial tasks assigned her, quieting the anger and aggression that so violently swam within her soul. She hoped, however, that Salvia would have a more active task for her. The dog-like Salsolan, the one who had called her ‘Phantom,’ had provided her a task that involved the attack and subduing of a trespassing male. It was for moments like that that the fighter lived. But she knew also that the world was never in constant turmoil. Before, she had caused that turmoil, wounding and killing beneath the wide heavens of the world. But now that thirst was enslaved, chained to a place called Salsola.

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- Salvia Eternity - 02-05-2012


We could probably wrap this up after your reply; also, since it was backdated, assumed Salvia allows TK to hunt following the Sequolia raids. :>

As often as TaeKyung studied and considered the girl she called master, so too did Salvia watch the subtle behavior in her slave. There was something peculiar with the girl, as if a second and stronger thing lived under the black pelt of night. Her face was a dark ocean; at times calm and familiar, and at others, strange and almost frightening. The blonde wolf did not understand what it was that filled the mind of the girl, and she often wondered what had caused her to be washed upon the shore. A madness had been in her soul that was perhaps still there—the small scar on her muzzle proved such madness was not overlooked.

So it yet pleased Salvia to see the girl respond in such a manner. The give and take of her relationship granted the illusion of freedom; she could demand the girl do anything and break her as she had witnessed Bastion and her father break the male slave. There was no need for such a thing now; TaeKyung had responded to her the same way that Misty had. By using both reward and punishment she was able to not only break the will but manipulate the mind as well.

Cold logic ruled her world, and Salvia used this in place of any hot-blooded madness. When fury took her, it was a terrible thing. “For now, no,” she admitted, running one clawed hand over her thick tail. “I must rest now. You may gather your seaweed; when you return we shall patrol.”

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